Tranxending Vision

C1 cataclysm

C1 cataclysm

0"Something has happened, something has happened!"    


"Xia Lei's eyes were injured by the electric arcs! Hurry and save them! "    


On the construction site, there were exclamations, people running, and people anxiously dialing the number of the ambulance. The whole scene was in chaos.    


On the welded site of the construction site, Xia Lei was curled up into a ball, his left eye was charred black by the electric arcs, releasing a burnt stench.    


"Sigh, such a handsome child at such a young age and one of his eyes has been crippled. What a pity." Someone sighed.    


"He has a sister who is admitted to university. If he is blind, how will his sister attend university?"    


"Sigh, Xia Lei is such a nice guy. He always rush to work and be kind to people, how could such a thing happen to him? The heavens are truly blind."    


As the discussion went on, many people were sighing.    


Xia Lei's mother had passed away ill at an early age and her father had mysteriously disappeared again five years ago. That year, he had coincidentally been admitted into Beijing University, but after thinking about her junior high student sister Xia Xue, he tore off the notice of admission with tears in his eyes. When his sister asked him, he said he missed the test by a few points. From then on, he began to work on the construction site. As long as he could earn money, he would do anything. Right now, her sister Xia Xue had also gone to Beijing University, but he had met with such misfortune ?    


After a moment of numbness, intense pain swept over, Xia Lei's body twitched, and then he fainted.    


Someone called his name in his ear, but he could no longer hear them. In the darkness, he felt as if his body was floating in a river, floating and floating in the direction of hell.    


Time is unconscious for the unconscious.    


After an unknown period of time, Xia Lei opened his eyes. He saw a trace of light, and then he saw a fat face, the face of his little Ma Xiaoan. However, because he could only open his right eye, he couldn't see it clearly, and it even felt like a double vision.    


"You're awake, Reiko?" Ma Xiaoan's voice slightly trembled, as if he was very excited.    


"Where am I?" As he spoke, Xia Lei suddenly thought of something and reached out to touch his left eye. His left eye was swathed in gauze and burned to the touch.    


Ma Xiaoan grabbed onto Xia Lei's hand, "Don't be anxious, Lei Zi. The doctor said that your left eye might not be blind. If you treat him properly, he'll definitely recover. "    


"Not necessarily? Not necessarily what it means? " Xia Lei was very anxious, and his emotions were a little out of control.    


Ma Xiaoan wanted to say something but hesitated. He seemed to know a few things, but did not dare to say it out loud.    


"Tell me!" Xia Lei was panicking even more.    


At this time, a middle-aged man walked in through the door. He was slightly plump and wore a famous brand suit. He wore gold and silver, looking very extravagant. He was Chen Chuanhu, the boss of the construction company.    


Seeing Chen Chuanhu coming in, Ma Xiaoan gave him some space.    


Xia Lei struggled to sit up from the bed, and greeted, "Boss Chen, why are you ?"    


He had not finished speaking when Chen Chuanhu interrupted him, "Xia Lei, what's going on? After burning an electric welding machine, not to mention a transformer, did you know that a welding machine and a transformer cost over twenty thousand yuan? "This isn't all. If we're delaying the duration of the project, who will this loss belong to?"    


Just a moment ago, he thought that Chen Chuanhu was here to see him, but he never expected that this fellow was here to settle some scores!    


Ma Xiaoan could not hold it in and said angrily: "Surnamed Chen, what is the meaning of this? Ah? One of my friend's eyes has a ninety percent chance of going blind, and you actually said something like that. Are you even human? "    


These words were like a thunderclap that exploded in Xia Lei's brain, causing him to become completely dumbstruck.    


Ma Xiaoan suddenly realised that his words had leaked, but the words that came out were like spilled water that couldn't be taken back no matter how hard he tried. He stood there in a daze, not knowing how he should comfort Xia Lei.    


At this time, Chen Chuanhu laughed coldly, "What does his blindness have to do with me? Do we have a contract of employment? No? "So even if you go to court, I won't be afraid."    


Xia Lei was so angry that his face turned green, and his teeth chattered loudly.    


However, Chen Chuanhu was still pouring oil on the fire, "I only sent you here to the hospital because I thought you were pitiful. I've paid 10,000 yuan for the hospital admission fee. You can leave whenever you're done. Also, let me leave you some words, this ten thousand yuan is already considered as money, so don't look for me anymore, it's useless even if you look for me. "    


"Bastard!" Ma Xiaoan said angrily: "One eye is blind, you want to use ten thousand to settle it?"    


Chen Chuanhu raised his hand and pointed at Ma Xiaoan's nose, and his face instantly fell, "Kid, don't meddle in this matter, if you want to cause trouble, then this daddy will accompany you! Damn, you still aren't asking around to find out who I, Chen Chuanhu, am, but if you find trouble with me again, I will cripple you in just a few minutes! "    


Just then, Xia Lei suddenly grabbed the cup on the bedside table and threw it over.    


Bang! With a muffled sound, Chen Chuanhu was caught off guard and a hole suddenly appeared in his head. Bloody blood flowed down and in the blink of an eye, half of his face was drenched in blood.    


"Damn it!" "How dare you hit me!" Chen Chuanhu flew into a rage.    


Suddenly, two tall and thin youths rushed in through the door. They were tattooed and had earrings, and their eyes were fierce. It was obvious at a glance that they were hoodlums.    


"Hit him for laozi!" Chen Chuanhu pointed to Xia Lei who was lying on the sickbed and roared.    


The two youths then rushed forward.    


Ma Xiaoan turned around and hid Xia Lei behind him. The two young men's fists ruthlessly landed on his head and back. Ma Xiaoan gritted his teeth and endured it, using his body to protect Xia Lei and at the same time, suppress Xia Lei to not let him be impulsive.    


"What are you guys doing?" A nurse appeared at the door with a tool cart. She was stunned for a moment before screaming, "Someone, come! Let's have a fight!"    


The nurse turned and ran for the security guard.    


"Just you wait!" Chen Chuanhu left behind these harsh words, and turned to leave the room. The two youths followed him and left.    


Only then did Ma Xiaoan let go of Xia Lei. A few bundles of it had already appeared on his head, and it was so painful that he grimaced in pain.    


"Why are you blocking me?" Xia Lei's emotions went out of control as he roared, "I want to kill him!"    


"Kill him? He's a rotten person, but you still have a little sister to take care of him. "He has already enjoyed the wine and money, but you haven't even had a good day. Do you think you're worth it?" Ma Xiaoan sighed, "Lei Zi, calm down!"    


Xia Lei was actually not a rash and rash person. His parents not being by his side had also allowed him to develop an independent and mature personality, but the situation today was indeed too terrible. When he thought about the 90% chance of his eyes going blind, he couldn't calm down no matter how hard he tried.    


"Sorry, little An ?" Xia Lei wanted to say something but he did not. His heart was in chaos.    


Ma Xiaoan patted Xia Lei's shoulder, "Why are you being so courteous to me? You would have done the same for me. "    


Indeed, in the past when Ma Xiaoan was bullied by others, Xia Lei would desperately rush forward to protect him and stand up for him.    


"Do you want me to tell Snowy?"    


"No, don't tell her." Xia Lei was a little nervous as he replied, "She's currently giving supplementary lessons at school. If she knew about it, she would be very anxious."    



"But she will know one day."    


"At that time ?" Xia Lei bit his lips, "Let's talk about it when the time comes."    


At that moment, the nurse walked into the ward with the security guard. The security guard asked Xia Lei about a few things, and the nurse helped Ma Xiaoan deal with the wound on his head. After a while, the nurse and security guards left and the matter was left unsettled.    


Ma Xiaoan accompanied Xia Lei all the way until night before leaving the hospital. After he left, Xia Lei couldn't fall asleep no matter what. He thought of many things. He thought about the medicine, his future, and about his sister Xia Xue and her dream of going to Beijing University. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.    


He did not know how long he slept, but his left eye started to itch and he woke up. It was an indescribable itch, itching to the heart, itching to the death.    


Xia Lei called for the nurse, but the nurse didn't reply for a long time. He found the beeper on the headboard and pressed it.    


"How unlucky, how long am I going to be unlucky? What kind of crappy hospital is this? " Xia Lei was very depressed. He got up from the bed and carefully walked towards the door.    


He was about to go out to the nurses' station, but stopped when he reached the door.    


"The doctors and nurses here know that I don't have money, and with Chen Chuanhu's incident during the day, they are even more certain that I can't pay the medical fees. I looked for them to examine and treat my wounds, and it was late at night again, and they would certainly ignore me, and perhaps even roll their eyes at me. Forget it, I'll just endure it. " With this thought, he turned around.    


The bathroom door was open, and Xia Lei saw himself in the mirror.    


He was actually quite handsome, with delicate features and a rather high face. Adding on his 1.8 meters tall body and his strong body's curves, he belonged to the type of a very bright and handsome little man. Unfortunately, all of this seemed to have left him. If he was blind in his left eye and had a scar on his face, wouldn't a woman avoid him when she saw him?    


The image of himself in the mirror made Xia Lei sad.    


A sudden itch interrupted Xia Lei's thoughts, he secretly thought in his heart, "An itch is a symptom of a wound's healing, but I just got injured in the day, why would I get an itch at night? "No, my eyes are my own. I have to see what they are like now."    


Xia Lei entered the bathroom and stood in front of the washbasin. Facing the mirror, he reached out and untied the bandage.    


The gauze came off layer by layer, and when the last layer was removed, Xia Lei saw his left eye. When he saw it, he was immediately stunned.    


His left eye was covered with a layer of white ointment, and the ointment was tightly stuck. Strangely, as he observed his left eye, he had the feeling that his left eye seemed to penetrate the thick layer of ointment and see the light in the bathroom, but it was very blurry.    


"This... How is that possible? " Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


Under normal circumstances, even if his left eye wasn't injured, with the ointment covering it, he still wouldn't be able to see anything. But now, he could actually see light!    


What was going on?    


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