Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C122 Advertising Prints

C122 Advertising Prints

0As I stood there, watching, I caught a glimpse of a beautifully printed promotional pamphlet falling from the newspaper. I helped to pick it up. At the same time, I glanced at it and saw that it was an advertisement for a seafood restaurant. It was printed in an exquisite manner.    


"What is this? Was it specifically delivered by you? " I asked the deliveryman.    


"DM, this is part of the delivery required in the newspaper!" the delivery man said.    


"What's DM?" I repeated, looking at the deliveryman. "Other than the paper clips, are there other ways of delivering them?"    


"DM is just an advertisement printed product. They usually go directly to a specific customer base by post according to the customer's request. Some of them even post them in the newspaper." The delivery man smiled and said, "This is a way for us to make extra money outside of our main business. We can also increase our income a little when we deliver newspapers."    


I stood there thinking for a long time.    


At the same time, I thought of Qiu Tong's Issuing Company. I thought of the hundreds of thousands of different newspapers that were delivered every day, I thought of the self-run distribution network that covers every corner of the entire city, and I thought of the next step of Issuing Company's work …    


I shook my head thoughtfully and walked slowly back to the ward.    


Back in my room, I massaged the clouds and kept thinking...    


At 5 p.m., I picked up Hai Zhu at the airport. Before leaving, I decided on the spur of the moment to have a romantic time and buy a bunch of flowers.    


The Ningzhou plane landed at the airport on time. After a while, Hai Zhu appeared at the exit. From afar, Hai Zhu saw me from the crowd and excitedly waved at me.    


After Hai Zhu came out, I passed the fresh flowers to her. "Miss Hai Zhu, Hsinghai welcomes you, and welcomes you to Hsinghai —"    


"Wow, that's amazing, beautiful flowers, so romantic." Hai Zhu took the flowers and lowered her head to take a deep breath. She looked up at me and blinked her bright big eyes. "Brother, you're so nice. Thank you …" I really like the flowers you gave me. These flowers will forever bloom in my heart and will never wither. "    


Feeling relieved, I took the luggage from Hai Zhu's hands and led her out to the place where I had parked the car.    


When they got to the car, Hai Zhu looked at it and said, "Bro, did you buy a car here?"    


"No, it's from the company!" As I spoke, I put my luggage in the trunk, opened the front door of the car, bent down, and gestured: "Miss Hai Zhu, please get in!"    


"Hee hee …" "Brother, how are you …" Hai Zhu smiled as she got into the car. I got in, started the car, and headed downtown.    


"Brother, where are we going now?" Hai Zhu asked me on the way.    


"I'll arrange a place for you to stay!" I said as I drove.    


"Oh …" "Then where do I live?" Hai Zhu said.    


"Since I'm at the Hsinghai, of course I want to stay in my dorm, my dorm!" As I spoke, I began to think about my plan again.    


Hai Zhu's face flushed. She let out a soft "Ah" before lowering her head in silence. She seemed very shy and a little nervous. Her hands were twisted together on her knees.    


I inadvertently saw Hai Zhu's appearance and said, "Hai Zhu, what happened to you? Won't you stay with me? My conditions are pretty good. The dorms provided by the company aren't much worse than a four-star hotel... If you see it, you can guarantee that you'll be satisfied. "    


Hai Zhu lowered her head without a word, her face blushing even more deeply.    


I felt a little strange and didn't think much about it. "If you don't like to stay in my dorm, then you can stay in a hotel. I'll take you to a hotel."    


I had just finished speaking when Hai Zhu looked up and blurted out, "Don't – don't – don't – don't go to the hotel, and …" Or go to your place... Stay... "In your dorm."    


Hai Zhu stuttered as she spoke. There was a hint of nervousness and expectation in her voice. After she finished speaking, she lowered her head even more.    


Looking at Hai Zhu's expression, I suddenly realized something. I couldn't help but want to laugh. What was this girl thinking?    


After we arrived at Wanda Plaza and parked the car, I brought Hai Zhu to my dorm.    


Upon entering, Hai Zhu cried out in alarm, "Ya-ge, this house is so big and beautiful. You're living in such a big room by yourself …"    


I said, "That's right. How is it? It's not worse than a hotel, right? Hehe …." Here, let me tell you, this is the master bedroom and this is the guest room. "    


Hai Zhu followed me around the room and kept nodding her head. It's just that the room is a little messy, haven't you cleaned up in a long time? "    


I haven't been back since I left the dorm with Zhang Xiaotian. Zhang Xiaotian and Xiao Wu have been living here for more than a day, so the room is indeed a bit messy.    


I smiled. "I've been waiting for you to come and clean up."    


After saying that, I picked up the quilt from the bed in my bedroom, tore off the quilt, threw it on the sofa, opened the closet, took out a brand-new quilt, took out a new quilt and threw it on the bed. Will you stay in this room tonight? "    


Hai Zhu nodded with a reddened face and said in a low voice, "Mhmm …"    


Then, just as Hai Zhu was about to clean up the room, I stopped her. "Don't pack up anymore, you can come back tonight. You must be hungry. Go out and eat first. I'll take you to the bar to play …" There's still a lot of time tonight. "    


Hai Zhu obediently answered.    


So, I took Hai Zhu out to eat. I didn't drive, I took a taxi out to the Korean barbecue shop Qiu Tong took me to last time. I treated Hai Zhu to a unique Korean barbecue.    


After dinner, I took Hai Zhu to the 39 ° Bar and ordered drinks. I drank with Hai Zhu in the fast-paced music and the psychedelic lights, feeling the pleasure and excitement of the music while simultaneously releasing my exhausted mind and body...    


Hai Zhu was in high spirits. Her body was swaying with the music, and she had a happy and happy smile on her face.    


While I drank, I observed the interior of the bar and the occasional visitor...    


That night, I had a good time with Hai Zhu. When we got out of the 39 ° Bar, I took Hai Zhu to the other three DJ bars and drank a lot and danced around for a while.    


Hai Zhu's little face was flushed from drinking, and she wore a happy smile. Was it because she was a bit shy again?    


We played until midnight before we finished and returned back to Wanda Plaza's dorm.    


"Alright, Hai Zhu, let's put an end to tonight's trip. Tomorrow, I'll bring you to the main road of the beach to have a look at the forest and the sea." I said to Hai Zhu, "Now, prepare to sleep. You can take a bath."    


"Mm …" Hai Zhu's face was flushed red as she answered with a low voice. Her ample chest heaved up and down, but she still stood there unmoving. Her expression showed that she was slightly nervous.    


I went to the bedroom to find a set of pajamas and gave them to Hai Zhu. "This is a brand-new pajamas, mine. I haven't worn it yet. After you take a shower, you can go to sleep."    


"No, no." Hai Zhu lowered her head and muttered shyly, "I …" I've got my own pajamas, these pajamas, or you... "Wear it."    


I said, "I won't wear it. Since you have your own pajamas, I'll put them back!"    


"You … If you don't wear it, then... Then I won't... "I won't wear it anymore." Hai Zhu's voice was so low I could barely hear her.    



I said, "Well, what does it matter if I don't wear it? You should still wear what you should wear. "    


"Mm …"    


"Alright, go wash up and sleep. I'm leaving!" I said, "Close the door and get a good night's sleep."    


"Ah —" Hai Zhu looked up at me in surprise. "Brother — you …" You want to go? Where are you going? "    


"I …" I hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'm going to work for the night shift!"    


"Oh …" Hai Zhu nodded and said somewhat dejectedly, "So …" "So you're not staying here tonight."    


"Yes," I said. Are you afraid to live alone? "    


"Mm …" "A bit."    


"Don't be afraid, this place is well managed and very safe. The property guards downstairs will be on duty 24 hours a day. Close the door, and my phone will be open anytime. If you need anything, just call me." I smiled and said, "Such a big person and you're still afraid? Not ashamed? "    


Hai Zhu smiled embarrassedly. Her expression was clearly disappointed as she said, "Then …" Brother... "Go ahead."    


"Have a good night's sleep. I'll bring back breakfast in the morning." "No," I said.    


Hai Zhu nodded. She bit her lips and pouted slightly.    


Thus, I left the dormitory and headed straight for Cloud's hospital room.    


Sitting at the head of the cloud bed, I watch the clouds, accompany them, switch on the computer, and begin to type crazily.    


After three hours of furiously tapping the keyboard, the initial success of the bar marketing plan, and the modification, it was already four in the morning.    


I heaved a sigh of relief. The three plans had been completed.    


But, I don't want to give the solution to Lee Shun right away. I don't want Lee Shun to know that I completed it so quickly.    


I knew that if I completed the mission too early, Lee Shun would then arrange for other tasks for me to do. It would be difficult for me to escape from Qiu Tong and go with Liao Liao.    


I intend to give Lee Shun another plan before the Spring Festival, so that the days before the Spring Festival, I have sufficient reasons to freely arrange the time.    


After turning off the computer, I continued to massage the clouds. As I pressed and pressed, sleepiness came over me. Unknowingly, I fell asleep beside the clouds …    


In my dreams, I dreamed of Dong Xue. I dreamed of her intimate relationship with Duan Xiangloong. I dreamed of her scowling at me as she entered the gate of the East Lake Garden …    


My heart is as sharp as a knife.    


I dreamt of Hai Zhu. I dreamed of Hai Zhu and I walking together in the evening in the Hsinghai Square, arm in arm. I dreamt of Hai Zhu and me drinking and dancing in the bar …    


I felt warm and comfortable.    


Then, I dreamed of Qiu Tong. I dreamed of Qiu Tong and me galloping through the snow-covered Horqin Plains, of Qiu Tong's moving face and smiling face …    


I was tender and grateful.    


She suddenly woke up and saw the clouds sleeping under the warm room's soft light …    


When he woke up, everything was in vain!    


Rubbing his eyes, he got up and opened the curtain. It was already dawn.    


Looking at the time, it was 8 in the morning.    




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