Tranxending Vision

C2607 As long as you are happy

C2607 As long as you are happy

0A woman telling a story, a man listening to a story ? the scene of the duel seemed very strange.    


"As the God of the Spirit Race, the creator of this universe, we are not willing to accept the end result, and we began to look for ways to overcome this crisis. After we predicted the outcome, we started to reform the Young Ceres's structure, its energy composition and reserves. And this Origin City, you have seen how majestic it was before it was destroyed. " It was the voice of the fifth day.    


"Are the spirits buried underground?" Xia Lei said.    


"Yes." This time, on the fifth day, he answered Xia Lei.    


"Why are there so many?"    


"In the billions of years of history of the clansmen, our population has exceeded your imagination. Buried in the vicinity of Origin City after death, this is also a tradition of us spirit race people. We were born somewhere, and when we die we go back somewhere. You can actually think of this place as a cemetery. This city is the tombstone of all the people of the Spirit Race. " said the fifth day.    


Xia Lei waited for her to continue speaking, but she kept his mouth shut.    


Looking at Xia Lei on the fifth day, his deep blue eyes shone with a divine light. Her eyes were like those of a woman looking at a relative or friend, with a little heat, a little excitement, and a little desire.    


Xia Lei still did not make a move. He said, "You said that you would answer one of my questions. When I came, why did this city ?"    


The fifth day interrupted Xia Lei, "I am so sorry, I forgot about this. This is part of the mechanism, and you can see it as the last part. This planet could probably be described as a planet with World's Stone as its main composition. It contained a terrifying amount of energy, and only in this environment could it produce the ruler of the universe, which was also known as a god. Mechanism calculates every possibility, and we are also prepared to calculate according to the mechanism. There is one possibility, and that is that you are here. "    


Xia Lei's heart moved, "In the battle in the Milky Way, the other five Creator deliberately sacrificed themselves to buy you a chance to escape?"    


The fifth day nodded, "Yes, we are familiar with the mechanism. We will also make preparations in advance based on the result of the mechanism's calculation. In that battle, we were unable to control the outcome. As the battle continued to develop in the direction of defeat, we made our preparations. They sacrificed themselves to buy me the chance to return to the Young Ceres. I know that everything you did on Earth and Mars, as well as your experiences on Star of Ice, were also arranged by me. My goal is to get you here to activate the final part of the mechanism. You have seen how important you are. The moment you arrived, the Origin City that was destroyed was rebuilt by a mechanism. "    


Xia Lei's expression became heavy, if what she said was true, then he was really the media. His energy, his life force, had activated the last part of the mechanism, and this mother city, which had given birth to the Spirit Race civilization and the Six Creators, had been activated. What would happen next? He had no idea, nor could he predict, that things were moving in a direction he could not control. That was the reason for his heavy heart.    


"Yes, you are very powerful now, even the six of us combined aren't your match, but you also understand the consequences of surpassing the limits of the universe, right?" The fifth day said, "I know that your flesh and blood are showing signs of melting. The time you have to repair it is getting longer and longer. Did you see the bones? You are walking the same road they are walking. "    


"They all died from their flesh and blood melting?" Xia Lei asked.    


"I know that you came here not only to kill me, but also to find the answer. Come with me. You'll find out. " After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the 'curtain' on the stairs.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the "door curtain" where the blue energy screen had cracked open. There was indeed a crack there, but he couldn't see anything through the crack. Even with his current strength, he could not see what was happening inside. This was a sign that he would lose control! It could also be interpreted as a signal of danger.    


"There's no need to pry any further. If you can't see, you have to find the answer you want." On the fifth day, without looking back, she continued on her way to the temple's curtain.    


Follow her in?    


Xia Lei had too many experiences in fighting with Six Creators, those experiences made him suspect that it was a trap. So, he jumped into the trap even though he knew it was there?    


After a few seconds of pondering, Xia Lei suddenly made a choice.    


The fifth day had already reached the last step, but she still did not stop. Her steps extended towards the 'curtain'.    


Xia Lei moved. His body instantly moved behind the fifth day, and then, his fist smashed onto the back of the fifth day's back.    


Boom! *    


Amidst a dull sound, the body of the fifth day exploded with a loud bang. Blood, flesh, and bones flew all over the sky, then were split apart by the Source energy that Xia Lei released, turning into pieces of flying ash that sprinkled onto the ground.    


This was obviously not the real fifth day. The fifth day would not be so weak. From the very beginning, Xia Lei had suspected this, and when he came into contact with her, he confirmed it. She was just a clone that was created.    


"Come out!" Xia Lei's voice echoed throughout the godly temple and even the entire city, "You don't even dare to come out with your real body, and you want me to follow you in? Even if you want to lure me to death, you have to at least be a bait if you want to get the World's Box right? If you can't even bear to use bait, how are you going to catch a fish? "    


His voice echoed through the deserted city, seeming to penetrate the curtain of the temple and enter its interior.    


Before his voice faded away, another white figure walked out from the temple's' curtain. 'It had a full chest, a perky buttocks, a pair of seductive long legs, and a face with only a pair of faint blue eyes.    


It was still the fifth day.    


A person who he had just killed suddenly appeared again. With Xia Lei's level of evolution and power, even though he was afraid, he couldn't help but feel a little terrifying in his heart. After all, he was a human and had yet to abandon his flesh and blood. His emotions and reactions never removed the 'label' of a human.    


"You will kill me as soon as I show myself. In the face of such a situation, do you think I should use myself as bait to lure you into the Temple of Origin?" The fifth day said that with a calm tone, he was not angry because Xia Lei had just killed herself. Not only that, her emotions did not fluctuate at all. She was as calm as ice that had existed for billions of years.    


Just as she finished speaking, Xia Lei threw another punch at her.    


Boom! *    


The second and fifth days also exploded, blood, flesh, and bone flying in the air before disintegrating into dust.    


However, the third and fifth day came out of the temple's' curtain 'and calmly said, "Do you think this is very fun? You can continue to kill. I've waited twenty thousand years for this day. I don't mind waiting another twenty thousand years. If you like, you can keep killing me until the hatred in your heart is worn out in time. "    


Xia Lei kicked on the abdomen of the fifth day and his lower abdomen instantly caved in. Then, his entire body exploded under the impact of the Source energy, turning into dust.    


"Actually, you already knew that Ai Nu was abnormal, and you also knew that the mechanism was those six pelvis s. However, not only did you keep Ai Nu alive, you also kept him alive to the extreme, and you even kept our Tomb Pyramid s. Wasn't it to lure me out, to put an end to it, to find the answer? The answer is right in front of you. You'll be fine as long as you come in.    


Xia Lei slapped him hard, and the fourth and fifth day also exploded.    


On the fifth and fifth days, he came out of the temple's curtain. "You won't be able to solve the problem by doing this."    


Xia Lei once again kicked out ?    


One by one, the fifth day was destroyed. One by one, the fifth day walked out of the temple's' curtain '. Some of them knew how to speak, and some of them didn't even have the chance to speak before they were beaten up by Xia Lei. During this period of time, Xia Lei was like a violent freak, destroying one inflatable puppet after another, not tiring at all.    


At least a hundred of the fifth day had been destroyed by Xia Lei, but there were still new fifth days walking out from the "door curtain" of the godly temple, as if there would never be a last one. In a single moment, Xia Lei stopped and did not kill the fifth day that he had just walked out of the "door curtain." He looked at her, his heart at peace. Indeed, on his fifth day of killing one man after another, the hatred and hostility in his heart weakened with his violence. From this, it was not hard to see that his understanding of human nature had reached a terrifying height on the fifth day. Perhaps this was a deliberate arrangement of hers, the purpose of which was to let him wipe away the hatred and hostility in her heart.    


"Are you feeling any better now?" The fifth day said lightly, "If you still hate me so much, you can continue to kill me. You can even do something outrageous to me, if you like. "    


As the sound of her voice faded, the white robe on her body slid off her shoulders. The sudden exposure of her body had a breathtaking beauty and sexiness, her skin was crystal clear, and as a hallmark of a female, she was incomparably perfect.    


On the fifth day, she copied his perfect evolution. Her flesh clone naturally had the same perfect evolution as the him from before. Although he didn't understand how these clones came about, from a man's perspective, his eyes and desires were lured by the most primitive temptation. The impact from her body was so strong that he couldn't help but dream about it.    


"What posture do you like?" the fifth day asked.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


On the fifth day, she turned around and slowly bent over. At this moment, her allure was rapidly rising. If you likened her body to a fire, then what she was doing was like pouring oil over the fire.    


However, Xia Lei suddenly understood what he meant, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.    


There was no desire in this smile, only wisdom.    



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