Tranxending Vision

C2498 Machines

C2498 Machines

0World's Box flew out of the energy channel that was opened by the Self-treasure and floated in the air.    


At that moment, the energy black hole at the end of the abyss suddenly shook and then opened! An incomparably powerful devouring force suddenly appeared, and the tens of thousands of meters tall walls on both sides were sucked in like paper. In that instant, the space twisted and everything went out of control!    


Even Xia Lei was unable to resist against that bizarre and powerful strength!    


Fortunately, he held the Self-treasure in his hand, and the energy channel had not closed yet as well, so he covered the World's Box that was floating in the air.    


The World's Box disappeared.    


The energy black hole at the end of the abyss also stopped moving.    


Crash! *    


The cliffs that were tens of thousands of meters high on both sides suddenly collapsed. However, what fell down were not pieces of huge rocks or soil, but ashes!    


The entire process lasted about a second, or maybe a little more than a second. Xia Lei was not certain, but in just that small amount of time, he was once again able to witness the terrifying power of the World's Box. Perhaps there was also the participation of the "starting point", which formed an energy resonance between the two. A second was already so terrifying, if World's Box was brought to the "starting point", then what kind of terrifying consequences would occur!    


Xia Lei didn't dare to imagine that even though the process was already over, he was still in a state of fear and had difficulty walking out.    


The energy that the World's Box possessed was indeed the power of time.    


The power of time is the power of destruction.    


Time can destroy everything.    


A child will grow old under the power of time, and eventually return to dust.    


Under the power of time, a massive planet would gradually decline, eventually collapsing, turning into crushed rock and ashes, or turning into a black hole.    


No matter how powerful an existence was, no matter if it was a person or a god, they would gradually weaken under the power of time and die in the end.    


Even the universe itself cannot escape the power of time, and will eventually be destroyed.    


The "starting point" of the Dark Death World was equivalent to a time machine. It was motionless, but once the World's Box brought it energy, it would activate and devour everything!    


Thinking about it, a crazy idea suddenly popped up in Xia Lei's mind, "If my starting point is a machine's assumption that is true, then ? Could it be that without the World's Box, I can enter the machine to have a look? Is there really an ultimate mystery of the universe at this starting point? "    


This was indeed a crazy idea. If this hypothesis wasn't true, or to be more accurate, it was possible that he would die without a burial if he were to enter this place!    


But if it was true, entering this "machine" would allow him to unravel the secrets of the World's Box, and might even be able to unravel the mysteries of this universe. This was not a wild guess, because the goal of the six gods was to send the World's Box into this "machine", and then it would activate, and then destroy everything. How could the Six Creators not have measures to protect himself? Seems like the Six Creators also had a secret hidden in this "machine"!    


At the end of the universe, the beginning of the universe was also right in front of him, like a centrifuge with power cut, as if he could enter the universe to explore the secrets with a leap. However, when he thought about the consequences of making a wrong judgement, Xia Lei lacked the courage to do so. It was not only life and death that were holding him back, but also his wife and children.    


The air vibrated as Great Emperor Black Sun appeared from thin air. He looked at the collapsed cliff, her eyes filled with fear.    


Xia Lei stopped thinking, and said coldly: "Did you kill me?"    


The Great Emperor Black Sun said, "If I want to kill you, will I tell you that you can only let it come out for a second? It's you who want to unravel its secrets. I'm just fulfilling my promise. "    


Indeed, if he wanted to call Xia Lei back, he wouldn't even tell him that he could only ask World's Box to come out for a second. If he did not remind Xia Lei of this, it would be too late by the time he reacted.    


"Before you even arrive in this world, I have the last fragment of the World's Box in my hands. I brought it here once, and I almost died here. That's why I had to leave this place just now. " The Great Emperor Black Sun said.    


"What happened that time?" Xia Lei asked, his tone calming.    


Great Emperor Black Sun said, "It's also like this now, but it's not that strong. After all, what I'm holding is just a piece of debris. It was only because I escaped from death that I decided to not go near it anymore, so I placed it in the Palace's temple. I don't dare to do what you've just done. "    


Xia Lei couldn't help but recall what had happened in a second or a little more than a second; his heart still had lingering fear.    


"What did you discover?" Great Emperor Black Sun looked at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with anticipation. Actually, he also wanted to know the answer to everything about the World's Box. Not only did she want to help Xia Lei unravel the World's Box's mystery, she also wanted to borrow Xia Lei's hand to unravel the World's Box's mystery.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "In a second, what do you think I can discover?"    


"Really?" The Great Emperor Black Sun obviously did not believe him.    


Xia Lei said: "If you don't believe me, I can give it another try. Don't leave this time, let's experience that one second together."    


"Then forget it." "Great Emperor Black Sun refused without even thinking about it," Tomorrow, I will come with Ao Ying to Suspension City to sign an alliance contract with you, and we can discuss countermeasures together. Let me remind you again, within this alliance, we will only accept Di Yin's orders and not any of your orders. "    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment, then said: "You still need to sign an alliance contract?"    


Great Emperor Black Sun replied: "Of course, you don't believe me, and I don't trust you either. So we must sign an alliance contract. This was also what Ao Ying meant by this. As the grand Darkness Master Miyas's Knight, he had an unquestionable contract with her Knight Godly Meteorite. If you don't believe me, I can, but you must trust Ao Ying and his Knight Godly Meteorite. "    


"Why did you sign an alliance in the Suspension City?" Xia Lei asked again.    


The Great Emperor Black Sun said: "Suspension City is your imperial city, you can't be worried that we will harm Di Yin, right? If we say the one who should be worrying is Ao Ying and I, Suspension City is your territory after all, and you control everything. " After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Also, as the grandfather of your and Di Yin's child, I want to see the child."    


Xia Lei did not respond.    


Great Emperor Black Sun coldly snorted. "If you don't even have this much confidence and magnanimity, how will we deal with the Six Gods together? If you think you can handle the Six Gods by yourself, then just pretend I didn't come tonight. "    


"Okay, I will wait for you in Suspension City." Xia Lei said: "But I'm warning you, don't have any ulterior motives. Otherwise, I will make sure you won't be able to leave."    


"Don't worry, we'll meet tomorrow at Suspension City." With that, the Great Emperor Black Sun disappeared. Soon, a loud crashing sound came from afar. He didn't even need to look to know that it was him who was using his enormous face to smash against the energy barrier of the Nirvana Sento.    


Xia Lei did not immediately leave. He looked at the motionless "machine", and his heart was filled with fighting spirit.    


Go in?    


Not going in?    


In a question of not a simple choice of two or one, this was the choice of life and death.    


When he returned to the Doomsday City, Yuan Taimei was still in his beautiful dream as he carried her and prepared to bring her back to the Suspension City. Yuan Taimei opened her eyes in his embrace, but then closed them again and continued to pretend to be asleep. She thought that she wouldn't be able to hide from Xia Lei if he continued to carry her, but Xia Lei was too lazy to expose her, so he just carried her back to the Suspension City.    


When Xia Lei carried Yuan Taimei to the Dragon Palace, he could no longer continue pretending. He opened his eyes and said: "Aiya, I actually slept so deeply. Husband, quickly let me down, it's not easy for them to see me. "    


They referred to Daqiao and Diao Chan, as well as Nightingale, Hei Ni and Cai Ling's six wives. They still didn't know of her underground relationship with Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei said: "It's been hard on you. After this period of time, I will tell them about our relationship and officially marry you."    



Yuan Taimei's heart was filled with joy, as she nodded with a bashful expression.    


Xia Lei said, "I'm going to check on the Fire Phoenix and the child. Do you want to go with me?"    


Yuan Taimei wanted to follow her, but after thinking about it for a moment, she shook her head, "I'm still better off. She just gave birth to a child, she definitely wants to be alone with you for a while.    


"Alright then, I'll go over myself." Xia Lei said.    


Yuan Taimei suddenly went close to Xia Lei and kissed his on the cheek, then ran over to her residence.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly as he shook his head before heading to the Fire Phoenix's residence. When he reached the door, it opened automatically without waiting for him to push it open.    


"Darling, come in." The voice of the fire phoenix.    


Xia Lei entered the room and immediately saw the Fire Phoenix that was lying on the bed and Xia Zheng who was in her arms drinking milk. The little guy was eating happily. When he entered the room, he only glanced at his father for a moment before focusing on eating his milk. He closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed.    


Fire Phoenix had a worried expression on her face. "Your son is so good at eating. I can't even bear it anymore. Aren't you thinking of ways to help me?"    


Xia Lei laughed, extended his hand and patted Xia Zheng's little butt, pretending to blame him: "You glutton, it's so late, and you're going to bed now? Let Mommy rest for a while and go to bed with the bird in your hands. "    


Xia Zheng's small mouth let out a vague sound, as if protesting against Xia Lei hitting his little butt. However, even though he was beaten up, he still did not loosen his hold on the granary and continued to eat with his small mouth.    


The Flamephoenix smiled wryly, "What can we do if this goes on? I'm almost out of milk. "    


Xia Lei caught her hand and a strand of creation power power soundlessly flowed into her body. His creation power power could help her body recover quickly.    


"I feel much better now, but this isn't a long-term solution. How strange, how can your son be so good at eating?" The Flamephoenix said.    


Xia Lei said: "My beloved wife, Great Emperor Black Sun is coming to the Suspension City tomorrow to sign an alliance with us."    


"Huh?" The Flamephoenix was stunned.    


"And the followers of the Darkness Master Miyas, Ao Ying and his Knight Godly Meteorite." Xia Lei said: "They said that they are only willing to accept your orders, and that you would be present when the alliance contract is signed."    


"You agreed?" the Flamephoenix asked.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "I am unable to deal with the Six Gods by myself."    


The Flamephoenix said, "Then sign with them. I can be present."    


"One more thing. Great Emperor Black Sun said that she wanted to see Xia Zheng. What do you think?"    


The fire phoenix was silent for a moment before saying, "Then let him meet me. Although I don't recognize him as my father, he has raised me before."    


Xia Lei leaned on the Fire Phoenix, looking at his son who was still drinking milk, thinking about that problem in his heart.    


Go in?    


Not going in?    


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