Tranxending Vision

C70 warm treatment

C70 warm treatment

0Xia Lei also went to the police station. Although it was self-defense, the sequence of events had to be made clear. The responsibility had to be determined, and the matter had to be dealt with in a preliminary manner. Those who needed to be sent to a hospital and those who needed to be detained. All these required time, and by the time he left the police station, it was already rather late.    


Xia Lei did not go straight home.    


Rema's studio was not closed, and the lights were still on. When Xia Lei got off the car, he saw Zhou Xiaohong cleaning the trash in the workshop. There was a pile of bricks and rubble beside the trash can by the side of the road. There were also some smashed objects and broken pieces of glass.    


Under the light, Zhou Xiaohong carefully swept the floor of the workshop with her broom and dustpan. When she was standing, she couldn't see anything unusual, but when she moved, she was limping.    


Xia Lei suddenly remembered that she had been whipped in her thigh by a young man. He couldn't help but worry for her. He quickly walked into the studio and asked with deep concern, "Xiao Hong, your leg is injured, why are you still working?"    


It was only until Xia Lei spoke that Zhou Xiaohong noticed that Xia Lei had arrived. She hurriedly put down his broom and dustpan, "Brother Lei, you've come. I'm fine ? I'll get you a glass of water. "    


Xia Lei pulled her, and pushed her into a chair, "Sit down, I'm not thirsty. "You take a rest, I'll clean up."    


Zhou Xiaohong followed: "How can that work? This kind of menial work should be done by me. "    


Just as she was about to stand up, Xia Lei pressed her down once again. In the past, I was like you. As long as I could earn money, I would do all sorts of dirty jobs. Sit still while I clean up, or I'll be angry with you. "    


This move worked. Zhou Xiaohong became more sincere and sat on the chair motionlessly as she watched Xia Lei clean up the room.    


Actually, Zhou Xiaohong had already cleaned up pretty much everything before she came over, all that was left were some corners that had not been cleaned. Xia Lei finished cleaning in 10 minutes.    


Xia Lei came to Zhou Xiaohong's side and asked gently: "Xiao Hong, have you gone to see a doctor?"    


Zhou Xiaohong shook her head, "I didn't go to see a doctor. The hospital in the big city is very expensive ?" She smiled in embarrassment. "I can't bear to part with that money."    


Xia Lei frowned, "You fool, is money more important or people more important? "If your injuries are serious enough to delay your treatment and you lose your life, what do you need money for?"    


"Live for my parents, study for my brother" Zhou Xiaohong was rather cheerful.    


"You won't think about it for yourself?"    


"I'm fine, Brother Lei, I really ?" Saying that, Zhou Xiaohong moved his leg a little, pulling at the wound on his leg, the pain made him unable to speak.    


Xia Lei was a little nervous as he asked: "What, does it hurt so much?"    


Zhou Xiaohong wanted to deny it, but the moment she opened his mouth, it became a painful moan.    


"No, I'll take you to the hospital." Xia Lei said.    


"I'm not going, I really ? "Ouch ?" Zhou Xiaohong seemed to be in even more pain.    


Xia Lei couldn't care so much anymore. He looked at Zhou Xiaohong's left leg that was hit by the steel pipe, and the layer of blue clothing instantly disappeared. His well-rounded thigh was exposed in front of his left eye.    


A large portion of Zhou Xiaohong's left leg was red and swollen near the roots. His skin was torn where it was directly hit by the steel pipe, and the wound was red, showing clear signs of inflammation. With that look, Xia Lei's frown deepened. Such injuries were not dangerous in the first place, but if left untreated, there was a high risk of inflammation, festering, and even suppuration. The worst and most dangerous situations could happen, and that was muscle necrosis and tetanus.    


"You're already so badly injured, and you still say it's not serious?" Xia Lei reprimanded.    


"You all ? If you can't see where I got hurt, how would you know? " Zhou Xiaohong looked at Xia Lei curiously.    


It was only then that Xia Lei realized that he had leaked the information, and he followed, "Your appearance is so painful, I can guess. "Well, it's late now, and the surgeons are probably off their work. I'll go to the drugstore and buy some hydrogen peroxide and gauze to help you deal with it. Well, there's also Amoxicillin. You still have to take some anti-inflammatory medicine."    


Zhou Xiaohong was even more curious now, "Brother Lei, how do you know all this?"    


"Of course I learned it from a book. If you have nothing to do, you should read more. Learn more useful knowledge. "Alright, wait for me for a moment. I'll go to the nearby pharmacy and buy some medicine for you." Xia Lei left Rema Studio and headed towards the closest pharmacy.    


His medical knowledge was indeed from books, but it was only simple medical knowledge. He had never thought of being a doctor, nor did he have that condition in reality, so he didn't go any further.    


Nowadays, pharmacies could sell all kinds of medicine, and people could buy the necessary medicine by giving money to them to swipe their cards. Xia Lei was able to purchase the required medicine very quickly, but when he returned to Lei Ma Workshop, Zhou Xiaohong was already gone.    


Xia Lei came to the door of the inner room and asked: "Xiao Hong, are you inside?"    


"Mm ?" I'm in... "Come in." Zhou Xiaohong's voice was a little strange.    


Xia Lei pushed the door and walked in. Zhou Xiaohong was lying on the simple steel bed. A thin blanket was covering her legs, but her exposed feet were bright and beautiful without socks. Under the light, her face was red and she looked very embarrassed and nervous.    


The scene in front of his eyes made Xia Lei slightly dazed. He, who was holding onto a large bag of medicine, actually didn't know what to do.    


"Brother Lei, you said ? You have to help me with my wounds, I, I don't think I can take off my pants outside and let you treat it, right? "So, so I came in." The more Zhou Xiaohong spoke, the redder his face became, and by the time she finished speaking, there was not a single piece of skin that was not red in his face.    


Only now did Xia Lei come back to his senses. He coughed dryly, and then, he walked to the side of the steel bed. The girl from the mountain had a shallow face, so of course she couldn't take off her pants outside, so when she entered the room and took off her pants, the patients were all ready to receive treatment. What else was there for a "doctor" like her to do?    


Xia Lei gently lifted the blanket that was covering her legs, and a pair of white and tender legs entered his line of sight. The wound on her left leg was very eye-catching. It was so injured that it was out of place and was almost close to her panties. His gaze fell on her wound, but he could not avoid seeing the mature place. He started to feel a little awkward. He regretted saying that he should help her treat her wounds. He should have brought her to the hospital to treat her. How awkward would it be?    


"Brother Lei?" Zhou Xiaohong's neck was already red, she suspected that Xia Lei was secretly peeking at her somewhere.    


"Uh, sorry, I was thinking about what to do." Xia Lei said awkwardly.    


"Have you decided?" A trace of a smile surfaced on the corner of Zhou Xiaohong's mouth, but she actually didn't mind.    


"Alright, alright." Xia Lei took out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and sprayed it on Zhou Xiaohong's wounds.    


The white hydrogen peroxide wet Zhou Xiaohong's thighs, her wounds, and her clothes.    


"Ouch! Ouch! It hurts! It hurts!" Zhou Xiaohong's tears were already flowing out from her eyes as the hydrogen peroxide drilled into her flesh.    


"You're a grown man and you're afraid of pain?" "Bear with it. It will soon be over." Xia Lei comforted her as he used a cotton swab to clean her wound.    


Zhou Xiaohong clenched her teeth, and watched Xia Lei treating her wounds with tears in his eyes. She was deeply moved.    


After cleaning the wound, Xia Lei had sprinkled some white powder on her wound. Then, he wrapped the wound with gauze along with her thigh. While he was knotting the gauze, he used a bit of force to strangle it, causing the flesh on his thigh to sink down and reveal a gap in the cloth ?    


In that instant, both of them fell silent, and the atmosphere became strange.    


"Uh, okay. I'm going back. You should rest. I'll give you a few days off and work after your injuries heal. " Xia Lei said that he did not dare to stay in this place any longer.    


"Brother Lei, I can work. Really, I don't need a vacation." Zhou Xiaohong was anxious.    


Xia Lei pulled the blanket over her body, and then patted her shoulder. "You're not listening to me again? "Rest, your days will get better and better."    


When Xia Lei left, he covered his blanket and chuckled.    



Her days would always get better and better, and every time she heard Xia Lei say these words to her, she felt really happy.    


Closing the roller shutter door, Xia Lei got into the car and drove in the direction of his home. At a crossroads, however, he suddenly changed his mind and turned in the direction of the beauty salon.    


Chen Chuanhu was sent by the Seventh He, if he was detained, would the Seventh He let it go just like that?    


"In the eyes of those people in the Seventh He, I am probably just a small fry. But today, I have injured so many of Chen Chuanhu's subordinates, would he still treat me as a small fry? When he attacks me again, will he still send out trash like Chen Chuanhu? Surely not. "He wants to mess with me, but I don't even know his background. This won't do ?" As he drove, Xia Lei pondered about these things.    


With regards to the Seventh He, he only knew of one name so far, and that was definitely not enough.    


Who is the Seventh He? Where do you live? Who were those around him? Xia Lei wanted to clarify all of these questions, but he couldn't casually find someone on the street to ask them these questions. After all, Qin Xiang was the most suitable person to ask.    


Qin Xiang had come to Qin Xiang's beautiful hair salon once, and although he had coincidentally found the place, he remembered the route very clearly. Half an hour later, the POLO he was driving quietly approached the American hair salon. When he was about five hundred meters away from the beauty salon, he stopped the car and stuck his head out of the window, looking at the beauty salon from afar.    


A distance of five hundred metres was nothing more than a blur for an ordinary person's eyesight, but for Xia Lei, it was as if they were five meters apart. He could clearly see all the targets from five hundred meters away. Even the beauty products in the window could be seen by him!    


Very quickly, Xia Lei saw Qin Xiang cutting a woman's hair. His partner, Alan, was trimming the woman's nails. The three of them laughed and talked, the woman was obviously Qin Xiang's regular customer.    


Xia Lei covered his right eye, increased his vision with his left eye, and then locked onto Qin Xiang's lips. The movements of Qin Xiang's lips immediately entered his line of sight, and were extremely clear.    


"Hua-jie, I'm not praising you. Your skin is really great, much better than mine. If you took your bags out, your husband would definitely pounce on you like a wolf." Qin Xiang spoke to curry favor with the customers, then said: "I just got a batch of Beauty Products from Korea, do you want to try it?"    


Reaching this point, Xia Lei released the hand that was covering his right eye, and was too lazy to decipher the lip language anymore. He also allowed his left eye to return to its normal state, allowing his left eye to rest.    


Under these circumstances, listening on Qin Xiang was useless. They had to find another opportunity.    


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