Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C393 Boundless Darkness

C393 Boundless Darkness

0Hai Zhu quickly turned off the lights again, and the darkness enveloped me once more.    


Hai Zhu came over and wrapped her arms around my head. She put her mouth close to my ear and whispered, "Bro, what's wrong?"    


At this time, I came back to my senses and said, "Nothing, Zhu, go to sleep."    


"En, brother, don't worry about it." Hai Zhu curled up gently in my arms.    


"Alright." I patted Hai Zhu's body.    


After a while, Hai Zhu's breathing became even.    


I gently pull my arm out, put it behind my head, and open my eyes.    


Still, before his eyes was boundless darkness, and he could not see anything.    


In this invisible world, I tried to open my eyes wide, trying to make myself see, but to no avail.    


I pondered in silence, savoring the bitter wine I had brewed.    


This cup of bitter wine was formed from life, love, and a myriad of emotions. With each passing day, the sun and moon would be reincarnated into a cup of bitter wine.    


I know that perhaps from now on, as long as I am alive, whether I want to or not, I will have to taste this bitter wine.    


Long road of life, ice with me, perhaps my cup of bitter wine to the end of life can not be drunk, can not become sweet.    


I thought bitterly and forlornly, and the darkness before me began to blur.    


"Brother." I love you. " Hai Zhu let out a dreamy, soft, and affectionate voice, then turned over and went back to sleep.    


Hai Zhu's words roused me from my deep thoughts. I suddenly wanted to smoke, so I got out of bed and fumbled for my cigarette case. Just as I was about to reach for my lighter, I suddenly thought that smoking in the room would wake Hai Zhu up, so I decided to go for a walk and smoke outside.    


I went to the bathroom, turned on the light, and looked in the mirror.    


I washed my face, slipped on my clothes, closed the door, went to the elevator, opened it, and went downstairs.    


At this moment, I did not know that at this very moment, in the lobby of the hotel's first floor, an earth-shattering event had occurred.    


The elevator came down slowly and stopped on the first floor. The door opened and I stepped out.    


Just as I stepped out of the elevator, I heard the sound of footsteps from the lobby. After walking two steps into the lobby, I was immediately stunned by what I saw in front of me — —    


The lobby was a complete mess. The floor was littered with broken glass and broken furniture, and there were pools of blood on the floor. The stench of blood hit me, and the three security guards were lying on the floor in a half-unconscious state with blood all over their bodies. The staff around them were running around in a state of panic, busy, surrounded by foreigners pointing at them and talking in all kinds of foreign languages I didn't understand.    


This scene was much more spectacular than the one between Er Zi and Xiao Wu at Donghu Resort.    


There was a coffee shop near the lobby. With so many foreigners around, they must have been drinking coffee in the coffee shop. They were alarmed when they heard the commotion.    


An important international economic forum was being held here, and with so many foreign guests living here, it would have an international impact if it were to be spread out. It would greatly damage the face of the cities, governments and even countries of Ningzhou.    


I walked over and stood in front of a bunch of foreigners. I reached out and touched a yellow-skinned young man in a suit who seemed to be the foreigner's interpreter. "Hey, bro, what's going on?"    


The guy looked at me, opened his mouth and said a string of foreign languages, as if he didn't understand what I was saying. From his foreign languages, it sounded like he was Korean.    


I grinned and asked another middle-aged man with yellow skin, but he was a foreign language. He sounded Japanese, Japanese.    


F * ck, there are a lot of foreigners here.    


After much difficulty, he found a person standing beside him who could speak Chinese. He said, "I'm here to translate for the Germans. I just arrived. I don't know."    


Then a blond foreigner spoke to him, not in English, I did not understand, but the interpreter kept nodding, understanding, and speaking in German.    


After listening to the foreigner's explanation, the translator said to me, "It seems like there is a gang fight here. A group of gangsters suddenly rushed in and smashed the security guards as soon as they entered. "After the fight, he walked away.    


"Oh, why?"    


"I don't know about that." The translator shook his head and said, "This is embarrassing. So many of our international friends are even in five-star hotels. Why would they view our security here? It would be detrimental to the city's business and investment promotion efforts."    


At this moment, another middle-aged man, who had been standing at the side, interrupted, "It seems to have something to do with Miss's special service." It seems to be related to Miss's special service, the few Miss's outside wanted to enter the hotel, but the security guards wouldn't let them in.    


I felt a pang in my heart.    


The special services of Ningzhou were all controlled by Lee Shun and all the star hotels were his territory. He had come here once last time at the Eastlake Resort.    


However, the effect from last time wasn't that great. Normally, his young mistress would have no problem entering a hotel, but this time, there was a huge international meeting, so the security guards had to strengthen their security measures to not let her in.    


Then, could it be that the group of people being smashed were Lee Shun's subordinates? They never cared about international conferences or not, they only cared about making money.    


If it was really Lee Shun's men who did it, then this matter was too big and the consequences were too severe.    


I thought for a while, then walked around the hotel. After leaving, I took out my phone and called Qin.    


"Qin, where are you?" "No," I said.    


"It's in the casino!" "What is it?" Qin said.    


"Tonight. "Did anyone go to the Shangri-La Hotel to cause trouble?" "No," I said.    


"Causing trouble? Why? I haven't heard of it. I've been in the casino all night! " Qin said.    


"Miss was stopped at the Shangri-La Hotel for special services, and then a bunch of people rushed in and smashed the hotel." I said, "Did your people do it?"    


"Ah — —" Qin's voice was shocked, "Something like that happened. How come I didn't know? "    


"Where's Boss Lee?" I said again.    


"I drank too much with you guys at noon, and slipped out of his room at night. I repeatedly reminded him that no one was allowed to disturb him, and his phone was turned off." Qin said, "Wait a moment, I'll ask Er Zi, Xiao Wu and them if they know?"    


With that, Qin hung up.    


I put away my cell phone, wandered to the lobby door, and watched the hustle and bustle through the glass. After a while, a few police cars, a bunch of cops, and entered the hotel.    



I watched the hotel.    


Right at that moment, I suddenly saw a familiar figure, rushing out through the crowd that was gathered around you in the hotel lobby.    


This was Duan Xiangloong. He looked around calmly and left the hotel without looking at the scene.    


I was standing in the dark and he couldn't see me.    


I watched Duan Xiangloong's figure. I saw him go down the stairs straight to a van that was parked in front of the hotel. He opened the front door and got into the driver's seat.    


Duan Xiangloong had come to Shangri-La Hotel in the afternoon and had only left now. He had been staying here for quite a while.    


It was weird, Duan Xiangloong had taken a taxi to the hotel in the afternoon, so why would a car suddenly drive away?    


I saw Duan Xiangloong sitting in the driver's seat. Although the car was on fire, he didn't drive away, as if he was waiting for someone.    


I ignored Duan Xiangloong and continued to look at the hotel lobby.    


A moment later, I saw the Big Four appear, carrying their bags and heading straight for the front desk.    


After a while, the four King Kong rushed out of the hotel with their luggage. They ran towards the van that Duan Xiangloong was driving and got into it. The van started slowly and was about to drive away.    


Obviously, the four Vajra were in the process of checking out earlier. Normally, they would check out in the morning, so why would they check out at this time?    


Just as I was wondering, a taxi was getting off at the entrance of the lobby. As soon as the customer got off, I opened the door and got in. I pointed at the white van that was leaving and said, "Master, let's go. Follow that van."    


The driver did not say anything as he drove after him.    


Duan Xiangloong's van left the hotel, turned on the main road and headed straight for the airport.    


My taxi followed, keeping a distance.    


At this time, Qin called me: "Just now, I called Er Zi, and it was really them who did it. When Miss arrived, the security guards stopped her, saying that there was a big meeting room, Miss said that they were looking for friends in the hotel, the security guards told them to say the names of the people they were looking for, but the four of them couldn't name the guests, so the security guards drove them out.    


After they were chased away, they continued to talk to Er Zi. Er Zi didn't say anything else, just called Xiao Wu, and with a few brothers, he rushed to Shangri-La Hotel.    


"Did Boss Lee know about this?" "No," I said.    


"I don't know. He won't let anyone disturb him tonight. Since he has spoken, who would dare disturb him? "Besides, you don't need to report this to him in advance, and you might not tell him afterwards. It's too normal." Qin said.    


"But, today, this matter, I think is not a small matter. There is a big international conference inside, and there are many foreigners living here. Furthermore, this meeting's standard is very high." "No," I said.    


When Qin heard this, he said, "This matter has blown up. This is indeed not something fun to do."    


"Duan Xiangloong isn't in the casino tonight?" I said again.    


Normally, he would be here at night, either gambling for a while or drinking tea and chatting with the gamblers he pulled over. Tonight, I didn't see him, but he called me at night and said he drank too much with you and Boss Lee and slept at home.    




"What's wrong? "Why are you asking Duan Xiangloong?" Qin said.    


I thought for a moment. "Nothing, just asking."    


"You suspect him of having anything to do with it?" Qin was very sensitive.    


"I'm not sure. I don't have any evidence. I'm just guessing." I said, "It's just that I think there might be something fishy about it tonight."    


"What's fishy?" Qin said.    


"Let's not talk about this earlier. We'll talk about it later." I don't want to share my speculation with Qin at the moment.    


"Alright then."    


"On Boss Lee's side, it's best to think of a way to let him know what happened tonight!" I said again.    


"Yes." Qin answered with a troubled tone, "You know his temper. If he doesn't allow anyone to disturb him, who would dare? At least I wouldn't dare, he said, turning his face up. But if you look for him, he might not. After all, I know how important you are in his heart. "    


I thought for a moment. "Okay, I'll find a way to talk to him."    


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