Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C381 Assignments

C381 Assignments

0I wondered as I looked at the man standing there, as if the sign meant Hai Zhu and Yun, as if someone were trying to suggest to me that he knew everything about me.    


After a while, all the passengers had left and the people who had come to pick up the plane had left, leaving the shop assistant standing there looking around foolishly with the sign in his hand.    


At this moment, I said to Hai Zhu and Yun Yun, "Alright, you guys wait here. I'll go greet Uncle Lei Feng!"    


Hai Zhu and Yun Yun laughed and nodded at me.    


I stood up and strode over to the shop assistant. I walked behind him and patted his shoulder. "Hello, my friend!"    


The man turned to look at me and hesitated. "I'm fine — you are?"    


"I'm Yi Ke, are you here to pick Yi Ke up?" I said bluntly.    


"Ah — you're Mr. Yee, yes, I'm here to pick you up." The man's expression lightened, and he nodded happily. Then he looked around me.    


"Over there." I pointed to the place where Cloud and Hai Zhu were sitting.    


"Oh, you guys came out a long time ago, but I'm still standing here foolishly waiting." He happily put away the sign: "Good, you've come. That's good. My car is parked outside. You guys wait at the gate, I'll go drive."    


As the man was about to leave, I grabbed his arm. "Hey, man, don't be busy. I haven't finished asking you my question."    


"Oh …" What do you want to ask? " This person seemed to be very honest and dressed very properly. He didn't look like an ordinary Taxi Driver.    


"You don't know me and the ladies?" I let go of the man's arm and looked at him.    


"Yes, I don't know him!" He nodded.    


"Then why did you come to pick us up?" "No," I said.    


"I was entrusted by someone. Someone told me to come and pick you all up!" "No," he said.    


"By whom?" I looked at him.    


He blinked, "I don't know that man. He just found me, gave me a thousand dollars, gave me a note with the flight number and your names on it, and told me to pick you up on time. He told me to take you wherever you were going, and to follow your orders."    


"Oh …" One Thousand Yuan... "Listen to me …" I repeated, looking at him. "You really don't know that man?"    


"Yes, I definitely don't know him, I really don't know him!" he said honestly.    


"Then what do you do?" "No," I said.    


"I am a rental individual. I got myself a Passat and specifically waited for guests at the entrance of the Southern Courtyard Hotel. Early this morning, a young man came to find me and told me to do so. From what you're saying, you don't know that someone was arranged to pick you up? "    


"Nonsense, you know I'm asking you. Describe to me what that young man looks like. "    


He then described the person's appearance in detail. I listened for a long time, but couldn't recall who he was.    


I understood that the young man had probably been asked to find the driver, and that the real mastermind had not shown up.    


I was very confused. Who had arranged for this car to pick us up? This person knew my itinerary very well. What did he mean by that? Enemy or friend?    


A few people flashed through my mind: Lee Shun, Emperor, Duan Xiangloong, Bai Laosan, Wu De... I even flashed past Sun Dongkai,    


The more I thought about it, the more I felt that there was something fishy about this matter. I really didn't know what this person's intentions were.    


"Mr. Yee, can I go over and drive?" The driver looked at me.    


After thinking for a moment, I said, "You should go and drive. However, you don't need to come and pick us up when you're driving, you should just drive straight away. We don't need you to pick us up."    


"Ahhh — that won't do. After I take their money, I have to do something. If I don't take your money, then I'll be in trouble." That person became anxious and his face revealed a panicked expression.    




He said, "When that young man gave me the money to come pick you up, he left me with a message that I must take you guys to the place you want to go. Otherwise, I won't need to drive a taxi anymore, and I won't need to mix in Ningzhou anymore. I am a man of my own choice and do not dare to offend anyone. Therefore, Mr. Yi, please give me face and I beg you, please allow me to send all of you over. "    


There was a pleading look on his face.    


The moment I heard this, the heck, who was this? You have to send me off. Is it for my own good or to find out what I'm up to?    


I just went home, and I don't have any secrets. Since this person has the ability to know my return journey and the people accompanying me, then I can't hide anything from him when I go home.    


This driver seems to be here on a mission that he has to complete. If he doesn't complete it, he'll be in trouble.    


I thought for a moment. "Alright then. I'll help you. You can go drive."    


"Ah — well, well, thank you, Mr. Yee!" The driver relaxed and turned to go, then stopped and looked at me. "By the way, the lady who just came out stood in front of me and asked the same question as you. Who asked me to pick you up?"    


When I heard that, I understood that Dong Xue asked. She came out earlier than us.    


I said, "What did you say?"    


"I answered truthfully, saying that I was entrusted by someone else! I don't know that person either! "    


"And what about her?"    


"Then, after frowning for a long time and not saying anything, she left." "No," he said.    


"Oh …" I nodded. "Alright, you can go now. We'll wait for you at the door!"    


The chauffeur rushed over to drive the car. I walked up to Hai Zhu and Yun Yun and said, "Ladies, let's go. The car will arrive at the door in a moment!"    


Hai Zhu and Yun Yun stood up. Hai Zhu looked at me and asked, "Brother, who is that person?" "You know him?"    


"I don't know him. I don't know who arranged for him to come and pick us up!" "No," I said.    


"That's weird, could someone is really working on Lei Feng?" Hai Zhu said.    


I laughed. "Maybe. Maybe the guy was trying to be mysterious. Since someone is picking us up, then we won't be polite. It's not a bad thing to have someone picking us up, and we even saved the money to take a taxi. "    


Clouds stood aside and looked at me. "Brother, are we just going to get confused about his car? Aren't you afraid that that person is a bad person? "    



I laughed. "With me here, what am I afraid of? He's just one person. If there's really any ill intentions, I'm confident that I can handle him. Besides, it might not be arranged by someone with ulterior motives. Who knows, maybe it was arranged by a friend? "It seems like he doesn't want to show himself. Since he's not showing himself, we don't care about him for now. We just need to get in the car."    


Cloud heard, smiled, nodded: "Yes."    


Hai Zhu looked at me with a frown and thought for a moment. She shook her head and muttered to herself, "This is quite strange. There are still people who do good things without leaving a name these days. This is a good thing that has fallen from the sky. However, I don't think the sky will drop a pie. "    


"Don't think too much into it. Take care of yourself when you're here. You don't have to be polite when you're here to deliver yourself to the sect!" I said, "In short, you two follow me. Don't be afraid of anything."    


Hai Zhu and Yun Yun laughed. Yun said, "We aren't afraid, it's just that we feel that it's really strange. However, since you said so, we will naturally listen to you."    


"Sigh … That's right, obedience is a good child!" I spread out my arms and embraced Yun Yun and Hai Zhu's shoulders. "Two little beauties, let's go and enjoy the sunlight and sky above Ningzhou."    


It's already the end of August, and the Hsinghai already has a faint autumn smell and coolness. In this southern part of the country, the feeling of summer is still as intense as ever. The hot sun shines on the ground, and the air is burning hot.    


"Sigh … It's so hot, so hot …" Hai Zhu and Yun Li cried out together. Yun Li said, "Brother, isn't Ningzhou also a coastal city? Why is the weather so hot?"    


"Hehe …" The Hsinghai is a true coastal city, and the city is right beside the coast. The city is located in the city area of the Ningzhou, and other than the Zhenhai and BeiLun regions, there is still some distance from the sea. " I said, "The summer here doesn't end until the end of September. Hsinghai is a city where the four seasons are distinct, and as for Ningzhou, spring is very short. In an instant, it has reached summer, which is very long, but not as obvious as autumn or winter. "    


"It seems that the difference between the south and the north is really great!" Yun Xiao said with a smile, "Sigh, this is the first time that I've been to Jiangnan ever since I was young. It's really amazing to think about it, I was still in the distant north this morning, and in the blink of an eye, I've already arrived in Jiangnan."    


Hai Zhu and I laughed. Hai Zhu said to Yun, "Yun, there's always a first time, but there's always a second time. In the future, you might even become a Jiangnan person and a daughter-in-law.    


When Yun Xiao heard this, his face reddened slightly. He unnaturally smiled and lowered his head without saying a word.    


At that moment, a new black Passat pulled up in front of us, and the driver opened the door and got out, helping us to load our luggage into the trunk.    


We got into the car. Clouds and Hai Zhu sat in the back, and I got into the passenger seat.    


I gave my address and the driver said yes, started the car, and headed straight for my house.    


Along the way, the clouds were staring at the scenery outside the window with a new and fresh look in their eyes. Hai Zhu occasionally explained things to her, and I pretended to be indifferent as I used Ningzhou to chat with the driver.    


This driver was also a local, and he spoke in a proper Ningzhou language. I would occasionally ask him probing questions, but he would answer them in a very accurate and perfect manner. He didn't have any flaws, and he didn't have any valuable information.    


After that, I didn't ask anymore. I simply closed my eyes and leaned on my back, wondering who the mysterious person was. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't come up with a solution.    


I finally decided to stop the plane in time, and I thought that this mysterious contender would finally emerge from the water.    


I did not think, this simple trip back to the province is not so simple, even complex and changeable.    


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