Tranxending Vision

C33 "Let me drink the soybean milk."

C33 "Let me drink the soybean milk."

0Let me drink soy milk    


In the office, Ning Yuanshan personally poured a cup of red wine and passed it to Xia Lei, then finally poured a cup for himself and Serenity. With his identity, this kind of action was already very respectful to Xia Lei.    


"Thank you, Uncle Ning." Xia Lei was also very polite, with the attitude of a junior.    


Ning Yuanshan laughed: Why are you being so polite? Sooner or later, we will be family. In the future, you must also call me Second Uncle. "    


Xia Lei did not dare to reply as he knew that An Jing lied about him because he wanted to help him take over the business. This was already embarrassing enough, if he continued, wouldn't it be embarrassing to death?    


"Second Uncle!" Serenity was displeased, "Can you not tell me about this? Didn't you want to talk business with Aley? "Let's talk."    


Ning Yuanshan laughed bitterly, "Alright, Xiaolei, let's get down to business."    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief, "Okay, please speak, Uncle Ning."    


Ning Yuanshan said: "You did very well this time, I was happy to see those stubborn old men being humiliated. They were truly convinced by you. This batch of precision processing parts is very important to us, and they relate to -- Forget it, there are some things that you don't need to know and I can't tell you. How about this, we'll take out the materials and equipment, you'll be responsible for processing them, and we'll give you one million yuan when we're done. Little Lei, what do you think? "    


"A million?" Xia Lei was so shocked that his mouth was wide open.    


Ning Yuanshan probed: "What, is it too little?"    


"No, no, no, what I mean is ?" Xia Lei originally wanted to say much, but he changed his tone: "It doesn't matter if I have money or not, the main thing is to complete this order. Un, I have no problems with that, I agree."    


"Haha, straightforward. I like young people like you." To our meeting and cooperation, cheers. " Ning Yuanshan raised his wine cup.    


The three of them clinked their glasses and drank the red wine in it. Xia Lei had thought of the red wine in the wine cabinet, it was only a domestically made brand of Chang Cheng wine, the most expensive one was only a little more than 200 bottles. From this, it wasn't hard to tell that Ning Yuanshan wasn't the type of person who would use the power in his hands to seek personal gains. He was the type of person who sincerely worked for his country.    


In truth, Ning Yuanshan did not even need to take care of Xia Lei as his "son-in-law" after paying the sum of a million yuan. This kind of precision processing equipment was already impossible to purchase from foreign countries, and no one would be able to make it from inside the country. However, Xia Lei was also a real person, he would not take the opportunity to beat someone up. If he did that, could Serenity still treat him as a friend?    


Ning Yuanshan was indeed a man with a lightning speed. He quickly got Chi Jingqiu to draw up the contract and then signed it with him.    


"Little Lei, you can stay here for the time being. I'll get Secretary Chi to arrange a place for you to stay. You can get Secretary Chi to help you with anything you need." After signing the contract, Ning Yuanshan was elated.    


Xia Lei said: "Do you have to live here? I could have come in the morning. "    


Ning Yuanshan held Xia Lei's shoulders, leaned close to Xia Lei and whispered into his ear: "My good nephew, this matter is getting urgent. To be honest, I've already issued a military order to the higher-ups, and the problem will be resolved in half a month. These few days, work harder. Just do your second uncle a favor. In the future, when you marry Serenity, I will drink more of your wedding wine. "When you have children, I ?"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Xia Lei hurriedly interrupted him and said, "Alright, Uncle Ning, I will be staying here for the next few days to complete the order as soon as possible."    


"Haha, as expected of our family." Ning Yuanshan gave Xia Lei a bear hug.    


He calmly looked at Ning Yuanshan and Xia Lei who were hugging each other, and revealed an awkward smile. Although she didn't hear what Ning Yuanshan said to her, the intelligent girl could guess it.    


"Serenity, go back by yourself. I'll leave Lil 'Lei here. Lend him a few days." Ning Yuanshan was afraid that it would take Xia Lei away peacefully, hence he sent orders to the quiet place.    


She smiled calmly, "You're really my good second uncle, destroying the bridge after crossing the river. But who asked you to be my second uncle? Alright, I'm leaving, I'll leave the people here. You have to watch carefully, don't let others steal them."    


"Who would dare?" Ning Yuanshan said as he stared.    


Tranquil Water and Ning Yuanshan were only joking, but Chi Jingqiu, who was standing at the side, had a strange expression, and no one knew what she was thinking about.    


Xia Lei sent his off, talking as he walked, "Sister Ning, this time, I really don't know how to thank you."    


Quiet And Steadfast pursed his lips and smiled, "Why are you thanking me? "You made your living by relying on your skills. I am just a string, there is no need to thank me."    


Xia Lei said: "It's not wrong to say that, but I know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be able to enter the entrance of the Eastern Heavy Industry, let alone see your second uncle."    


"Okay, okay, do you really want to thank me?" Quiet And Steadfast said, "Then hurry up and finish this order. It is very important to my Second Uncle and also to this country. If you finish it, you can consider it as thanking me. This is more important than any present."    


"You really don't want a gift?" Xia Lei really wanted to give her something.    


"Hmm, if you really want to gift it to me, I have no objection. How about this, after you complete the order, treat me to a meal." Quiet said.    


Xia Lei said: "Alright, after I complete the order, I will invite you to the best western restaurant."    


With a calm smile, she said, "I don't like western cuisine. I like Sichuan cuisine. After I'm done, you can invite me to Sichuan cuisine."    


Xia Lei was slightly taken aback for a moment, then nodded his head.    


After she left with a calm smile, Xia Lei still stood there and looked at her back. He thought of Jiang Ruyi. When he wanted to eat western cuisine, Jiang Ruyi would drag him to eat Sichuan cuisine no matter what. When he wanted to treat Serenity to eat Western cuisine, she had to eat Sichuan cuisine. What a different woman, what a different dish.    


"Lei Zi, I've already walked far away, are you still reluctant to part with me?" A woman's voice came from behind him.    


Xia Lei turned his head and saw Chi Jingqiu. Chi Jingqiu, who was standing in front of him, had a dignified and elegant demeanor and a mature and alluring aura. No matter where a woman like her went, she would never lack the attention of a man. However, this girl that he had a secret crush on no longer piqued his interest at all.    


"When did you meet?" Chi Jingqiu seemed to be very interested in Xia Lei and the peaceful "history of love".    


Xia Lei casually said, "I think I met him half a year ago."    


Chi Jingqiu tsk-tsked, "I really didn't know that you were able to get the Ning Family's daughter. The next step, you'll probably come to Eastern Heavy Industry to work using Ning Yuanshan's connections, right? "    


Xia Lei glanced at her, "Jingqiu, don't think that everyone is like you, okay?"    


But Chi Jingqiu was not the least bit angry, she still had that charming smile on her face, "We are actually the same kind of people, aren't we? When I was reading, I didn't have any money at home, so when I saw other girls wearing beautiful dresses, I wanted to buy one for myself. When I saw other students go to KFC and Starbucks, I wanted to have a taste, but I had no money, so I hid these wishes in my heart. Aren't you the same? I'm the prettiest girl in the class. You want me and you want the best things, but you don't have that condition. You know, if you'd just asked me to go to Starbucks instead of writing me a messy love letter, I'd have gone with you. We may not be like this right now, do you think? "    


Xia Lei went silent, not knowing how to answer her question. His heart was inexplicably filled with a tinge of sadness. No matter what this woman in front of him had changed into, she was still a girl that he had once liked. Her character and what she did may be repulsive, but everyone has the right to pursue a better life. Was it wrong for a woman to think better? This was a world full of desires. Rich people wanted to be richer, poor people also wanted to be rich. Men wanted beautiful women, women wanted everything about the best men. Who can shake off the desire to be born in such a state?    


"Do you think you'd pursue me in a different way if time were back?" Chi Jingqiu's eyes were filled with gentleness, "Will you invite me to Starbucks?"    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "I'm inviting you to drink soy milk, are you going?"    


Chi Jingqiu shook her head, "I hate that fishy smell."    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Wouldn't that be fine? If we went back in time, I would still be a poor guy, and I could only invite you to drink soy milk. You wouldn't go, our story would still end up like this."    


Chi Jingqiu chuckled, "But that was me from before, my taste has changed now. If you treat me to soy milk now, I will definitely go. Lei Zi, why don't you buy me a cup of soy milk. "    


Her smile was innocent and sweet, her ample breasts quivering in the laughter, like ripples in a pond.    


Lei Zi, why don't you buy me a cup of soy milk.    



Was there anything more ambiguous or obvious than this?    


What she wanted, I'm afraid, was not a cup of soy milk, but a soy milk machine.    


Xia Lei's heart seemed to have been pulled back to high school by her. At that time, he would long for this woman, even if he had to hold her hand and walk for a distance, he would be satisfied. She had refused him, but now she had given him a clear hint that if he wanted to, he could easily get everything from her now, and that his high school wish would be fulfilled. Although he said that his heart wasn't moved, he was actually not the same person as before.    


"Let's not talk about the past. Let's take me to where I live to have a look." Xia Lei said.    


A hint of disappointment flashed across Chi Jingqiu's eyes, she awkwardly shrugged her shoulders: "Okay, come with me."    


Xia Lei followed her towards the residence area, maintaining a distance of two steps away from her. Along the way, he did not speak another word to her. Chi Jingqiu also did not take the initiative to start a conversation.    


In the living area, there were dorms for the commoner staff members and some for the middle-ranking officials. However, Chi Jingqiu brought Xia Lei to a separate villa. The villa had two floors, with a garden at the front and back. On the second floor, there was a very wide viewing balcony. From the balcony, one could see into the distance.    


"What is this place?" Xia Lei finally broke the silence between the two.    


Chi Jingqiu rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "I thought you would never ever talk to me again."    


Xia Lei laughed: "How could that be? We're classmates, not enemies. "    


Chi Jingqiu then said: "This is the temporary residence for the company to receive esteemed guests. Chairman Ning had specially instructed me to arrange for you to stay here, he treats you very well."    


Xia Lei interrupted her, "I'll go in myself, go back to work."    


Chi Jingqiu didn't have any intentions of leaving. Instead, she walked into the villa and said: "No, you are a big red man in Chairman Ning's eyes, I have to serve you well, or else he won't forgive me."    


Xia Lei secretly cried out for trouble, this was not his home, he could not forcefully prevent others from entering. If they wanted to enter, there was nothing he could do.    


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