Tranxending Vision

C2611 Truth about the Destruction of the Spirit Race Civilization

C2611 Truth about the Destruction of the Spirit Race Civilization

0"All of you can leave now." Xia Lei said to the servants by his side.    


The maids all retreated, leaving behind the person who claimed that he had found some clues.    


Xia Lei walked towards him, "Speak, what clues have you found?" While he was speaking, his energy field had already started to capture the other party's brain waves.    


The man maintained his humble attitude, "An explorer found an ancient tomb and a corpse in a cave on the Ancient God Star. In that ancient tomb, there was an element of energy that could resist the copper embroidery virus. However, the information I have is limited. I don't know if it is the materials from the ancient tomb or the corpse that released that kind of energy factor. "    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with confusion, but he still forced himself to become the role of "Tituafiz". However, what surprised him was that he had caught the other party's brain waves exactly as he had said. Other than thinking about the problem, there was nothing else that the other party's brain could think of. The feeling he got was that the other party was just a robot that was programmed to strictly carry out its own instructions, but would not do anything or think about anything else.    


This discovery made Xia Lei more and more suspicious that this was an absolute domain, and very possibly the absolute domain where the existence of the World's Box was created. However, he had no idea who or why the other party was doing this.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


A loud noise was heard, and the entire ground began to tremble.    


Xia Lei looked towards the source of the sound and saw that the gigantic pyramid was slowly leaving the ground. There was a woman standing in front of the pagoda. Before he could see her face, she turned and walked through the pagoda's door. The gate of the pagoda closed with a loud bang, and the speed of its ascent accelerated.    


"Great God of war Tituafiz., Princess Dexin must have gone to the Ancient God Star." The man standing in front of Xia Lei said excitedly.    


Xia Lei said, "Do you know the coordinates of the cave on the Ancient God Star?"    


The man shook his head, "I'm sorry, mighty God of war Tituafiz.. I don't know, but if I follow the Pagoda, I'll definitely be able to find that place. Our ship is ready to depart at any time. "    


Xia Lei replied: "Bring me there."    


"Great God of war Tituafiz., please follow me." The man from the Spirit Race turned around and led the way.    


Xia Lei followed him out of the gorgeous palace, and walked along a street towards a particular direction. There weren't many pedestrians on the street. Some of them had bronze patches on their faces and hands, and their flesh was festering. There were even some spirit race members who had died on the street. Their corpses emitted a rotten smell, and their flesh was even more frighteningly festering. Some of them even had blue bones exposed.    


"Could this be the Bronze Rust Virus? The Spirit Race were destroyed by this virus? " Xia Lei guessed in his heart.    


The answer to this conjecture came a long time ago. The civilization of the Elves was so high that no civilized army could destroy them. The only thing that could destroy them was the virus. No wonder the Pagoda took off as soon as they got the clue. The copper-rust virus was destroying the civilization of the Elves, and he couldn't afford to waste another second.    


"How was the copper rust born? Was it born from the laws of the universe, or was it some other channel or cause? " Xia Lei couldn't help but think.    


Just as he was thinking, a woman of the spirit race suddenly fell to the ground. Her neck was covered in 'copper rust', and her flesh was festering.    


"Save me ?" "Save me ?" The spirit race woman begged the passerby beside her.    


However, none of the people on the street reached out to help her. Instead, they all avoided him, afraid that they would be infected by him.    


"Mommy! "Mom ?" A little spirit race girl threw herself onto the body of the fallen spirit race woman and cried out, "Save my mother, I beg you to save my mother, wuwuwu ?"    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the woman and her child.    


"Great God of war Tituafiz., please do not go over. It is dangerous." The spirit race man leading the way nervously warned Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "You should stay far away, I can't just watch you die."    


"The great Tituafiz, you can't save her." The spirit race man who led the way said, and really walked forward, hiding far away, afraid that Xia Lei would let him save that woman.    


Xia Lei carried the lady up, and secretly injected the lady with a Source energy that had the will to heal. The woman's condition instantly improved a bit, but she was still very weak.    


Xia Lei thought that he would be able to cure her, but he didn't. He wanted to save her for one reason or another, and that was to study the Bronze Rust Virus. He wanted to take her aboard the ship.    


"Great God of war Tituafiz., please save my mother. I am the only one left, wuu ?" The little girl knelt on the ground as she spoke in a choked tone.    


Xia Lei said: "Follow me."    


"En!" The little girl answered, then got up from the ground and followed Xia Lei.    


"Thank you, Great God of war Tituafiz.." Lying in Xia Lei's embrace, with a chance at survival, the spirit race woman thanked Xia Lei. His voice sounded very weak.    


Xia Lei only nodded once, and thought to himself: "Looks like this Tituafiz is still a famous person, even the women and children on the streets know him."    


"Great Tituafiz, my name is Ai Nu." the little girl said.    


When the word "Ai Nu" entered Xia Lei's ears, he was slightly shocked. Wasn't this the name of the Tomb Pyramid s artificial intelligence? How could this little girl have the same name as that lost AI?    


The little girl who claimed to be Ai Nu continued to speak: "Great God of war Tituafiz., I will pray to the God to bless you. You are a good person."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, he did not say anything, but in his heart, he was still pondering over the previous question. At this point, he was sure that this was an absolute domain. The other side was using this method to reveal their final secret. He did not need to do anything intentionally. He only needed to follow the development of the incident to find the answer he wanted!    


Under the lead of the man from the Spirit Race, Xia Lei arrived at a parking lot. On the huge parking lot were many large and small ships, some military, some civilian. Amongst them, there was a military airship that had been painted with a golden paint. On it, there was the Spirit Race insignia of the God of war Tituafiz.. Needless to say, it was the flying ship it was about to board.    


However, not only were there spaceships on the tarmac, there were also a lot of corpses. Some of the robots are working on the bodies. They carry them onto a transport airship, but they don't know where to burn them or bury them.    


The God of war Tituafiz. took off. After a few hours of space flight, they arrived at a barren planet in the Godess Galaxy. In fact, there was no need to search for any catacombs because one could see the gigantic pyramid from space. It was an obvious coordinate.    


In the past few hours, Xia Lei had obtained more information from the flying ship's database. That Princess Dexin was actually his fiancee. If not for the sudden outbreak of the copper smelly virus, he and the Princess Dexin would have already been married. And what surprised him was that the Six Creators did not exist in this era!    


The God of war Tituafiz. landed beside the Pagoda, and just as she was about to get off the ship, Xia Lei injected some Source energy with healing will into Ai Nu's mother. It was also during these two secret treatments that he realised that even the healing will of the Source energy could only alleviate her pain and extend her lifespan by a little, completely unable to eradicate her "Bronze Rust Virus".    


The result surprised and surprised him, but he was relieved when he thought about it. This was a law that required the extermination of the spirit race, how could he save it? In fact, even he couldn't control the melting of his flesh. Each attack would enlarge the area and extend the duration of the attack. This was also because the law wanted to destroy him, making it impossible for him to escape.    


"Ai Nu, come with me. Let your mother have a good rest." Xia Lei said to the little girl.    


"Yes." Ai Nu replied obediently and followed Xia Lei down the ship.    


The entrance to the cave was at the foot of a mountain, where a large group of Spirit Race warriors and battle droid stood. When Xia Lei brought Ai Nu over, all the warriors and battle droid bowed to him. Xia Lei nodded in acknowledgement before he entered the cave.    


In the cave, Xia Lei saw Princess Dexin. She was wearing a long white robe and had a tall and slender figure. The curves of her body made his one in a million sexy and beautiful, considering the beauty of humans.    


Princess Dexin opened her face, revealing a pair of deep blue eyes. His pretty nose and bright red lips made her face look sexy and beautiful. Adding her unique dignified and noble wife, he gave Xia Lei a stunning and unforgettable feeling.    


However, Xia Lei also only felt a breathtaking feeling. Towards this "fiancee," he did not feel his heart palpitating or like his. Moreover, he clearly knew that this was an absolute domain. Once the existence that created this absolute domain had removed it, she would disappear, and everything would disappear.    


"Tituafiz, my dear, why have you come?" Princess Dexin actually liked this "fianc?" a lot. When she saw him open his face, she went up to him and greeted him with a happy smile.    


Xia Lei said: "I also got the news, and when I saw the Pagoda take off, I followed."    



"I knew you were worried about me." Princess Dexin slipped into Xia Lei's embrace, and tightly hugged him.    


The warm and soft touch made Xia Lei slightly nervous. He followed: "Let's go, let's take a look at that ancient tomb."    


Princess Dexin left Xia Lei's embrace and said: "Eric, lead the way."    


A man from the Spirit Race answered and then walked towards the entrance of a cave at the bottom of the cave. It was not hard to guess that he was the spirit race explorer who discovered the tomb in the crypt.    


Princess Dexin held Xia Lei's hand and walked towards the cave entrance. Ai Nu hesitated for a moment before following him.    


Princess Dexin turned around to look and asked, "My dear, who is she?"    


Xia Lei explained it briefly.    


Princess Dexin laughed and said: "You are still as caring as ever, okay, Ai Nu, you come along as well."    


Ai Nu said carefully: "Thank you, great Princess Dexin Your Highness. I will pray to the gods every day, and let the gods bless you so that you will be beautiful and happy forever."    


"My mouth is so sweet. I like you." Princess Dexin waved his hand towards Ai Nu, "From now on, you are my maid."    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "Why would this Ai Nu appear in this story?"    


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