Tranxending Vision

C77 "Again, it was difficult."

C77 "Again, it was difficult."

0Jiang Ruyi brought Xia Lei into the archive room, opened up the computer in the archive room, and entered the system for connecting to the official organizations. Very quickly, they found the information on Huang Yihu.    


When the photo on the computer monitor entered Xia Lei's line of sight, he did not dare believe his eyes. Because the Huang Yihu he saw in the photo was not the same person who was watching TV while hugging a woman in the fishing village villa last night.    


Last night, although the person who laid in the room on the second floor of the fisherman's villa looked very similar to Huang Yihu in age, height and appearance, this similarity was still unable to deceive his eyes.    


From the looks of it, last night had really been a trap!    


Xia Lei was secretly glad that he restrained his desire for revenge and did not enter the villa. If he went in, his life would be over.    


The Huang Yihu in the file was a legitimate businessman, he had several dazzling identities. He was the vice president of Hai Zhu's Chamber of Commerce, the legal person representative of New Moon Real Estate Company, and so on. His assets are also legitimate.    


Jiang Ruyi said: "Lei, the person you want to investigate is very normal. Are you sure he is the Great Evildoer Seventh He you spoke of?"    


Xia Lei said: "You are the Chief of the Police, have you not heard of Seventh He?"    


Jiang Ruyi shrugged her shoulders, "Before Li Qinghua's fall, I was a civilian police officer working in this archive. How long have I been in office for?    


Xia Lei said: "You should investigate the Seventh He again."    


Jiang Ruyi then checked the system to see who the Seventh He was. However, this time, no information about the Seventh He was revealed.    


A cold smile surfaced at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. "Seventh He is indeed a fictional person, Huang Yihu used his identity as Seventh He to amass wealth in the underworld, and then washed his face in a shopping mall. On one side was the tyrannical underworld, while on the other was the vice president of a merchant guild. This guy is such a talent. "    


Jiang Ruyi frowned, "It's useless even if you find out about these things. He's a legitimate businessman, if you touch him, you will be breaking the law. Even if I don't arrest you, the police will. "    


Xia Lei said: "I won't do anything illegal."    


Jiang Ruyi was slightly relieved, "I'm relieved that you can think this way, you should also think this way. If this Huang Yihu broke the law, then the law will definitely punish him, it is just a matter of time."    


"Yes, I believe you." Although he said those words, Xia Lei still disagreed with him. The Huang Yihu in the file had a wealth of over a hundred million. If he, a rogue cultivator, were to go to such a state today, would the sins he had carried would not be little? However, he was still alive and well. Being a lustful person and a beautiful woman with a fragrant carriage, even if an ordinary person had to toil for ten lifetimes, they would still not be able to live his current life.    


"What do you need my help with?" Jiang Ruyi asked.    


"No need, step aside. I'll take a look at his file." Xia Lei said.    


Jiang Ruyi got up and moved aside. Xia Lei sat in front of the computer in the archive and continued to look at Huang Yihu's file.    


The police department wanted to check the files of a person, and the system provided a comprehensive set of files provided by the public service on the national network. It was not just a photograph, a place of origin and date of birth, but it included blood type, fingerprints, work, position, spouse and children, assets under its name, etc., in great detail. What Jiang Ruyi had just seen was only a portion of it.    


sat in front of the computer and swiped his mouse, allowing the content on the monitor to change once again.    


"Spouse Li Yulan, born in 1980, member of the Hai Zhu City Chamber of Commerce ? His son, Huang Xu, was born in 2000, and is the third student of the Seventh Junior High School of Hai Zhu ? " Xia Lei looked at the contents of the archive and thought, "From the information that Qin Xiang provided, Han Li is the wife of the Seventh He and He Jia Hao is the son of the Seventh He. He made a fake wife, a fake son, and if anyone sought revenge on him, his enemies would not be able to use his fake wife to threaten him. He found a person who was very similar to him and kept him in his fishing village, guarding the underworld for him. All the illegal actions were recorded by that puppet, so he was always clean. Huang Yihu Huang Yihu, this guy is even more cunning than I thought. "    


After looking through Huang Yihu's file, Xia Lei then looked at Li Yulan's and Huang Xu's file. Finally, he borrowed Jiang Ruyi's authority to enter the system of the Board of Commerce and pulled out the file on Huang Yihu's assets. Half an hour had passed since he'd finished reading the last file.    


"Do you want me to print you a copy?" Jiang Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei shook his head, "No need, I was just looking around."    


In fact, his left eye had already memorized everything, so he didn't need to print it.    


"Send me back." Jiang Ruyi handed the car keys over to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was startled, "What are you doing? I said I'd transfer the car to you. "    


Jiang Ruyi said: "My car was destroyed, what are you driving? You have a lot to do, so you can take it. I still have a bus to deal with. When I said I wanted your car, I was actually joking with you. Just treat me to a meal. "    


Xia Lei took the car keys, "When I get rich, I will buy you a good car."    


Jiang Ruyi chuckled: "Buying a car for me, are you trying to raise me? I'm the police chief, do you dare? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


After returning home, Xia Lei couldn't fall asleep no matter what. His mind was filled with Huang Yihu and Gu Kewen's expressions.    


The next day, Lei Ma didn't open the door, but brought Zhou Xiaohong and the others to send Ma Xiaoan off. At the crematorium, the moment Xia Lei was sent into the incinerator, Xia Lei's tears couldn't help but flow out ?    


Returning to Lei Ma Workshop, without Ma Xiaoan's voice, the once bustling studio became a lot quieter.    


Zhou Xiaohong used a cloth to wipe Ma Xiaoan's desk, while wiping his face, she cried, "Brother An, you always make me wipe your desk for you. Now that you're gone, I'll still clean it for you everyday ?"    


Everyone watching this scene felt their hearts ache.    


Xia Lei said: "I'll give you all three days of vacation. You two should take a good rest, then come back and start work again."    


The old master Yang Ben said, "How can we do that?" We have some small orders, and although they are small, our credibility cannot be lost. "We're fine. We'll start today."    


"Yes, we'll start today. I think Little An will be happy to see us working here," Chen A-Jiao said.    


Cui Yong also said, "Boss Lei, if you want to upgrade the studio into a company, then go and do your own stuff. Just leave these small orders to us. Little Brother An also wants to see your company established as soon as possible. "    


Looking at the familiar yet sorrowful faces of the crowd, Xia Lei nodded his head as tears welled up in his eyes, "Alright, since you guys are all willing to start work then let's start. I will set up our company as soon as possible, and we will be happy. "    


Chen A-Jiao wiped away her tears. "It's work, it's work. Little An, don't be lazy ?"    


Xia Lei wiped the corners of his eyes and walked out of the studio.    


Chen A-Jiao and the others started up their machines and started working as well.    


Ma Xiaoan had already left, but the people who were still alive still needed to continue, and they had to do what they needed to do.    


Just as he got on the car, Xia Lei received a call from Liang Siyao.    


"Mr. Xia? Didn't you say you were coming to the boxing ring today? Why aren't you here yet? " Liang Siyao's voice.    


Xia Lei tidied up his sorrowful mood, "My friend passed away yesterday. I'll send him away today, I really don't have the mood to come to the fighting arts school to learn.    


"Sorry, I didn't know ?"    


"Nothing, nothing at all."    



"Where are you now?" Liang Siyao said: "Um, I think you need someone to accompany you. Can I come and look for you?"    


Xia Lei wanted to reject his, but thinking about how this girl had such good intentions, it was not appropriate to reject his offer directly. He thought for a moment, then said: "I'm about to go to the Hai Zhu's Industrial and Commercial Bureau to take a look, I'll handle matters regarding the company's registration."    


"Do you want to register the company?"    


"Mm, if you want to come over, then let's meet up there." Xia Lei said.    


"Mm, alright. See you later." Liang Siyao hung up.    


Xia Lei drove towards the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Hai Zhu.    


To register a company, from submitting the application materials to completing the registration, there were still a few steps that needed Xia Lei to complete, such as capital verification, printing and seal, tax applications etc. It would take about ten days to complete the process. He had no time to go to the boxing gym to practice boxing.    


"If only I had a secretary who was familiar with these operations, she could do these things for me. After Rayma Manufacturing Corp is established, I will be the CEO of a company. If I don't even have a secretary, then I won't look like it. " When he came to the Board of Commerce, this thought suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's mind.    


Then, he suddenly thought of Ma Xiaoan. If Ma Xiaoan was still alive and asked him to choose a secretary, he would definitely choose that kind of woman with a good figure and a large butt, right?    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with sorrow.    


Entering the Trade and Industry Bureau, Xia Lei went to the information desk. After producing yesterday's report, attachment and identity documents, he politely said: "Did you pass my application? I want to move on to the next step as soon as possible. "    


The staff at the window looked at the attachment to Xia Lei's application materials, and then said: Sorry, there was a problem with your application materials, and you did not pass.    


Xia Lei suddenly froze, "How did you fail? What's wrong with it? "    


The staff member behind the window said, "The 'Rayma Manufacturing Corp' that you have applied for has already been applied for. With the same name, it's obviously impossible for you to pass the application."    


"Has someone applied?" How is that possible? " A burst of anger suddenly rose from Xia Lei's heart, "Are you joking with me?"    


The staff member behind the window said, "Sir, it's useless even if you're in a hurry. If you don't pass, then it means you didn't pass. Why don't you pick a new company name and then submit your application? "    


Change the company's name? Xia Lei was completely unwilling, because this company's name was the best way to remember it. How could he bear to change it?    


"You haven't answered my question. Who applied for the name of this company?" Xia Lei's gaze was overbearing.    


The staff member's expression turned ugly, "How would I know? Don't look for trouble with me. If you have the ability, go look for our bureau chief. What other questions do you have? If there are no other problems, please step aside and don't affect the people behind. "    


"Where's your director's office?" Xia Lei repressed the anger in his heart, and it was true, it was useless to find an ordinary staff member to cause trouble.    


The staff said impatiently, "Our bureau chief's office is on the second floor. You can find it if you go up."    


Xia Lei turned and left the consultation window.    


"Mr. Xia." A woman's voice suddenly sounded.    


Xia Lei looked over to the source of the sound and saw Liang Siyao with a single glance. White shirt, light blue denim shorts, a pair of proud long legs, round and white, her body exuded an alluring aura of youth.    


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