Tranxending Vision

C2405 collective shitting

C2405 collective shitting

0The golden light and the flickering runes disappeared.    


The tall and long beauty had disappeared, as had Xia Lei. The person who appeared in the secret room was actually ? Ye Kui!    


Suddenly seeing Ye Kui, Xia Lei disappeared. Yuan Taimei bellowed, both of her feet pushed off the ground, and her entire body flew towards Ye Kui like a cannonball.    


This was an instinctive reaction. His brain did not think too much about it.    


Yuan Taimei instantly rushed in front of Ye Kui and swung her right leg in that instant, kicking towards Xia Lei's chest. Crack!    


Just as the foot on the long leg was about to kick the middle of the leg, Ye Kui suddenly extended his hand and grabbed Yuan Taimei's ankle, "It's me, idiot."    


This was Xia Lei's voice.    


All of Yuan Taimei's actions, all of what had happened and what she was about to do, froze. She remained in a side kick position, 120 degrees, her long white dress sliding down her long, high, kicking legs. That leg was crystal clear, and had a mature and alluring feel to it. Although there was cloth, it was not omnipotent. It also moves with people, and it folds with movement.    


Xia Lei was originally looking straight at him, and because of this, his line of sight deviated towards another direction.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" Yuan Taimei laughed foolishly, "You've finally turned back into a man."    


This sentence contained too much content.    


Xia Lei loosened his grip on her ankle, and said snappily: "Don't tell me you want to seduce Ye Kui as well? Think of that... "Right?"    


Even he, who had married more than ten wives, found it embarrassing to say the following words out loud. It could be seen how much of a headache he was having chasing after Yuan Taimei.    


But Yuan Taimei held onto Xia Lei's arm, "You aren't Ye Kui at all, you changed. I just need to think about how you look like. Do you want to try it? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


How can you be the only marquis in the Empire?    


Yuan Taimei's bright and alluring cherry lips really moved closer to her, turning her idea of trying it into a reality.    


Xia Lei hurriedly turned his head away, "Stop messing around, this matter is not over yet."    


Yuan Taimei said: "You've already killed two big bad guys, are you not done yet?"    


Xia Lei came close to Yuan Taimei's ear and said a few words...    


The sturdy and heavy door to the secret room opened, and Xia Lei and Yuan Taimei appeared behind the door. Yuan Taimei held Xia Lei's arm, looking very intimate.    


Black Mountain did not leave, but waited at the door with his subordinates. Of course he wouldn't leave. He had sent two beauties over, but he still hadn't received his reward. How could he bear to leave?    


"Commander Ye Kui, you... Hehe, congratulations, looks like you have already conquered this great beauty. " While trying to curry favor with Ye Kui, Hei Shan tilted his head to look at Salat. When he saw it, he was immediately stunned. He saw Sarat lying on the ground, black blood flowing from his chest, covering a large area of the ground. He could tell from the blood on the ground that Sarat was dead, not even looking at the wound.    


Not only did Black Mountain see it, his subordinates, as well as the two Rebel Army Warriors standing by the door, as well as the two temple priests saw it.    


"You, you ?" "Kill the archbishop!" One of the divine servants suddenly tensed up.    


Xia Lei suddenly reached out his hand and lightly knocked on the head of the priest, then on the heart of the other priest. He casually raised his hand and drew an arc in the air before returning to the right side of his thigh. However, such a simple action was something that no one on scene could see clearly. All they could see was the result of him lowering his hand.    


Boom! * Boom! *    


The head of one of the clergymen exploded, leaving only his neck. The chest of one of the clerics also exploded, and a hole that was bigger than the head appeared on his chest.    


"You ?" Montenegro managed to utter a single word, but before he could finish, he turned around and ran away. He was also a cleric in this temple. He didn't know why Ye Kui killed the Bishop of Salat or why the other great beauty disappeared into thin air. However, he knew that if he didn't run now, he wouldn't have the chance to run.    


However, no matter how fast Montenegro's reaction was, it could not be faster than energy.    


Xia Lei waved his hand, and Black Mountain who just took a step back immediately flew back. It felt as if a piece of iron had met a magnetic stone that was as large as a mountain. There was simply no chance for it to struggle and escape.    


The back of Xia Lei's hand lightly smashed onto Hei Shan's head. The latter's head also exploded, but the scene of his brain being smashed into smithereens was still the same as the headless body falling to the ground.    


Several of Black Mountain's subordinates suddenly fell to the ground. They did not even know how they died.    


In the blink of an eye, only two Rebel Army warriors were left. One of the seemingly valiant warrior's legs were shaking like a spring, and the other one was even worse, peeing on his pants.    


Xia Lei then said out loud: Damn it, you actually dare to fight with me over a woman, and I'll kill all of you! Then he said, "Pass on my order, not a single member of the clergy is left in this temple. Kill them all!"    


Only then did the two Rebel Army Warriors come back to their senses. They quickly responded and went to get some people.    


This was also why Xia Lei wanted to become Ye Kui. After killing Ye Kui, he had a plan.    


He then turned into Ye Kui and claimed that he had killed the Bishop of Darkness Divine Religion, Salat, because she stole a woman. Then, would the Darkness Divine Religion let Ye Kui go? It definitely would not, because this was a blatant betrayal of the Pope. Then, what would Yuan's reaction be? He would definitely send people to kill Ye Kui, or even kill him himself, and then he would be able to solve the problem once and for all. During this period, he could also use Ye Kui's identity to clean up the forces of the Darkness Divine Religion in the outside world.    


Not only would he need to take back that piece of debris from the Great Emperor Black Sun, he would also need to leave the Fire Phoenix a world of night watcher free from war and future troubles.    


As the order was passed down, the massacre began. The sound of gunfire and energy clashing continuously sounded out. One after another, divine servants fell to the Rebel Army Warriors' spears and cold weapons.    


Xia Lei was actually very clear that within this hundred or so Rebel Army Warriors, there were several Darkness Divine Religion s placed beside Ye Kui, and even Ye Kui did not know about the person who was monitoring them. But he didn't kill the men. He pretended not to know. Those other watchers were clever too. They didn't hold back when killing the priests, they were even more active and vicious than the other Rebel Army Warriors.    


Xia Lei knew what their plans were. The scouts wanted to survive and continue to lurk by Ye Kui's side, then find a chance to report what had happened here to the Pope.    


However, those people who were monitoring them did not know that it was precisely because they had the value of being a "snitch" that they were able to survive. If they didn't have that much value, they would end up like Montenegro and Sarat.    


All the corpses of the officials were moved into the shrine, and then, according to Xia Lei's orders, they were thrown into the large sacrificial pit. Dozens of corpses were covered in black blood, and soon the bottom of the hole was covered in the blood.    


There were no strange phenomena, only flooding.    


Xia Lei thought in his heart: "Miyas, didn't you want to eat my woman and revive? I'll let you eat shit! "    


Yuan Taimei did not dare to look at the sacrificial pit, that scene was simply too cruel. But she also wanted to stay by Xia Lei's side, so she mustered up her courage to stand by Xia Lei's side, holding onto his arm, looking like a small bird that would fall in love with its owner. But she did not look into the pit, she looked at Xia Lei. Although Xia Lei looked like Ye Kui, her eyes were still hot. He looked like he could bite him at any time and chew his mouth slowly.    


Xia Lei retracted his gaze, "It's too beautiful, wait for me outside."    


"I... with you. " Yuan Taimei said.    


Xia Lei frowned, "Are you sure?"    


Yuan Taimei said: "Of course I'm sure. What you said before, I'm your woman."    



Xia Lei suddenly ordered, "Everyone take off your pants, and poop at the edge of the pit!    


The one hundred Rebel Army Warriors were all stunned. What was this command?    


Xia Lei said coldly: "Fuck, do you also want to go and soak in the pit? Didn't you hear my orders? "    


One by one, the Rebel Army warriors regained their senses and rushed towards the sacrificial pit, unbuckling their belts as they ran.    


Yuan Taimei suddenly let go of Xia Lei's hand and turned around to run out of the great entrance of the divine hall. She didn't want to think about what it would be like for a hundred men to defecate collectively near the sacrificial pit. That was no longer an eye-piercing matter, but an eye-popping matter!    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "Heh, didn't you say you want to stay by my side? Come back here. "    


Yuan Taimei ran even faster.    


Xia Lei also left the shrine, he did not want to see such a dirty scene.    


The shrine soon stank, and the stench of blood filled every inch of it. It was not hard to imagine what kind of reaction Darkness Divine Religion's people would have after they came here and saw the sacred resurrection pit filled with rotten corpses and feces.    


And that, was the effect that Xia Lei wanted.    


Yuan Taimei stood quietly at the foot of the steps of the Divine Palace. Only when she heard Xia Lei's footsteps did she turn around.    


In that moment, Xia Lei felt as if his heart was pierced by needles. It was a little painful, but also a little soft.    


Yuan Taimei's beautiful eyes were filled with black tears, and two black tears also remained on her almost transparent face. She had obviously just cried.    


Xia Lei couldn't bear to see a woman cry the most, so whenever a woman cried, he would always soften his heart. It was so on Earth, on the Star of Hope, and also in the Dark Death World. Wasn't he marrying Xiaoqiao for her tears and the rope that was hung around her neck, allowing her to swing on the tree?    


Seeing Xia Lei, the tears that were originally brewing in Yuan Taimei's eyes immediately flowed down. She only cried and did not speak. Her eyes were filled with grief and resentment.    


Xia Lei's heart completely softened, "Fine, I'll agree to you temporarily."    


"You ?" Yuan Taimei was startled for a moment, her tears flowed even more, but the corners of her mouth revealed a smile.    


It had been tears of sadness earlier, but now it was clear that it was tears of excitement.    


Xia Lei then continued, "Let me clarify this first, it's just for the time being. I have just married the fire phoenix, and my six wives are also pregnant. So I won't give you any credit for a while, and if you want to ? Just follow me. "    


"En!" Yuan Taimei let out a tender cry, and fiercely dived into Xia Lei's embrace.    


However, Xia Lei sighed in his heart, "I've always been too soft-hearted, too soft-hearted ?"    


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