Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C384 Mobile Phone Tapped

C384 Mobile Phone Tapped

0I frowned and thought for a long time. Who the hell was this guy? He seemed to have calculated that I would definitely go to Hai Zhu's house in the city. How could he be so confident about my schedule?    


I thought hard and compared them, and after a while, I was suddenly surprised: Oh no, oh no, Margo, my cell phone must have been tapped!    


This was the only possible explanation for the mystery that I had analyzed.    


Yes, how could I have known so much about my whereabouts if I hadn't been listening in on my conversation with Hai Zhu and Yun Yun on the phone?    


I only talked to Hai Zhu, Liu, Wei Yun on the phone when I came back. Other people don't remember saying it, and the Emperor only knows the gist of it.    


The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me, and the more I thought about it, the more shocked I felt.    


I vaguely knew that there was a type of instrument, which seemed to be imported from abroad. It was very advanced, and as long as I entered the other party's cell phone number, I would be able to listen in on their conversation.    


So, did someone start listening in on me?    


My heart gave a start, and I stood still, thinking for a long time. Who would be monitoring me? Wu De? Bai Laosan? Zhang Xiaotian? Emperor? Or maybe Lee Shun or even Sun Dongkai?    


Even though Zhang Xuan thought that it was possible, he wasn't too sure.    


Did this person arrange for a special car to pick me up, to let me know that he knew everything about me, or to show me good will?    


I was lost in thought.    


"Brother, what are you thinking about?" Hai Zhu's words broke my train of thought. I withdrew my thoughts, looked at Hai Zhu, and smiled. "I wanted to go to your house and see your parents, and how I should speak and behave."    


Hai Zhu laughed. "Aren't you a little nervous?"    


"Yes sir!" I answered honestly.    


Hai Zhu laughed. "This isn't the first time you've come to my house. My parents are already very familiar with you. Why are you so nervous?"    


"The content that we've gone through before is completely different from the one we've gone through this time. It's extraordinary!" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, don't worry, my parents have always liked you. This time, when we came back, I told them in advance that they were all happy and waiting for us to come back to meet you." Hai Zhu said.    


"Oh …" I nodded and looked at Hai Zhu. "Did you sleep well at my house last night?"    


"I'm fine." Hai Zhu nodded and looked at me. "Brother, did you sleep very late last night?"    


"How do you know?" "No," I said.    


"When you went back to open the door last night, I heard something. It was already midnight." Hai Zhu said, "You've been sitting by yourself under the grape arbor in the yard for a long time, right? I haven't actually fallen asleep. I knew that you were in the yard. I wanted to come out and find you, but I was afraid that you might be unhappy, so I didn't come out."    


I smiled. "Oh … Last night, I was enjoying the cool under the grape arbor. I fell asleep without realizing it, slept, woke up, and went back to my room. "I opened the door softly, afraid that I would wake you up. I didn't expect you to still hear me."    


"I've always been thinking about you. If you didn't hug me and sleep last night, I wouldn't have been able to sleep." Hai Zhu whispered into my ear.    


I smiled and whispered into Hai Zhu's ear, "Have you thought about it?"    


Hai Zhu blushed and snickered. She stretched out her hand to pinch my arm. "F * ck you, you know all about this?"    


I chuckled and asked Hai Zhu, "Did you sleep well last night?"    


"It should be very good. Her sleep was very quiet. We talked while lying in bed, and she soon fell asleep. Cloud was very happy yesterday. "    


I smiled. "That's good!"    


"Actually, when we went to my house today, we should have invited Yun Yun to go with us!" Hai Zhu said.    


I shook my head.    


"Why?" Hai Zhu said.    


"It's your brother's idea." I then explained Haifeng's intention.    


Hai Zhu nodded after listening: "Yes, I didn't know that a man like Brother Hai Feng had such meticulous considerations. It does make sense."    


I said, "Didn't I think about it carefully last night?"    


"Fine, that's enough, right?" Hai Zhu said, "But, I always feel that your reason is very far-fetched. Of course, if you want to think about it like this, I can't say anything. No matter what, I will listen to you. "    


Listening to Hai Zhu's words, I held Hai Zhu's hand and didn't say anything else.    


Soon, we arrived at Hai Zhu's house. Hai Zhu and I got off the car and entered.    


Upon entering, Hai Zhu who was in front shouted, "Dad, Mom, we're back!"    


I followed him in, and as soon as I entered the door, I was stunned.    


Hai Zhu's house was full of guests. Apart from Hai Zhu's parents, there were also a few strange faces that I didn't know. They all wore smiling faces as they looked at me. They were all ladies.    


Hai Zhu smiled and said to me, "Big brother, these are my relatives. This is my aunt, this is my aunt, this is my cousin, this is …"    


Hai Zhu introduced me in turn, and I quickly greeted her. Being noticed by so many ladies made me feel a bit awkward for a moment.    


When Hai Zhu's parents warmly invited me to sit down, Haizhu's Mother happily took my hand and looked at it again and again. "Ke, it's been a long time since I've seen you. This time, when you came back, Haifeng called ahead of time. I heard that you're working at Hsinghai right now, in the same place as Haifeng and Hai Zhu, okay? Your uncle and I are very happy to hear Haifeng talk about you and Hai Zhu, you and Haifeng are good friends, you and Hai Zhu are talking about friends, your uncle and I both know you, we both like you, with Hai Zhu, well, we support you. Hearing that you are coming back today, and that none of the relatives have seen you before, we all came to get to know each other. "    


I chuckled. "Uncle, Auntie, you guys are still in good health. Hai Zhu and I came back on vacation to check on you."    


"Come back and visit, Ke. Uncle knows you very well. You are someone who has done a lot. Your ability is not ordinary." Hai Zhu's father seemed to be talking to me, but he also seemed to be showing off his pride and arrogance in front of his relatives.    


I smiled shyly.    


Then Haizhu's Mother got up and went to the kitchen to cook, and Hai Zhu followed, laughing with her mother in the kitchen, while I chatted with Hai Zhu's father.    


"Ke, are your parents alright?" Hai Zhu's father asked me.    


"Alright, uncle. My parents want me to represent them and greet you!" "No," I said.    


"Hehe, I haven't met your parents yet. When the time is right, I would like to have a drink with your father!" Hai Zhu's father said with a smile.    



I understood what Hai Zhu's father meant by the right timing.    


"How have you been doing at the Hsinghai? "Is it going smoothly?" Hai Zhu's father asked me again.    


"I'm fine." I nodded vaguely and said, "Hai Zhu is now in charge of a travel company. She's on her own."    


"You do good things and train people." Lili's father nodded. "However, Lili doesn't have much experience in business. You have to guide her more. This Haifeng and Hai Zhu can't even compare to you. Look, when you started the company in Ningzhou, you did so well, so when Haifeng got home, he started to talk about your affairs with us. "    


Hai Zhu's father's words made me feel as if I was sitting on pins and needles, and I was secretly ashamed.    


"Hai Zhu accepts new things very quickly. We'll do it well." "No," I said.    


"Earning more money is one thing, what's important is learning and experience. For youngsters like you, this is the most important. "Also, doing things outside is more important than being a person. Being a person first, and then doing things. This is a principle."    


Hai Zhu's father meant what he said, and I nodded seriously. "Uncle, I will remember your words …" Hai Zhu and Haifeng will always be good people. "    


"My family and yours are all ordinary families. I think that your parents and I share the same thoughts, so we won't ask for you to have a good future, earn a lot of money, or have a good reputation. As long as you are safe and live a normal life with your conscience, you will be satisfied. Ke, remember, in the business, if you earn money, just earn it, if you should take it, if you shouldn't earn money, just take it. Even if it's a gold mountain, we don't want it. Those young people of yours who are wandering outside, you must remember this in particular. "    


I nodded solemnly. "Uncle is right!"    


After chatting for a while, Haizhu's Mother finished preparing the dishes and invited everyone to take a seat.    


Haizhu's Mother made a table full of dishes, and I drank white wine with Hai Zhu's father, and the rest of us drank red wine, and the old man drank good wine and drank with me several times.    


After we'd had enough to eat and drink, the relatives left, Hai Zhu and her mother whispered in the room again, and I chatted with Hai Zhu's father in the living room again.    


After a long time, Hai Zhu and her mother came out.    


Looking at Hai Zhu's intimate look, my heart stirred. "Hai Zhu, why don't you stay at home today and accompany uncle and aunt? I'll come pick you up in two days."    


Hai Zhu's eyes lit up as she giggled, "Okay, that's actually what I think in my heart. I wanted to say it just now, but I was afraid that you would be unhappy. Hehe …" "Since you've already said it, that would be for the best."    


I smiled. "Isn't this reasonable? How could I not be happy?"    


"Then I really will be staying at my parents' home today. Talk to your parents later on." Hai Zhu said happily.    


"Un, sure, no problem!"    


Hai Zhu's parents looked at me and Hai Zhu happily talking to each other.    


I then sat at Hai Zhu's house for a while, chatted with Hai Zhu's parents for a while longer, then said goodbye and prepared to take a bus home.    


When I got down to Hai Zhu's building, I saw the black Passat parked in front of me. The driver was sitting in the driver's seat, dozing against his back.    


I walked over and knocked on the window. The driver woke up, sat up, smiled at me, and rolled down the window.    


"You haven't left?" "No," I said.    


"Yeah, I'm waiting to send you home!" The driver looked behind me and said, "Mr. Yee, are you going alone?"    


"Yes, myself!" "Let's go," I said as I got into the car.    


The driver drove on. After walking two blocks, I suddenly realized that the route was wrong and said to the driver, "Hey, man, this route isn't right!"    


"Mr. Yi, I want to send you to a place!" the driver said.    


"What do you mean?" "No," I said.    


"I have received orders to send you home if you come out with Lady Hai. If you come out by yourself, I will bring you to this place!" the driver said.    


"Oh …" I laughed. "Man, do you think you can take me there? If I don't go, do you think you can make me listen to you? "    


The driver's face was full of smiles as he said, "Mr. Yi, I'm using their money to help me. Please take care of me."    


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