Tranxending Vision

C2266 Green hat?

C2266 Green hat?

0Blood and Sand Castle.    


Just as Xia Lei came out from the staircase, he met Galan Lingtian who was about to go downstairs.    


"Boss, you ?" Galan looked at Xia Lei who had returned with a horrified expression.    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "What kind of expression is that?"    


Galan hesitated for a bit, and said: "Boss, quickly go to your room and take a look, I ? I don't dare say. "    


Xia Lei walked towards his and Nightingale's room, but before he even reached the door, he heard a strange sound.    


"Ahhh, you're so powerful. Mmm mmm, go easy on me ?" It was the voice of the Nightingale.    


Then a man's voice said, "Darling, your skin is so tender, I can't help but ?"    


Galan, Ling Tian followed along, his shocked expression changed to one of anger. Esteemed boss is beside me, damn it, the man in the room is definitely not a adulterer, right? Then, he sneakily glanced at Xia Lei. He thought that Xia Lei would fly into a rage like thunder, but he didn't expect Xia Lei to have such a calm expression, not even a trace of anger on his face.    


"Oh, I'm going to die." Nightingale's voice.    


"I'm not done yet. Change your posture." A man's voice.    


Xia Lei knocked on the door. Knocking twice, he paused for a moment before knocking again.    


Knocking on the door? Galan felt that his boss' temper was really good. If it was him, he would have already kicked the door.    


The sound of footsteps could be heard as the door was opened.    


The one standing behind the door was Nightingale, her clothes were neat, and she was chewing on a fruit in her hand. Looking at Galan's Ling Tian who was standing beside Xia Lei, the fruit in her hands fell to the ground with a thud, then she turned and hid behind the door.    


Galan's eyes swept across the room quickly, but he didn't see any other man. Then his gaze fell onto an electronic device on the bed. The electronic device was still playing a sound that would make people blush.    


"This ?" Galan was dumbstruck, he really couldn't understand why Nightingale would want to hear this kind of voice. With this kind of electronic equipment, wouldn't listening to music be good enough? For example, the Dark March, for example, the night did not understand the white of the day, these songs were all popular songs in the Doomsday City.    


"Don't tell anyone about it." Xia Lei said, he paused for a while, and then added, "Your sister-in-law really likes listening to this kind of nonsense, her family is shameless to the point of not revealing it to the public."    


Galan was startled for a moment, then nodded with all his might, adding on a nasal voice, "En!"    


Xia Lei entered the house and closed the door.    


The Nightingale who was hidden behind the door suddenly rushed forward, her pair of pink fists smashed onto Xia Lei's chest. Her face was covered with night watcher's black dizziness, and her eyes looked like they were about to bite into someone.    


Xia Lei hugged her small waist and let her smash him.    


Galan's footsteps went further and further away and disappeared into the corridor.    


Nightingale said, "I was so embarrassed just now!" You recorded those sounds with me, and even wanted me to play it, but you told Galan, Ling Tian, to come listen in.    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "Oh my dear wife, think about it, I met him outside, and his horrified expression told me that there's another man in the house. If I didn't bring him to see it with my own eyes and let him see the truth, wouldn't I be wearing a green hat in his heart? This is the most unbearable thing for a man, even if it's a misunderstanding. "    


"What does wearing a green hat mean?" Nightingale asked curiously.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Speak, tell me quickly." Nightingale pressed her hand against Xia Lei's chest, shaking her soft waist back and forth.    


Xia Lei said: "That's right, my wife is doing this behind her own husband's back."    


"What are you doing?" Nightingale blinked her large, dark blue eyes, which were filled with a mischievous look.    


She obviously knew what that meant.    


Xia Lei slapped her fat body, "Are you doing this on purpose?"    


With a crisp smack, ripples appeared.    


Nightingale glared at Xia Lei, "So what if you're doing this on purpose? Are you going to bite me? "    


"I'll bite you!" Xia Lei suddenly lowered his head.    


The falsetto became a real voice, more passionate, more rhythmic.    


Fighting with the heavens was inferior to fighting with others. Fighting with others was incredibly enjoyable.    


When everything quieted down, the wall suddenly emitted a trace of blue light. It was very secretive, extremely difficult to be discovered. But when it appeared, Xia Lei saw it immediately and knew who it was.    


Nightingale seemed to have sensed something as well, and she also raised her head from Xia Lei's embrace to look in that direction.    


The blue energy ray paused for a moment in the air, then it opened with a 'hualala' and turned into a woman.    


Shenyue Ruyi returned.    


Nightingale cried out in alarm, reached out to grab the blanket to cover herself and Xia Lei's bodies, and said angrily: "You, this guy, what are you trying to do? Don't you see us husband and wife... Is this trouble? "    


Xia Lei also wanted to say a few words to Shenyue Ruyi. She didn't care about anything. No, the only thing he cared about was getting on his body and using his body to absorb the energy of survival. Of course, it was hard to be sure whether or not she liked the process. After all, she wouldn't be as lively as Nightingale, and he wouldn't be able to make any movements during the process.    


"I'm back." Shenyue Ruyi's first sentence.    


"You're back? "Ha!" Nightingale angrily said: "Did you break into our couple's room just to say that?" Did you say that? You can go now! "    


Shenyue Ruyi frowned, "Your mouth is like the Rebel Army's broken machine gun, can you close it?"    


"You ?" Nightingale looked at Xia Lei, the purpose of this look was very obvious, you actually want to chase her away!    


Xia Lei's head hurt. At times like these, he always had a headache.    


Shenyue Ruyi said: "Princess Young-ye chased me for a thousand kilometers before stopping. I estimated that it was about time. Then she asked me some questions. "    


Nightingale stopped cursing, she knew Xia Lei's plan and knew that Shenyue Ruyi had something important to say to her at this time.    


Xia Lei asked: "What did she ask you?"    


"She asked you where you were, how strong you were, what your goal was, and so on." Shenyue Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei asked, "How did you answer that?"    


"I said that you are still at the northwest border. You are stronger than the Azrael Diarro, your goal is to establish a new dynasty." Shenyue Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "This will give her a lot of pressure, he will probably send his army to attack us soon."    


Nightingale suddenly became nervous, "But we are still here, what if there really is an army that attacks us?"    


Xia Lei said: "You don't have to be nervous, a majority of Ember City's people are inside the Suspension City, and the Ember City only has a few elderly people who are unwilling to leave, so they should know the reason why they are here. Furthermore, even if the Azrael Diarro were to send out their army, it would still take some time to prepare before the war. The preparation to start a war is not simple, the food is the first problem that needs to be solved. There were also battle plans, pre-battle intelligence gathering, and so on. He had already failed once, so it was impossible for him to send out another useless past-man army. And they had to be even more prepared to send out the night watcher's army. "Therefore, I estimate that we still have twenty to thirty days."    


Only then did Nightingale let out a sigh of relief, "That's good, although the Ember City only left behind some old people and some people who are unwilling to leave, after all, it is the life's work of the Master of Lonely-night City, I do not want to lose it."    


Xia Lei gently caressed her smooth and exposed back, "Don't worry, even if there are only a few old people left, I will still protect that city."    


"Darling, you are so kind." Nightingale buried her face into Xia Lei's chest, looking very happy.    


"Mhmm, cough." Shenyue Ruyi coughed awkwardly, then said: "Princess Young-ye also asked a strange question."    


"What problem?" Xia Lei asked.    


"I don't have any strength left, I'm very weak. I need to absorb some energy from your body before I can speak." Shenyue Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei, "..."    


She had also learned to be scheming.    


Nightingale raised her head from Xia Lei's chest, "What kind of energy do you want to absorb from my husband?"    


Shenyue Ruyi did not speak further.    


Xia Lei braced himself and explained, "She is actually quite a pitiful person as well. She is an existence that came from the past. She doesn't have a body, so the life capsule that the Amido research is useless against her. He needs to absorb the life energy from my body. Otherwise, she will die just like those past-man who suddenly died. "    


Nightingale's heart softened, she said to Shenyue Ruyi: "You go ahead and drink."    


Shenyue Ruyi floated up, and then moved closer to Xia Lei from midair.    


"Wait!" Nightingale suddenly thought of something and hurriedly called for her to stop, "How do you want to absorb it?" "What place did you smoke?"    


Shenyue Ruyi said coldly: "It is definitely not the place that you can suck on."    


Nightingale, "?"    


This was very awkward.    


Xia Lei closed his eyes, and his soul escaped from his body, then laid down beside Nightingale.    


Nightingale looked dumbfoundedly at Xia Lei who was lying beside her. This was the first time she had seen Xia Lei's soul leave his body. He was so real, except for the rainbow colors, that he was almost a real person. She couldn't help but poke Xia Lei's chest and in that instant, she couldn't help but shiver. That feeling was unprecedented and wondrous.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't poke me, I feel it."    


On the other side, Shenyue Ruyi had already entered his body.    


Nightingale turned around and saw Xia Lei's body lying on the ground. She could no longer see Shenyue Ruyi, so she smiled and said, "So that's how it is, this is considered normal, I can accept it."    


Xia Lei endured the pain of wanting to die, but pretended to be serious at the same time, "Un, just like this, in a while it will be fine. Well, she was actually quite pitiful. "Oh, go to sleep."    


Nightingale looked at Xia Lei suspiciously, "Husband, your expression is very strange. Also, what are you mmm?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Some things can never be explained.    


At the same time.    


The Netherworld Kingdom.    




A expensive teacup fell to the ground and pieces of it fell to the ground.    


"It's just a gladiator of unknown origin, how dare he bully the head of my You Family!" You Yuan was furious, "The Princess Young-ye actually sent someone to stop us! It's incomprehensible! "    


"Father, that guy is very good-looking. Maybe the Princess Young-ye has taken a fancy to him." You Feng said.    


His words were like a ladle of oil poured over the fire, and Quiet And Steadfast smashed the table again, "Impossible! Even if she did like it, the Emperor would not agree. Her future husband can only be born between two princes, either the Sky King Di Kun or the Earth King Di Jiuyou. "    


You Feng's heart felt as if it was pierced. This was the first time he had heard Quiet Spring say such words, but if it was like this, then it meant that he had no chance of getting the Princess Young-ye's favor. Stealing women from the King of Sky, the King of Earth, Di Jiuyou? No matter how big a family was, the result would be certain death!    


You Yuan berated: "I know what you are thinking, but I want to warn you, this is an empire's secret, you can't leak it out. You have to eliminate that thought of yours too, don't even think about it! "    


You Feng nodded his head, "Father, I understand."    


You Yuan angrily said, "What do you know?! Princess Young-ye was a divine child that only appeared once every ten thousand years. She had a mysterious energy on her that even today could not understand. Once, I heard from Western Territory King Diaro that if she were to become husband and wife, the children born would surpass all God's sons in history. For thousands of years, the Empire's royal family had never intermarried with outsiders to preserve the purity of their bloodline. The birth of the Princess Young-ye is simply a gift from the heavens to the royal family. How could they allow others to meddle with it? "    


You Feng seemed to have understood something, and muttered to himself: "No wonder, since ancient times, no one has ever tamed a undead flamingo, but Princess Young-ye has actually tamed one."    


"It's good that you understand. It's fine if you like her, but don't show it, or else you'll bring disaster upon yourself!"    


"Father, I understand."    


"The night doesn't belong to you?"    


You Feng nodded his head, "Yes, I sent him to assassinate the Child of Darkness, but he failed. Father, I'm sorry, I should have told you in advance, it's just that ? That guy was going too far! He almost killed me! In front of so many people, the face of our You Family has been trampled to pieces by him! "    


A fierce look flashed across Quiet And Steadfast's eyes, "Idiot!" If a hitman like Ye Bufan was able to kill him, how would he dare to kill you in front of the Princess Young-ye? "    


You Feng lowered his head, "I was wrong."    



You Yuan said: "Don't show any signs of humility or humility in front of me, let me teach you how to do it. Go and find Western Territory King Diaro now, tell him, if he is willing to help us get rid of that guy, then we are willing to help him in the rebellion at the Northwest border."    


"Will he agree?"    


"Do as I say. He'll agree." A sneer emerged from the corner of Quiet Spring's mouth, "They say that he lives on the Soul Returning Island, but I know that the Emperor doesn't like him to live on the Soul Returning Island. He should be living in the north in the White Bone Valley. With his daily large appetite, past-man, and the fresh and living people, he should at least find a slightly more secluded place when doing those things, right? "    


"I ?" You Feng was suddenly scared, he thought about the legends of the Azrael Diarro.    


"Humph!" You only have this much guts, how will you inherit my position in the future? " "Go, go to the slave market to pick out a thousand fresh slaves, then send them to the White Bone Valley!" Quiet And Steadfast scolded.    


"Yes sir!" You Feng replied. His back was covered in cold sweat and he felt a chill.    


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