Tranxending Vision

C2351 Escape from Dilemma

C2351 Escape from Dilemma

0Boundless darkness pressed down and the Immortal Island was instantly razed to the ground. Even the unceasing rolling of the sea water came to a standstill at that instant, before being frozen by ice for thousands of miles! The entire sky and sea seemed to have died in an instant, sinking into eternal darkness and desolation.    


Grate Sea, thousands of meters below, a huge dragon that was a few hundred meters long was lying in the mud on the seabed. Beside it was a turtle that was as large as a hill. Xia Lei and Fire Phoenix were on the other side, holding hands and also crouching in a dense sea of seaweed. The undead flamingo s' flames were behind Xia Lei and the fire phoenix, and their blood-colored wings were filled with seaweed, making them look extremely miserable.    


Ka ka ka ?    


The black ice spread to the bottom of the sea. It was as if the sky was collapsing, and the entire area was being pressed down. There was nowhere to run!    


If it was before, Xia Lei still had that thought and courage to fight the Great Emperor Black Sun, but now, he no longer had that thought, nor did he have that courage. This was the power of the Great Emperor Black Sun, and it could not only be described as terrifying!    


The black ice quickly spread downwards, and the crackling sound of ice brought an endless pressure to the creatures at the bottom of the sea.    


The Flamephoenix slapped her hands together.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand tightly.    


The entire world was silent, and the slightest fluctuation of energy could be detected by the Great Emperor Black Sun. Even the arrogant dragon and the self-proclaimed goddess Medelsa blocked all of their auras, not daring to make the slightest of movements. This was sufficient to show just how terrifying the absolute domain of the Great Emperor Black Sun was!    


Perhaps it was because of Xia Lei's actions, or because he understood how dangerous the situation was at that moment, the fire phoenix calmed down and let Xia Lei hold her hand.    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


Suddenly, the sound of earth-shaking footsteps came from the surface of the sea. Cracks appeared on the thousand-meter-thick layer of ice, spreading out in all directions like a spider web.    


On the surface of the sea, a pair of giant feet was walking on the frozen sea, which was the Great Emperor Black Sun's feet. His energy body was thousands of meters high, as if she could pluck the dead stars in the sky with a stretch of his hand. A pair of deep blue eyes were searching in the darkness. The eyes were as if they could pierce through the heavens and the sea.    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


Great Emperor Black Sun walked on the frozen sea, one step at a time. Wherever it went, the ice cracked. Sometimes he bent her head to peer into a crack, and sometimes she punched the ice to vent her anger.    


The ice that was spreading to the bottom of the sea had finally stopped spreading. It was only a few dozen meters away from the gods on the bottom of the sea.    


After all, even a true God would not be able to control everything, much less defeat the order of this world. Great Emperor Black Sun froze Grate Sea by herself. He wanted to fight against the energy contained within the entire Grate Sea. And his energy is not infinite, nor is it omnipotent. He could not truly freeze the Grate Sea s, and that was only a part of it. He could not completely freeze this part of the sea, as its thickness could only reach a thousand meters. And Xia Lei, Fire Phoenix, Dragon, Medelsa and the undead flamingo's flames were exactly a kilometer below.    


"Boom!" "Boom!"    


Great Emperor Black Sun walked on the ice, her speed becoming faster and faster, her anger also becoming more and more intense. His voice resounded through the sky and earth like thunder. Would you rather believe our enemies than your father? You are the Imperial Princess, and your child will become the Emperor of the future! That is the mission of your entire life, and also the most noble honor you have ever had! Come out, and follow me back! "    


Beneath the ice, the Flamephoenix looked very nervous.    


Xia Lei held her hand tightly. Her hand was soft and smooth, warm at the same time.    


"Dragon King!" Great Emperor Black Sun's voice sounded, "Didn't you want that fragment? Hand Di Yin over to me, and I will pass the fragment to you. If you hand Di Yin to me, you can obtain that piece of fragment and take it away with you. "    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat. This was probably the closest he had gotten to the fragment, and also the most hopeful time to obtain it.    


The fire phoenix stared straight at Xia Lei, its gaze seemingly going to pierce through his heart.    


A smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, he was moved, but he was not stupid. Putting aside the question of whether the Great Emperor Black Sun would keep her promise, based on the nature of the mission, it was impossible for the Great Emperor Black Sun to give him the fragment.    


He had done that himself, given a promise to an enemy, and then killed him after he achieved his goal. To be merciful to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself. When you cut the grass at its roots, if you don't cut the grass at its roots, then you will be the victims in the future. If he knew of this, how could Great Emperor Black Sun, who ruled the Black Sun Empire with such a tyrannical method, be merciful?    


"Alright! I'm leaving! But I will find you! " The last voice of the Great Emperor Black Sun.    


The sky and the sea were once again immersed in absolute silence, not even a breath of wind could be seen.    


The Flamephoenix moved her hand slightly, as if she wanted to pull her hand away.    


Xia Lei held her hand tightly and stared at her, his voice transmitted directly into her ears, "Can't you see that it's such a simple trap? The ice has not melted and there is no sound from outside. If he was not standing guard outside, that would be weird. "    


The fire phoenix's voice sounded the same way. "I just want to take back my hand. You've held it for a long time, haven't you?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


He let go of her hand. He had held her hand because he was nervous, for no other reason, but she had clearly misunderstood.    


The Flamephoenix carefully withdrew her hand.    


After a while, the ice that had sealed off the sea had not melted at all, and there was no sound from outside.    


Although Xia Lei did not dare to release new energy to investigate the situation on the sea surface, an image still appeared in his mind. The mountain-like Great Emperor Black Sun stood on the black ice, his eyes sweeping the surface of the ice, searching for her target.    


"Your father is really a cunning fellow!" Xia Lei's voice travelled into the Fire Phoenix's ears.    


The fire phoenix's voice reached Xia Lei's ears, "He's not my father! I have no father! "    


"Who is your mother? I am the mother who laid the egg. " Although it was a little awkward to ask like that, Xia Lei still asked. He wanted to know the answer to the question so that he could judge if her birth was related to the Darkness Master Miyas or not.    


"No need to test me. I have no obligation to answer your question."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Another period of time passed.    


The Fire Phoenix didn't want to talk to Xia Lei at all, but she couldn't stop herself from talking to him due to his thick skin. On the other side, Dragon and Medelsa simply closed their eyes and slept. At the bottom of the sea like this, they could sleep for several hundred years, thousands of years or even longer, but they did not know that the Great Emperor Black Sun did not have the patience to wait for such a long period of time.    


"Damn, isn't that guy too patient?" Xia Lei had already lost his patience. His voice split into several parts and spread towards the ears of Dragon and Medelsa, the fire phoenix and the undead flamingo Burning Flame, "We can't continue like this. That guy is guarding outside, he's not waiting for us to reveal ourselves, he's waiting for reinforcements instead. Once the Black Sun Empire's armies seal off this region of the sea, and then enter the sea to search for us, we will become turtles in jars. "    


Dragon and Medelsa opened their eyes. They had originally wanted to have a good sleep here, but after hearing Xia Lei's words, their sleepiness completely disappeared.    


The undead flamingo Burning Flame stared straight at Xia Lei. It had been enduring the torture of the sea water the entire time, and every second it stayed behind was torture to it.    


The fire phoenix's voice reached Xia Lei's ears, "You plan to do this?"    


Xia Lei said, "There is no frozen water flowing at the bottom of the sea. Let's follow the flow of the water."    


"Master, you should have told me earlier. I can breathe the wind, I can call the rain, and the sea and I can control everything. " The dragon's voice reached Xia Lei's ears, "I can make the water silently flow without any ripples. You guys stick to me, I'll bring you guys away."    


Xia Lei nodded, then relaxed his body and slowly floated towards the dragon. The fire phoenix also followed Xia Lei's example and relaxed, allowing the water to bring her to the dragon's side before grabbing onto its dorsal fin. Medelsa did not dare to shrink his body to a humanoid form, but luckily for him, she was right beside the dragon.    


The dragon glared at Medelsa fiercely.    



Medelsa then said, "Damn it, wasn't it just to give me a ride? Why are you rolling your eyes at me? Do you believe that I will tell your ugly story to Burning Flame? "    


The voice of the undead flamingo's flames came out, "Its business has nothing to do with me!"    


The dragon carefully opened its body, and its tail slowly extended to the side of the undead flamingo, Burning Flame. It transmitted its voice, "Burning Flame, catch it, I'll take you away."    


undead flamingo Burning Flame hesitated for a moment, then used her mouth to grab the dragon's tail fin. She did not notice that the dragon's expression was very enjoyable in that instant.    


The water beneath the sea began to flow. This flow was not like a single stream of water rushing to a certain place, but rather a vast expanse of water flowing as a whole. There was no sound, nor was there any energy fluctuation. It was as if one was on Earth but couldn't feel the Earth turning.    


The dragon's body slowly floated before descending along with the waves. Its speed was comparable to that of a fish swimming in water, but not a single ripple was caused by the small fish.    


1000 meters, 10,000 meters, 100,000 meters ?    


The ice above his head was thinning, and the water was moving faster and faster. After an unknown period of time, the ice on the sea surface disappeared. As the dragon emerged from the ocean water, Xia Lei, Fire Phoenix, Medelsa and the undead flamingo all looked back at that instant.    


Behind them, darkness enveloped everything. The darkness was like a cage that stretched out as far as the eye could see.    


"As expected, that fellow didn't leave. He is still guarding us in his absolute domain, and he will definitely send reinforcements to this place later on." Xia Lei sighed: "Fortunately we left in time, if we had stayed any longer, we would definitely have been stuck inside the jar."    


"Let that guy stand guard there." Medelsa said: "Master, where are we going now?"    


Xia Lei replied: "Let's go home."    


The Dark Death World was boundless, but the only place he could hide was the City of the Sun. Now that he had witnessed the true strength of the Great Emperor Black Sun, even though he had escaped from his predicament, Xia Lei's heart did not relax in the slightest.    


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