Tranxending Vision

C2269 The King of Terror, The Great Emperor of the Black Sun!

C2269 The King of Terror, The Great Emperor of the Black Sun!

0In that instant, the stone pieces, as well as the black soil, created a huge ruckus. In that instant, Xia Lei's body shot towards Chou Dong like a cannonball.    


Although it was called a cannonball, it was actually faster than a cannonball.    


Princess Young-ye wanted to stop his, but she was a step too late.    


Boom ? ?    


The black armored guards and the cavalry blocking in front of Xia Lei were smashed into pieces like porcelain pieces under a heavy hammer!    


The black armored guards that blocked in front of Han Dong and the cavalry that he brought along, were smashed a hole in the ground by Xia Lei. When he finally reacted and wanted to run away, Xia Lei had already slapped him in the face. Instinctively, he punched out with his fist. Next, he saw his fist shattering into pieces, then his arm, and finally half his chest!    


A second ago, he was still a noble with healthy limbs and a high status. But a second after Xia Lei attacked him, he lost an arm and half of his chest. The last thing he saw as he flew through the air was heads sliding down his body.    


Boom! *    


He hit one of the cavalrymen, and he fell to the ground with the other cavalryman. Blood dripped from his mouth and nose. After twitching twice, he stopped moving.    


Just like that, the Empire's famed victorious general was killed, in front of the Princess Young-ye, in front of a huge army.    


Xia Lei landed in the middle of the cavalry troops, surrounded by enemies like Lin Mu Yu, his spear like a forest, and his blade like a wall. He looked up into the sky and laughed: "Hitojiu, you don't dare to kill him, I'll kill him for you."    


"Kill him!" It was unknown who shouted.    


The cavalry and infantry rushed towards Xia Lei like a tide.    


slashed out, and a circular rainbow colored sword light flew out. Everywhere it passed, blood sprayed out, and corpses covered the ground. Some had their heads chopped off, while others had their waist cut off. If the height of the body was different, the position of the body being cut would be different. However, no matter where the ruler's body was cut by the rainbow sword light, they would die. Nai Yuanli with killing intent would have a virulent effect on the life and energy of the dark world, and no one could stop it!    


Crash! *    


Xia Lei slashed out with his sword yet again, and the arc shaped rainbow colored sword light slashed out, cutting down yet another large part of it. It was just two slashes, a front arc, and a back arc. The entire area around him was filled with mutilated corpses. Black blood stained the ground, converging and flowing in streams!    


Xia Lei who was standing in the midst of the mountains of corpses and sea of blood was no longer a Gladiator who humbly kneeled in the arena and used his life to please the audience. At this moment, he was just like a demon god!    


All of these happened too fast, catching Princess Young-ye off guard. He never thought that Xia Lei would dare to make a move in this kind of environment, and even more so, kill in every direction! With this one move, Xia Lei had trampled the entire empire's dignity under his feet, and also under the feet of the undead flamingo s, Burning Flame's honored garden!    


So what if your army is surrounding them?    


So what if you have an ancient dead beast?    


So what if this was the Doomsday City of the imperial city?    


This father will massacre everyone, what can you do!    


No one dared to charge forward, but they did scare away the collapsed infantry and cavalry. In the Black Sun Empire, those who escaped in battle would die, but even with the Empire's strict rules, they would not be able to defeat Xia Lei in terms of fear!    


The entire square was silent. Black blood flowed quietly, fear and the stench of blood filled every inch of space.    


Princess Young-ye suddenly moved. Her feet pushed on the ground, causing lava to fly everywhere, and his body ignited with blood colored flames as he charged towards Xia Lei like a burning meteorite.    


The higher the level of evolution was, the easier it would be to fight. It was a battle between the strength and level of energy, and also between speed and speed. And speed was just a secondary factor.    


Princess Young-ye made her move, and undead flamingo Burning Flame swooped down from the sky. Its fire energy was even more vigorous and powerful, and the high temperature and suppression it produced was as terrifying as a falling star!    


All of the infantry and cavalry on the plaza started fleeing, only Xia Lei stood alone at the center of the plaza. Before the Princess Young-ye and the undead flamingo's flames could even get close to him, the corpse beside him began to burn like a piece of paper, and in the blink of an eye, it was reduced to ashes!    


There were also cracks in the stone tiles, and even cracks in the tiles, and some even melted!    


But even though Princess Young-ye and Burning Flame had turned the center area of the plaza into a furnace that could melt steel, Xia Lei still stood in the center of the sea of flames, unmoving. At this moment, he was like the Great Sage of the Heavens, Sun Wukong, within the pill furnace of Old Lord Taishang!    


Princess Young-ye and Burning Flame approached each other in the blink of an eye.    




Rainbow colored lights shot out from his body, exploding like stars. The blinding rainbow colored energy shot out in all directions from his body. Wherever it passed, the flames vanished!    


Caught off guard, the Princess Young-ye who had already pounced in front of Xia Lei did not expect Xia Lei to release such a powerful energy field at all. She was basically pouncing towards a mine which had exploded before she could even step on it. As for her, she was directly hit by the shockwave from the 'explosion' and was sent flying backwards by the broken kite!    


Not only her, but also Burning Flame. Burning Flame, who had swooped down from the sky, was also unable to dodge in time, and was directly struck by the seven-colored energy field that Xia Lei had released. Although its body was not sent flying like Princess Young-ye, it still swayed a few times and almost fell from the sky!    


However, the energy field's physical attack was not its final attack. It was not even the attack that Xia Lei wanted to attack. Using his body as bait, Xia Lei suddenly released the strongest Nai Yuanli. His goal was the Nai Yuanli's attack against the darkness evolution body!    


Nai Yuanli had a lethal effect on dark energy and evolution. Once touched, one would not be able to escape!    


This point had already been shown on Princess Young-ye and Fen Yan's bodies. The blood-red Fire Feather lost its energy flame s, and even fell to the ground! Princess Young-ye's situation was not much better. Her exposed hands were full of colorful energy spots and his neck was like a patient suffering from colourful vitiligo. The visible skin was the same, the invisible skin was the same!    


"Ga si ? ?" The cry of the Burning Flame carried a mournful smell, as it flew towards the Princess Young-ye. Its motive could be seen at a glance. It was because it was afraid that Xia Lei would suddenly attack and kill the injured Princess Young-ye.    


Xia Lei really planned this to happen.    


However, just as he was about to attack, a violent energy vibration suddenly came from the direction of the Lake of Death. In that instant, it felt like an earthquake occurred, and the entire Doomsday City trembled for a moment.    


This was the first time Xia Lei had encountered such a powerful darkness energy, and even Defasisy were unable to compare to it!    


Could it be the Great Emperor Black Sun?    


As this thought flashed through his mind, Xia Lei leaped up, transforming into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky.    


Now was not the time to fight the Great Emperor Black Sun to the death. He still wanted to go to the base that Hitojiu told him and also wanted to go to the Valley of Desire. His mission had always been that piece of debris. In front of this mission, everything else was secondary!    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The sky suddenly resounded with the sound of thunder. In an instant, dark clouds covered the sky, and strong gales rose from all directions!    


The dark yellow sky suddenly turned darker and deeper. Just a moment ago, he could still see the mountains and forests in the distance, but in the blink of an eye, he could no longer see his five fingers!    


The dark energy surged over from the direction of the Guihun Island. Its aura was like an angry tsunami and even the incomparably huge Doomsday City was just like a small boat in front of it!    


"What a powerful dark energy!" "Although my energy can restrain the energy of darkness, how can I defeat such a powerful energy of darkness?"    


Nai Yuanli was like a poison, this poison was not limitless, it also had a dosage. The poison in Xia Lei's hands could only kill one elephant, but if the other party was a dinosaur, he wouldn't be able to kill it. Furthermore, this giant dinosaur had its accomplices, such as the Azrael Diarro.    



Escaping was the wisest choice.    




A black bolt of lightning struck down from the sky. There was no target, but it was not far from Xia Lei.    


Rumble rumble rumble!    


The sound of thunder rumbled.    


The wind and thunder mixed together, but no drops of rain fell down.    


The rain only fell on true night, and the darkness and lightning in front of him were man-made objects, not real night.    


Just after this flash of lightning, Xia Lei turned around to take a look. In the direction of the Doomsday City, in the dark sky above, an incomparably large figure was sweeping its arms across the sky. Just that figure alone, with that pair of gigantic arms, even if he wanted to wipe out the entire Doomsday City, it would only take a few minutes!    


"Will he be my next opponent? If so, shouldn't I get fatter ? " For some reason, at this very moment, such a thought suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's mind.    


Such a thought was not in the least proper, but it eased the tension in his heart.    


The rainbow colored energy around his body had converged when he was about to escape in the air. There was only a pair of energy wing on his body. At this moment, he was a part of this dark world, or perhaps ? A flea on Great Emperor Black Sun's body.    


The Chief Sovereign trembled. This was a reminder.    


Xia Lei dove head first into the Suspension City's energy barrier and disappeared without a trace.    


In the Doomsday City Square, the blood colored flames once again ignited and burned up from Burning Flame's body. However, its flame was like a weak candle flame in the endless darkness, ready to be engulfed by the darkness at any moment.    


Princess Young-ye stood beside Burning Flame. Darkness energy gathered from all directions, extinguishing the seven-colored energy spots on her body.    


"Thank you, royal father." The Princess Young-ye said, her voice was filled with reverence.    


The darkness receded like a receding tide, and the sky quickly returned to normal. The dim yellow light shone down again, and to the lucky survivors, it felt like they had been given a new lease on life.    


"It's him." The Princess Young-ye said one more sentence, "No matter where you hide, I will definitely find you!"    


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