Tranxending Vision

C92 Anger burning

C92 Anger burning

0When Xia Lei arrived, the fire brigade had already extinguished the fire. Smoke billowed out of the broken windows, and those who liked to watch the show stood back and watched from afar, discussing with each other.    


Xia Lei found Qin Xiang at the edge of the crowd, his expression pale to the extreme. Xia Lei could still see the wet scar at the corner of his eye.    


Xia Lei walked to Qin Xiang's side and lightly patted Qin Xiang's shoulder, consoling him: "Don't be sad, why don't you cut your hair in the future too, follow me."    


Qin Xiang turned his head to look at Xia Lei. He was stunned for a moment before he suddenly threw himself into Xia Lei's embrace.    


felt an extremely strange feeling as a man crawled into his embrace, and this man was even crying while lying on his chest. However, he did not push Qin Xiang away, because he knew that at this time, what Qin Xiang needed the most was comfort.    


After crying for a while, Qin Xiang raised his head from Xia Lei's shoulder and looked at him with teary eyes, "I want to kill him, I must kill him this time! This hair salon is everything to me, but it was destroyed by him! "    


"Don't be rash. If you had been rash, then you would have been tricked by Huang Yihu." Xia Lei's heart was also filled with anger, but he was extremely clear that the more time like this passed, the more one needed to remain calm.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


A string of cell phones suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei took out his phone to look at it. It was an unfamiliar number, he hesitated for a moment, then rolled down and opened the answer button.    


A woman's voice came out of the phone, "Xia, Manager Xia ?" Several of my classmates were beaten by them... "Sob, sob ?"    


The voice belonged to Guan Lingshan and Xia Lei quickly recognized it. His heart sank as she anxiously asked: Is it Ling Shan? "Don't be in such a hurry, speak slowly. What happened?"    


Guan Lingshan's voice came out from the phone, "Me and my classmates... We stayed up all night at the construction site measuring and mapping... A group of people suddenly rushed over and smashed our measuring equipment... Woo woo ? * He even injured a few of his classmates ? Those people are threatening us... Speak, say that if we work with you... Just like that... Kill us... "Sob, sob ?"    


Xia Lei's anger was ignited, "Where are they now?"    


"They... "He smashed the equipment, beat up someone and then left ?"    


Xia Lei clenched his teeth, "Where are you now?"    


"We, we're in the hospital, we don't have that much money on us... Hospitals do not treat... "Ying, ying ?" Guan Lingshan said one cry after another.    


Xia Lei suppressed the anger in his heart and comforted his: "Ling Shan, don't cry, and don't be afraid. Tell me which hospital you are in, and I will pay the bill to you immediately."    


Guan Lingshan sobbed, "We're in, in the People's Hospital."    


"Wait for me, I'll be right there." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


Just now, he was so angry that he almost broke his phone!    


First, Qin Xiang's hair salon was set on fire, and then the workers were beaten up. Obviously, Huang Yihu was taking revenge on the lost land.    


"Huang Yihu sent people to beat up your workers?" Qin Xiang looked surprised.    


Xia Lei said: "Yes, I'm going to the construction site now. You can stay here, we'll talk tomorrow."    


However, Qin Xiang said: "No, I will go with you. The salon is already destroyed, it is useless for me to stay."    


Xia Lei did not think too much into it and said: "Alright, let's go check out the construction site."    


The Great Wall H6 sprinted along the road like an enraged beast.    


"What are you going to do?" Qin Xiang broke the silence in the carriage and looked at Xia Lei worriedly.    


Xia Lei's eyes were very cold, "If he bites me, I'll stab him."    


"Are you going to kill him?" Qin Xiang was even more worried now. Earlier, even he wanted to kill Huang Yihu, but now, he knew that it was not a good idea.    


Xia Lei laughed coldly, "If that's the case, we'll let him off too easily. I'll make him lose everything, and live a life worse than death!"    


Qin Xiang was confused: "Could it be that you already have a way to deal with him?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Let's go to the hospital to look at our classmates, then we can talk. Look at the roadside, when there's a bank ATM, just tell me, I need some money. "    


Just as Qin Xiang was about to nod his head, an Industrial and Commercial Bank's Automatic Services room entered his line of sight. He then raised his finger and pointed, "There's one there!"    


20 minutes later, Xia Lei brought Qin Xiang to the People's Hospital. Entering the hospital, Xia Lei quickly found Guan Lingshan, Yin Hao, Han Bo and the others in the corridor of the emergency room. Some of them were standing in the corridor, others in waiting chairs outside the doctor's office on duty. Some of them had cuts on their heads and faces, some had their clothes torn, and one of their shoes had fallen off. Some of them had wounds on their bodies, and it was obvious that they were bruised. There was no longer any trace of youthful vigor on their bodies, just like a group of beggars waiting to be relieved. They were destitute and dejected.    


"Director Xia is here, Director Xia is here!" The swollen Han Bo shouted.    


A large group of students followed him, their eyes filled with hope and excitement. Guan Lingshan stood in front of Xia Lei. She had also been hit, her glasses had been broken, and there was no glass on half of them. Even though there was glass on the other half, there were still several cracks on her glasses.    


Guan Lingshan cried the moment she saw Xia Lei, "Manager Xia, we ? No money... "Hospital..."    


"Follow me." Xia Lei held Guan Lingshan's hand and walked to the doctor's office on duty in large strides.    


Because it was night, the doctor on duty was the only one in the office. The doctor on duty was a male doctor in his thirties. He was sitting there playing with his cell phone. When Xia Lei pulled Guan Lingshan in, he did not even glance at him before coldly saying, "Didn't I tell you guys already? The hospital is not a charity. Without money, how can we treat you? "    


As soon as he said that, a plastic bag hit the desk with a bang. The tickets rolled out of the plastic, still fresh and shining seductively in the light.    


The doctor on duty raised his head in shock, and saw the furious Xia Lei standing in front of him.    


"You don't care if they live or die without money?" Xia Lei said angrily: "How did you learn to be a doctor? Didn't your teacher teach you how to live? "    


The doctor on duty suddenly stood up, "This is a rule of the hospital, without money how can we treat it? Why are you shouting at me? If you have the ability, go and find the principal! If you make any more noise, I'll get the security guards to chase you guys out and find a hospital that treats your illnesses without paying! "    


Xia Lei suddenly smashed his fist on the doctor's desk. The punch was so powerful that the entire desk jumped. When Xia Lei moved his fist away, there was actually an additional hole on the table.    


The doctor was immediately scared pale.    


Xia Lei pointed at the doctor's nose, his eyes cold, "You better be smart for me, otherwise you will be this table!"    


The doctor nodded timidly. He had never seen anyone who could punch a hole in the office desk with a single punch. Furthermore, the current Xia Lei did not look like a good person at all, but more like an unscrupulous person. Was this kind of person someone he, a mere doctor, dared to provoke?    


"Hurry up and treat them!" Xia Lei roared.    


"Immediately... But take the money to the tollbooth, I won't take the money, I'll see a doctor... Who's going first? " The doctor didn't even bother to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead as he immediately went back to work.    


This was the way of the world. Fists were so weak that they were afraid of being punched hard, and those that had a life of their own were afraid of not caring for their own lives.    



When the doctors began to treat the patient, they did not even wait for Xia Lei's payment receipt.    


Xia Lei paid the advance fee at the collection area, and then, he took out fifty thousand yuan and gave it to Guan Lingshan.    


Guan Lingshan looked at Xia Lei in shock, "Manager Xia, what, what are you doing? "Why did you give me money?"    


Xia Lei said: "Take this money and buy clothes and nutrition for the students tomorrow. You can also change into a new pair of glasses. "As for the rest, you can divide them according to your head."    


"How, how can this work?" Guan Lingshan wanted to return the money to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei pressed her hand down, "This money was given to you by the company, you can take it without worry. Also, I will not let the matter of you guys getting beaten go away just like that. I will get justice for all of you. "    


Guan Lingshan took a thick stack of money, she was so touched that her tears were flowing out.    


The students standing by Guan Lingshan's side were also quite moved. Being able to keep up with such a loyal boss was a very good thing.    


"Manager Xia, those people are all gangsters. You don't need to fight with them, we ?" Yin Hao said, "We were just beaten up. It's fine. We'll be fine in two days."    


Han Bo also said, "That's right, Manager Xia. You're the CEO of our company, so you don't need to bother with those hoodlums."    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry, I have my own way of handling this. By the way, did you call the police? "    


Guan Lingshan said: "There's the police. When you didn't come, the police came to the construction site and then said that they went after those hoodlums. They haven't appeared since."    


A group of students who had just graduated from school was beaten up by a street hoodlum. No one died in the fight. How serious could the police be? This was not something easy to guess at.    


Guan Lingshan then said: "I had originally wanted to call Miss Liang, but then thought that she was a woman, so it's better not to tell her about this. That's why I called you."    


Xia Lei said: "You guys have handled it well, go rest tomorrow, there's no need to go back to the construction site."    


"No, we're going to the construction site." Han Bo said, "We've already measured the land and the sketches are out. We'll be able to finish the design in two days, so how can we not go?"    


"Yeah, we're going. We're not afraid of them." Someone said.    


Xia Lei's heart was moved. "Alright, since you guys insist on going to the construction site, then I'll have Miss Liang take care of you."    


"Miss Liang?" "If those hoodlums come back ?" Han Bo appeared very worried.    


Xia Lei said: "You don't have to worry about that. If she is guarding the construction site, those hooligans would not be her match."    


"Huh?" The students looked surprised. They did not know of Liang Siyao's other identity.    


It was two hours after they left the hospital. It was late at night and the streets were deserted. There were no pedestrians or vehicles.    


"What do we do now?" Qin Xiang asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Go and find trouble for Huang Yihu."    


"You really want to go to the fishing village?" Qin Xiang said: "Maybe he had already set up a trap waiting for us to jump in."    


Xia Lei shook his head, "I didn't say I would go to the fishing village's villa, I said I would go to his company."    


"To his company?" Qin Xiang was immediately stunned.    


Xia Lei said: "Let's go, now is the time for you to display your talents."    


Qin Xiang seemed to have guessed Xia Lei's goal, he shrugged his shoulders and laughed bitterly: "Alright, then I'll take it as your praise."    


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