Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C297 Very Happy

C297 Very Happy

0At this moment, a car suddenly stopped in front of the roadside company. I turned around and saw that it was Zhang Xiaotian's car, and the person in the car was Zhang Xiaotian.    


I could see him, but he couldn't see me because I was in the dark.    


It's already so late. What the fuck is this dog doing here?    


I pondered and raised my head. I saw the lights out in Dong Xue's dorm room window. After a while, I saw Dong Xue, dressed in flowery attire, carrying a small bag down the stairs and into the front seat of Zhang Xiaotian's car.    


Then, I saw the two of them sitting in the car talking and laughing, and Dong Xue laughing happily, and Zhang Xiaotian laughing proudly, and I even saw Zhang Xiaotian lifting his hand and making a gesture as if to stroke Dong Xue's hair on her forehead, but Dong Xue seemed to have no objection.    


Then, Zhang Xiaotian started the car and drove away.    


Damn, why did Zhang Xiaotian come to pick up Dong Xue so late at night? Where to go, what to do? Why were their actions so ambiguous and intimate? Why are you laughing so happily? A strong jealousy and jealousy rose in my heart, and a wave of pain came over me. Why did Dong Xue want to date Zhang Xiaotian? What did she want to do when she went out late at night?    


Instinctively, I rushed to the side of the road to catch a taxi. I wanted to know where they were going.    


But then I gave up because I was afraid of what I saw, and I couldn't imagine what I would actually find.    


Dong Xue is a free person, she doesn't have any relationship with me through contract or law. What she wants to do is her freedom, so even if I discover something, what can I do?    


I wanted to chase up and beat Zhang Xiaotian up, but what would happen to me if Dong Xue stopped me from scolding? Aren't I just trying to embarrass myself? Everything is voluntary between the two. Normal intercourse between the two isn't against the law and it isn't even against morality. Why should I beat up Zhang Xiaotian?    


At that moment, I didn't think much about it. My mind was full of random things, and I took it for granted that Dong Xue was really going to abandon me, that she was really going to find a new partner, that what I saw was a testament to it.    


Not only did Dong Xue look for someone else, she also looked for Zhang Xiaotian, the place of my death. Zhang Xiaotian always hated me about the cloud, and now that I'm with Dong Xue, it's the best way to take revenge on me.    


I don't understand why Dong Xue went out with Zhang Xiaotian so late. Why she was chatting and laughing with Zhang Xiaotian. She was so happy to see him. What's so good about Zhang Xiaotian? Was it because the CEO of a real estate company had a few lousy dollars? Was money really that important to Dong Xue?    


My whole body was shaking and I was on the verge of going crazy. I wanted to take a taxi and follow the other thought in my head, but it stopped my limbs so strongly that I felt like my brain was about to collapse. I couldn't bear to think too much.    


Seeing Zhang Xiaotian's Audi A6 disappear into the night, I bit down on my teeth and punched the tree trunk, feeling a great pain and helplessness in my heart. I stumbled aimlessly along the street and soon arrived at the beach.    


I ran crazily on the dark deserted beach, screaming and roaring at the sea breeze.    


When I was tired, exhausted, I laid down on the beach. The sea water was rising and the rising water was soaking my body. The water entered my mouth along with the sand …    


I did not move, allowing the water to gradually engulf me …    


Then I felt someone come up to me, and I reached out and began to push and pull, and the hands were so soft and warm...    


"Bro — Bro — hurry and get up, don't be like this, we're going to be flooded, hurry and get up —" It was Hai Zhu's voice, and Hai Zhu was screaming as she reached out to tug at me.    


It's Hai Zhu. Why is Hai Zhu here? I looked up and rolled onto my back, my ass in the water, and saw Hai Zhu's anxious, concerned face in the dim light of the night.    


"Hai Zhu — you — why are you here?" The water on my face ran down my face to the corner of my mouth. It was salty.    


"Don't ask first, get up first – come, get up, don't sit in the sea!" Hai Zhu pulled at me hard enough to drag her along with me. She sat down next to me on the beach, soaking wet.    


Hai Zhu's body leaned against mine, gasping for breath. She suddenly stopped talking and leaned her head against my shoulder, letting the water lick our bodies.    


Worried that Hai Zhu would catch a cold, I stood up and pulled Hai Zhu along. Hai Zhu also stood up.    


Just as I stood up, I was still intoxicated from the alcohol. My body swayed and almost fell down again. Hai Zhu immediately stretched out her arm to support my body. "Bro, you've stabilized yourself."    


I adjusted myself and stood still. Then I looked at Hai Zhu.    


In the darkness of the night, Hai Zhu's face was pale and her eyes shone brightly. "Don't ask anymore. Seeing that you've drunk too much, get drunk. Let's go, be obedient and go back first. "    


Hai Zhu's voice was very gentle, like an adult trying to coax a child.    


My cold, broken heart suddenly felt warm, and I followed Hai Zhu obediently.    


Hai Zhu carried me onto Coastal Avenue and twisted the water off her clothes. After a long time, she finally managed to find a taxi. When the taxi driver saw that both of us were covered with water, he refused to pull it away.    


"Aiya! What should we do? We finally managed to get a taxi, but we were not pulled!" Hai Zhu was so anxious that she stomped her feet. "You will catch a cold after staying out for so long —"    


"If you don't want to pull, then don't want to, let's walk back!" My body swayed, and I let out a breath of alcohol, and I started to move forward.    


At this moment, a deep voice came from behind him, "Get in —"    


Before I could turn around, I heard Hai Zhu's pleasantly surprised voice say, "Bro, there's a three-wheeled taxi."    


I didn't need to look back to know that this was Fourth Brother's tricycle. Fourth Brother always showed up when I needed him the most, just in time.    


Fourth Brother lived in the nearby jungle, it was very simple for him to appear.    


I turned around. Fourth Brother was riding a tricycle behind us, still wearing his straw hat.    


Hai Zhu did not know Fourth Brother, so she naturally did not know who he was. She happily said: "Master, you appeared too timely, my brother drank too much, we need to go back, to Wanda Plaza, okay?"    


"Please get in the car!" Fourth Brother said again.    


"Good — come on, brother, get in!" Hai Zhu helped me into the car. Hai Zhu and I sat down and said, "Let's go."    


Fourth Brother hit the bike hard and said: "Why do you drink so much?"    


Before I could reply, Hai Zhu hastily said, "Master, my brother is very happy today. He drank too much today. Don't worry, he won't vomit on your car."    


Soon, we arrived at my dormitory. Hai Zhu and I got off the car and Hai Zhu helped me stand up against a tree. Then, she prepared to pay Fourth Brother: "Master, how much is it?"    


As she asked, Hai Zhu realized that Fourth Brother's tricycle and Fourth Brother were both missing.    


"Aiya, the driver of this tricycle hasn't paid yet, how can you be so embarrassed? "How come he suddenly disappeared? He ran so fast …" Hai Zhu mumbled.    


I waved my hand at Hai Zhu. "Alright, don't worry about it. Tomorrow, I'll pay for the tricycle —"    


"You're giving it?" Do you know the tricycle driver? " Hai Zhu looked at me.    


"Why are you worrying so much?" I said snappily.    


Hai Zhu pouted her lips, suddenly reached out her hand to pinch my cheek and said angrily, "Why do you have to be so worried? "You damned big brother …"    



I was stunned. Hai Yang was really gutsy. She actually dared to reach out her hand to pinch my cheek and even called me a damned big brother.    


I stared blankly at Hai Zhu. Hai Zhu seemed to be shocked by what I had just done and was startled for a moment before she burst out laughing and grabbed my arm. "Alright, idiot, go up. The salt in the sea will form a knot on our bodies. We will become salted meat very soon."    


"It's good to have salted meat, eat it if it's dried." I muttered under my breath and went upstairs to the dormitory with Hai Zhu's help.    


As soon as I entered, I sat down on the sofa. Hai Zhu quickly pulled me up. "Don't, you can't get rid of the sofa after wetting it. Wait —"    


Hai Zhu pulled over a chair for me to sit on. I closed my eyes in a daze, and then I felt Hai Zhu begin to strip me.    


Hai Zhu's action was very quick. She quickly stripped off my outer clothes, and very quickly, only the end of my underwear remained on my body.    


I shook my head and opened my eyes. I looked at my almost naked body, at the bulge on the bottom of the triangle, and at Hai Zhu's blushing face. I suddenly felt extremely uneasy and ashamed.    


Just then, the hot water rushed to his head, and the aftereffects of the alcohol started to rise again. I drank too much today, damn, I have never drunk so much alcohol before, and this alcohol is quite energetic, even more so than the flower sculpting wine from Ningzhou.    


Besides, I was in a bad mood tonight, and the alcohol was even stronger. I had just washed up for a short while when I suddenly felt that my head was heavy, as if I had been completely drugged, and my body had become very weak. I couldn't help but sit down under the shower in the bathroom and lean against the wall, losing consciousness.    


I don't know how long it took, but I felt a faint movement of hands on my body. The warm shower was washing over me, and they were smearing something on my body.    


I forcefully opened my eyes and was shocked. Hai Zhu was squatting in front of me, blushing from embarrassment. She bit her lips and was applying some liquid on my naked body!    


When I opened my eyes, Hai Zhu "Ahh!" she screamed, jumped to her feet, and ran out of the bathroom.    


I was also surprised and hurriedly stood up. Looking at my body full of liquid, I realized that I must have fallen asleep just now. Hai Zhu was worried that I would be able to bathe myself, so when she saw me like this, she helped me to bathe.    


I'm naked, but Hai Zhu isn't afraid to see my body. She actually mustered up her courage to bathe me. This girl, ai …    


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