Tranxending Vision

C15 I didn't see anything

C15 I didn't see anything

0I didn't see anything    


was immediately stunned when he arrived at the police office.    


The office area was empty except for a few female civilian police officers.    


Jiang Ruyi walked to the front of a policewoman's desk and asked: "Xiao Wang, what's going on?    


The policewoman called Little Wang said, "They were all sent out by Director Huang."    


"Where did he go?"    


The policewoman, Little Wang, said, "Some went to investigate the previous cases, some went on patrol, and some even went to handle an alarm call. It was called a few minutes ago saying that their home was stolen."    


Jiang Ruyi's face was green from anger, she said angrily: "What nonsense! The higher-ups have given us the final order to solve this case in a week. How can they go catch some thieves at this time of year? "    


"Mmm." Huang Changhai also appeared in the police office. In his hand was a very good purple sand cup with a gloating smile, "Little Wang, go make me a cup of tea."    


"Mm, alright." The policewoman, Xiao Wang, also got up and went to make tea for Huang Changhai. Her attitude was clearly more respectful than when she was with Jiang Ruyi.    


Jiang Ruyi said angrily: "Chief Huang, what do you mean? "If you send everyone out, who will investigate the case of Professor Zhang's death?"    


Huang Changhai said slowly, "Me? I'll investigate." "I will personally lead the team and lead our department's elites to deal with the case of Professor Zhang's death." After a pause, he smiled and said, "Director Jiang, you have not led your team to solve any cases, so you have no experience in this aspect. You can just wait comfortably in your office and wait for my good news. I'll be off after this cup of tea. "    


"Huang Changhai!" Are you doing this on purpose? " Jiang Ruyi was trembling with anger, "I want to report it to the higher ups!"    


Huang Changhai chuckled, "As you wish. I will personally lead you to solve Professor Zhang's case. What else do you want?" "You can do it, but you can go by yourself."    


"You ?" Jiang Ruyi was so angry that she couldn't say a word.    


"What is it? It can't be that you don't even have the ability to solve a crime, right? " Huang Changhai's tone was full of provocation.    


Xia Lei had not wanted to speak at first, but he could not bear watching any longer. He said, "Huang Changhai, do you think that you can stop Ru Yi from solving the case? I tell you, it's no use. "The suspect's profile picture has already appeared. This case has already been calculated to the halfway point."    


Huang Changhai smirked, "Did you provide us with the portraits of these two suspects?" You're just a kid working at a construction site, how could you possibly meet the suspect who murdered Professor Zhang? How much credibility do you have? Do you have evidence? "I think you probably wanted to get into our Bureau, so you intentionally fabricated two suspects to get close to her, right?"    


Xia Lei also laughed, "Don't be happy too early, only if Ru Yi is removed from her position in a week, then you would have the ability to laugh. If Ru Yi solved the case in a week and managed to stabilize the situation, I think you should cry. "Originally, I was planning to go to the store to do some work, but this guy is too annoying. Ru Yi, I've decided to help you solve this case." He looked at Jiang Ruyi, "However, you have to promise me that in the future, I will find a chance to get this guy to guard the carriage shed."    


"En, I promise you!" Jiang Ruyi said with a heavy nose, and his face also revealed a smile. She looked at Xia Lei gratefully, and felt relieved of his hatred in his heart.    


"Humph!" I'd like to see who will be guarding the carport! " There was no longer a smile on Huang Changhai's face.    


Xia Lei no longer wanted to care about Huang Changhai. He smiled, "Ru Yi, let's go."    


Walking out of the police station, Jiang Ruyi stopped Xia Lei who was about to step forward, "Lei Zi, just now ? Thank you. If you didn't speak up for me, I would have lost all my face. "    


Xia Lei said: "You've been bullied, of course I'll help you."    


Jiang Ruyi's mouth revealed a beautiful smile, and probingly said: "Just now that guy Huang Changhai said, you ? Is it true that you want to hit on me? "    


"Huh?" It was as if someone stepped on Xia Lei, "Where did this happen? After you reported back to your class teacher that I ate sweets in class in the third grade, I didn't have any illusions about you. "    


Jiang Ruyi punched Xia Lei, and said angrily: "You still remember about the third grade, you petty person!"    


Xia Lei dodged her second punch, smiled and said: "Alright, alright, let's stop joking, let's think about the case. Ru Yi, what are your plans?"    


Jiang Ruyi's mood dropped again, "I don't know what to do either. Huang Changhai was right, I really don't have experience in solving cases ?" She looked at Xia Lei, "Tell me, am I not very useless?"    


Xia Lei comforted her: "Don't underestimate yourself. The higher ups have definitely taken a liking to you by appointing you as their bureau chief. Although I have yet to discover your strengths, your leader definitely did. "    


Jiang Ruyi glared at Xia Lei, "Are you praising me or insulting me?"    


Xia Lei laughed: "Of course I'm praising you. Alright, take me to Professor Zhang's house to have a look. I already said that I will help you solve this case, so I will definitely help you."    


Jiang Ruyi frowned, "The technical team already dealt with the crime scene, if we can't find anything, it would be useless if we go."    


Xia Lei said: "Maybe the people in the technology group missed something? Let's go take a look. If we're lucky, we might be able to find some clues. "    


Jiang Ruyi thought for a moment, "Alright, let's go take a look. Anyway, I don't know where to go to catch those two bastards."    


Xia Lei got into Jiang Ruyi's car, and in the car, he called Ma Xiaoan and told him what he should do.    


Ma Xiaoan laughed and said, "Don't worry, I can handle any small matters. Don't worry about your future date, remember to wear a set, haha!"    


"Wear your head!" Xia Lei lowered his voice and said this before decisively hanging up the phone.    


Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei who was sitting in the front passenger seat, "Who are you calling? What did he tell you to take? "    


"Ma Xiaoan, he made me remember ?" Xia Lei almost blurted out the truth. He came to his senses and said, "He asked me to remember to bring some money with me."    


"Bring money? Why should I bring money? " Jiang Ruyi suddenly revealed a beautiful smile, "Lei, you want to treat me to a meal, right? Take me to a western restaurant. I know there's a good steak at a western restaurant. "    


Xia Lei unhappily rolled his eyes at her, "Eat your ass, drive your car well."    


"Stingy." Jiang Ruyi muttered, "Big Sis is teaching you how to seduce women. You are so stingy, how can you seduce women?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Professor Zhang Boqing's house was located in an upscale residential area, and was a single-family villa.    


Professor Zhang's wife passed away a year ago. He had no children, so after he died, this place became an empty house.    


Jiang Ruyi tore open the seal and entered the house with Xia Lei. Under normal circumstances, a police seal was not allowed to be broken, but as the bureau chief, she still had the authority to do so.    


The living room was clean, everything neatly arranged.    


"Was this cleaned up later, or was it like this before the murder?" Xia Lei asked.    


Jiang Ruyi said, "When we received the report and rushed here, it was like this. The maid said that she was going to wake Professor Zhang up and then clean up. Then, she found out that Professor Zhang died in his bedroom, so she reported the case. She said she hadn't touched anything since. "    


"Take me to the bedroom and have a look." Xia Lei said.    



Jiang Ruyi brought Xia Lei to a bedroom on the second floor.    


The bedroom did not look messy, and there were no obvious traces of blood on the floor. The corner of the quilt was thrown back, as if Master had just got out of bed. The items in the bedroom looked normal. They were not damaged or thrown around randomly. It was as if the old owner of the house had just got up and gone out to water a flower or walk a dog and would be back soon.    


The only discordant part was that the pine wood floor was painted with a human figure. It was probably near the window, where Professor Zhang had been killed.    


Jiang Ruyi sighed lightly, "This doesn't seem like a crime scene. I just can't figure out how those two suspects did it, and not a single trace of them was left behind."    


Xia Lei said: "Even if the wind blew it would leave behind dust, let alone someone else. It's impossible for a suspect to leave no trace behind, it's just that none of your people noticed. "    


Jiang Ruyi said: "The people from the technical team are all experts, and there are also professional equipment. They have inspected this villa from inside and outside, and they definitely have not found any traces of us, we do not have anything, what can we possibly find?"    


Xia Lei did not argue with her on this point. He asked, "Oh yes, there are no traces of murder at all. How are you so sure that Professor Zhang was murdered?"    


"Of course it's a corpse. His neck has been twisted, so his technique is clean and efficient." Jiang Ruyi said: "If not for this characteristic, I am afraid that we would not even be able to confirm whether this case is a murder case or not."    


"Let me see first." Xia Lei walked to the window and observed the painting on the floor carefully. After a minute, he squatted down to watch. After another minute, he even lay down on the floor and looked at the gap between the floors. His face was almost touching the floor.    


The technical police specialists had equipment, magnifying glass phosphors, whatever. He had nothing, but he had his eyes. As long as he wanted, he could even see the dust floating in the air. His eyes were much more useful than the scouting equipment used by the technical team!    


Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei curiously. "Lei Zi, what are you doing?"    


"Looking for clues." As Xia Lei spoke, he moved his left eye closer to a crack on the floor.    


"You look like you're looking for ants." Jiang Ruyi said as she quietly raised her legs to kick Xia Lei's butt.    


Xia Lei suddenly turned his head, just in time to see Jiang Ruyi raise his leg to kick his butt. Jiang Ruyi's legs were raised higher, and she was wearing a dress, so ?    


"You're going to die!" Jiang Ruyi's face instantly turned completely red. She hurriedly withdrew her leg and tightly closed her beautiful legs, afraid that something would crawl in.    


Xia Lei was also very embarrassed, he coughed, "About that, I didn't see anything."    


"You're still talking!" Jiang Ruyi was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.    


Xia Lei shut his mouth, but inwardly he thought: "I want to see you, no matter how many clothes you wear, it won't matter. It's just that you don't know ?"    


In the end, Xia Lei was still no match for Jiang Ruyi's murderous gaze. He stood up and walked over to the window. He looked around the window, then pushed it open.    


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