Tranxending Vision

C32 Technical pressure group worker

C32 Technical pressure group worker

0Fifteen minutes, in less than fifteen minutes, Xia Lei completed his task. Under normal circumstances, his business would have been settled, and he could have given the shaft he worked on to the engineer for verification. However, he did not do so.    


"Master Ley, are you done?" Ning Yuanshan said with a smile. Xia Lei had finished the processing smoothly, but his "uncle" actually had a lot of face, so he seemed to be very happy.    


An engineer also said, "Master Ley, did you finish it? If it's done, then give it to me. I'll take it and test it out. "    


Xia Lei shook his head, "You guys have lowered the accuracy of this machine tool. I only processed 0.0005MM of the axis precision, this can't be considered as complete." After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Also, the precision requirement for this imported bearing is 0.00009, which is a hair's breadth away, but it is unable to function properly. I'm sure that even if this imported machine tool hadn't changed its processing accuracy beforehand, it still wouldn't have been able to process the parts that met the standard. I suppose you've tried it many times before, but it didn't work, did it? "    


After Xia Lei finished speaking, the entire workshop was silent.    


The engineer, who was the first to voice his doubts, sneakily glanced at Chi Jingqiu. That look was very strange, but Chi Jingqiu even guiltily avoided his gaze.    


"What's going on?" Ning Yuanshan became angry, "Did I ask you to lower the accuracy of the lathe? "Who said that? Come out."    


The engineer who had first voiced his doubts looked at Chi Jingqiu, causing Chi Jingqiu's face to turn pale white.    


At this time, an old engineer said, "Chairman Ning, I'm the one who set up the machine. I just want to test Master Lei's craftsmanship. Not only is his craftsmanship exquisite, his vision is also unique. I admire him. "    


Ning Yuanshan looked at the old engineer, and was slightly unhappy, but it was not obvious, "Liu Gong, aren't you asking for trouble? I finally managed to get an expert to come here, but you guys are all adding fuel to the fire. "    


Chi Jingqiu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, as a tinge of blood appeared on her pale face.    


Xia Lei saw all of this and was well aware of it. Chi Jingqiu made trouble for him, and this old man surnamed Liu came out to be the scapegoat, while Chi Jingqiu's husband was surnamed Liu, so how could he guess the relationship between the two of them?    


Liu Gong bowed to Xia Lei and said, "Sorry Master Lei, please forgive me."    


No matter what relationship this Liu Gong had with Chi Jingqiu, when an old, white-haired engineer apologized to him, the unhappiness in Xia Lei's heart disappeared like smoke into thin air. He then went forward to help Liu Gong up, and said: "It's okay, it's okay.    


Liu Gong patted Xia Lei's shoulder and laughed: "Lad, I rarely admire you, but you can be considered one. Tell me, how did you figure out that the machine tool's accuracy had been lowered? How do you know this machine tool can't process the parts we need? "    


"Experience, experience." Xia Lei gave an answer that was not an answer. He certainly wouldn't say that I saw it with my eyes. If he said that, who knows how many jowls he'd drop on the ground.    


"I won't reveal it." Liu Gong smiled and said, "However, leaving a hand in our business isn't a secret. Alright, I won't ask you for your reason. However, I would like to say that we are currently unable to process the components of this imported bearing, and even if we do manage to do so, we will not be able to make it work properly. " He then looked at Ning Yuanshan and said: "Chairman Ning, it's not that I'm pouring cold water on this guy. Without better machine tools and technology, he won't be able to process the components that we need.    


Ning Yuanshan frowned: "Now, Europe and America have imposed a stricter technology blockade policy on us. It's not that we don't want to buy better machines, it's just that they are not willing to sell. "Now, the precise processing tools and materials that are suspected of being used in national defense construction have been restricted from trading. If you are able to buy them, I, as the chairman, will immediately let you do it."    


These words were said with a hint of anger. No matter how hard Liu Gong's bones were, he did not dare to forcefully touch them. He shut his mouth.    


Just then, Xia Lei said: "Actually, there is no need for a higher grade lathe, just the shaft that is required for this bearing, I will be able to meet the requirements with a bit of manual treatment."    


The workshop became quiet again, not a single sound could be heard. Everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Lei, and all of their gazes were strange.    


Liu Gong said, "Young man, if you have the ability, I will admit it but boasting is not good. Moreover, your boasting is a joke, and your hands are better than the high precision machine tools imported from Germany. Are you challenging our intelligence levels? "    


Someone echoed, "Exactly, aren't your words too unreasonable?"    


Another person said, "Youngster, I said that I can't do it, but that would be a shameful thing. Let's think about it first."    


A mocking voice.    


Chi Jingqiu inexplicably laughed, and she said in her heart: "I don't know when this brat Xia Lei will learn this skill, but I do know his weakness of showing off. Even after so many years, he still hasn't changed his bad habit. My father-in-law is the most senior engineer in the country, his words are never wrong. Just a moment ago, this brat was lucky enough to get away with it. But this time, he really can't lie anymore. "    


Serenity also stared straight at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with worry.    


Xia Lei did not argue with anyone, he took off the shaft that he had finished working on, and turned towards a normal handheld lathe in the corner of the workshop.    


"He actually wants to use that antique lathe to craft high precision parts? What kind of joke is this? " Someone said.    


"This kid is really unexpected, but even if I beat him to death this time, I don't believe he will succeed." Someone said.    


There was another murmur of discussion, all sorts of things.    


Ning Yuanshan could no longer hold it in. He pulled Serenity to the side and asked in a low voice: "Is your boyfriend alright?"    


Quiet's pretty face turned slightly red, "I don't know, Second Uncle, you know that I don't understand your profession very well. However, I told you about his work in fixing the compass of the Ming dynasty. Whether you believe him or not, I believe him. "    


Ning Yuanshan laughed bitterly, "Of course you believe him, but I have to face this group of stubborn old men. What they had decided on, the nine oxen couldn't pull it back. Honestly, I hope your boyfriend succeeds this time. I'd love to see this bunch of stubborn old men slapped in the face. "You say that the times are improving, so why don't they think about improving?"    


"I'd better go and see Arleigh work." Quiet and quiet, he turned and left.    


"You ?" Ning Yuanshan sighed.    


As everyone was discussing, the antique lathe started running. Xia Lei stared fixedly at the spinning axle, and then slowly put down the lathe blade. In the eyes of others, Xia Lei did not even use the blade to touch the turning surface of the processing shaft, but in the eyes of Xia Lei, the blade was already cutting the skin off the shaft. There were no clear sounds of friction, and not even metal scraps could be seen falling off. However, his hand made high-precision processing was quietly going on.    


Five minutes later, he stopped the lathe, wiped the axle with a clean rag dipped in oil, and said, "Okay, you can take it and try it."    


A large group of elderly engineers looked at Xia Lei with their mouths agape. It was as if the thing in Xia Lei's hand was not a high precision shaft that had been processed manually, but rather a grenade, which would explode whoever touched it.    


Xia Lei spread his hands out, "Why are you all looking at me like that?"    


Liu Gong's gaze suddenly fell upon the tarpaulin that was dipped in oil that was held by Xia Lei. He was unable to shift his gaze away at all. Just now, no one thought that Xia Lei was working on that scroll, but this cloth was stained with extremely minute metal scraps!    


"Hello?" Ning Yuanshan spoke again, "What are you all standing around for? Didn't you hear what Master Lei said? Master Lei has finished making the things, why aren't you guys testing it out yet! "    


"Oh, right away!" Only then did Liu Gong come back to his senses, he hurriedly went forward and took the shaft Xia Lei had made, and tested it.    


A large group of engineers followed Liu Gong and started discussing noisily. It was quite a lively scene.    


Xia Lei had no interest to see those old geezers test. He believed in their eyes.    


On the other hand, Ning Yuanshan excitedly walked over to see the results of the test. When he got closer to Xia Lei, she asked in a small voice, "Master Lei, did you succeed?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "I think it will succeed, and there won't be any difficulties."    


Tranquil Water hit Xia Lei for a bit, and then laughed: "Stupid."    


Chi Jingqiu looked at Xia Lei's intimate relationship with Serenity, his expression becoming more complicated.    


Just then, Ning Yuanshan suddenly burst out laughing, "Success! F * ck! The technical blockade in Europe and the United States was nothing! "Everyone in my family can make it with their hands!"    


The dignified and big state-owned enterprises all cursed, this was even more surprising than the matter of Xia Lei crafting high precision components with his own hands. Everyone's eyes were focused on the complacent Ning Yuanshan, they were probably unable to find any words to describe the current Ning Yuanshan.    



"En, ahem ?" Ning Yuanshan pulled at his tie, and in the blink of an eye, he regained his composure, "Very good, very good. You all saw it right? In the future, no one should mention the reports in front of me. I don't like to hear about imports from Europe or the United States. The urgently needed batch of precision processing tools will be handed over to Master Lei. No matter what he needs, you have to satisfy it, unconditionally. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will make the bed roll! "    


If Xia Lei had said those words right after he arrived, the group of engineers would definitely not accept him and the voices of opposition would not be softer. But now, no one objected.    


Ning Yuanshan then said: "Secretary Chi, Master Lei will be working here for the time being, you will be in charge of his daily necessities."    


"Alright, Director Ning." Chi Jingqiu smiled sweetly.    


"Let's disperse." Ning Yuanshan no longer had the patience to face this group of old men. He waved towards Xia Lei and said in a very cordial tone: "Master Lei, let's go to the office to discuss the contract."    


Xia Lei also revealed a cordial smile, "Alright."    


Chi Jingqiu followed beside Xia Lei. Just as Ning Yuanshan and Serenity turned and walked out of the workshop, she said in a small voice: "Lei Zi, don't be in a rush to leave after the business conversation between you and Chairman Ning. We haven't met for a few years, I'll buy you a cup of coffee.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Aren't you afraid that your brother Wu Qilong will misunderstand?"    


Chi Jingqiu felt like there was a fish bone in her throat.    


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