Tranxending Vision

C2435 From afar, I came to visit my brother-in-law.

C2435 From afar, I came to visit my brother-in-law.

0Although He Fang still managed to tell who it was after he kicked, Xia Lei was still surprised to see who it was.    


The person who had come to request an audience with Xia Lei was actually the Empire's Prince, the Sky King, Di Kun. He was alone, with no army and no followers.    


A few soldiers of the Rebel Army brought the King's Suppressing Orb to the main hall of the Ghost King Castle. Xia Lei waved his hand and the few warriors of the Rebel Army left. There was only Xia Lei and Di Kun in the large hall. They said they wanted to meet, but Di Kun did not greet them, nor did he speak. He stared straight at Xia Lei, not concealing the contempt, disdain and hatred in his eyes.    


From his point of view, he did indeed have the qualifications to look down on Xia Lei, even in such an environment where an empire was at stake. It was for no other reason, because he was a prince with a noble identity, whereas Xia Lei was just a human. In this world, humans were the lowliest existences. When mentioning humans, the only thing humans could think of was the cheapest past-man. Whether it was for food or labour, they only had a short lifespan of a hundred days. Although Xia Lei was an exception that was like the peak of a pyramid, he was still a human.    


Xia Lei also sized Di Kun up. Different from Di Kun's complicated gaze, his eyes looked very calm. In fact, his heart was at peace. In his eyes, the so-called prince was no different from the guards standing outside the door.    


In the end, Di Kun could not stand the silent atmosphere and said: "Where is Di Yin? I want to see her. "    


Xia Lei picked up the cup of tea Daqiao had brewed for her and lightly sipped before slowly saying: "I don't have Di Yin here, only Fire Phoenix."    


"Humph!" Di Kun coldly snorted, "No matter what you call her, she is still an Empire's Princess Young-ye. You can't change this point, and she can't change it either."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, Di Yin will be Di Yin, why do you want to see my wife? She's having a baby, so it's inconvenient for her to see you. "    


This was like stabbing a person in the heart. Not counting rubbing salt into the wound, this was bad behavior! If it wasn't for Xia Lei and Fen Yan who stole Di Yin from the Soul Island, she would already be his wife. He would be riding on the Phoenix Stunner if she was pregnant with his child, and he would also become the key person who resurrected Miyas. However, all of this had been destroyed because of this lowly human in front of him. How could he not hate Xia Lei in his heart? But Xia Lei still called Di Yin his wife in front of him, and was even nurturing his baby! Isn't this what it means to throw salt on a wound after stabbing someone?    


Di Kun's face was so dark that it could drip water, and his heart was bleeding. He really wanted to ask Di Yin if he was really pregnant, but in the end he did not.    


Xia Lei took another sip of tea, and said indifferently: "You must not have come by yourself, right? You must be sent by the Great Emperor Black Sun to give me a written challenge, right? Take out the written challenge. "    


A hint of disdain surfaced on the corner of Di Kun's mouth, "If you can guess, then it's nothing impressive."    


Xia Lei said: "Not only do I know that you have the written challenge that Great Emperor Black Sun gave me, I also know the secret that you have hidden in your heart. On top of the Burning Flame Mountain, you want to kill your brother Di Jiuyou right? "    


Di Kun's expression immediately changed. If Xia Lei said that he had Great Emperor Black Sun's written challenge, then he might have guessed it. But how could he have guessed this secret? In fact, from the very beginning, he had been guarding against Xia Lei from stealing information from his brain. But now, it seemed that it was completely useless! And what made him even more shocked and nervous was that he simply did not feel Xia Lei taking any action against him, yet Xia Lei had obtained the secret in his heart!    


Xia Lei put down the cup and said slowly: "You want to kill your brother, and your brother Di Jiuyou also wants to kill you. But the Great Emperor Black Sun sent you here to send out a written challenge, not Di Jiuyou. Your father could have sent a soldier to deal with this, but he sent you instead. Isn't he afraid that I'll kill you? I have already killed four emperors and the Palace's Yin Wolf, I don't mind killing you. And killing you would be beneficial for me. "    


Di Kun was extremely nervous. He was just surprised a moment ago, but now he was afraid. He completely believed that if Xia Lei wanted to kill him, he would kill him without hesitation. At the same time, his heart was filled with a monstrous hatred. That's right, why did they send him here to complete a mission that could be completed by any random subordinate?    


However, Xia Lei was still adding fuel to the fire, "Your father must have also allowed you to observe my situation, as well as the Fire Phoenix's situation. This is also the reason why you wanted to see the Fire Phoenix instead of giving me a written challenge, right? You think this is an opportunity to make amends, but it seems to me that your father has already made his choice. Of the two princes, only one could be a king. If you want to kill Di Jiuyou, Di Jiuyou also wants to kill you. This is not in the interests of the empire. Therefore, he might as well use the opportunity to get rid of one of them. Your father evidently favors your little brother a little. He chose Di Jiuyou and gave up on you. "    


"Enough!" Di Kun roared in anger, "Don't say anymore! I don't want to hear it, and I don't believe it! "    


Xia Lei laughed, "You don't have to be nervous, nor do you need to be afraid. Something that is beneficial to Great Emperor Black Sun, I would never do. Give me the written challenge, and you can go back. "    


Di Kun gave the written challenge to Xia Lei, but did not leave. He stood silently in the hall, not saying a word. When he came, he had an imposing demeanor, with the attitude of a prince, looking down on Xia Lei. The current him was like a frustrated loser, lonely and incomparably lonely. His mood had dropped to the extreme.    


Although he roared at Xia Lei, saying that he did not believe Xia Lei's words, he himself could not help but to believe it. That's right, if the Great Emperor Black Sun did not choose Di Jiuyou, why did she send him to Styx City to die? What a good method to kill with a borrowed knife!    


Xia Lei didn't even bother to look at it, as he took out the letter from the envelope.    


On the snow-white letter, a sentence was written: One month from now, Nirvana Sento, you and I will fight. I'll take that piece with me, kill me, and you'll have it. I have only one condition, and that is that you bring the phoenix with you. If you don't agree to my terms, you'll never see that last piece.    


It was not strange for Great Emperor Black Sun to have such conditions. She believed that as long as he opened his mouth, the Fire Phoenix would agree to follow him to the Nirvana Sento to fulfill her promise. But if that was the case, wouldn't the battle between him and the Great Emperor Black Sun become a gamble? He didn't want to bet on her wife at all.    


The letter and the envelope in Xia Lei's hand suddenly combusted, turning into ashes in the blink of an eye.    


Xia Lei looked up at Di Kun, "Why are you still here? I don't want to do anything against the or Di Jiuyou, but that doesn't mean I won't change my mind and kill you. I am a very emotional person, and your father has angered me by offering such shameful conditions. "    


Di Kun abnormally sneered, "The reason you didn't kill me was because you wanted to see an internal conflict between Di Jiuyou and I. An unstable royal family would definitely be easier to deal with than a stable royal family, right?"    


A cold smile surfaced at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Then, do you want me to kill you now?"    


Di Kun stayed silent for a while before saying, "I want to go back, and you will also see the chaos that you want. "But I have a condition, that you agree to it."    


"Do you think you have the qualifications to state your conditions with me?" Xia Lei asked.    


Di Kun laughed bitterly, "No, I am just someone who has been sent to die, what qualifications do I have to have conditions with you? Alright, let me put it another way, I need you to promise me that I want to meet Di Yin ? The Fire Phoenix's side. "    


He suddenly lowered his position so much that he even changed his way of addressing the fire phoenix. Xia Lei felt that it was a little strange. But in that short period of time, he had already captured and changed Di Kun's brain waves, and understood Di Kun's mental changes and thoughts. A hint of a smile also appeared on his face, "No matter what, you are still my brother-in-law, and you are so sincere. Alright, I'll let my wife come out and see you." However, you must be careful of your words. If you provoke her and disrespect her, I will not hesitate to kill you. "    


Di Kun nodded.    


Xia Lei said, "Fire Phoenix, come out. Eldest Uncle is here to see you."    


His mouth full of "Big Uncle" sounded like a knife stabbing Di Kun's heart repeatedly. However, Di Kun could only bear it silently.    


Fire Phoenix walked out from the passage at the back of the hall. She knew that Di Kun had arrived and had been waiting for him since a long time ago. Of course, she did not want to see her "brother" from before. She only wanted to know the purpose of Di Kun's visit. She was waiting for Xia Lei to come back and tell her, but she didn't expect Xia Lei to ask her to go out and meet him.    


The fire phoenix walked over, and the pair of wings on its back was mysterious, noble, and incredibly eye-catching.    


Di Kun was startled, in his eyes, the fire phoenix was no longer the "Princess Young-ye" he was familiar with, she had awoken the bloodline of her undead flamingo. Compared to the "Princess Young-ye" from before, the current Fire Phoenix was more mature, more noble and more imposing. The current Flamephoenix was more like a queen than the pitiful 'phoenix riding pregnant woman' who could not control his own fate.    


The Fire Phoenix came to Xia Lei's side. He did not greet him, nor did he even glance at him. The first thing she did was to pour some water into Xia Lei's teacup with a kettle, and said: "This is the tea that Daqiao gave me, right? Do you like it? "I'll ask her for some tea later, so I can make some for you when you come over to my place."    


Xia Lei smiled and said, "We can talk about such small things when we get home. First uncle is here, why don't you guys have a chat for a bit?"    


The Flamephoenix nodded, "Yes."    


How was this even a princess of an empire? She was simply a young wife that was completely obedient.    


Di Kun's gaze moved to the Fire Phoenix's lower abdomen, where he saw a slightly bulging lower abdomen. His heart suddenly ached. The bride in his dreams thought she was an enemy, a pregnant woman!    


Xia Lei stood up and said: "You guys continue chatting, my beloved wife, I will wait for you at the back."    


The Flamephoenix was surprised, but she still nodded. "Mm."    


Xia Lei's gaze fell on Di Kun's body, "Let me remind you again, pay attention to your words. If you make my wife unhappy, I will kill you."    


In that instant, it was as if Di Kun was in an icehouse, every word that Xia Lei said to him carried a bone-piercing chill!    


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