Tranxending Vision

C2327 counterattack signal

C2327 counterattack signal

0Two months later, in the north of Black Sun Empire ? Yin Flower City.    


The mayor, Canaman, looked at the portraits in front of him with a frown on his face. These portraits included the Empire's most wanted criminal, Dragon King, blue moon man Shenyue Ruyi, and even a city floating in the air.    


"Are we f * * king going to investigate?" Cannans Bay broke the silence in the Mayor's mansion. This was an order he had just received from the Doomsday City. The person who signed the order was the Empire's Princess, Di Yin.    


"City Lord, I heard that the Dragon King occupied two cities at the northwest border, the Ember City and the Lava City. Princess Young-ye personally leading the aerial knights was unable to catch that human called the Dragon King. " The one who spoke was the commander of the city's defense army, Nightingale.    


"Isn't this news too old? The news I heard was that Great Emperor Black Sun personally took action, bringing Azrael Diarro and the True Night Army to chase to the Abyss of Desire, but was still managed to escape by that Dragon King. " She was the brain of Kanansbe.    


"Mr. Deep Earth, what do you mean?" Nighteyes looked coldly at the thick earth beside Canaman. He hated the man who was always so weird.    


Hou Tu sneered, "Commander Ye, I have no other intentions. I just wanted to remind you that as the captain of the northern stronghold's defensive garrison, information is very important. We are not far from a no-man's land, so you have to be careful. "    


Nighteyes coldly snorted, "Hmph! When did it become your turn to say anything about the defense of the city? "    


"Enough! Stop arguing! " "In the order document, Princess Young-ye said that she brought the Airborne Knight Regiment and the True Night Army to the other side of the Abyss of Desire, but until now, there has not been any news. She said that if the Azrael Diarro failed, Xia Lei could possibly enter the Black Sun Empire from the northern border. He told us to lock down the entire city and strengthen our defenses, so any news regarding the Dragon King should immediately be reported to the Doomsday City. "    


Nightmare said, "Enter from us?"    


"There is only this possibility. Commander Ye, carry out the orders of the Princess Young-ye, seal off the entire city and increase your vigilance. We don't care about the Dragon King entering from other places, but no matter what we cannot enter from here. " After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Deep Earth, you will be in charge of monitoring the entire city. Any suspicious personnel will have to monitor them, especially the butterfly man in the city."    


"Yes." "Yes!" Nighteyes and Thick Earth responded at the same time.    


Suddenly, a city guard rushed in through the door and said with a panicked expression, "Reporting in ?" "Report..."    


"Bastard!" "What is it that makes you so alarmed?" Stand still and talk! "    


The city guards stood up straight. "Yes, yes ?" An enemy is attacking the city! "    


"Huh?" Kanansi rose from his seat and said nervously, "Could it be ? could it be the Dragon King?"    


"What enemy?" Nighteyes urged, "How many are there? Say it! "    


The City Defense Army soldier finally calmed down a little, "It's a bald woman, she brought a weird team, around 5000 to 6,000 people. Some of them are more than 10 meters tall, some look like metal men, some look like stone men ?"    


"Enough!" Nightingale interrupted the city guards, "It's not the Dragon King, I think it's just a no-man's land. It's just a no-name army, a mere five thousand people and they want to break into Yin Flower City? We have two hundred thousand soldiers! "Even stepping on them can stomp them to death!"    


"Let's go take a look!" As he listened to Nighteyes, Canaman was relieved. As long as it wasn't the Dragon King, a mere five thousand residents of the native population would not be able to break through the thick walls of the Yin Flower City, not to mention the famous Yin Flower Heart's Yin energy barrier that was used to protect the city.    


The Yin Flower Heart provided an extremely beautiful energy barrier made up of many energy flowers.    


The three main figures of the Yin Flower City quickly arrived on top of the city wall and stood side by side, observing the enemy forces in the open area opposite of the city gate.    


There were six squads, each about a thousand men, standing in the clearing, so the messenger from the city guard was roughly right. The six squads consisted of giants more than ten meters tall, silver metal men, half-ape apes, stone men, winged men, and generally short and gray men.    


These people had never seen or knew where they came from in the no-man's-land.    


The most eye-catching person was naturally the woman standing in front of the six teams. She had neither hair nor eyebrows, and her bald head looked like an egg. Although her facial features were still beautiful, it still gave people a comical feeling.    


Kanan Si Bei looked around. The city walls were densely packed with city guards, energy arms and crossbows were ready to fire. As long as he gave the order, the enemy's no-name army would probably be knocked down!    


"Was that woman and her team here to be funny?" The corners of Nightmare's mouth curled up in disdain.    


Just then, the bald woman looked over and saw the three of them. She walked over and said loudly, "Warriors of the Yin Flower City, my master told you to tie up your master and leader and surrender. Otherwise, you will have to sacrifice your Yin Flower Heart or attack the city. My master also said that he did not bring slavery and exploitation, but true equality and freedom, and that you will never pay taxes! "    


The bald woman's voice immediately gave rise to a wave of laughter. There were even people who loudly cursed at her, making her words unbearable to hear.    


However, the bald woman didn't seem to care at all. She continued in a coquettish voice, "But I advise you not to surrender. If you all surrender, what am I going to eat?"    


Nightingale snatched a bow from the hands of a city guards and pulled the bow to its limit. Then, an arrow shot out from the bowstring and flew toward the bald woman while shrouding in dark energy.    


The bald woman didn't dodge. Instead, she waited for the arrow to fly towards her.    


Ka-cha! *    


The furious arrow slammed into the bald woman's head. The bald woman's head did not split open, but the arrow was reduced to powder!    


The bald woman chuckled, "So mischievous, using a small arrow to shoot at me."    


Cold sweat immediately appeared on Nightmare's forehead. With just this arrow, he already knew that his opponent was an extremely terrifying existence, a being far beyond what he could hope to fight!    


"Kill!" Kanansbe roared furiously. "Kill!"    


Sou sou sou!    




The bowstring rang out and the arrows fell like rain. The energy arms rumbled as it passed through the Yin Flower's energy barrier like raindrops, flying towards the bald woman and the six squads behind her.    




A transparent energy shield suddenly sprung up, covering the six squads. The arrows that rained down from the sky and the ability ammunition struck the energy shield. The arrows were shattered and the energy ammunition exploded, but they did not manage to harm a warrior who was under the protection of the barrier.    


Among the six squads, a female night watcher wearing blue armor revealed a smile, "So it can be like this! "This way, when I use City Heart during the siege in the future, I can avoid the death rate of soldiers. Darling will definitely praise me, haha!"    


This woman was Nightingale, she was wearing the Saint King Lan Ling's Ares suit.    


Standing at the very front was Medelsa. It was not among the energy shield propped up by the heart of the city in Ember City. The moment the Heart of the City propped up its energy passport, it was engulfed by the energy shell's explosive energy.    


But how could the energy arms hurt it?    




Amidst the raging fire and smoke, a mountain-like turtle suddenly rushed out and crashed head first into the city gate.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The city gate tower above Yin Hua City suddenly collapsed, and all of the city guards were sucked into Medelsa's mouth. However, this was only the beginning. After knocking open the city gate tower, its turtle back smashed onto a wall at the side of the city gate tower, and that piece of city wall was as weak as paper under its turtle back. The guards standing on the city wall all fell to the ground, some died and some even became's food.    


"Hahaha!" The soldiers of Yin Hua City, oh, please don't surrender! "Fight with the goddess of your desire and love!" The mountain-like turtle made that coquettish female sound, which was even more terrifying than its huge man-eating mouth.    



In the middle of the battle, Nightingale waved her Frost Blade, "Kill!"    


Ghost-man rushed towards the gap.    


These Ghost-man warriors all took AE capsules, which enhanced their abilities. Giants were no longer clumsy. They had the flexibility of being second only to the ape-men. The golden men were invulnerable to swords and spears. They could be linked together to form a mobile fortress. Flames erupted from all over the Stone Golem's body, forming a single area. It was as if a river of magma was flowing, and all who blocked it were swept away. The winged man had even more power, and could knock over a roof with a single kick. The previously weak excavator were also no longer weak. Aside from their height having been greatly increased, their innate abilities had also received a terrifying boost. They no longer relied on their hands and heads to dig up the soil. They moved like fish in the soil, and the magical energy that they evolved into could separate the soil and the rocks like water!    


Although the Ghost-man that had taken the AE Capsule to activate the path of evolution only had five to six thousand people, their overall fighting strength was much stronger than the two hundred thousand City Defense Army of Yin Hua City. They were the real "Special Forces" under Xia Lei's command, and their opponents could only be considered "Boy Scouts".    


The battle didn't last long, and most of the city guards surrendered after losing their weapons. The mayor, Kanansbe, and the captain of the city's defense forces, Nightingale, were captured alive, and the man of the brain, Deep Earth, was killed in a chaotic battle.    


At the same time, the other three cities in the north also fell. The ones who caused the three cities to fall were Dragon, Shenyue Ruyi and Xia Lei.    


The dragon led the night watcher's army and took down the northern Giant Tablet City.    


Shenyue Ruyi led the allied army of werewolves and robots to take down the northern Undead City.    


Xia Lei led the True Night Army and the Air Knights to take down the Mountain City, which was the hardest city to attack.    


On the same day, even when it was almost time to contribute to the four major cities at the northern border of Black Sun Empire, Xia Lei was going to give Black Sun Empire a signal that he was back!    


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