Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C296 Insufficient Face

C296 Insufficient Face

0Then, Sun Dongkai looked at me and said, "Yi Ke, you still have to go up to lecture about the training organized by the corporation. That's what I called you here for. "    


At this time, I lost interest and said: "Boss Sun, forget it. It's such a big event and I can't do it well. I'd better ask someone else to do it!"    


Sun Dongkai looked at me with displeasure: "What? I don't have enough face? Not as much as the two of them, Boss Ping and Boss Qiu? We won't be able to get you out of the way? "    


Sun Dongkai's tone of voice is a little dissatisfied with me, as though he thinks that I am disrespectful to him in front of Boss Ping and Qiu Tong, not giving him any face.    


Just as I was about to say something, Qiu Tong sat beside me and lightly touched my hand. I understood her meaning, she didn't want me to have a conflict with Sun Dongkai, so she said: "Alright, since the Leader thinks highly of me, I will listen to the Leader!"    


Cao Lee said at this time: "Yi is not bad. He has theoretical and practical marketing experience. He will definitely do well!"    


After saying that, Cao Lee looked at me with a fawning expression. I lowered my head and didn't look at Cao Lee's eyes.    


After leaving Sun Dongkai's office, Boss Ping went straight to the chairman's office. I know that he definitely went to report something, but I know that the report was useless, he did not do the right thing, and was in the wrong for the first time. Sun Dongkai has no flaws, the situation is set, and there is no way to reverse it.    


Cao Lee didn't follow us out. Qiu Tong and I headed straight back to the company. On the way, Qiu Tong was silent for a long time before she said, "I miscalculated. I'm so tired."    


I turned my head to look at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong looked at me and suddenly laughed. "Do you find today interesting?"    




"Is it fun?"    




"Can you play? Have you ever played it before? " Qiu Tong chuckled.    


I also laughed and nodded. "I don't know how to play, I've never played before!"    


"It doesn't matter if you don't know how to play, it doesn't matter if you haven't played before. After experiencing it once, you will know how to play." In the government, this is a common occurrence. As long as you get used to it, it's fine. Qiu Tong said, "Since Boss Sun still requests you to tell him, then tell him. Not only do you have to tell him, but you also have to tell him. You have to follow your original plan."    


I nodded.    


"I'm waiting to see your performance." Qiu Tong said.    


A week later, the group held a grand opening business training conference, the group's various Operating Unit operators were gathered, a total of more than 300 participants.    


Both the chairman and Sun Dongkai were present. Cao Lee presided over the meeting, and the chairman and Sun Dongkai made their opening remarks. Next, they entered the lecture process.    


This time, I have invited a few marketing experts and professors from Hsinghai University. They are all professionals who specialize in marketing.    


According to the order of the lectures, I was at the end of the line.    


The experts were all very focused and very professional. Their theories were very strong and they were very focused. I listened with relish. Although their practicality was a bit lacking, those theories were very logical and had some benefits.    


After the day's lecture, some of the audiences had already gotten drowsy in the afternoon. Many of these employees did not like to read books and always lectured on theory. Naturally, they could not bring themselves to do so.    


By the time I spoke, I was sitting on the podium, and I saw that at least half the people below were dozing, and when I came up they all looked at me listlessly, as if it were hard for me to keep them up.    


F * ck, I have to wake them up, or else I'm going to fail this lecture. I thought to myself as I looked at the chairman of the board of directors, Sun Dongkai, Qiu Tong, and Boss Ping in the first row.    


After a simple opening speech, I got down to business: "Today I listened to a few expert professors' lectures and was very inspired. As for me, I didn't work in the group for long, I worked in publishing, I worked as a temporary worker when I first arrived, I delivered newspapers, I was loved by the leaders, I didn't have a long tenure, to be honest, let me tell you, I'm ashamed of myself."    


I really don't have any marketing theory or experience for everyone to impart, but since the leader wants me to talk, then let me talk to everyone. If I don't do it well, then don't make fun of me, and don't kick me out. For those who are witnesses, it is not good to be driven off the stage. "    


Qiu Tong pursed her lips into a smile as she said this. Everyone began to laugh, clapping their hands together in a scattered manner. The chairman of the board also pouted his lips, while Qiu Tong pursed her lips into a smile.    


I continued, "Everyone here distributes the company's various Operating Unit, they are all marketing people, and a lot of them are our advertising agents. Since everyone here is doing business, and everyone understands the traditional business concept, I won't explain much, but I really don't understand much about theoretical stuff.    


Let me give you a topic of conversation first. What is the highest level of business model?" Before we start talking about this topic, let me tell you a story about a certain young woman who went to the police station to report that I had put my money in my corset and had been stolen by a handsome man in the crowded subway. The policeman was puzzled and asked her, Ma'am, did you not notice it in such a sensitive place? The young woman blushed as she replied, "Who would have thought that he was just taking out the money …    


Qiu Tong's face was slightly red, while Wu Tie was grinning widely.    


I didn't laugh, but looked down at the audience. When everyone had finished laughing, I said, "What does this story tell us? It gives us an important insight, and that is that letting a customer's money be taken away from you unknowingly in a pleasant experience is the highest realm of business models."    


The laughter from below intensified as applause sounded out at the same time, "Well said, continue!"    


I saw that the mood of the audience below had been roused, and no one was dozing, so I went on: "Let me tell you one more story: a company posted a note on the urinal: A small step forward, a big step forward in civilization. As a result, there were still a lot of urine stains on the ground. Later, the company carefully learned lessons, re-designed: urine not in the pool to indicate that you are short, urine out of the pool to indicate that you are soft. As a result, the ground is much cleaner than it used to be. "    


Everyone laughed again, and this time I saw Qiu Tong's face turn even redder as she covered her face and snickered.    


I said, "What kind of inspiration can we get when we're done laughing? I think that's when we give our investment advice to our clients, we have to be specific, be accurate, and hit the nail on the head! "    


"Well said, well said, haha!" Boss Ping clapped his hands and laughed out loud. Everyone applauded again. The chairman shook his head while laughing and said something to Sun Dongkai. Sun Dongkai also clapped with a smile.    


Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was getting more lively, I continued to speak, combining the theory of practice and continuing to use small stories to illustrate the theory.    


The atmosphere of the entire venue had become lively due to my efforts. After a day of silence, the venue was now filled with cheers and laughter. While I was talking about marketing techniques through the few businesses I did at Issuing Company, I was interjecting a few jokes to illustrate these theories for more than an hour at a time.    


Everyone was listening attentively while laughing. The chairman and Sun Dongkai nodded their heads frequently. Qiu Tong was looking at me attentively while listening attentively. Wu Tie was looking at me admiringly. From time to time, he communicated with the people around me.    


Cao Lee, who was in charge of the meeting, didn't tilt her head at me. She waved her hand to signal for everyone to quiet down a little and not to get too heated.    


In the end, I concluded with a sentence: "Everyone, we are all young people with ideals and goals, we are all fighting for our ideal careers and love, we all want to live the life of the upper class, we all want to be outstanding, we all want to be mediocre, so we have to face life with an optimistic heart, a kind heart, an honest heart, a tolerant heart, a calm heart, and a life of struggle.    


If you want to live a normal life, you will encounter a normal setback. If you want to live the best life, you will definitely suffer the most damage. This world is very fair. If you want the best, you will definitely suffer the most. If you are able to pass through, then you are the winner. If you can't pass through, then obediently go back to being an ordinary person! — Success is not about how smart you are, nor is it about selling yourself out. It is about whether or not you can get through this difficult situation with a smile.    


"Wow," I said, and just as I finished, thunderous applause erupted, more than any expert professor's lecture had done.    


When I came down, the chairman stood up and shook my hand, patting me on the shoulder. I've really broadened my horizons today. "    


Then, the chairman looked at Sun Dongkai: "Old Sun, this year's training session was very successful, the Management Office planning was not bad, from now on, such activities, Management Office must be planned frequently, we must constantly improve everyone's marketing level, and push the group's overall operation forward."    


Sun Dongkai smiled and nodded. Then he looked at Cao Lee, who was standing beside him with a flushed face.    


I don't know if the chairman's praise of Cao Lee has any meaning here.    


That night, the group held a feast, inviting the experts and professors, I was among them. The chairman and Sun Dongkai participated in it personally, with Cao Lee, Qiu Tong, Boss Ping and the head of the group Operating Departments also participating in it.    


At the dinner table, the chairman and I had two drinks, and we all laughed heartily when we heard that he wouldn't allow me to ask him for another drink in the future, even though he had promised me that he would treat me to one today.    



During the meal, everyone clinked glasses with me. I didn't reject any of them and drank too much at once.    


After the banquet, I walked out of the hotel in a drunken state. Qiu Tong didn't follow me, but the chairman and Sun Dongkai gathered her, Boss Ping and a few Operating Departments leaders for a meeting tonight.    


I walked down the streets of Hsinghai in a flash. The smell of alcohol was dense, and as I looked at the couples that walked past, I suddenly felt desolate and lonely. I couldn't help but think of Dong Xue. Is she all right?    


Unconsciously, I walked to Dong Xue's building and looked up. Dong Xue's dorm window was lit.    


I stood in the shadows of the bushes below, staring at the window, and I felt a surge of concern for Dong Xue.    


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