Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C288 Much More Comfortable

C288 Much More Comfortable

0When I asked who ordered it, the man who delivered the food said he didn't know. He only knew that it was a woman who had made the call.    


I was a bit of a lustful, the woman, Qiu Tong or Dong Xue, Hai Zhu or the cloud? It definitely wouldn't be Cao Lee. I knew these women from Hsinghai.    


Then he took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. "Here, this is the number of the woman who ordered the meal."    


I took it and looked. It was Qiu Tong's.    


I paid for it and opened the box. It smelled like my favorite food.    


I swept through all the dishes like a tornado and felt much more comfortable. Satisfied, I patted my stomach as I wandered around the living room a few times. Then I sent a short message to Qiu Tong. "It's delicious!"    


Soon, Qiu Tong replied, "Are you full?"    


"I'm full!"    


"That's good!"    


"Thank you!"    


"No need to thank me!"    


I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright, no need to thank me!"    


"You're not allowed to thank me in the first place. You're paying for your own money, not mine. What are you thanking me for?"    


"Haha …"    


"You look like you're in a pretty good mood."    


I couldn't help but shut my mouth. I didn't dare to laugh. "It's …"    


"Is there no woman watching you, free, free?"    


"I didn't say that!"    


"You still have to strive hard to bring her back. You have to speak properly and behave in a better manner."    


"Mm …"    


"As the saying goes, a couple doesn't hold a grudge when they quarrel. They eat at the same table and sleep …" Qiu Tong didn't say.    




"On... On... "One." Qiu Tong said.    


I couldn't help but laugh again, as if I could see Qiu Tong's face blushing red on the other end of the phone.    


After the call, I felt a little tired and fell asleep on the sofa. When I woke up again, it was already 11 AM.    


I got up and washed my face. I didn't feel sleepy anymore, so I walked into the study. I opened my laptop and logged on QQ. I hadn't seen Floating Dream for a long time.    


I landed invisibility and saw that my Floating Dream was not online.    


Not online, but the signature changed: I want to go to heaven with you.    


A thought struck me and I couldn't help but think of that night when I discussed the heavens with her. I thought about the heavens in her heart …    


At this moment, in the lonely and silent night, I sat alone in front of my computer. Looking at the silent Floating Dream, I thought about the parallel and uncrossable collisions and journeys that could only take place in the real world and the virtual one.    


I typed out a sentence: "At least once in my life, I should forget myself for someone, not seeking results, not seeking peers, not hoping to have, not even asking you to love me, but only hoping to meet you in the years of my youth."    


After saying this sentence, I fell silent, and stared at the head of the Floating Dream for a long time as I sank into deep thought that was difficult to put into words.    


The next day, I went to work at the company and started a busy job.    


When I was about to drive away from work in the afternoon, Qiu Tong called out to me, "Yi Ke, don't be in such a hurry. Get in my car and come with me!"    


"What?" "No," I said.    


"I'll treat you and Dong Xue to dinner tonight. We'll go pick up Dong Xue in the car!" Qiu Tong said, "I've already agreed to treat you guys to a meal. It's time to make good on it today."    


"Today …" I hesitated and looked at Qiu Tong.    


"Yes, why? You still have another match tonight? " Qiu Tong said.    




"If not, then get on the car. What are you waiting for?"    


"But, Dong Xue." I was worried that Dong Xue wouldn't agree to Qiu Tong's invitation.    


"I just called Dong Xue. Dong Xue agreed. She's waiting for us at the office." Qiu Tong said as she got into the car.    


I had nothing else to say, so I got into Qiu Tong's car and smiled wryly.    


"With a bitter smile? What do you mean? " Qiu Tong said as she drove.    


"Nothing." I turned my head and looked out at the street. It was dusk and the streets were full of people, men and women hurrying home from work. I think, they should all have a warm home, should have a harmonious happy other half.    


Perhaps, in the eyes of passers-by, Qiu Tong and I were considered to be a couple of blissful couples at this moment, but who knew if it was true?    


"Qiu Tong." I turned and looked at Qiu Tong, who was driving.    


"Ang …" "What instructions?" Qiu Tong answered.    


"I want to ask you, you say, from a woman's point of view, how do you feel about what you've been through?"    


"What do you think?" Qiu Tong pondered for a moment. Then, she said, "In my opinion, all the men in the world are liars!"    


"Ah —" I was surprised by Qiu Tong's answer. "You really think so?"    



"Yes, I think so!"    




"Because, no matter if she is beautiful or not, she will always be tricked. The only difference is, the lucky woman found a big liar and cheated her for a lifetime. The unfortunate woman found a little liar and cheated her for a while." Qiu Tong said.    


Qiu Tong's words made my heart pound. In front of Qiu Tong, according to her logic, I was undoubtedly a member of a group of liars. So, am I going to lie to Qiu Tong for life, or just for a while?    


In reality, I only wanted to lie to her for a while, but in my heart, I really wanted to lie to her for the rest of my life.    


Of course, I know that I have no right to lie to her for the rest of my life.    


I don't even have the qualifications.    


I couldn't help but feel depressed.    


"What's lamentable is that many men's acting skills aren't good enough. They can only lie to women for a while and then expose themselves." Qiu Tong continued, "Perhaps this is the weakness of some men!"    


I suddenly felt guilty, as if Qiu Tong had seen through my heart.    


"Yi Ke, as a woman, no matter how strong or strong she is, in the depths of her heart, she wishes to be coaxed into being spoiled by a man." Qiu Tong continued, "As a woman, I understand Dong Xue's feelings, so you have to be patient with her. If you make a mistake and hit her yourself, you have to honestly admit your mistake and try to get Dong Xue's understanding."    


I looked at Qiu Tong. "So you're also like this?"    


"I …" Qiu Tong's face suddenly turned red, "I'm talking about Dong Xue, why are you always sticking to me?"    


"You should be thinking the same thing, right?"    


"I... I've never thought about it, and I've never dared to think about it. I'm not qualified to think about it! " Qiu Tong's voice sounded slightly dejected.    


Qiu Tong's words made my heart feel the same loss, but also a little desolation.    


Dong Xue was waiting by the side of the road when she saw us arrive. Seeing me sitting in the back seat, Dong Xue directly opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in the front seat. At the same time, she gave Qiu Tong a decent smile and said, "Sister Qiu, I'm sorry, but I'll have to trouble you to come meet me personally!"    


Dong Xue's expression was very calm and tranquil. After getting on the car, she didn't even look at me, as if she and Qiu Tong were the only two people in the car. I didn't even exist.    


"Hehe …" Lili, elder sister had wanted to invite the two of you for a meal a long time ago, and this promise was made long ago, but I haven't been able to fulfill it. "Dong Xue, what would you like to eat?"    


"Sister Qiu, you're too polite. It doesn't matter what you eat. I'll eat whatever you like!" Dong Xue said.    


"Yi Ke, what do you think?" Qiu Tong asked as she drove.    


"You decide!" I said in the back.    


"There's a restaurant in Chaozhou on the east side of Xi'an Road. Why don't we go there tonight and try some of the dishes?" Qiu Tong said.    


I couldn't help but be taken aback. Dong Xue's favorite dish is Tsinghua University's food. How does Qiu Tong know about this?    


"Hehe, Sister Qiu, it seems like you have investigated my appetite. My favorite dish is Chaozhou Cuisine!" Dong Xue seemed to have a hidden meaning in her words, as if she thought I was giving Qiu Tong some form of explanation.    


"That's right, Boss Qiu. Dong Xue loves to eat Chaozhou food the most. How do you know that?" The purpose of my last sentence was obviously to tell Dong Xue that I did not give Qiu Tong any hints, and that Qiu Tong was not acting in front of her.    


"Really? What a coincidence, I just blindly bumped into him." Qiu Tong was obviously very happy. "I really didn't know before. I just randomly mentioned a place."    


I believe Qiu Tong didn't lie, because she didn't have to.    


I believe Qiu Tong, and I don't know if Dong Xue will believe Qiu Tong's words.    


Soon, we arrived at Chaozhou Cuisine Restaurant. We found a small room. Qiu Tong sat in the middle, while Dong Xue and I sat on opposite sides. Qiu Tong ordered and we chatted as we ate.    


During the meal, Qiu Tong kept giving me meaningful glances at Dong Xue.    


I knew that she was hinting for me to perform a little better. Due to Qiu Tong's face, I took the initiative to pour some water into Dong Xue's bowl of soup. Dong Xue didn't refuse, but she would always politely thank me.    


Every word of thanks from Dong Xue made me feel awkward. After this slap, after that long letter, Dong Xue seemed to have become more and more distant from me. It was as if she suddenly realized something.    


"Dong Xue, have you been in a better mood these past two days?" Qiu Tong looked at Dong Xue with concern.    


Dong Xue glanced at Qiu Tong with a smile and said, "Thanks to Sister Qiu, I'm fine!"    


Dong Xue's words were slightly sharp.    


"I, Haifeng, and my other friends all know about the matter between you and Yi Ke. Everyone criticized Yi Ke at the same time, and it was all Yi Ke's fault. As for Yi Ke, he knows him well and knows his fault." Qiu Tong smiled and said, "Well, I'll treat you two to a meal. It's fine after it's over, but after it's over, you guys can go back together. Go back and have Yi Ke kneel on the floor for you."    


I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't. I didn't know if Qiu Tong could get a good reward for this kind of kindness from Dong Xue.    


I admit now that I wanted Dong Xue back.    


However, the real reason why I interrogated Dong Xue and wanted her to come back seemed to have changed a bit. It was as if I was worrying about Dong Xue's safety and my instinctive sense of responsibility to follow me here from afar.    


It struck me that the weight of duty and conscience in my heart seemed to overwhelm my feelings, and I felt a sense of dread.    


Why did he feel this way? Is my feelings for Dong Xue secretly changing? Didn't I always love her and miss her? Didn't I miss her night and day during those nine months? Could it be that Dong Xue's change in the period of time we met had unwittingly changed my heart as well?    


I was frightened of my own feelings, and I resisted them. I wanted to try to get rid of this thought, to try to find the past.    


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