Tranxending Vision

C2394 blood-red lightning

C2394 blood-red lightning

0One day later.    


Southern region of Black Sun Empire, Cold Ice City.    


Under the dusky sky, the snow-capped mountain peaks rose and fell continuously. The cold wind whistled, and a desolate and murderous aura filled the world.    


A large group of night watcher's civilians and slaves were kneeling on the hillside. The number of men, women, elderly people and children amounted to more than twenty thousand. Women and children were crying, crying and wailing.    


"Why are you doing this to us? What crime have we committed? " A young man from the night watcher said angrily: "Why are you doing this to us?"    


An old man from the Snakeskin man cried as she said, "I am just selling a few broken bowls and plates, why did you bring me here? I want to go home... "My grandson is still young and has no one to take care of him. If I don't bring food back, he'll starve to death ?"    


"Mom, mom, I'm so cold! I want dad! I want dad ?" A child cries and begs, but his mother cries too.    


These scenes were everywhere, like grief and fear torturing everyone.    


"Shut up!" An executioner kicked the back of the poor Snakeskin man Elder.    


The Snakeskin man screamed as she was kicked to the ground. Her head knocked against a rock and instantly cracked, her brains were all over the floor.    


A fresh life disappeared just like that, even more lowly than grass and mustard.    


"Pui!" You dirty Snakeskin man actually dares to spout nonsense. If you make any more noise, I'll beat you to death! " The executioner who kicked him to death fiercely said: "All of you, shut up! Be quiet or I'll kill you right now! "    


Grief and indignation spread through the crowd. However, when faced with the flashing blade and the fiendish executioner, no one dared to resist. The woman covered the crying child's mouth and tried to swallow her tears.    


The people kneeling on the slope knew what fate awaited them, but they could not change anything.    


"God, please save us!" An old man on night watch muttered in a low voice, and then he kowtowed onto the snowy ground, causing a dong sound to ring out. His forehead was cracked, and black blood flowed out. A striking bloodstain was left on the snow-white ground.    


It was unknown if it was because of him that more and more people joined the ranks of the prayers. They prayed to the heavens, prayed for the blessing of the gods, and then humbly and devoutly kowtowed.    


What's the use of praying like this?    


However, even if there was only a one in a billion hope, it was the only hope they had right now. What could they do but pray to the gods?    


The executioner didn't stop the 'criminal' from praying. After all, compared to crying the scene was much quieter and more orderly.    


At the top of the hill stood a group of people, including King Di Prison of the Southern Domain and King Di Xie of the Eastern Region. In addition, there were high ranking military officers from the two imperial cities, as well as a few important figures from the Doomsday City. The people kneeling on the ground were begging the gods to appear and save them, but these people were hoping for a woman to appear. That woman was the Empire's Princess Young-ye, Di Yin.    


Nearly 300 thousand people have been executed on this hillside since the first day of the massacre. What happened here spread like the wind within the empire. The entire empire was shrouded in black fear and the commoners and slaves were all in great danger. They did not know if they would be arrested tomorrow for some insignificant reason and sent here to be beheaded.    


When would such a day come to an end?    


No one knew, but the seeds of hatred had been planted in the hearts of many. If a person is deprived of even the most basic right to live, who would hope for a ruler? The seed of resistance that Xia Lei had sowed was already ripe. He only needed to wait for the wind to blow and he would fly towards the entire empire like a dandelion.    


When will that gust of wind come?    


No one knew.    


"Brother Wang, after today, the King of the Northern Territories will send people to chop off our heads. Fuck, we cut off our heads like this every day, but that little bitch refused to show herself. If she hides forever, how long are we going to take?" The Eastern Region King Di Xie's tone was full of anger, "Then we might as well eat all of them, it's still worth a lot."    


The Southern Domain King said, "There is a limit to everything. I think it should be enough. Di Yin that child is naturally kind-hearted. Under such circumstances, I don't think she has received any message from us, but there will be a day when she will receive it. I am sure that once she receives our message to him, she will appear. With her personality, she will not be able to bear to see so many people die because of her. "    


"How long will it take?"    


"I don't know either, but it doesn't matter how many you kill, as long as you kill these lowly commoners and slaves. This world is our world, and these lowly commoners and slaves are also our property. We control everything, and they have no choice. " King of the South, Di Prison, said.    


"Then let's begin, after beheading these people, I still need to go to Doomsday City." Eastern Region King Di Xie said, "It's true that you two princes would contact me several times every day to inquire about Di Yin's situation. I'm going to personally tell them that I hate using blue moon man's messenger."    


"Then let's begin. These lowly commoners and slaves were sent by you, so it should be up to you to give the order." King of the South, Di Prison, said.    


King of the Eastern Region, Di Xie, raised his right arm.    


All the executioners raised their long and straight blades at the same time. As long as Eastern King Di Xie swung his right arm down, all of the executioners would also slash their long blades toward the necks of all the 'criminals'. At that time, there would be a bloody scene of 20 thousand heads rolling down the hill, blood flowing like a river.    


An officer carrying a camera came up to Wang Di Xie from the Eastern Territory. The equipment on his shoulder was in a working state.    


Eastern Region King Di Xie Nu said, "Di Yin, open your eyes and look, this is a message I am sending you! There are now more than twenty thousand peasants and slaves kneeling on this hillside. Because of your cowardice and selfishness, they will all be executed! How long are you going to hide? Let me tell you, every day you hide, tens of thousands of people die because of you. The death of these people is directly related to you, they are all your sins! "    


Before each beheading, a video was taken and sent out as a message. This was a must. Without this step, these twenty thousand heads would have been chopped off for nothing.    


"No!" "No way!"    


"I beg you, let us go, we're all law-abiding commoners ?"    


"Mommy! Mom... I don't want to die! "    


"Oh god!" Save us! "    


The hillside was filled with the sounds of weeping and wailing.    


"Di Yin, did you see it? These people will immediately die because of you. Do you have the heart to see them die tragically like this? Don't add to your sins, come home, go home. We are your family, and we will not harm you. " King of the South, Di Prison said. Then, he nodded once to King of the East, Di Xie.    


This was a hint that he could be executed.    


Di Xie let out a cold snort. He raised his right arm and was about to swing it down.    




An explosion resounded in the sky as a blood-red bolt of lightning suddenly tore through the air!    


It was not real lightning, but a blood colored figure that was flying down from the clouds. The blood colored Immortal wings were burning like flames, bringing with it an imposing aura, as if it vowed to burn all the evil God's Fire of Punishment in the world!    


"Look there!" "Look at that!" The old man who was the first to pray said excitedly: "That is God! It was a god! God has heard our prayers and God has saved us! "    


Shouts and cries broke out from the hillside. Many people were so excited that they began to cry.    


All the executioners were waiting for the command, but Eastern King Di Xie's hand didn't come down. He discovered the blood-red figure that was descending from the skies the moment it appeared. He was also stunned at that instant. That terrifying energy, that world-destroying aura had shocked him, but what made him dumbstruck and puzzled was ? familiarity!    


"It's Di Yin!" King of the Southern Domain Di Prison suddenly shouted excitedly: "Princess Young-ye has appeared! It's her! It's her! It's her! "    



Yes, the blood red figure that suddenly appeared was no other than the empire's Princess Young-ye, Di Yin.    


But it wasn't Di Yin, she was the undead flamingo and Fire Phoenix.    


Di Yin, her identity was already in the past, she was bathed in flames and Nirvana Flame, she was the undead flamingo, Xia Lei's seventh wife!    


The Flamephoenix stopped above the mountain, and the blood colored energy flame burned fiercely. She looked down the hill like a goddess descending into the world.    


"Hahahaha!" King of the Eastern Region, Di Wu, laughed at the sky, "You're finally back! How long do I think you can hide! Because of your cowardice and selfishness, do you know how many people have died because of you? As your uncle, I am ashamed of you! "    


The Flamephoenix said, "You are not my uncle, and the sin you have caused has nothing to do with me. I'm not here for your reasons, I'm here for the people who are kneeling. They are not lowly commoners or slaves, they are all fresh lives! "    


Just from her words, many people began to cry.    


"Humph!" King of the Southern Domain, Di Prison said: "You actually awakened the bloodline of the undead flamingo in your body, but do you think you can still leave? Obediently follow us to the Doomsday City. Otherwise, don't blame our two uncles for being impolite. "    


The Flamephoenix said, "Let these innocent people go first. We'll settle our own problems."    


The Eastern Region King Di Xie and the Southern Region King Di Prison looked at each other. The two emperors seemed to have reached an agreement with this gaze.    


The Eastern Region King Di Xie said, "Let them go!"    


All the executioners left the hillside.    


The Flamephoenix said, "Quickly go down the mountain. There will be someone who will help you in the future."    


The commoners and slaves kneeling on the mountainside kowtowed to the fire phoenix in gratitude, before fleeing down the mountainside. They didn't see any of their helpers at the bottom of the hill, but none of them doubted the Flamephoenix's words. In the eyes of all the commoners and slaves, what they met was not a Princess Young-ye, but a goddess.    


Two emperors and a few important figures from the Doomsday City suddenly rose into the air, surrounding the fire phoenix in the blink of an eye. They had waited for the Flamephoenix to show up with great difficulty, so how could they be willing to give her another chance to escape!    


"Come with us!" The Eastern Region King said coldly, "Don't force us to take action."    


The Flamephoenix said lightly, "You guys want to take me with you and use me as a sacrifice. You really are my good uncles."    


King of the Southern Domain, Di Prison snorted coldly, "That is your fate. Sacrificing to the great Darkness Master Miyas is your honor and you should feel proud, not escape. The royal family of the Empire has no cowards, accept your fate bravely! "    


The Flamephoenix suddenly revealed a strange smile. "You want to capture me so badly? Have you asked my man?"    


Her man?    


Who is it?    


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