Tranxending Vision

C2353 immortal forest, Chaotic Memory!

C2353 immortal forest, Chaotic Memory!

0Stepping over the Immortal Spring, Xia Lei saw the reflection in the water, the sky, the trees and himself. But there was only himself, and he saw a face without features. In that instant, his mind went blank, and his inner feelings could not be described with words.    


He still remembered that when they were in the desert in the no man's land, Shenyue Ruyi had brought him to a blood colored lake, and the surroundings were filled with standing stone pillars. Shenyue Ruyi said that if a person had a previous life, they would be able to see their previous life on the blood colored lake's surface. In the end, he saw a face that had no facial features on the surface of the lake. Now, he saw it again.    


After a brief moment of blankness, thousands of questions gushed out from his mind. He couldn't help but think about his relationship with the Six Creators and the Six Eyed Rainbow Spring in the City of the Sun. But the most important part, and also the most frightening part, was his conjecture that the fire phoenix was the resurrection medium for the Darkness Master Miyas. In that case, would the Six Creators also have a medium for the revival, and the medium for the revival would be himself?    


The Fire Phoenix turned around and looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei then stepped through the slowly flowing blood colored spring water.    


"What are you looking at?" The Flamephoenix did not see the reflection of herself in the Immortal Spring.    


Xia Lei said: "Nothing, let's go."    


Under the guidance of the undead flamingo, Fen Yan, they walked forward a distance. In front of them appeared a special area of forest, it was made up of dozens of shrubs, and the surrounding area was filled with huge trees that reached into the sky. The leaves on the shrubs were blood-red, the branches gray and thick. The ground of this shrubbery was covered with blood colored soil and rocks. Some cracks in the rocks even had blood colored fluids flowing out, and a fishy smell assaulted his nostrils.    


"This is the place. Let's go pick some branches. Dragon King, you stay here and wait for us." undead flamingo Burning Flame said.    


"Alright." Xia Lei replied and did not follow him. This place was filled with a mysterious and strange aura, and he did not want to get too close to it.    


The undead flamingo, Flame, and Flame Phoenix came to the shrubbery. They did not immediately pick the branches, but instead knelt down and prayed.    


"The blood soil that nurtures the undead and the blood soil of the undead tree. My daughter and I will kneel down here and ask for the bestowment of some tree branches with nests ?"    


After they finished praying, the undead flamingo, Fen Yan and the fire phoenix kowtowed.    


There was a sudden gust of wind in the shrubbery, and a ghastly wind blew through the treetops, shaking the blood-colored branches, and that was the horrible sound of the wailing of ghosts and the howling of wolves.    


Xia Lei felt a chill run down his spine, "What the f * * k is this place? It gives me the feeling that this place is hell and the death aura this place has isn't any weaker than the place where the Blood Crystals were formed, and it's even stranger. "    


Suddenly, a cold wind blew past Xia Lei's face.    




Xia Lei's body stiffened for a moment, and he felt as if something had pierced through his body. A blood-red fog suddenly shrouded his vision. He could not see the blood-red shrubbery, the blood-red colored soil and rocks, nor could he see the undead flamingo's flames and phoenix.    


A dangerous aura pervaded the air, and vigilance and fear spread through every nerve. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the bloody mist. He could see nothing but the bloody mist, and his perspective could not penetrate it.    


Just as he was about to open his mouth and call the undead flamingo Burning Flame and Flame Phoenix, footsteps came from within the blood colored fog.    


Kick, Kick, Kick ?    


The sound of footsteps came from within the bloody mist. It was getting closer and closer. It was not just one person, but a group of people.    


Xia Lei vigilantly stared in the direction of where the footsteps were coming from, and very quickly, a white figure appeared in the blood mist. A second, a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth. A long white robe, with no facial features.    


Six Creators!    


Xia Lei said in shock: "You all ? Why would he appear here? "You didn't die?"    


No one answered him.    


Six Creators walked towards him at the same time. Xia Lei wanted to retreat, but his legs seemed to have sunk into a quagmire.    


Six Creators arrived beside him in the blink of an eye. They were incomparably proud, cold and sacred. They surrounded him, but he didn't know what they were up to.    


Suddenly, Six Creators extended her hand out. Blood suddenly began to flow out from their bodies. The colorful blood gushed out from their hands and sprinkled onto his body!    


Xia Lei screamed in fear, "No!"    


"Dragon King!" A voice suddenly came over. It was the voice of the undead flamingo's flames.    


The blood colored fog instantly disappeared without a trace, and so did the Six Creators. The undead flamingo, Burning Flame, and the fire phoenix appeared in his sight, and the mother and daughter both held onto a large bundle of blood colored tree branches. The Immortal Forest that had disappeared also appeared, with its dense blood-red canopy, blood-red soil and rocks, and the blood-red liquid that seeped out from the soil and rocks.    


What happened just now seemed like an illusion.    


Even though he knew it was an illusion, Xia Lei's heart was still in fear, and his back was perspiring profusely. He had never experienced such a vivid illusion, nor had he found any flaws in it. It gave him the feeling that what he had just said had happened, or perhaps he had experienced it himself.    


"Are you okay?" undead flamingo Burning Flame asked with concern. It was grateful to Xia Lei for helping it save its child, but its attitude was no longer hostile like it was in the City of the Sun.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I'm fine, just now ?"    


"What just happened?" the Flamephoenix asked.    


Xia Lei wanted to say the weird hallucination he had just experienced, but the words were stuck in his throat. How could he tell the media that was reviving the Darkness Master Miyas about the secrets of the Six Creators? He didn't know how long he could maintain his current condition. Once he left, she would bring him and the secrets of the Six Creators with his. This would be a fatal threat to him!    


Actually, killing her was the most beneficial thing to do.    


He didn't know why, but at this moment, this thought suddenly appeared in his mind. However, he managed to avoid the fire phoenix's eyes.    


"You must have experienced something, but you don't want to tell us." The Flamephoenix looked very sure, then she added, "You still call us allies on the same front, what kind of ally are you to be so wary of us?"    


Although it had a good impression of Xia Lei, it definitely stood on the side of the fire phoenix.    


Xia Lei stayed silent for a while before saying, "Alright, I can tell you guys. It was as if I saw some vague illusion, very vague, as if someone was coming towards me, trying to hurt me, and then the illusion disappeared. "    


The undead flamingo's flames suddenly said: "Right, this place is the sacred ground of the undead flamingo. During the Primordial Era, if a undead flamingo reached the end of their life and needed a nirvanic rebirth, they would usually choose this place. This place was the end of death and the source of life. You may have just received the image of an undead energy field, awakening your primal chaos memories. "    


Xia Lei was shocked. "My primal chaos memories?"    


The undead flamingo recovered and said, "Yes, your primal chaos memories. The fire phoenix and I did not see it either. If only you saw it, then it must be the energy field of the Immortal Forest that awakened your primal chaos memories. "    


Xia Lei was dumbstruck, unable to believe it.    


If that was a chaotic memory, wouldn't that mean that the Six Creators had truly poured blood on his body? Before he was born?    


The Flamephoenix said, "You look very nervous and ridiculous. Let me explain it to you. Everyone had primal chaos memories, even those who didn't have memories from their previous life. It is stored in genes and most people will never wake up. Once awakened, you will see images belonging to chaotic memories. Ordinary chaotic memories were very short, and even if they were awakened, they were usually only vague images and feelings. It was like a feeling of familiarity that suddenly appeared in a strange environment, a feeling of familiarity that one would suddenly feel as if they had seen before when meeting a stranger. If it was a powerful primal chaos memory, it would be very complete. Usually, only those with powerful memories from their past life would use a powerful primal chaos memory. So, are you looking at your previous life? "    


Xia Lei said: "I've said it before, it's very blurry, I couldn't see it clearly. Auntie Burning Flame called me and the illusions disappeared. Right, there was no other possibility? What I mean is, other than someone with a powerful past life, there's no one else who possess a powerful memories of Chaos? "    


"Are you saying that someone deliberately stored some information in your genes?" The Fire Phoenix stared at Xia Lei.    



Xia Lei nodded his head, "That's probably what you mean, is that possible?"    


"Yes." The Flamephoenix's reply was very straightforward. "But why would such a possibility appear on you?"    


"Let's talk about it when we get back. We have to leave this place." Xia Lei took the initiative to avoid the question.    


"You're avoiding my question." The Flamephoenix said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Don't tell me I have to tell you everything? "Then tell me all your secrets before I tell you my secrets."    


"Let's go, let's go, the two of you are going to quarrel again." undead flamingo Burning Flame urged.    


Woo woo ? * Woo woo ? *    


A strange sound suddenly came from the surrounding forest. It sounded like the wailing of wraiths and wraiths.    


undead flamingo Burning Flame's expression immediately changed, and said anxiously: "Oh no, they're here!"    


Xia Lei looked in the direction of the voice. "Who are they?"    


He didn't see anything, but the humming sound was getting closer and closer.    


"Let's go!" The Flamephoenix grew nervous as well.    


"It's useless. We can't outpace them." "They are the owners of the Immortal Forest, the Immortal Forest."    


Just as its voice faded, a cold wind blew by, shaking the myriad of branches and leaves. One by one, dark green figures appeared in the forest. They looked like a combination between a person and a tree. They had the features of a person, but their bodies were like trees. Even their hair was filled with branches and leaves. Whether they looked more like trees or humans, their bodies were not flesh and blood, but rather a strange structure made of energy.    


They were the owners of the Immortal Forest, the Immortal Forest!    


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