Tranxending Vision

C2431 Kill Di Sha and Di Ma.

C2431 Kill Di Sha and Di Ma.

0A small soldier wasn't worth Di Sha and Di Ma attacking at the same time. The real reason why they attacked a small soldier at the same time was because the city gate was already open, and someone had to fill in this hole. Most people would definitely not be able to withstand the attacks of the Rebel Army's tide of people, so only the two of them would be able to take the field.    


Another reason was that the blue moon man's Dauntless Legion behind the city gate must be a huge threat to the civilian Rebel Army. They could not let that small soldier destroy it. However, the couple did not think that the little soldier was any little soldier. It was very possible that she was an important figure in the civilian Rebel Army. If she could kill an important figure from a Rebel Army, it would be great for the current situation.    


Just for this little reason, Di Sha and Di Ma both attacked Xia Lei at the same time.    


To Xia Lei, if he were to pounce towards Di Sha and Di Ma's wife, then his actions would be an unconcealable flaw. Who would dare to pounce on two pure energy individual s and kill them? Before he could even reach Di Sha and Di Ma, the couple had already guessed his identity. If the couple ran away, he really wouldn't be able to catch up. Although he had already grasped the technique to increase his speed, in the end, he was still not a match for the pure energy individual. He had planned everything with great difficulty, so how could he make such a low level mistake?    


In the blink of an eye, and Di Sha completed their attacks. Di Sha instantly passed through Xia Lei's body, while Di Ma punched Xia Lei on the back.    


Di Sha's attack made Xia Lei's body instantly stiffen.    


Di Ma's punch smashed into Xia Lei's back alive, and a fist that was condensed from energy pierced into Xia Lei's back.    


In the minds of Di Sha and Di Ma, not to mention an important figure named Rebel Army, even if it was the Nine Heavens True Dragon or Medelsa, they would still die! However, Xia Lei did not die. The moment the husband and wife completed their attack, a sly smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.    




The creation power power that was already accumulating in his body suddenly released, followed Di Ma's fist that was thrown into his back, and that arm charged straight into Di Ma's body.    




The weapon that could kill the pure energy individual could only be energy, but Xia Lei had the creation power power that could restrain the dark energy. If he could use his creation power power to create intelligent lifeforms like Adam and Eve, then he could repair his own body. As a result, he allowed Di Sha to pass through his body freely, and even allowed Di Ma to punch her back to no avail.    


Almost at the same time when the golden energy engulfed Di Ma, Xia Lei's body rushed up from the ground, and smashed head first into the body of Di Sha who had just stopped, and at the same time, stabbed his right fist into Di Sha's chest.    


Golden light bloomed as symbols flashed. Di Sha looked at the thin and weak little soldier in front of him in horror, then at the fist that had stabbed into his chest. He also saw that the hole in his chest was rapidly enlarging, as if it was a piece of ice being roasted by fire!    


"You ?" Di Sha already knew Xia Lei's identity, but he couldn't say it out loud. The golden runes' energy was quickly destroying his energy structure. He was already rather unstable. At this moment, he was actually like a patient suffering from both Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.    


"Die!" With that said, Xia Lei punched Di Sha's head again.    




Blazing golden light shot out, with Xia Lei's fist as the center, it shot out in all directions. The chariots and battle droid s in the surroundings, even some blue moon man s were burnt like paper in flames.    


Xia Lei's creation power power already had the "gene" of eternal power, but it had never disappeared. After entering the culminate evolution, it became stronger. As long as he wanted, his creation power power would possess the characteristics of a star!    


Di Sha had disappeared. He was more cunning than the Eastern and Southern Realm Kings, Di Sha. He was not any stronger than the two emperors.    


On top of the city walls, behind the city walls, all the soldiers who had seen this scene were shocked. After Xia Lei destroyed Di Sha with a single punch, there was no sound at all in the place. It was terrifyingly quiet. No one was willing to believe what they were seeing. The Empire's King of the Northern Territories, Di Sha, had been destroyed by a thin and weak little soldier with a single punch, both in body and spirit!    


What followed was fear. The troops on the city wall and behind it immediately lost the morale to fight.    


Di Ma was not dead yet, but she was almost there.    


When Xia Lei turned around and looked at her, she seemed to want to escape. But when her pure energy individual moved, it was actually difficult for her to move even a single step. She was surrounded by creation power power, and his energy structure was no longer stable. Her current situation was the equivalent of a seriously ill patient suffering from both Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. It was difficult for her to even speak, so how could she still have the ability to escape?    


Xia Lei walked towards Di Ma.    


"Humble ?" "Despicable ?" Di Ma forced out a word.    


Xia Lei punched out, a golden light surging forward as symbols rained down like rain.    


Di Ma also disappeared.    


At this point, all four of the Black Sun Empire's emperors had been annihilated.    


Xia Lei had hacked off Great Emperor Black Sun's arms and legs!    


"Kill!" An angry voice broke the short and strange silence. The one who was shouting was the Ghost Path, and as he roared, he turned around and rushed into Styx City.    


However, before he could get far, a huge draconic tail lashed out at his waist. His several thousand jin body shot out like a cannonball, smashing through at least a street!    


"Want to run?" "Damn, have you asked if I agree?" The dragon cursed, leapt into the air, and stabbed down like a pike at the ghost tunnel where he had just crawled up.    


Medelsa and the leader of blue moon man's Fearless Legion were fighting each other. Although the latter was not a pure energy individual, he could actually barely withstand Medelsa's ferocious attack. However, the difference in strength was very obvious. He could only bitterly endure, and did not have the strength to fight back. This kind of support would not last for a long period of time. It was equivalent to him being in the countdown to her death.    


Medelsa attacked while muttering, "Heroic General Lan Yue, burn your battle spirit and fight against the goddess of love and beauty! You're just a little bit away from defeating me, keep working hard! "Think of the joy of defeating a goddess of love and beauty and crushing me beneath her ?"    


Xia Lei couldn't help but shake his head. He didn't know what kind of feeling Kasia Xiu had, but he knew that his back felt numb. What kind of man would dream of putting his "goddess of love and beauty" under his body to be happy?    


But this was Medelsa's style, if it wasn't like this, then it must be a fake Medelsa.    


Rebel Army's soldiers rushed into the city through a gap in the city wall, the defending soldiers quickly gave up and surrendered. Their city lord had been beaten black and blue by Long Kuang, the highest commander Di Sha and Di Ma's wife had both died, who would still want to fight? Those who resisted a little were actually high generals of the nobility, or people who were interested in the interests of the nobility. However, in the face of death, the bit of luck and courage they had was even weaker than paper.    


Warriors from the common Rebel Army rushed into the City of Styx from both sides of her body but Xia Lei just stood there motionlessly.    


"Pfft!" Xia Lei spat out a mouthful of blood, his body also swayed and almost fell to the ground.    


The attack of Di Sha and Di Ma was not an infant's fist, it gave him an itch, those were, after all, the culminate evolution of two night watcher s. Di Sha's teleportation attack did not affect him much, but Di Ma's fist still managed to pierce into his back. Although he managed to avoid the fatal part of the heart, she still had several broken ribs and half of her lungs were torn off. At that moment, his creation power power was quickly healing his wounds. At this time, he was most worried about Great Emperor Black Sun suddenly returning from Doomsday City. If Great Emperor Black Sun were to attack him now, his situation would be extremely dangerous!    


So, he mixed in with the thousands of soldiers and horses, concealed his own energy aura, and waited for the creation power power to heal his body.    


If there was a risk to his entire plan, it was a risk he had to take. There was no such thing as a free profit in this world. If there was no such risk, how could he kill Di Sha or Di Ma?    


However, the Great Emperor Black Sun did not appear.    


On the other side.    


The blood colored energy legion flew up from the Doomsday City, and like a blood colored waterfall, it flew back into the City of the Sun.    


City of the Sun followed suit and disappeared into the sky.    


However, the attacks were not over yet. The hundreds of unmanned aerial vehicles released by the City of the Sun were still flying around the neck area of the Doomsday City, bombarding the military targets. Explosions kept ringing out, and there was also the light of explosions. The scene had already turned explosive. After all, those were the five hundred warplanes that were built by the Brain Amido, and the bombardment of a few hundred warplanes was no small matter.    


City of the Sun suddenly disappeared, and Doomsday City's energy shield was able to hold on again. Hundreds of fighter jets became turtles in a jar, the Doomsday City's aerial unit finally found a chance to vent their anger and earn performance. They swarmed forward like a swarm of bees and shot down the fighter jets one after another, even smashing them into pieces in the air.    


No one saw that a huge face had quietly appeared in the sky above the Doomsday City. His face was as black as ink. This was his original color, but it also reflected his mood.    


This was the face of Great Emperor Black Sun, the largest and strongest face in history. Ever since he inherited the position of Great Emperor and became the ruler of the night watcher, he liked to condense his largest face, and also used it to kill off his opponents. He wanted to let all living creatures in Dark Death World know that he was giving him face, and she had to give him face as well.    



But now, his face was disgraced.    


His judgement was that the people's Rebel Army attacking Styx City was a pretense, and Xia Lei would personally attack the Doomsday City. When he rushed to the Doomsday City, he realised that attacking the Doomsday City was just a pretense. Attacking Styx City was Xia Lei's real goal! He was tricked by Xia Lei!    


Now, even though he was here, he could tell that the situation in Styx City was not his anymore. And what made him most furious and pained was that he could no longer feel the existence of Di Sha and Di Ma.    




The entire sky turned pitch black in the blink of an eye.    


Great Emperor Black Sun was angry.    


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