Peerless CEO Falls In Love With Me

C134 Good News for Good

C134 Good News for Good

0The sister-in-law looked hurt and said unhappily: "Big Brother, why are you so focused on money? We don't have much money, but we can't accept your compensation either. Fortunately, he still told me that if my father-in-law heard, he would definitely be furious and would definitely not take you with him. The biggest characteristic of us prairie people is that we are hospitable and straightforward. "    


Sister-in-law's words made me a little ashamed, my face was burning, and I was a little touched at the same time. I couldn't help but think of the kind and simple Yun family.    


Qiu Tong looked at my embarrassment and couldn't help laughing out loud.    


When my sister-in-law took the child to the bathroom, Qiu Tong happily followed me and said, "Yi Ke, we are in line with the old saying, good people get good rewards."    


I nodded. "Yeah!"    


"Well — I've never been on a horse- drawn plow before. It must feel great to ride on a plow across the endless snowy plains!" Qiu Tong said with an expression of longing and excitement.    


Qiu Tong's words made me feel excited.    


Around 10 am, we arrived in Tongliao, then took the bus through the snow for two hours, arriving at Sister-in-law's house.    


At her house, we were warmly received by her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Her father-in-law was Mongolian, a tall, sturdy man with a long beard on his chin and a bronze face that was weathered from age. He must have been a valiant Mongolian man when he was young. Although his elder sister-in-law's Mandarin was harsh, it did not hinder communication.    


Sitting on the hot brick bed in Sister-in-law's house, Qiu Tong and I drank sweet mare's milk, drank plain cheese, and ate a delicious meal of lamb with our hands.    


Qiu Tong and I call my eldest sister-in-law's father-in-law Uncle, he answered frankly, his beard rising and falling on his chin.    


While Qiu Tong and I were eating, Eldest Uncle had already put on his climbing plow and was ready to go.    


Before leaving, Qiu Tong felt a bit guilty. She took out two bottles of Red Star Second Head and gave them to her uncle, who accepted them happily.    


Then Eldest Uncle told Qiu Tong and I to sit on the plow, and when we were seated, he took out two thick blankets and wrapped them around us to protect us from the cold.    


"This is wolf fur felt, made from wolf fur that I beat up myself in my early years." Eldest Uncle said to Qiu Tong and me in stiff Chinese.    


I couldn't help but to feel a sense of respect for my uncle. I could almost see my uncle galloping across the prairie to hunt for wolves …    


She looked at Qiu Tong with the same awed expression as me.    


"Well, girl, young man, sit still, we're going to go —" Uncle sat in front of us and waved his whip. "Pah!" A crisp sound exploded in the air, and the two horses scrambled forward, and our plow began to glide rapidly through the snow, heading for the vast expanse of the snowy plain.    


There was no sign of a path in the snowy prairie, and the snow covered all traces of the grassland, except for the white, or the white, or the dark sky, or the endless silver-white world. There were no buildings or trees around us, only our plows moving in the snow.    


The wilderness was very quiet. Aside from the whistling of the wind, there was the rhythmic sound of hooves …    


Eldest Uncle was very familiar with the terrain of the roads as he rode the plow towards the vast horizon.    


I looked at Qiu Tong, who was looking around with a mixture of joy and novelty.    


"Hey, hey, hey, hey     


Qiu Tong and I were attracted by Eldest Uncle's voice. We looked forward and listened to his high-pitched singing.    


"Horses on the prairie, gallop at a fast speed!" The eagles in the sky are flying fast, I'm following them closely on the prairie... The happy flowers are blooming, the person in my heart is waiting for me to return... My dear beautiful lady, don't worry, your family is returning home. " Eldest Uncle's loud voice echoed through the wilderness.    


Eldest Uncle's Chinese was not very fluent, but when he started to sing in Chinese, the pronunciation was exceptionally clear and smooth.    


Qiu Tong and I listened attentively. The song sounded very touching, even a little desolate and sad.    


Qiu Tong listened with rapt attention, her face showing signs of being moved. Even the corners of her eyes were sparkling.    


At this moment, I deeply understand, there are countless moved in life, but, there is a kind of moved called vicissitudes, and a kind of moved called kindness.    


When the sky was about to turn dark, we finally arrived at Yunduo Family. Right now, this herdsman lived in the new village peacefully, without a trace of human life. From the small lights shining through the window, we could see that the herdsmen were all at home.    


The smoke from the chimney on the roof told us that we were all cooking dinner.    


The snowstorm was still raging, and the cold wind was howling through the gaps between the houses.    


In front of Yunduo Family Gate, Eldest Uncle reined his horse's reins. "Shh —" He climbed up and stopped in front of Yunduo Family Gate.    


The lights were on in the Yunduo Family, and smoke was rising from the chimneys on the roof.    


"Here we are," Eldest Uncle said as he jumped off the plow and turned to us, slapping the snow off his body.    


Qiu Tong and I began to climb down the plow and unpack our luggage.    


Eldest Uncle strode forward quickly towards the Yunduo Family entrance, taking the lead and shouted heartily as he walked: "Old Brother, there's a guest at home — a VIP coming — —"    


At my uncle's call, the door opened and Cloud's parents appeared in the doorway. When they saw us, they were stunned for a moment.    


As soon as I entered the room, I could feel the warmth of the fire burning in the middle of the room.    


"Hey — — Boss Qiu, Yi, you... Why did you guys suddenly come? "Look at the snow." Yunduo's Mother said happily as she asked us to sit down and pour some hot milk tea.    


"Aunt, we were on a business trip with Liao, and it just so happens that we came to visit you two elders!" Qiu Tong said to Yunduo's Mother with a smile, then pointed to her uncle. "It's snowing heavily, we can't find the way, it's all thanks to uncle bringing us here …" Uncle's house is by the road. "    


"Come, old brother — smoke a cigarette — you've worked hard on this snowy day!" Cloud Dad affectionately handed over a cigarette.    


"Hehe, no, I'm not used to smoking that cigarette. I still like to smoke this —" Uncle laughed heartily, took out a pipe from his bosom, put a pot of dry smoke into his pipe, lit it by the fire, and began to smoke with relish. "These two children are good people from the city, ah. On the train, my daughter-in-law brought her granddaughter but didn't get a seat, and they provided a soft bed …"    


Qiu Tong and I smiled. Qiu Tong said, "Uncle, there's no need to be polite. It should be. The bed is empty anyway."    


"These days, there aren't many good people like you!" Eldest Uncle happily said, "Since my daughter-in-law said that you guys want to come here, of course I wouldn't say anything more!"    


Cloud's parents nodded, Yunduo's Mother then asked us: "Hey, Boss Qiu, it's almost the new year, and Cloud's almost back for the new year, right? All year round, her father and I are at home looking forward to reuniting with each other in the next few days. His brother, Battle, is probably off vacation as well and will probably be home in the next two days. "    


Qiu Tong and I looked at each other before Qiu Tong smiled and said to Yun's parents, "Uncle, Aunt, Yun won't be back for the new year!"    


"Ah — what is it?" Yun Yang's parents looked at Qiu Tong in surprise.    


"Mm, it's like this." Qiu Tong thought for a moment, gathered up her courage and said, "During the company's Spring Festival, someone must be assigned to work overtime. As for Yun, she is now a middle management member of the company. The one she is in charge of needs someone to be on duty and can't get out."    


Father Yun seemed to understand and regretfully said, "So it's like this!"    


"The Spring Festival is on duty." Yunduo's Mother's face showed an expression of extreme disappointment. "How could this happen, sigh …" "Say, why didn't you talk to her at home earlier? She hasn't called her home for a long time."    



Father Yun then said, "Old woman, stop nagging, children are doing big things outside, unlike at home, we can't drag them down with us. Besides, the phone lines in this village have been blown apart by the wind since the first snowfall of winter. How can the child call back before it's fixed? Even if you want to make a phone call, you have to wait until the phone line is fixed. "    


I broke out in a cold sweat when I heard that. I looked at Qiu Tong with a face full of lingering fear.    


At this time, her eldest uncle interrupted her and said to Yunduo's Mother, "Old sister-in-law, your family's boss is right. A child doing things outside the home, that is the work of a public family, you have to support the child's career. My family's child is also like this. Besides, if a child wants to go home, there are plenty of opportunities, so there's no need to spend the new year here. "    


Yunduo's Mother stopped talking after hearing what her uncle and father Yun had said. She turned her face away and wiped the corners of her eyes.    


Pity the motherly heart of the world, a thousand miles away mother worried ah! Looking at Yunduo's Mother's expression, an indescribable bitterness welled up in my heart.    


Qiu Tong bit her lower lip as she stared blankly at Yunduo's Mother. Her eyes were filled with envy and a little desolation.    


Then, Qiu Tong suddenly laughed and said, "Uncle, Aunt, Cloud didn't come back, but she told us to bring back some things for you and the two elders. It's a New Year's gift from the company."    


After saying that, Qiu Tong got up, bent over, opened the box and began to take things out.    


Other than the two bottles of Erguotou for Eldest Uncle and the four bottles of the Yanjing Erguotou wrapped in essence, the rest were: Two boxes of special products of the Hsinghai — — Liaodong, two White Scale Fish, two Big Yellow Flower Fish, and a few meat products and dried fruits.    


Qiu Tong took out all the things in her bag and placed them on the dining table, dazzling everyone who saw it.    


"Aiya! This child has been sending out goods for so many years. They are all rare and precious things." Father Yun said, "These things are definitely worth a lot of money."    


"Hur hur, this is only the company's welfare. There's more." Qiu Tong then took out a bulging envelope from her bag and passed it to Cloud's father, "Uncle, Cloud told us to bring back this money. This is part of her usual savings, and also the company's year-end bonus … "A total of 30 thousand, keep them well!"    


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