Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C371 Does This Have Anything to Do with You?

C371 Does This Have Anything to Do with You?

0"Just arrived, peed. Just finished. Just as I was about to leave, I saw you!" The Emperor's voice seemed to come from underground, very soft.    


"So you came across me by accident, and then you happened to remember something and wanted to talk to me, so you stood behind me, didn't you?" I took another drag on my cigarette.    


"You're smart!" The Emperor laughed silently.    


"Speak!" I turned and leaned against the sink and looked at the Emperor. The Emperor was close to me, and he was a head shorter than me, so I had to look down at him.    


"You didn't expect to meet her at the winery today, did you?" The Emperor looked up at me, a faint smile on his face.    


"Yes sir!" I said, "But what does it have to do with me?"    


"I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I'm sure you do!" The Emperor said, "Don't you want to know more about her?"    


Of course I want to know, but right now, I don't want to hear it from the Emperor. I don't know why he followed me here, or under whose orders. I laughed. "No!"    


"Oh …" The Emperor seemed to be surprised. He continued, "Even if you don't want to know, I still want to tell you that she came here today specially to be arranged by someone."    


This is pretty much what I expected, I guess that's it. It must have been arranged by Wu De and Bai Laosan, and even Sun Dongkai was included.    


I said, "So what? I have nothing to do with her anymore. What does arranging for her to come here have to do with me? "    


The emperor's eyelids drooped. "Do you hate her?"    


My heart clenched as I looked at the Emperor. "Hatred and resentment are matters of the past. I believe that you must know that I am together with Hai Zhu now. There seems to be nothing in this world that you don't know. "    


The Emperor smiled. "I don't seem to have the ability that you speak of, do I?"    


"What does it have to do with you whether I hate her or not?" I said again.    


"Maybe it has nothing to do with me." The Emperor said vaguely, "But, brother, I don't think you should hate her."    


I withdrew my smile. "I'm sorry, as I said before, this has nothing to do with you. Moreover, this is all in the past, I have nothing to do with her."    


I was on high alert. I secretly thought that the Emperor seemed to be testing me. While he was testing me and Dong Xue, it also seemed to be testing her.    


The Emperor laughed dryly, "Brother, you are very cautious and wary of me."    


I said, "There's no other way. I have to be on guard when dealing with wolves all day long."    


The emperor forced a smile. "Wolves …" Do you think I look like a wolf? Am I that evil? "    


"Even if it isn't a wolf." I looked down at the Emperor and said slowly, word for word, "Well — you've always been a fox, too."    


The King lowered his head without a sound, and said after a long time: "Alright, I have always been a fox. So, what are you? Are you a lamb? Or a chicken? Wolves eat sheep, foxes eat chickens. "    


I snorted. "I'm neither a sheep nor a chicken. I'm a human!"    


"People are the smartest. Wolves and foxes can't beat people, can they?" The Emperor said.    


"That's not necessarily true. When people are alone, when there are packs of wolves and foxes, people can't have the upper hand!" "No," I said.    


"But humans have the highest intelligence, no matter how fierce the wolves are or how cunning the foxes are, they won't be able to escape our control, right?" The Emperor looked up at me and took a step back, trying not to raise his eyes too high. Perhaps, it should be, the fox and the wolf had committed many evil deeds, but in the end, they could not escape the punishment of the human race. This was called committing injustice and committing suicide. There was another saying, "Good and evil shall be rewarded!" I smiled at the Emperor. Lowering my head, I exhaled a mouthful of smoke, spraying it onto the Emperor's face.    


The Emperor closed his eyes, took a deep breath of my smoke, and opened his eyes. "Are you warning me, my boy? Or are you reminding me? "    


"You understand!" "No," I said.    


The Emperor smiled, then said: "The reason you came out just now was not just to go to the restroom, right? Are you afraid that you will lose control over the situation? So, you must have come out to change your mood, right? "    


The emperor's eyes are so venomous. I tried my best to smile, "What do you think? It's your problem, I won't explain!"    


"I think that I should understand your feelings and your circumstances. I also know that although you have repeatedly made it clear that you are no longer related to Dong Xue, in your heart —" The Emperor looked at me and paused for a moment. "In the end, your heart cannot forget her, excluding her, because — she was your first love, your oldest woman, and the woman with whom you had the deepest relationship in the past, right?"    


"I don't understand what you're trying to do with all this." "I don't want to argue with you about this. I know what I'm thinking, and I don't have to tell you. Don't you think so? "    


"Brother, in the Hsinghai, I am the person who understands you the best. Do you believe me?" The Emperor said: "Not only do I understand your current situation, I also understand your past. In terms of Hsinghai, even in Ningzhou, including everyone around you, there is no one who knows you in greater detail than me. Do you believe me?"    


I stared at the Emperor. "What do you mean, what do you want?"    


At this moment, I understood the Emperor's meaning. I knew that he definitely knew of my past. Although I did not know what method he used, I still believed that he would be able to accomplish it. At this moment, I even thought that since the Emperor knows about it, then Wu De and even Bai Laosan would know about it.    


I was on high alert and a little nervous.    


The Emperor looked at me and smiled easily, as if he felt that the initiative was now in his hands. "Don't be nervous, my boy, don't look at me like that, I know, but it is not necessarily known that I can vouch for you on my character. Of course, in your eyes, my personality is not worth a penny, but in my eyes, my personality is still worth a few cents.    


Let me tell you, right now, the only thing I know is me. Of course, brother, I really want to say that as long as it's necessary, this area will probably never spread, and there will never be a second person who knows about it from my mouth. "    


I heaved a sigh of relief. At this moment, I had no other choice but to believe in his character. I could only trust him and console myself.    


The Emperor looked at me and smiled with slight complacency. "Brother, don't you feel that we can actually be friends? Actually, excluding gangs and personal grudges between you and others, I really want to make friends with you. I know you, although you are involved with the underworld, but I can see that you are a man of integrity, a man of conscience.    


I admire such a person the most. Even though I am not an innocent person, I still have a kind and pure heart. I still understand the black and white in the world, righteous and evil. I really want to be friends with you. If I want to be friends with you, there is absolutely no one else who would want to be friends with you. "    


I understand who the Emperor is referring to at this moment. At this moment, I am skeptical of the Emperor's words, and I do not understand why the Emperor is saying these words to me.    


The Emperor continued, "Life is a game of chess, and the underworld is also a game of chess. As for me, I am just a piece of chess. Sometimes, in order to survive, in order to live better, a person has to do something against his own will.    


I don't have your nobility and vulgarity, and I can't resist the temptations of matter and money. But it is because of you that I look up to you, and that makes me want to be friends with you.    


Of course, I also understand that you would suspect that my motives were impure, and I don't want to explain any further about that. However, I want to say that, in the future, you might be able to see through me and understand what I mean. "    


I thought for a moment, smiled, and took the initiative to stretch out my hand. "Thank you, my friend, for thinking so highly of me, Yi Ke, but since you said so, then we should make friends. I am not a good person, and you, of course, are not a good person. I am friends with you, Boss Wu, Boss Bai, and Director Zhang. However, if you insist on going alone, I will not oppose it either. "    


The Emperor smiled, shook my hand, and said, "Brother, you are actually an extremely intelligent person. You will definitely understand what I have said today. I am Boss Wu's man, so of course I have to be loyal to him. This is also your duty as your brother and your brother. In the underworld, your brother has always been under your protection. "    


I smiled. "Also, on the underworld, big brother was always lifted up by little brother. Without little brother, big brother would naturally lose his power."    


The King laughed: "My understanding is correct, very profound. To be honest, today's winery was originally a place where Boss Wu invited Wu Jingjing to have a chat. Originally, Dong Xue did not attend, but when I heard that you were coming, things changed … I have been observing your performance on the scene today. You have done very well, and no one could find any flaws in your performance. I would like to say that this will benefit both you and Dong Xue. Of course, Dong Xue's performance today was beyond my expectations. I think, perhaps, it should be said that the two of you have helped each other today. "    


I said, "What do you mean? Is Wu De Bai Laosan trying to use this opportunity to test me and Dong Xue? Bai Laosan suspects that Dong Xue was ordered by me to insert herself into his place? "Since he suspects, why let Dong Xue manage his finances?"    



The Emperor said, "Your words are very direct, and I cannot answer them. Even if I knew, I would not be unable to answer your questions. I only want to say, you are very smart, the reason why Bai Laosan wants to use Dong Xue, I think, is because Dong Xue is indeed a rare financial management talent, and secondly, because she really loves money and enjoys it. As a boss, when it comes to servants, you would rather hire a greedy person than have someone with ill intentions, don't you think? "    


I didn't say anything.    


"People who love money are actually the easiest to get rid of. It's fine to give them more money. However, people with ill intentions are the scariest. They can destroy a boss's family property." said the Emperor meaningfully.    


I nodded. "You see the problem quite clearly!"    


"Thank you brother for your praise." The Emperor said, "To be honest, I was puzzled when you broke up with Dong Xue. At first, I didn't really believe that you had truly broken up, but then I did."    


The words of the Emperor made my heart tremble in pain. Why did the Emperor believe it afterwards? He must have seen something from Dong Xue, something from her actions that convinced her.    


And I didn't dare to think about what Dong Xue was really up to.    


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