Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C208 Jiangyue Village

C208 Jiangyue Village

0Soon we reached Cang Nan and changed into a bus to go to a small town. Then we rented a tricycle and drove back on the winding mountain roads to our destination at the seaside — Jiangyue Village.    


After getting off the tricycle, I looked at the mountains and pines by the sea, feeling a little lost. There were no villages here, just a lush forest of pine trees, and the sound of pine trees being blown by the sea breeze could be heard.    


"This is Jiangyue Village?" I asked the tricycle driver.    


"Yes. Before, this was a fishing village, but later on, it was destroyed by a typhoon. The entire village died, and later on, it was rebuilt. Now, there's only one family left here, and that's a small school." With that, the tricycle driver left.    


Qiu Tong and I stood by the side of the road, staring blankly at the vegetable patch on the side of the road and the pine forest in the distance. In the depths of the pine forest, the roof of a small white building could be faintly seen.    


We walked slowly along the field trail, and there was no one to be seen. There was a hill nearby, and on it were a few lonely tombs, all of which were surrounded by brilliant red blotches.    


At a fork in the road, just as we were about to turn, a woman descended from the hill and walked in our direction.    


As the woman drew closer, I began to see her face and figure.    


Looking at this woman, I was stunned. Although she was dressed plainly, she was astonishingly beautiful with her short hair that fell to her ears, and between her brows, she exuded a noble and refined aura. There was also the charm and grace of a mature woman. A truly beautiful young woman who looked to be around 35 to 6 years old.    


In this forest deep in the mountains, in this desolate coastal forest, there was actually such a breathtaking beauty. I was stunned.    


Qiu Tong, who was behind me, seemed to be stunned. After a long time, I heard her muttering from behind, "Jiang Nan is really full of beauties. I didn't expect to see them here."    


The beautiful woman was holding a cluster of fiery red Ying Shan red, it was obvious that she had just come from the mountains. When she saw us, she was slightly startled, but then she smiled and nodded at us, and then she turned around, passing by us, heading straight for the white house in the depths of the pine forest.    


I looked back at Qiu Tong. Qiu Tong nodded to me and said, "Follow me!"    


Qiu Tong and I entered the pine forest and walked along a small path. The woman didn't seem to notice us as she walked by herself.    


In the pine forest on both sides of the path, broken walls could be seen from time to time, as if telling of the disaster caused by the typhoon.    


I couldn't help but feel a little heavy in my heart. A typhoon had actually destroyed a village, that was scary!    


We continued to follow the woman, making our way up and down the pine trail until we reached the white building. Then we saw the woman disappear around the corner of the building.    


At this time, I saw a stone tablet next to the building. Surprisingly, the words "Jiangyue Village" were written on it.    


As we walked on, we saw that in front of the building was a small courtyard surrounded by thick pine branches. In the yard was a flagpole with a red five-star flag fluttering in the wind.    


Without a doubt, this was a school, but he didn't hear the sound of students reading. I remembered now that today was the weekend.    


We walked around to the entrance of the courtyard, which was a wooden raft made of pine trunks, half open, and in the middle of the yard was a weeping willow of some age, under which was a stone table, where a middle-aged man of thirty-five or six was sitting with his head bent over a book, and the beautiful young woman was standing in the hall on the first floor, poking the reds she had picked into a vase.    


The small courtyard appeared exceptionally quiet and warm and harmonious.    


Qiu Tong and I looked at each other. I gently pushed open the door. "Creak —" The sound startled them, and they raised their heads and turned to look at us.    


The middle-aged man looked at us, then at the woman. "Sis, did they come with you?"    


The woman shook her head, "No, I just met them. I thought they were here to play and didn't know they were here for us."    


The middle-aged man nodded, then stood up and looked at Qiu Tong and me. "Excuse me, you —"    


When the man stood up, I saw that he was quite tall, with a well-proportioned body, a very strong skeleton, and a very handsome face. His calm, heavy face was filled with the vicissitudes of time, making him look very mature.    


Then the woman walked up to the man, took his arm, and snuggled close to him, looking at us.    


Qiu Tong immediately introduced herself as me and her, explaining the reason for our visit. After Qiu Tong finished speaking, the man and the woman looked at each other. The woman smiled at the man, but didn't say anything.    


The man looked at Qiu Tong and me. He was silent for a while, then walked over and extended his hand to shake our hands, and lightly said: "Since you two are guests, we welcome to Jiangyue Village. My name is Jiang Feng, and this is my wife, Liu Yue. Please come in and have a seat. "    


As we spoke, Jiang Feng invited us in.    


Liu Yue, on the other hand, was quite cordial. She gestured for us to sit at the stone table while she said, "Feng, accompany the guests to their seats. I'll go make some tea."    


Qiu Tong and I sat down. Liu Yue quickly made tea and served Qiu Tong and me. Then she sat down beside Jiang Feng and smiled at Qiu Tong and me.    


"You guys are quite good at finding, actually finding this place!" Jiang Feng handed me a cigarette, lit it himself and took a puff.    


I took a drag of my cigarette and looked at Jiang Feng: "Big Brother Jiang, Sister Liu, Boss Qiu and I are from the River, so we went to the Wenzhou Daily to study and manage. We overheard about your affairs by chance, so we are here to seek advice."    


After that, Qiu Tong explained everything to the Vice President of Wenzhou. After hearing Qiu Tong finish, Liu Yue and Jiang Feng both laughed. Jiang Feng looked at Liu Yue and said: "Sis, we have become reclusive masters, hehe …"    


Liu Yue glanced at Jiang Feng warmly and said, "Feng, Master is you. I am not a woman, I can just be a housewife."    


Jiang Feng shook his head, then looked at us and said: "I'm not an expert, the true expert is my wife. Back then, I learned how to manage businesses from her … She's my teacher at enlightenment. "    


Qiu Tong and I looked at Liu Yue together. Liu Yue stroked her hair and said, "Hehe, to be honest, we have already left the government and the newspaper industry for more than 10 years, and I only have an old idea about the management of the newspaper industry in my mind. I don't know much about the management of the newspaper industry in this new situation, so I can't keep up with the situation.    


Liu Yue's words were very sincere and she didn't seem to be taking it seriously at all.    


I felt that Liu Yue's words made sense. I looked at Qiu Tong, and she seemed to think so as well. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and Qiu Tong seemed to be the same.    


At this moment, Jiang Feng said: "Ah, the world has changed. Back then, the Hsinghai Daily newspaper became a Media Group newspaper and the development was really fast. Indeed, we do not know much about the outside world."    


Qiu Tong stared fixedly at Liu Yue. "Sister Liu, do you feel happy living here?"    


Liu Yue looked at Jiang Feng and smiled, "Sister, what do you think?"    


Qiu Tong pursed her lips but didn't say anything.    


I felt it was time to go. I had nothing to say.    


Jiang Feng then looked at us and said, "Is it a pleasure to have friends from afar? You two have traveled a long way and are our former companions. You can consider yourself destined to be here. Since you have come to our humble abode, you might as well come down here and have a casual meal. "    


I was just worrying that I couldn't find a suitable reason for me to stay. Hearing Jiang Feng's words, I was overjoyed and immediately nodded in agreement. Qiu Tong also showed a happy expression.    


Jiang Feng looked at Liu Yue: "Sis, chat with the customer, I'll go get some dishes."    


Liu Yue said, "Feng, you accompany the guest. I'll go get it!"    


"Hey — look at you, why aren't you obedient?" Jiang Feng stood up and patted Liu Yue's shoulder affectionately. "You are the leader and I am your subordinate. How can I let you cook yourself?"    



"F * ck you — —" Liu Yue smirked as she reached out her hand to hit Jiang Feng's arm, revealing a happy expression.    


Jiang Feng went to the kitchen with a smile. Liu Yue sat down to drink tea with us.    


Seeing the intimate episode between Jiang Feng and Liu Yue, Qiu Tong's face showed an envious expression. I also felt that my heart was very warm.    


Then, Liu Yue started to chat with us, asking us about our group's operations and Issuing Company. Qiu Tong introduced them in a very detailed manner, not only introducing the current distribution measures and current situation, but also discussing the problems that existed in her mind.    


Liu Yue listened attentively and nodded from time to time.    


"Sister Liu, we really want to hear your suggestion. We're here with all our hearts!" Qiu Tong sincerely said, "Since you're in the newspaper business, you're a senior and I'm a junior, so you must have a lot of experience."    


Liu Yue looked at Qiu Tong with a thoughtful expression, then looked back at me. She didn't say anything.    


Very quickly, Jiang Feng prepared a few local specialties and carried them onto the table. A fragrant smell wafted into the air.    


Qiu Tong and I greatly appreciated Jiang Feng's craftsmanship. Jiang Feng smiled as he looked at Liu Yue, then said to us: "This is all thanks to Master Liu's help."    


Liu Yue smiled and said to Jiang Feng, "Boss, thank you for your hard work. Come, sit, let me pour some wine for you."    


Liu Yue opened a bottle of Maotai Wine and poured wine for us, saying, "I've kept this bottle for a long time and haven't had the heart to drink it. Today, we have a guest."    


At this time, Qiu Tong looked around and said, "Brother Jiang, Sister Liu, is there only the two of you in your home?"    


Liu Yue said, "Of course not. It's the weekend and the students have all gone home. Other than the couple, there's also my father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as a daughter and son. My father-in-law and grandma took their son to visit their old home in the North. Their daughter is studying outside."    


I nodded and said, "It seems that Sister Liu is not as old as Brother Jiang. Brother Jiang actually called Sister Liu elder sister, hur hur …"    


Hearing what I said, Jiang Feng and Liu Yue both laughed. Jiang Feng raised his glass and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. Come, let's drink!"    


So we drank together.    


Jiang Feng and Liu Yue are both very straightforward drinking. Of course, Qiu Tong and I are also very straightforward. While we were drinking and chatting, we all felt that our temperaments were very compatible and that we could negotiate well.    


Before I knew it, it was getting dark. Liu Yue turned on the lamp hanging from the willow tree. We continued to sit under the willow tree and drink our wine. We chatted and laughed merrily.    


With one bottle of Maotai gone, Liu Yue went into the house and took out another bottle. Everyone continued to drink.    


The sea breeze blew gently, and the sound of the distant waves could be faintly heard. The pine forest was filled with rustling sounds …    


Liu Yue and Qiu Tong were tipsy and their faces were flushed. Jiang Feng and I were both in high spirits and Jiang Feng's alcohol capacity was definitely not any lower than mine.    


As I spoke, I could not suppress the intense curiosity I had been suppressing, and asked them why they were living in seclusion.    


I looked at Qiu Tong. Although she didn't say anything, her expression seemed to be even more curious than mine.    


Liu Yue looked at Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng smiled and looked at Qiu Tong and me: "This is a long story."    


Following that, Jiang Feng and Liu Yue briefly narrated their experiences.    


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