Tranxending Vision

C2254 West plant official

C2254 West plant official

0You Feng stood with his hands behind his back in the hall of the square tower of Blood and Sand Castle, sizing up everything in the hall. Behind him stood a large group of spies from the Black Sun Camp. Each and every one of them wore a black mask and looked like a large group of bandits who had barged into the castle.    


These spies of the Black Sun Camp would put on their black veil when they revealed themselves, and would become regular people when they carried out missions, loitering about wherever they went.    


You Feng rarely brought this many spies down, but this time, he brought them along because he wanted this kind of aura. He wanted to put pressure on Duke Galan so that he could obtain the information he wanted.    


The interior of the hall was simple and elegant, exuding the heavy aura of history. You Feng liked ancient, yet powerful things. He liked the Blood and Sand Castle very much. He thought that Count Galan would sell his Blood and Sand Castle, and at that time, he would buy the place at the lowest price possible to become the owner of this ancient castle.    


A voice that only he could hear came out of You Feng's mouth, "Where did he get so much money from? Was someone behind him? Who could that person be? How could he be so stupid as to invest so much money into Count Galan? Didn't he know that the people who were going to stomp Count Galan flat were the military and the royal family? And this castle, what a pity, it should belong to someone worth owning it, and definitely not Galan's family ? "    


His thoughts were jumping.    


Just then, Count Galan and Galan Ling Tian walked into the room. They were the father and son, without any followers.    


"I heard that it's Young Master You. I didn't believe it until I saw the handsome and extraordinary young master You." Count Galan had a smile on his face as he spoke in a friendly tone, "Why didn't Young Noble You send someone over to inform me, or use the blue moon man's messenger? I have something to do to prepare for your arrival, but I was unprepared for it."    


You Feng said coldly: "Count Galan, you don't need to pretend to be courteous with me, I am not the type of person to faint after listening to a few flattery."    


"My father is a noble Count. He respects you so much, yet you speak to him like that?" Galan could not control the anger in his heart, "Don't you feel that you're very rude this way?"    


"Hmm?" You Feng's gaze landed on Galan Ling Tian's face, the look in his eyes as sharp as knives.    


Behind You Feng, two of the scouts from the Black Sun Camp stepped forward, as if they were going to attack Galan and Ling Tian.    


Count Galan berated her: "Tian'er, you are bold! How can you speak to the noble young master like that? "    


"Father ?" Galan felt wronged, but he did not dare retort against his father.    


Count Galan said, "The one standing in front of you is not only the young master of the You Family, but also the left camp manager of the Black Sun camp. His achievements are the most outstanding among your generation, no matter what he said or did, you should respect him."    


Galan shut his mouth, but his eyebrows were knitted stubbornly. In truth, he was very clear on the power and influence of the You Family. In fact, he was very clear on the power of the You Family. He couldn't be like his father, forced to smile when someone bullied him into coming.    


The two spies from the Black Sun Camp continued to walk towards the father and son duo of Count Galan.    


Count Galan squinted her eyes, hiding a glint of light.    


"Come back." You Feng said indifferently: "This is Blood and Sand Castle, how can you all be so presumptuous?"    


The two spies from the Black Sun Camp stopped and turned back. You Feng's orders were more important to them than anything else.    


"Hehehe ?" Count Galan laughed and said, "Young Noble You, this child doesn't know anything, don't lower yourself to him."    


You Feng said in a neutral tone: "We don't need to speak anymore words of courtesy, I think you should be very clear about the purpose of my visit, Count Galan."    


Count Galan said, "I'm really not sure about what Young Noble You is planning to do by bringing so many people."    


You Feng said: "Rumor has it that Count Galan is extremely tactful with her work, and is very good at hiding her identity. Seeing him today, it is indeed true."    


Count Galan laughed and said, "Young Master You can speak your mind if you want to. I really don't know anything about it."    


"Alright, then I'll be frank." After a slight pause, a ruthless light flashed across You Feng's eyes, "According to what I know, the Count's family is not going to be able to take out that much money. However, even without selling any of his assets, you still paid each and every shareholder five million Black Gold Coins."    


"Former shareholder." Count Galan interrupted.    


"Humph!" You Feng snorted disdainfully, "In fact, not only did you take out 40 million black gold, you also started the World Champion Gladiator competition and gave us 20 million black gold as a reward. Where did all this money come from?"    


"Hehe, so that's why Manager You came." Duke Galan even addressed them differently, his face no longer had that kind of fawning smile, and his voice turned cold, "I lost Hitojiu for no reason, but your You family earned five million black gold for no reason, and you guys took money, but still want to find out where the money came from?"    


You Feng said coldly: "Don't forget my identity. I am the left camp manager of the Black Sun Camp, and I have the right to investigate anyone's source of funds. What if this money was obtained by Greed? "    


Galan said angrily: "You Feng, don't you dare go too far! Our Galan family is one of the top families in the southern part of the empire. Our family has been loyal to the royal family for generations.    


This time, Count Galan did not stop his son. What Galan Ling Tian said was also something he wanted to say. Even a rabbit would bite if they were forced into a corner!    


"Hahaha ?" It's just a declining noble family, I can't remember any glorious achievements from your ancestors. If your family really had the power to make me fear them, would you have been forced into a corner a few days ago? When the Princess Young-ye took Hitojiu away, why didn't you talk about your great clans in the south, why didn't you talk about your contributions and hardships? " You Feng's words were full of contempt.    


If that was the case, even Count Galan, who was the most patient, would not be able to endure it.    


With a sudden change in topic, You Feng continued: "So, should Count Galan tell me herself, or should I get someone to search for clues?"    


"You Feng, you do not have the qualifications to search this place!" Galan said angrily.    


You Feng gently waved his hand, and a large group of spies from the Black Sun camp behind him walked towards Count Galan and Galan Lingtian from his two sides.    


He said that he was going to search no matter what, and didn't put Count Galan in his eyes at all.    


"Alright, since Manager You is so adamant about the origin of that money, you won't stop until I satisfy your desire. "Come with me. I will bring you to meet that esteemed person." "" Count Galan compromised.    


However, this was not a true compromise. Rather, it was the arrangement of that distinguished individual.    


Half an hour ago.    


"The You Family's people must be here for the money I provided you, this is just an excuse, their goal of suppressing you did not reach, You Feng will do everything in his power to make things difficult for you." Xia Lei who was holding onto the hammer said: "Go and deal with him. If he keeps bothering you and even wants to search around here, bring him to my room."    


Count Galan's face was full of worry, "Esteemed Xia, what are you going to tell him? He is the steward of the left camp of the Black Sun Camp, with her observation and analysis skills, she is hard to deal with. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Left camp manager of the Black Sun Camp? "In my opinion, she should be the factory manager of the west factory."    


Count Galan's face was full of curiosity, "What western factory's owner?"    


"Nothing, just do as I say. And don't call me Xia. My new name is the Child of Darkness. " Xia Lei added on, "Also, don't add honorifics anymore, this name is long enough. Furthermore, we are on the same boat, we are on the same boat, so there is no need for you to be so polite. "    


"Child of Darkness, well, I'll do as you say." Count Galan relaxed.    




Count Galan brought You Feng and a large group of spies from the Black Sun Camp to a door. Before he could reach out and knock, a woman's voice came out from inside the door.    


"Aiya, no, I don't want that." The voice was delicate and full of a seductive flavor.    


"Yeah, yeah, I just like that one." A man's voice could be heard, "Be obedient, or else I'll spank your butt!"    



What were the men and women doing in the house? All the men standing in the doorway could not help but imagine.    


Dong, dong, dong!    


Count Galan knocked on the door.    


"Who is it?" The woman's voice was filled with dissatisfaction as she said, "My husband is busy. If you need anything, come back later!"    


Count Galan laughed bitterly, "That, is me. Count Galan, I have something important to see the Child of Darkness."    


"The Child of Darkness?" You Feng repeated this name and racked his brains to recall where he heard this name. However, he did not have any relevant memory information in his mind.    


"That's not free." A woman's voice.    


You Feng couldn't help but look at Count Galan's face. Although she didn't say anything, her gaze seemed to be saying that you are the owner of this place, right?    


Count Galan felt really awkward, there was nothing like this in the things that Xia Lei had told him!    


Just as he was feeling embarrassed, Xia Lei's voice came out from the house: Go open the door, we'll do it later.    


"Okay, I'll open the door." Nightingale's voice.    


You Feng coldly snorted in his heart, "A adulterous pair!"    


After a series of footsteps, the door opened and a peerlessly beautiful face appeared behind the door.    


Count Galan's gaze swept past Nightingale, who was opening the door, and landed on Xia Lei's body head first. When she saw this scene, her chin almost fell to the ground.    


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