Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C201 Leadership Instructions

C201 Leadership Instructions

0Half an hour later, Qiu Tong stood up and said, "Let's go to the leadership room to receive orders!"    


Qiu Tong and I went upstairs to Sun Dongkai's room. When we reached the door, Qiu Tong said to me, "You go in first!"    


I understood, so I knocked on the door.    


Just as he knocked on the door, he heard Sun Dongkai's impatient voice: "Come in, quickly come in —"    


I pushed the door open and went in. I saw Sun Dongkai sitting on the sofa in his pajamas and slippers, smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed.    


Seeing that it was me, Sun Dongkai was stunned. He stood up and asked, "Why is it you?"    


I said, "Boss Qiu is at the door right now. Let me listen to it together, then we can get the speech together!"    


Sun Dongkai grunted unhappily. Seeing that I was staring at his outfit, he uncomfortably shook his body and said: "You go out first, I'll change!"    


I stepped back, closing the door behind me. I glanced at Qiu Tong, who had a cold smile on her face.    


After a while, Sun Dongkai said, "Come in."    


This time, Sun Dongkai's voice sounded dejected and lost. Qiu Tong and I went in and he had already put on his clothes and was sitting on the sofa with a serious expression.    


Therefore, we began to talk about the speech, mainly listening to Sun Dongkai's instructions.    


Sun Dongkai spoke without hesitation, then said: "That's it, you guys go and get it."    


Obviously, Sun Dongkai was no longer in the mood.    


Qiu Tong and I stood up, excused ourselves, and went downstairs.    


After we went downstairs, Qiu Tong said to me, "Yi Ke, why don't you accompany me for a walk around the city?"    


I naturally agreed, so I took a taxi and drove directly to the city.    


"Where do you want to go to the city?" I asked Qiu Tong.    


"Tianyi Square, City God Temple!" Qiu Tong said.    


"Alright, it's very convenient to play with these two places side by side!" "No," I said.    


"How do you know?" Qiu Tong asked, looking at me.    


"Didn't I come here with Boss Lee before?" "No," I replied.    


Qiu Tong nodded.    


Thus, the taxi went straight to the city's Tianyi Square realm.    


Reaching the Tianyi Square, Qiu Tong seemed to be in no mood to stroll around the scenery. She quickly walked along the plaza's edge, looking at the scenery around her.    


I followed Qiu Tong and watched her walk up to the small building where I used to work.    


The lights in my former office building were out by now and they were all off duty.    


The place where I used to operate now belongs to Duan Xiangloong.    


"It should be here." Qiu Tong muttered to herself.    


"Here what?" I stood behind Qiu Tong and asked. Qiu Tong's body trembled as she turned around to look at me. Her eyes flickered for a moment before she said, "It's nothing." Then he turned and continued to watch, as if he wanted to see something.    


After looking at it for a long time, Qiu Tong sighed. "Let's go to the City God Temple!"    


At this time, the temple of the city's god, filled with tourists, bright lights, bustling with noise and excitement. From a distance, I could see the distinctive neon sign of 2046 nearby, glowing in the night sky. People were coming and going in front of the bar, and customers were flocking to and fro in front of it.    


"Yi Ke, let's go have some snacks!" Qiu Tong seemed to be in the mood to eat.    


We tasted several kinds of snacks with the flavor of Ningzhou together. Qiu Tong ate with relish and praised them endlessly.    


Then, we continued to stroll, unknowingly to 2046 bar door, Qiu Tong suddenly wanted to go in to see.    


As soon as he entered the door, deafening, fast-paced music filled his ears. It had a murky smell of smoke, wine, perfume, and an indescribable smell.    


Inside, the lights were blurred and people were moving around, men were shaking their heads, and women with their hair hanging down were swaying to the music.    


We took a seat and asked for two bottles of water. I looked around and didn't see anyone I knew.    


From time to time, heavily made-up girls walked past us, some alone, some with their arms around each other's shoulders, others being led away by a man.    


I understand that the bar is equipped with a seatgirl who offers special services for the guests.    


Lee Shun had opened up a lot of resources in the Ningzhou and made the special services industry sound and sound.    


Qiu Tong sat there for a while, looking left and right. After a long time, she waved at me before standing up and walking out.    


Outside, I took a breath of fresh air.    


"Where else do you want to go?" I asked Qiu Tong.    


Qiu Tong looked up at the night sky and said, "Go back!"    


So, we took a taxi back, on the way, Qiu Tong said: "2046 was driven by Lee Shun?"    


Qiu Tong guessed it and I nodded. "Yes!"    


"Smoky, foul, filthy!" Qiu Tong said.    


I didn't say anything.    


Qiu Tong sighed heavily. Her voice was filled with helplessness and disappointment, as well as endless grief.    


"Boss Qiu, what happened to you?" "No," I said.    



"Nothing, I'm tired!" Qiu Tong said tiredly, rubbing her forehead with her right hand.    


When he returned to the hotel, it was already close to 11 o'clock.    


Before he could enter the hotel lobby, he heard loud shouts and the sound of things being smashed. It seemed like there were people fighting inside.    


We walked in, stunned.    


The lobby was a mess. Inside, seven or eight young men were beating up the two hotel security guards with short iron rods. The two security guards rolled around in the lobby with their hands on their heads. The security guards were hitting them with iron rods, and some even kicked them in the head, causing the security guards to scream out in pain.    


Next to them stood a beautiful woman in her thirties, holding a cigarette in her hand, jumping and shouting at the top of her lungs, "Hit... Hit... Hit... Hit... These two immoral things to death. My girl dared to stop them when she was doing business here, it's obvious that she doesn't want to give Boss Lee face... "F * ck you, let's see who dares to call the police and who dares to hit me, even crippling him."    


This woman was quite rampant. Even though there were so many people here, she actually dared to come to a five-star hotel and beat them up.    


The surrounding customers all hid far away to watch, the waiters in front of the service counter were all scared to the point of trembling, a few timid attendants screamed out in fear, no one dared to take out their phone to call the police.    


Qiu Tong was so scared that she grabbed my arm. Her hands were trembling as she kept saying, "What's going on? What's going on?"    


I pushed Qiu Tong out of the lobby door. "Stay away from here and be careful of your safety. Don't come over here!"    


Then I went back into the lobby.    


As I stared at the scene of the fight, I unhesitatingly took out my cell phone to call the police. Just as I was about to dial the number, I noticed two familiar faces among the assailants.    


In an instant, I changed my mind, put down the phone, and shouted at the group, "Stop —"    


My voice was so loud that the whole lobby could hear it.    


That group of people also seemed to be startled and stopped their attacks.    


I walked over and said, "Er Zi, Xiao Wu, what are you doing?"    


Er Zi and Xiao Wu seemed to be surprised to see me here, they wiped the sweat off their faces, pointed to the two guards covered in blood on the ground and said, "These two dogs are courting death, our Miss came here to visit a guest. They didn't let us know the guest's last name because they said the room number, so they didn't let us go upstairs and chased Miss away. "Well, the two of us will bring people to teach these two ungrateful people a lesson."    


So that's how it is, a typical five-star hotel was like this. If a single woman who wasn't staying in the hotel wanted to come in, the security guard saw that if that woman was like Miss Qian, she would usually ask who she was looking for and if not who the room number was, then she wasn't allowed to enter.    


The purpose of this was to ensure the safety of the guests, as well as to prevent the entrance of foreign ladies and protect the interests of the hotel's Miss.    


As for those who worked as security guards in hotels, they were generally able to see the Miss's identity and she usually carried her own unique temperament.    


He didn't know which customer was Fool, but the hotel's young lady insisted on looking for someone from outside.    


However, this also meant that Lee Shun's business was getting bigger and bigger, his fame was getting higher and higher, and his customer range was getting wider and wider. Sure enough, as Qin Xiaobing had said, the tentacles of special services almost covered the entire Ningzhou of high-end hotels.    


"You guys are too ridiculous, how can you do this!?" Hurry up and stop! " "No," I said.    


"Brother Yi, you better not interfere in this matter. This is also a need for us to survive and develop Ningzhou, it's a need for us to fight our way out of this place. If we don't teach these two a lesson, they won't know how powerful we are, and this will affect our future business!" This is called killing an example. " Er Zi looked at me indifferently: "We are all working for Boss Lee, and they all follow Boss Lee's orders."    


Just as Er Zi finished his sentence, Xiao Wu shouted again: "Fight — keep fighting — Fight to the death —"    


The group then began to slap their faces again. The security guard let out another series of screams and rolled on the ground.    


I was about to extend my hand to stop him when Er Zi turned around and stood in front of me, blocking my way. He said with a gloomy face, "Brother Yi — Brother, I don't want to fall out with you here, nor do I want to make Boss Lee angry. Be a smart person, okay?"    


I don't plan to listen to Er Zi's warning. Just as I was about to push Er Zi away, a sharp and angry shout came from behind: "Stop — —"    


I didn't need to turn around to know it was Qiu Tong's voice.    


Qiu Tong must have recognized Er Zi and Xiao Wu and stepped forward when she saw that my persuasion was ineffective.    


When Er Zi saw Qiu Tong, his expression changed drastically. He hurriedly told Xiao Wu and the others to stop. When Xiao Wu saw Qiu Tong, his entire body shuddered and he hurriedly ran over.    


"What are you doing? You are too lawless! "You —" Qiu Tong looked angrily at Er Zi and Xiao Wu. Her face was pale and her fingers were trembling.    


Before Er Zi and Xiao Wu could say anything, the gorgeous woman who was scolding just now came over. She rushed in front of Qiu Tong and pointed at Qiu Tong's face, cursing, "Where did this cunning fox come from?! "Are you here to sell too? You want to steal my business? I'll strip you of your clothes first …"    


Without a doubt, this was Lee Shun's subordinate, the manager, Miss Chicken. She was a ferocious shrew. Her words were shameless, shameless, dirty, and arrogant.    


"Pa ~ ~" before the chicken head could finish his words, Er Zi's expression changed. He suddenly raised his hand and viciously slapped her.    


After being slapped by Er Zi, the chicken's head fell onto the ground. It lay there for a while, almost losing its breath, before recovering. It held its swollen cheek and sat on the ground, looking at Er Zi in fear.    


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