Tranxending Vision

C47 innate lip language user

C47 innate lip language user

0Processing a processing artifact was an easy task for Xia Lei. He finished it within an hour after returning to Rema Studio. After finishing the sample processing, he sat down at his desk and used his computer to search for information regarding learning lip language.    


Du Niang is really a good thing. There's only what you can't think of, and there's nothing you can't find. He typed in "How to learn lip language" in the input bar, and with a click of the car key, thousands of pieces of information about learning lip language popped out from the browser.    


He chose the information provided by Baidu Library. There were three ways of reading it.    


The first, watch the news program.    


The second method was to practice by yourself in the mirror.    


The third method was to use the software for learning lip language.    


Each method has detailed steps that are easy to understand. After looking through, Xia Lei browsed through some other information on learning lip language. In the end, he discovered that although lip language seemed to be a complicated matter, to him, it was actually a very simple matter. It was simple. His left eye could 'record' every movement of the other party's lips!    


"Why don't I compare Chi Jingqiu's lips with a mirror? Maybe I can decipher her lip language. " After looking through a large pile of information, Xia Lei's heart was restless. She wanted to try her luck.    


The seven employees of Lei Ma Workshop were all busy, the equipment that Shentu Tianyin had gifted them were also not idle, they were fully running. People were busy with machines, and the result was benefit. It was tiring, but the staff worked hard and no one cheated.    


This scene made Xia Lei very happy as he walked towards Zhou Xiaohong. Zhou Xiaohong was using a hammer to remove the welded scar on a piece of metal. Ding Ding Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang ?    


"Xiao Hong, lend me your makeup mirror for a bit." Xia Lei said.    


It was only then that Zhou Xiaohong noticed Xia Lei had come over to his side. She immediately stood up and wiped off his sweat with the back of his hand, "Brother Lei, what did you say?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "I say, can you lend me your makeup mirror for a while?"    


Zhou Xiaohong looked at Xia Lei in puzzlement, "Brother Lei, what do you want that for?"    


Xia Lei replied, "That's none of your business. You can borrow it or not."    


"Yes, yes. I'll bring it to you right away." Zhou Xiaohong then went into the room to get Xia Lei a mirror.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then followed Zhou Xiaohong into the room without waiting for him to come out. Upon entering, he saw Zhou Xiaohong's overalls falling onto the back of her feet, while she was pulling off the tight rope on his underpants, reaching for something inside.    


Her white thighs, her close-fitting cotton shorts, the outline of her wondrous shape and her mature and tempting lines; these factors were like a piece of coal that was silently burning in Xia Lei's lower abdomen.    


"Ah ?" Brother Lei, you? " When Zhou Xiaohong suddenly saw Xia Lei walking in, half of her apple face instantly flushed red, and his hands hurriedly covered the space between his legs.    


However, she was a traditional and conservative woman in the mountains. Even if she was wearing shorts, she still felt ashamed and didn't dare to face Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei also quickly turned around as he said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose ?" Then he added, "I asked you to borrow the mirror. What are you doing taking off your pants?"    


"I-I have a pocket with shorts." Zhou Xiaohong asked anxiously.    


Xia Lei was completely speechless. It was just a mirror, why couldn't he put it away? What made him even more confused was that there was actually a pocket under her shorts?    


Before he could understand what was going on, the rustling sound of pants could be heard behind him, and then, Zhou Xiaohong had walked to his side and passed a mirror in front of him.    


It was a very delicate and small mirror. It was only three times bigger than a one-yuan coin. The front was a smooth mirror, but on the back was a silver shell with a delicate design.    


Seeing this mirror, Xia Lei immediately understood why she hid her in his close-fitting shorts. This mirror is an antique makeup mirror.    


Sure enough, Zhou Xiaohong then explained, "Brother Lei, this mirror was left to me by my grandmother. She said that her grandmother was once a palace maid in the Great Qing Dynasty. When the Great Qing Dynasty fell, she fled with some of the palace things. However, this mirror is the only one that has reached me. Seeing it made me feel as if I had seen my grandmother, so I cherished it. I was afraid of losing it, so ? It's hidden there. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Aren't you afraid of ruining it?"    


Zhou Xiaohong replied: "No, it's soft over there. It won't be broken."    


When these words left her mouth, both Xia Lei and her were stunned. Zhou Xiaohong's face flushed red again.    


"I-I'm going out to work." After he finished speaking, Zhou Xiaohong left the room as if he was escaping.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly and shook his head, not thinking about her soft spot. He held the mirror and examined it closely. It was indeed an exquisite ancient mirror. The materials and craftsmanship were very particular. He didn't understand the market for antiques, but he knew that this mirror from the Great Qing Palace could also be sold for several thousand yuan.    


Xia Lei did not study much into the Ancient Mirror. He sat down beside the steel bed that Zhou Xiaohong was sleeping on and handed the mirror over. As he handed it over, he suddenly smelled a weird scent. This smell was somewhat mysterious and seductive. Initially, he no longer thought about that soft place, but this mysterious feeling caused his mind to be hooked onto other places.    


Then, strangely, he found a black hair between the edges of the mirror and the silver shell, slightly bent and mischievous. He was stunned for a moment when he saw the hair, and suddenly guessed where it came from. He frowned. Isn't that a bit too imprudent? Do I still need to use this mirror to learn lip language? "    


After remaining in a daze for two whole minutes, Xia Lei carefully pulled out that curved strand of hair and placed it under Zhou Xiaohong's bed. Then, he looked in the mirror and started to practice his lip language.    


In his mind, he unceasingly recalled the scene of Chi Jingqiu making a phone call while sitting on the toilet bowl as recorded in her left eye. She personally witnessed any movement of her lips or changes in the shape of her mouth. When he recalled all of this, his lips were also imitating Chi Jingqiu's lips as they compared each other to the correct pronunciation.    


lip language was actually the product of one's eyesight and memory, as well as being able to concentrate one's attention. If one met these three requirements, anyone could learn lip language. Of these three conditions, the most difficult was the first one, the second one was memory, and finally, attention. This condition seemed simple, even a person would have it. However, the truth was that the vast majority of people could not even satisfy the first condition. The reason was simple. When a person spoke, the movement of their lips was actually very small. Furthermore, the changes were very complex. Normal people would not be able to notice these minute and rapid changes, let alone remember them!    


However, even these two most difficult conditions became Xia Lei's unique advantage. His left eye possessed an extremely long vision, had the ability to see slightly, and he would never forget the things he had seen. Under these conditions, he was actually a natural born lip language user!    


"I'm in the office, hur hur ?" You're so bad... He wants to go up the contract price... Twenty percent ? Half deposit... You are the director of supply and demand for Bitch Motors... Do you care about this little bit of money... Okay, no problem... Supervisor Zeng, you don't even trust me ? All right, I'll come with you at the Clear Spring Resort... You're a bad guy... I'm hanging up, honey, goodbye, Bo... "    


Although Chi Jingqiu had only called for three to four minutes from the bathroom in the hotel, and the phone number wasn't long, nor did she talk much, it was still a very complicated and difficult thing to read the contents of the phone call using lip language. Xia Lei spent an entire two hours to decipher what Chi Jingqiu had said with her lip language.    


Two hours was a very long time, but the rewards were very big. Not only did he know the identity of the customer, he had even more of a gain. Through this reading, he opened the door to the lip language world. Right now, he was still not familiar with it, but once he was familiar with the lip language, the accumulated mouths to a certain extent, he would be able to quickly decipher anyone's lip language! At that time, even from two hundred meters away, he could 'see' what the other party was saying!    


This was the ability of his left eye to expand. With this ability, he would be able to get 1: 0 stats from the shopping mall!    


As five o'clock approached, the staff of Rema Studio finished their work for the day and rested. On the other hand, Xia Lei was still sitting on Zhou Xiaohong's bed, looking at the mirror, mumbling something.    


"Boss Lei couldn't have gotten sick, right?" Chen A-Jiao peeped at him with a worried look on her face.    


"Yeah, he's been muttering to himself for a long time. I noticed it when I was pouring the water." Scholar Liu said.    


Zhou Xiaohong was unhappy, "What did you guys say? Brother Lei is very normal, he would not get sick. "    


Ma Xiaoan also said: "Lei Zi is indeed acting a bit strangely recently, but you don't have to worry, as long as he doesn't forget to treat us to dinner tonight."    


A few of the new staff from the studio laughed.    


Their conversation was far away, and they had purposely lowered their voices so that Xia Lei wouldn't hear them, but they didn't know that Xia Lei was observing their mouths from the mirror, using his lip language to decipher their words.    


There were no shortcuts in learning lip language. Observing and connecting the dots was a very important step and Xia Lei didn't want to miss any opportunity to learn and train his lip language right now.    


"They say I'm sick, hur hur. I'm not sick at all. In the future, it's best not to speak ill of me behind my back. As long as I see it, I will be able to decipher what you guys are saying, haha! " Although he was unable to decipher everyone's mutterings, he could more or less decipher them quickly. Xia Lei was extremely excited.    



In the end, Zhou Xiaohong could not hold back her worry and walked into the room, and probingly asked: "Brother Lei, are you alright?"    


Only then did Xia Lei end his lip language training. He stood up and handed the mirror over to Zhou Xiaohong, then laughed: "I'm fine, I'm just looking at the pimples on my face."    


Zhou Xiaohong, "?"    


Xia Lei walked out, "Put the mirror away properly, it is indeed very precious." On the way out, he closed the door behind him.    


Zhou Xiaohong finally regained her senses and her face inexplicably flushed red. Then, she took off her pants and hid the mirror inside the secret pocket of her skimpy pants. There was no doubt that Xia Lei was the first person to know that she had hidden a mirror in that place.    


When Xia Lei came out, everyone's eyes were focused on him. All of their eyes were filled with curiosity and worry. He smiled, "It's fine, why are you all looking at me? Let's change clothes. We'll go have a good meal later. "    


Ma Xiaoan laughed, "I thought he was very normal, haha!"    


There was laughter in Rema's studio.    


A Volkswagen CC stopped on the side of the road opposite of the studio. Chi Jingqiu got off the car with a document bag in her hand.    


Ma Xiaoan and the others tactfully left the workshop, leaving Xia Lei and Chi Jingqiu some space to talk.    


Xia Lei saw that he had personally processed the processing equipment and placed it on the desk, "Take a look."    


"No need, I trust in your cooking skills." Chi Jingqiu only glanced at it lightly before opening the folder and taking out a contract. He then said to Xia Lei, "The contract has already been amended according to your request.    


Xia Lei looked at it once, but the contract did not have the signature of a manager or a representative from a Bicky Automobile Company, but it was Chi Jingqiu's signature. He was somewhat surprised by this situation.    


"Why isn't there a customer's signature?" Xia Lei tried to test the waters.    


Chi Jingqiu smiled lightly, "That client of mine trusted me greatly and decided to allow me to act as my sole representative. You don't need to worry about this. Sign your name and give me your account number. I'll give you a advance payment of one hundred and fifty thousand yuan. Who else do you care about doing business with? Or are you trying to pry my client away? "    


Xia Lei laughed, signed the contract, and then told Chi Jingqiu his bank account number.    


When Chi Jingqiu was collecting the funds, she thought to herself, "Even without you saying, I already know that you went to the Clear Spring Resort to accompany that manager Zeng to bed. Otherwise, I would have given my all to you to represent him so that you could earn more money? Just you wait, I'll pry out as many clients as you bring me. "    


"Alright, I've already called. Check it out." Chi Jingqiu put away his cell phone, gave Xia Lei a hand, and said with a smile, "I hope for a pleasant cooperation."    


Xia Lei also laughed, "Let's have a happy cooperation."    


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