Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C392 I must Love You

C392 I must Love You

0"Bro — what happened to you?" Hai Zhu looked at me in confusion.    


"Zhu, look at me--" I gently held Hai Zhu's face and looked at her. "Zhu, look at me."    


Hai Zhu looked into my eyes. Her eyes were bright and clear.    


"Zhu, I love you —" I said fiercely, as if to drive away my confusion and confusion.    


"En, brother, I love you too. I love you so much — —" Hai Zhu smiled blissfully as she looked at me.    


"Zhu, I love you, I love you, I love you." I repeated myself over and over again as I held Hai Zhu tightly in my arms, afraid that she would run away. I painfully closed my eyes and fiercely kissed Hai Zhu's lips, trying my best to leave a blank space in my heart.    


Hai Zhu let me hug her tightly, let me madly kiss her face, embrace my body, let out a happy and rapid gasp.    


After a long while, I finally let go of Hai Zhu and opened my eyes. I stared blankly at Hai Zhu's blissful expression.    


Hai Zhu opened her eyes and looked around. With a flushed face, she whispered, "Brother, we have gone mad. This is the square in broad daylight, and people are all around us. "    


I tried to smile. "What did you feel like?"    


"I won't tell you —" Hai Zhu giggled and took my arm again. "Bro, come with me to the mall."    


"Yes." I promised her, then said to Hai Zhu, "I'm not going to your house for dinner tonight!"    


"What is it? You still have plans? " Hai Zhu looked at me.    


"Yes!" "Yes!" "No," I said.    


"What arrangements?" Hai Zhu said.    


"Tonight, I'm taking a beauty to the Shangri-La Hotel to get a room." I pretended to be serious.    


"Ah —" Hai Zhu started, then looked at my expression and suddenly burst out laughing. She grabbed my arm and shook it vigorously. "Brother Scoundrel, I know. You're going to take Zhu to the Shangri-La Hotel, aren't you?"    


"Congratulations, you got it right!" I said, "Let's go to the five-star hotel tonight and enjoy the two of us."    


"Hur hur." Hai Zhu laughed happily and said, "Hey, Shangri-La is very expensive. Let's not worry about it."    


"I know about the province, and I don't need to save what I shouldn't." I said sulkily, "As long as you're happy, money is nothing but bullshit!"    


Hai Zhu looked at me, then said obediently, "Okay, as long as you're happy, I'll let you be."    


I was very upset at the moment, but I pretended as if nothing had happened. I chatted and laughed as I accompanied Hai Zhu to the mall. Afterwards, I "happily" took Hai Zhu to City God Temple for a seafood meal.    


When I was shopping, I had already called the Shangri-La Hotel and reserved a single room.    


After dinner, Hai Zhu and I respectively called home, said that we could not go back, then went to Shangri-La Hotel together.    


I directly went to the reception desk to get a room. There were a lot of foreigners coming and going in the hotel. I asked the waiter if they were here to participate in the economic discussion forum that was broadcasted on TV yesterday.    


The waiter smiled and said it was not easy for me to book a room. Almost all of the rooms were occupied by members of the Economic Forum.    


I smiled and said, "I heard that there are leaders at the central level that came to participate in this forum. They also live here?"    


"I don't know where the leader lives, but not in our hotel. I guess it's in the East Lake Resort, where the environment is better, and we're in the city after all, so it's a bit noisy. " The waiter said as he checked me in.    


I guess so. If there was a national leader living here, there would be a lot of police here, but right now, there seemed to be only hotel security. No police.    


After completing the paperwork, I waved at Hai Zhu, who was standing near the entrance to the main hall. Hai Zhu was about to walk towards me, but was stopped by the security guards.    


I said, "What's the matter, this is my girlfriend, I'm staying here!"    


The security guard looked at me and politely said, "Sir, I'm sorry, but we have an international meeting here these few days. We have received orders from the leader to interrogate all those who enter the hotel strictly, especially the ladies."    


I understood immediately, because there was an important international conference, and the hotel must have received a request from the organizers to prevent Miss Prostitution from entering the hotel in case of an accident.    


Hai Zhu showed her ID. The security guard handed it back to her after he checked it. "Does this lady live here?" he asked me.    


"Yes!" "No," I said.    


"Then please register at the reception desk," the security guard said amiably. "This is our rule, please cooperate."    


So I took Hai Zhu to the front desk of the hotel. Hai Zhu also registered her ID, and then we went up to the elevator.    


In the elevator, Hai Zhu stuck out her tongue. "This five-star hotel is managed very strictly!"    


"It's because there's an important reception. It's very normal!" I said, "In fact, it's mainly to protect you from Miss."    


Our room was on the 16th floor. After entering it, I said to Hai Zhu, "You must be tired after playing all afternoon. Go take a shower and rest early."    


Hai Zhu looked coquettishly at me and smiled. "Did you bring me here just to bathe and sleep?"    


I laughed. "What else do you want?"    


"I should be asking you that." Hai Zhu stretched out her voice, laughed sweetly, and took off her clothes in front of me. Then, with a flushed face, she went into the bathroom.    


After entering the bathroom, Hai Zhu stuck her head out again. "Brother, do you want to bathe with me?"    


I said, "You wash first, I'll smoke a cigarette."    


I lit a cigarette and leaned against the back of the bed. I thought about what Dong Xue had said that afternoon.    


Undeniably, what Dong Xue said before she left hit me hard.    


I didn't expect Dong Xue to have such an astonishing intuition. She was actually able to sense the innermost part of my heart. That was a weakness that I didn't dare to face myself for a long time.    


Yes, when I was with Dong Xue, I felt that I loved Dong Xue. I wanted to treat Dong Xue well, and after Dong Xue left, I treated Hai Zhu the same way. I told myself countless times that I loved Hai Zhu, and that I must love her properly.    


However, in the deepest part of my heart, on the other side of my soul, I was unable to hide my figure that was unable to erase Qiu Tong, just like how Guest was unable to erase her Floating Dream from her heart.    


I wanted to face the reality, I wanted to love the woman in my own reality, but from time to time I seemed to be deceiving myself, and from time to time I couldn't really be calm, calm, calm.    



The shadow that Dong Xue said is my dream idol in the lonely night, is my lonely soul in the silent taste of bitter coffee.    


He was smoking and thinking about things silently.    


At this moment, Hai Zhu came out, wrapped in a towel, her hair wet.    


"Bro, I'm done washing." Hai Zhu said to me.    


I looked at Hai Zhu, who had just come out of the bath. She was so white, so full, so beautiful, so bright, so smooth.    


Hai Zhu looked at me shyly. She tightened the towel that was tightly wrapped around her body and said, "Bro, you should go take a bath. I'll blow my hair outside."    


I sat up, undressed, went into the bathroom, washed briefly, and went out. Hai Zhu was sitting at the dressing table, blow-drying her hair in the mirror.    


I stood behind Hai Zhu and watched her blow her hair.    


Hai Zhu's face was flushed. I don't know if it was because she had just bathed or for some other reason, but she smiled at me from the mirror. It was a very sweet smile.    


I stood behind Hai Zhu and put my hands on her shoulders. I bent down and pressed my chin against Hai Zhu's head. Hai Zhu's hair was already drying up.    


I looked in the mirror, at Hai Zhu in the mirror, suddenly said: "Zhu, I love you. Tell me, do I love you? I do love you, you know? "    


Hai Zhu put down her hair dryer and put her hand on mine. She smiled. "I know, brother. I know you love me. I know, I love you too. I love you very much. "    


I ignored Hai Zhu's words and continued to mutter: "Really, Zhu, I love you, I must love you, I must love you." At this moment, it was as if I was cheering myself on, cheering myself on.    


Hai Zhu's eyes flashed with curiosity and confusion, but she still smiled. "En, brother, I know, you love me."    


I have an uncontrollable pain and depression in my heart, I want to prove to myself, I love Hai Zhu, I must prove!    


I picked Hai Zhu up...    


Lying on the soft bed, I looked up at the endless darkness around me, and suddenly felt a great loneliness, and an inexplicable fear.    


"Zhu." I shouted.    


"Okay, bro, I'm here." Hai Zhu's body gently rubbed against mine.    


"I love you, you know, I love you." I repeated it.    


"Yeah, bro, you. What happened to you today? " Hai Zhu's voice came from the darkness. I couldn't see Hai Zhu's face, and I didn't know what expression she had.    


I did not speak, but let out a heavy sigh.    


"Brother, you're unhappy, aren't you?" Hai Zhu's voice lingered in my ears.    


I didn't say anything.    


"Brother, be happy."    


Everything was going on in the dark...    


However, there was suddenly a flash of lightning in my mind, and Dong Xue's words from the afternoon flashed, followed by Qiu Tong's flash of lightning, and Floating Dream.    


The unstoppable torrent suddenly came to a standstill.    


Suddenly, my whole body went stiff.    


At this moment, I no longer had any intuitive sense of hearing or vision, and my heart no longer had any feelings. There was no pain, no joy, no sadness, no anger, no excitement, and no loss.    


I don't know why such a thing would suddenly appear in my brain at this last moment, but I did my best to wave it away. Just as I was about to succeed, at the last moment, it finally appeared and destroyed my body and soul.    


At this moment, I wanted to cry, but there were no tears. I wanted to shout, but I couldn't make a sound. I wanted to move, but I was powerless. I wanted to open my eyes, but no matter what, I couldn't open my eyes.    


"Brother." Hai Zhu called out to me weakly.    


I didn't say anything, just stretched out my arms and legs and didn't move.    


"Bro — what happened to you?" Hai Zhu's voice was tinged with panic. She stood up, then snapped open the bedside lamp.    


Even though my eyes were closed, even though the light from the bedside lamp was very weak, I still felt that the light was very eye-piercing and even stinging my eyes.    


"Turn off the lights, don't turn on the lights!" I cried suddenly.    


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