Tranxending Vision



0As the night gradually deepened, Xia Xue had already gone back to her room to sleep, but Xia Lei was still sitting on his sofa, attentively watching the English program on TV.    


As long as the person on the TV spoke English, his left eye would send the corresponding words and grammar to his brain. Therefore, no matter how long it was, a sentence that was unfamiliar with him would be translated in an instant. What was even more terrifying was that his left eye was constantly recording the conversations on TV. Every word's form and voice was like data stored within his left eye. As long as his brain gave the appropriate instructions, the contents would naturally appear in his mind. If his brain was described as a PC, then his left eye was without a doubt, its chip processor.    


"It's too easy. Learning a foreign language is no problem for me. I should be able to communicate with people who speak English as their mother tongue now. If it had been a paper translation, I might have been able to do better. " It was almost midnight, but Xia Lei was still not sleepy. His fast English skill made him excited.    


The sound of brakes came from downstairs, and the bright lights from the windows.    


"Could it be Ru Yi has returned? He must be investigating the case of the Compass being stolen when he returned home so late. " Xia Lei stood up from the sofa and walked to the balcony.    


It was really Jiang Ruyi who came back, but she wasn't alone. There was also Xu Lang. Nor was it Jiang Ruyi's Volkswagen POLO, but a higher-grade Audi Q5.    


"I'm not drunk, I'm really not drunk …" Jiang Ruyi's appearance when she got out of the car was unsteady, and her words were unclear.    


Xu Lang supported her as he smiled and said, "Alright, alright. You're not drunk yet, but I'll help you go back and rest." He hugged Jiang Ruyi's small waist like Couple.    


Jiang Ruyi gave Xu Lang a nudge and chuckled, "Don't, don't do this to me …" Sis, Sis is not a fool.    


"Ru Yi, what are you talking about? Stop messing around, I'll send you home. " Xu Lang held Jiang Ruyi's waist tightly and walked into the stairwell.    


The two who were hugging each other disappeared from his sight. Xia Lei's brow immediately frowned, "Xu Lang obviously took advantage of someone's predicament. He got drunk on Ru Yi and even sent Ru Yi home. It would be strange if he didn't have any other thoughts. If it's someone else, I don't care, but if she does, then I can't just ignore it. "    


If Xu Lang was the guy Xu Lang liked and also had a relationship with, Xia Lei would definitely not interfere in this matter. However, the situation in front of him was obviously different, seeing that the girl playing hide and seek with him was about to be insulted, how could he just stand by and watch without doing anything?    


Xia Lei left the balcony and went downstairs to Jiang Ruyi's house.    


Jiang Ruyi's house was on the first floor and the staircase was only halfway up. When Xia Lei came to the door, the Door had already closed. Even through the door, one could hear Jiang Ruyi's grumbling and Xu Lang's voice.    


"Don't... I don't want you here... I can take care of myself... "I'm not drunk …"    


"Ru Yi, your body reeked of alcohol. Can I take off your Clothes? I'll help you take a bath and then get a good night's sleep. " Xu Lang's voice.    


Xia Lei cursed shamelessly in his heart. His left eye slightly jumped and the situation in the room entered his line of sight.    


Jiang Ruyi laid weakly on the sofa. Xu Lang, who had just helped her lie down, squatted down again and reached out to take off Jiang Ruyi's shoes. Holding Jiang Ruyi's crystal clear ankle, Kid had a lecherous smile on his face. He then moved closer to Jiang Ruyi's jade feet and took a sniff, looking intoxicated.    


"Leave, leave …" Jiang Ruyi used her foot to kick Xu Lang, but her entire body was weak and had no strength.    


Xu Lang had no intention of leaving. He let go of Jiang Ruyi's foot and reached out to relieve Jiang Ruyi's police officer. The button s on his clothes.    


Dong, dong, dong! Dong, dong, dong!    


A rapid and rough knocking sound suddenly interrupted Xu Lang's steps.    


Xu Lang turned around and looked at the Door behind him, but did not get up and did not say anything.    


Dong, dong, dong! Dong, dong, dong!    


Xu Lang's brow immediately frowned, the guy outside the door seemed to be intentionally going against him. However, his patience was good, so he pretended not to hear the knock on the door and just watched.    


"Who is it …" Jiang Ruyi said vaguely.    


Following that, Xu Lang covered Jiang Ruyi's mouth with his hand. Jiang Ruyi struggled for a while, but was unable to break away from Xu Lang's hand and could not utter a sound.    


All of this did not escape Xia Lei's eyes. He also understood Xu Lang's intentions. That guy obviously wanted to create the illusion that there was no one in the room.    


After waiting for a while and seeing no one knocking, Xu Lang reached his hand towards Jiang Ruyi's chest.    


Dong, dong, dong! Dong, dong, dong!    


The knocking came again.    


"Fuck, who is it?" Xu Lang could no longer hold it in. The guy outside the door was purposely going against him!    


When the Door was opened, Xu Lang was stunned. The person he didn't want to see the most was Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei looked at Xu Lang coldly and didn't say anything.    


Xu Lang quickly calmed down and revealed a pretty smile on his face, "Yo, it's Master Lei. What's the matter?"    


"I'm fine." Xia Lei said.    


"Are you alright?" A hint of anger surfaced on Xu Lang's mouth, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye. He still maintained his pretty smile, "If you're fine, then go back. Ru Yi and I still need to discuss the work, so we won't greet you."    


"Hehehe …" Xia Lei suddenly laughed.    


"Master Lei, what are you laughing at?" On the surface, he looked kind and friendly, but Xu Lang was already cursing in his heart.    


Xia Lei smiled and said, "Inspector Xu, I've seen a lot of shameless people, but this is the first time I've seen someone as shameless as you."    


Xu Lang's face suddenly changed, and he became angry, "Xia, what did you say? Tell me again! "    


Xia Lei said, "Haven't I said it clearly enough? "Listen, then, and I'll say it again — I say, you're shameless!"    


Xu Lang suddenly raised his Fist.    


Xia Lei didn't even bat an eyelid, "Inspector Xu, before you make a move, you have to think carefully. If you make a move tonight, you'll cripple me or I'll cripple you. "Don't think that I'm afraid of your identity. I'm not afraid of making a big deal out of it either."    


Xu Lang's Fist slowly lowered down again. He knew very well that he had drunk Jiang Ruyi's stomach and was prepared to take her body. If this matter got out, the one who would suffer the most would definitely be him, Xu Lang, and not Xia Lei.    


"If you don't want to fight, then scram. Don't let me see you again." Xia Lei said.    


Xu Lang pointed at Xia Lei's Nose, "Good, good, you have guts. If you have balls, we'll see."    


"Bah!" Xia Lei spat on the ground. This was his response.    


Xu Lang left angrily, and accidentally hit the flowerbed while driving. His cursing could be heard from ten meters away, and his demeanor had long since disappeared.    


Xia Lei covered up the Door and walked in front of it. He looked at Jiang Ruyi speechlessly, "Are you a pig? "Drinking with that kind of person and getting drunk. Luckily, he only sent you home, if he had a room with you outside, you would have already been harmed by him."    


With Xu Lang's identity, he definitely would not dare to casually get a room in the Hotel, which could be considered Jiang Ruyi's luck.    



Jiang Ruyi opened her drowsy eyes and looked at Xia Lei with a smile on her face. "Haha …" Am I seeing things? Isn't this Little Lei Zi from the neighboring clan? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Little Lei Zi, what are you trying to do?"    


"I want to hit you." Xia Lei said in annoyance.    


"You … You're still so bad. " Jiang Ruyi giggled. "But I forgive you, I forgive you all your mistakes …" "Cluck, cluck …"    


Xia Lei sighed, "I can't talk to you like this. Sleep, I'm going to sleep too. I'm too lazy to care about you."    


"I want some water." Jiang Ruyi struggled to get up from the sofa, but her body did not feel balanced at all.    


Xia Lei originally wanted to abandon her, but seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it. He carried Jiang Ruyi into her room, then returned to the living room to pour her a cup of water.    


After drinking a glass of cold water, Jiang Ruyi's condition did not improve at all. She looked at Xia Lei with her drunken eyes, "I, why am I in bed?"    


This was a very simple question, but Xia Lei didn't know how to answer it.    


"Hehe, Lei Zi, you want to take advantage of me?"    


"I'll be thankful if you don't take advantage of me." Xia Lei turned around and walked out, "Just go to sleep. Don't let your thoughts run wild."    


"I want to take a bath!"    


"Go wash yourself." Xia Lei couldn't wait to leave Jiang Ruyi's home.    


Jiang Ruyi rolled off the bed. "I want to take a bath …" "No, I want to take a bath …"    


"You … Alright, I owe you one from my previous life." Xia Leiku smiled as he carried her and left for the bathroom.    


When Xu Lang wanted to take advantage of her, she kept her clarity and kicked him to death, unwilling to give in. Now that Xia Lei was here, she wanted water and a bath. She didn't see Xia Lei as an outsider at all. What was going on? Xia Lei did not seriously think about it, he carried Jiang Ruyi and walked towards the bathroom.    


Jiang Ruyi wrapped her arms around his neck, smelling of alcohol and perfume. She burped and said: "Little Lei Zi, take good care of me, make me comfortable. Later, I will give you one cigarette after another …"    


"One what?"    


"Bones." After a burp, Jiang Ruyi finally said what she wanted to say.    


Xia Lei was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. He was furious, the moment he entered the bathroom, he immediately put her into the bathtub, then slapped her on the head, "I saved you out of kindness. But you actually called me a dog!"    


The slap made a crisp sound.    


Jiang Ruyi groaned. Her voice was unclear, as if she had been beaten. She shakily grabbed Xia Lei's collar and wanted to push him into the bathtub as well. She muttered, "If you dare to hit me, I'll skin you!"    


A button on Xia Lei's collar was pulled off by her.    


Xia Lei did not dare to stay together with her anymore. He pushed her down into the bathtub, and without taking off her uniform, he immediately unscrewed the shower head and left the bathroom as if he was escaping.    


Jiang Ruyi's angry voice came from behind, "Lei Zi! You bastard, I'll strangle you! Just you wait, I'll definitely strangle you to death! "    


Xia Lei, who just escaped from the bathroom, instantly froze. She woke up so quickly.    


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