Tranxending Vision

C86 Land Auction

C86 Land Auction

0With the ingredients sent by Shenzhou Industrial Group, Xia Lei got busy. He was the only person in the Shenzhou Industrial Group who could process the required parts. Even if the people in the studio wanted to help, they couldn't. Fortunately, Mu Jiangfeng and Jiang Xin were controlling the matters on the ground, so he didn't have to worry about it. On the other side, Liang Siyao was also in charge of recruitment, so there was no need for him to worry. Otherwise, he would have to split herself into three people to use it.    


Long Bing disappeared mysteriously the moment she appeared once. She had only called her once, and had not called her ever again. It wasn't that he didn't want to see her, it was that she was investigating him, that a person under investigation had called the person under investigation, that it wasn't appropriate for them to make an appointment for a meal or something.    


Just like this, half a month passed in the blink of an eye.    


In this half a month, Xia Lei worked overtime to process all of the required precision parts for the Shenzhou Industrial Group. Other than Zhou Xiaohong who stayed in the workshop, he was the first to come to the workshop every day and was also the last person to leave.    


After half a month of work, the order he signed with Zhou Wei had finally been completed. Just like the last time when he processed the parts for Eastern Heavy Industry, this time, he completed the order in advance with exceptional quality.    


In half a month, Liang Siyao had gained a lot. In this half month, she had gone to several technical schools and signed on to nearly a hundred skilled workers who were about to graduate.    


There were no factories, no dormitories, but that didn't stop her from doing it. Her treatment was simple. Every signed mechanic would receive five hundred yuan for his living expenses before Rema's production was completed. Her intelligence was obvious that only fifty thousand dollars a month was enough to solve the problem of human reserves.    


As for higher ranked talents, Liang Siyao also had her own way of handling them. She went to the Hai Zhu Institute of Technology to find her preferred fresh graduates and attract talented people with ideal and better pay than other recruitment units. If it really wasn't possible, then she would take out the copy of the order Xia Lei and Shenzhou Industrial Group signed with her and show it to the other party, bragging about the Rayma Manufacturing Corp's strength. The reason for this was very simple. For Rema Manufacturing to be able to produce precision parts that could only be imported from Europe and the United States, it definitely had a future working in such a new company!    


Half a month later, the Hai Zhu's municipal government had also launched the land exchange market, placing several pieces of land together for auction.    


Xia Lei and Liang Siyao arrived at the auction hall early in the morning.    


The auction hall was already filled to the brim with people. Most of them were property developers, but there were also a few business bosses who needed land to expand. These people were all dressed in suits and suits. They had the young and beautiful secretary and were all in high spirits. Each and every one of them was a winner in life.    


"Why is Elder Mu not here yet?" After sweeping across the hall, Liang Siyao did not see Mu Jiangfeng who should have been present. She asked worriedly: "Is he not coming?"    


However, Xia Lei did not seem to be worried at all, "It might be a traffic jam, don't worry, he returned. When I delivered the goods to him yesterday, we made an appointment."    


Liang Siyao laughed bitterly, "This matter is too important to us, I will always worry and think of bad things from a bad perspective."    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "What is there to worry about? With Elder Mu's status and connections, coming here is just a walk in the park."    


At this moment, a group of people walked into the hall. The two who walked in front were Huang Yihu and Li Yulan's wife, who were followed by a few bosses and four bodyguards. The bodyguard was Huang Yihu's bodyguard. Xia Lei recognized them with a single glance. He had seen four bodyguards with guns in the fishing village's villa.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the waists of the four bodyguards. If Huang Yihu's bodyguard came in with a gun, it would really give him a chance for revenge. Bringing a gun in this kind of situation, he only needed to call the police to let Huang Yihu have a hard time.    


Unfortunately, when his gaze swept over the four bodyguards, he did not notice that they were carrying guns. No matter how arrogant someone like Huang Yihu was, he would not dare to act so arrogantly in front of the government.    


Huang Yihu and Li Yulan's husband and wife also saw Xia Lei, and then walked over.    


"Mr. Xia, did you come to watch the show?" Li Yulan ridiculed: "Just now I asked the registration office, they said that none of them have a boss called Xia Lei who paid the deposit."    


Huang Yihu sarcastically said: "Boss? A person who can't even afford to pay fifty million in deposit is called Boss? "    


Xia Lei said: "I really cannot pay the fifty million deposit, because I won't cheat and cheat. If I were to steal it like you did, I would probably be able to pay the fifty million deposit and then come to the auction like a human being."    


Huang Yihu's four bodyguards rushed forward.    


Huang Yihu glared at them, and the four bodyguards retreated.    


Huang Yihu looked at Xia Lei, "Brat, I'm still waiting for you to kneel down and kowtow to me. After the auction ends, don't leave.    


Xia Lei said: "I was just about to remind you that after the auction is over, don't be in a rush to leave, I'll bring you to my friend's grave and kneel down in front of it."    


"Humph!" Huang Yihu snorted, and brought his people to leave.    


Liang Siyao said angrily: "This guy, I really want to beat him up. And the woman beside him, I've never seen a woman as cheap as her. "    


Xia Lei said: "There's no need to be angry at such people, let's find a place to sit."    


Xia Lei and Liang Siyao chose a corner and sat down, waiting for the auction to begin. While waiting, Liang Siyao took out her laptop from her computer bag to work. Xia Lei also took out a small notebook and wrote on it with a pen. He wrote very seriously, turning over one article after another and continuing to write. He also did not write down the specific content. He would write down whatever he wanted to write.    


In the auction hall, the boss and the boss exchanged greetings with no signs of quietness. However, Xia Lei and Liang Siyao were the exception. The two of them quietly and attentively went about their own things, indifferent to the people and things around them.    


During this time, Liang Siyao glanced at Xia Lei and the small notebook in his hands. Seeing the messy contents of the book he was writing, she asked curiously: "What are you writing?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "I'm not writing anything, I'm just practicing calligraphy."    


"Practicing calligraphy?" Liang Siyao looked at the crooked melon and split jujube characters on the book, and became even more curious, "I've seen the words you wrote before, they were very delicate and pretty, but the words you're writing now are so poor, it's just like the words written by a primary school student. Do you want to make your calligraphy worse the more you practice it? Who would practice like you? "    


Xia Lei moved closer to her ear and whispered: "This isn't my word, it's someone else's word."    


Liang Siyao was stunned for a moment. She suddenly thought of something, "You're imitating ? Huang Yihu's word? "    


Xia Lei nodded. He was indeed practicing Huang Yihu's handwriting. After half a month of imitation practice, not only could he completely imitate Huang Yihu's signature on the bet, he could also use Huang Yihu's handwriting to write other content.    


"You imitated his handwriting. What do you want?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei worriedly.    


"It's fine, don't worry about it." Xia Lei did not want her to come in.    


Liang Siyao said: "I know that you want to avenge your friend, but be careful, it's best if you don't do anything that goes against the law."    


Xia Lei replied: "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."    


Liang Siyao did not continue to ask Xia Lei why she copied Huang Yihu's notes. She turned the laptop on his knees to Xia Lei and said: "Look, this is the personnel arrangement plan that I drew up based on the employees that I have been recruiting for this period of time. Once the factory is completed, we will need a few middle-ranking personnel as well as our product development department. I've already made arrangements for this based on the strengths of some people. If you think it's feasible, I'll do it this way. "    


Xia Lei only looked at them indifferently before he smiled and said: "I already said, you just need to be responsible for these things."    


"Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you?" Liang Siyao looked at Xia Lei with a smile.    


Xia Lei said: "We are a family, you won't lie to me, but, even if you lie to me, I don't care."    


Liang Siyao's jade-like face mysteriously blushed a little. We are a family, and this sentence has a different meaning from a different point of view.    


Just as the two of them were whispering to each other, the government official who presided over the land auction went up onto the stage. He tried the microphone and said, "Everyone, please be quiet. The bidding for the state-owned land is about to begin. Please follow the rules of the venue with your numbers. "    


The entire auction hall suddenly became quiet.    


Liang Siyao subconsciously looked towards the entrance of the hall, but she still did not see Mu Jiangfeng.    


Xia Lei was also a little puzzled in his heart, and he said to himself: "Didn't you speak of it well yesterday, could it be that he's putting me down? Impossible, Elder Mu is someone who can make promises with a single hand. How could he break his promise when it's like this? "    


No matter what Xia Lei and his follower were thinking in their hearts, the entrance of the auction hall was still empty, and no one could see Mu Jiangfeng and his shadow.    



The land auction soon began, supporting people using slides to show the situation of the land being auctioned off, and then the various bosses raised their prices to compete for the land they wanted.    


Pieces of land were photographed one after another. An hour later, the host had taken pictures of land number 12 from land number one.    


Xia Lei and Liang Siyao had already looked at the entrance of the great hall who knew how many times, but Mu Jiangfeng had never appeared.    


Huang Yihu who was seated in the front row turned around and looked at Xia Lei and, his eyes filled with ridicule and contempt. It was as if he was saying to Xia Lei ? You have lost for sure!    


Liang Siyao said gloomily: "Looks like Elder Mu won't come. We were tricked by him."    


If it was half an hour ago, Liang Siyao had said such words to her, Xia Lei would have assured her, but now, he couldn't even let his guard down.    


The host showed a slide show of the 13th piece of land on the slide, and then said, "We will now start the auction of the 13th piece of land. This land is on the east side of the Third Ring Road, covering an area of 21 mu. The price of this land is eighty million, now the auction begins. "    


The competition for tokens had begun.    


Huang Yihu was the first to raise his hand, "Eighty-one million."    


In the entire audience, only Huang Yihu raised his card, no one dared to compete with him.    


Huang Yihu was the Seventh He, who would dare to snatch the land that the Seventh He wanted?    


"Are there any more bids?" If not, the land will be sold to this gentleman for a price of eighty-one million dollars. " The host urged the other bosses to raise their cards, but nothing like this happened. After a minute, he helplessly said, "Eighty million going once, eighty-one million going twice ?"    


"Wait!" An old man's voice suddenly came from the door.    


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