Tranxending Vision

C2621 grand ending

C2621 grand ending

0Mars base.    


Red flags fluttered in the wind, the base was a scene of burning construction. As the environment of Mars continues to improve, it becomes more and more suitable for human habitation. Right now, recruitment advertisements could be seen everywhere in the cities of Grand China on Earth.    


Welcome to the Mars family, and to the Grand China Dream!    


What are you waiting for when you join the Martian villa, permanent parking space, and highly paid jobs?    


Are you a farmer? It doesn't matter, there's land on Mars that you can't till. Are you a locksmith? It doesn't matter. There are countless jobs waiting for you on Mars. If you are a builder, then congratulations, you are the most welcome person! Come on, whoever you are, there's a stage on Mars where you prove yourself...    


Advertisements were everywhere, and the people of Grand China were pouring in endlessly.    


This is awkward for the US-led camp. They had originally hoped that the Skyline man would bring them alien technology and help them enter the world of Mars to compete with the Grand China for territory. He never thought that the Skyline man would be defeated by the women of Suspension City and Xia Lei. Now, the Grand China was digging out territories and constructing permanent bases on Mars without any obstructions. At the same time, he was constantly sending the people of the Grand China to Mars. When they are able to fly to Mars, perhaps there will be a place for them to settle.    


It was not hard to imagine what kind of path the dragon would take when it woke up. Xia Lei had never deliberately changed the evolution of humans. With just a slight bit of assistance, the dragon in the east escaped from its imprisonment and flew high in the sky. The Chinese nation was the largest race in the world, the smartest and most hardworking people. The space on Earth was really too small, the vast universe was the true stage for the Eastern Dragons!    


All of this was because of one person, Xia Lei.    


No Chinese can forget him, he is also a well-deserved hero in the Chinese world. But, he who should have received praise and support, disappeared without any news.    


However, the world would not stop moving just because there was no one left. The Mars Base was constantly undergoing changes as it was built. As humans took the first step on Earth, every change was of great significance to the humans on Earth.    


Gradually, the number of times people talked about Xia Lei lessened.    


Gradually, very few people cared where he went.    


Day by day, he repeated the same routine all the way to the end.    


The past is left behind, the future waiting ahead.    


Some died, others were born.    


However, no matter who it was, they were just passersby in this world. Nothing could be taken away, and even their traces would be destroyed.    


"Wa, wa, wa ?" A string of baby cries came from an ancient courtyard, along with the laughter of a man.    


"Hahaha!" It's a daughter! " Xia Changhe held the new born girl in his arms, and was so happy that he couldn't even close his mouth.    


Zhu Xuanyue looked at his husband with a warm and happy smile. "Changhe, give our daughter a name."    


Xia Changhe laughed as he cried, "I, I've already thought about it.    


"Wei Yi?" Zhu Xuanyue recited, then nodded her head, "Mn, this name is good, I like this name."    


"Wei Yi, Wei Yi, the only one, the only one ?" Xia Changhe said softly, and the face of another child suddenly appeared in his mind.    


That was Xia Lei's face, and he did not receive any news from the previous time he left.    


"Zhanghe, are you thinking of the Dragon King?" Zhu Xuanyue asked.    


Xia Changhe nodded, his voice filled with longing, "I don't know where he is right now, but today is a good day for Only Yi to be born. I really want him to be by our side.    


Zhu Xuanyue laughed, "Our whole family will be reunited in a grand occasion. The Dragon King has twenty wives and a large group of children.    


"Hehehe ?" Xia Changhe could not help but laugh.    


Zhu Xuanyue continued, "However, I think the Dragon King will definitely be very happy to have this little sister, Wei Yi."    


"Of course he would. Only Yi is his sister." Xia Changhe had said that he had named the daughter of him and Zhu Xuanyue as Xia Wei Yi because Xia Lei was "the only", right?    


The only thing that stood out was that Xia Lei was the only one in the entire universe, whether it was in his previous life or this life.    


Suddenly, a familiar voice came from outside the door, "Uncle Chang He, are you home?"    


Xia Changhe was slightly taken aback, "It's Little An, it's so late, why is he here?"    


"Quickly go and have a look. My body is not in a good condition, so I won't go out. Give me the child." Zhu Xuanyue said.    


"Wa, wa, wa ?" Xia Wei Yi cried as though she did not want to leave Xia Changhe's embrace. She was not at all like her nieces and nieces, who had been born to laugh and talk.    


Obviously, she had lost at the starting line when she was compared to her nieces and nephews.    


Xia Changhe opened the door, and the moment he did, he was immediately stunned on the spot. Outside the door stood Ma Xiaoan and his wife, as well as a large group of people. The person he wanted to see the most was Xia Lei.    


"Lei, you ?" Xia Changhe was both surprised and happy, and he was unable to recover from it in such a short period of time.    


Xia Lei walked over and gave Xia Changhe a hug, "Dad, my sister came to this world, how can I not come back and take a look? I have brought back your daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter. "    


Xia Changhe looked at the large group of beautiful daughter-in-law. There were those with wings, those with black and white blue, and the children beside them.    


"Father." The women greeted him in a neat manner.    


"Grandfather!" Grandpa! "Grandpa ?" A large group of children swarmed over, immediately drowning Xia Changhe.    


This was disorderly and messy.    


Xia Lei could not hold back his laughter, and shifted his gaze onto You Xue.    


You Xue then carried the child in his arms and said, "Ma Lei, call me daddy."    


Ma Lei, this is the child that Ma Xiaoan and You Xue gave birth to. Ma Xiaoan gave him Ma Lei's name. It was not hard to tell that he was proud of being brothers with Xia Lei.    


"Ya ya ?" Ma Lei shouted from You Xue's embrace, his two small hands waving to grab You Xue's granary, it seemed like she was hungry.    


Another devilish brat who lost at the starting line.    


Xia Lei went over, grabbed Ma Lei's small hands and kissed them.    


"Ha ha!" Ma Xiaoan laughed, "I want to train him to be the best electrician."    


Just as he finished speaking, You Xue's foot stepped over.    


He brought Xia Lei and the women and children from Suspension City into his room with him, as well as Ma Xiaoan, You Xue and Ma Lei. The room was too small, to the point that he could not even stand properly.    


After looking at Xia Weiyi and conversing with Zhu Xuanyue for a while, Xia Lei dragged Xia Lei outside the room to talk.    


"Where did you go?" When did you get back? " Xia Changhe went straight to the point.    


Xia Lei said: "I just returned, I knew that my mother was about to give birth, so I rushed back. "Hmm, we went to a newly born galaxy, and found a planet similar to Earth there. What do you think I saw on it?"    


Xia Changhe rolled his eyes at Xia Lei, "Tell me, how could I have guessed?"    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "A dinosaur, that world is just like the Earth's past. There are no humans yet, but I believe there will be one in the future. "    


Xia Changhe said: "I do not dare to be interested in such things. How long are you coming back for?"    


Xia Lei remained silent for a while, before saying: "It should be a few days, then we will be leaving. We don't know when we will return this time. Also, I didn't disturb anyone when I came back this time, so don't tell anyone that I came back. "    


Xia Changhe asked in surprise: "Why? You were the one who built this place, and you are also the hero of this nation. You can return in broad daylight and receive the praise and cheers of everyone.    


Xia Lei looked at Earth in the starry sky and remained silent for a while before saying, "I shouldn't exist, just let me slowly disappear into the history of mankind."    


"But ?"    


"I'm not a leader, and I'm not a god. I'm just ?" A wry smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "I just want to live a normal life with my wife and children, and take a look at this universe."    


"Are you okay?" Xia Changhe said with concern: "I keep having the feeling that you're acting weird tonight."    


Xia Lei hugged Xia Changhe, "Dad."    


It was just a "Dad", there were no other words, but the word contained a lot of meaning.    


Xia Changhe's tears quietly rolled down from the corner of his eyes ?    


"Shh! Shh!" A strange sound suddenly came from the bamboo forest outside the courtyard.    


Xia Changhe shifted his gaze over and immediately saw two figures who were hastily dodging. Although the two of them hid very quickly, he could still see clearly. One was Serenity, and the other was Gu Kewen.    


"Yes, yes." Xia Lei coughed dryly, "Father, I will go to the forest and try to get rid of him."    


Xia Changhe pretended not to see it, and patted Xia Lei's shoulder, "I finally understand what kind of life you want me to lead. There's a blanket in the bamboo forest. I left it there. "    


Xia Lei said in embarrassment: "I'm just going to relieve myself, why are you carrying a blanket with me?"    


"Go, go. Hurry up, I will help you stall for time." Xia Changhe did not wait for Xia Lei to leave.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, and walked towards the bamboo forest.    


Tranquility and Gu Kewen carefully stuck their heads out of the bamboo forest. When they saw Xia Lei, they excitedly waved at him, signalling him to quickly enter the bamboo forest.    


Xia Lei walked into the bamboo forest and said speechlessly: "Aren't the two of you too bold? "Twenty tigers are in the house outside. What do you want?"    


"I, I seem to ?" "Got it!" Gu Kewen said nervously: "I was so worried, so, so ? I came to find you quickly. "    


Xia Lei could not help but kiss her, and said excitedly: "I'm going to be a father!"    


Gu Kewen rolled her eyes at him, "Your acting skills are too exaggerated. As someone who has been a father for more than twenty times, you probably don't feel anything, right?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Serenity suddenly hugged him from behind. "I want one too!"    


Gu Kewen pointed to the deeper parts of the bamboo forest, "I saw a blanket over there just now, why don't we go there to chat?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Was this the life he wanted?    


Yes, this was the life he wanted.    


He didn't want to be seen as a leader or a god, so he wanted to erase his tracks. Time will annihilate everything, one day no one will remember who he is and what he did. To him, it was meaningless. All he wanted was to "grow old" with his wife and children, and to be loved and loved to the end of the road.    


Everything has a destination.    


Time was not the same as time. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years, ten thousand years ?    


In the distant depths of the universe, on a dying planet, in a desert.    


Kacha, kacha ?    


A bronze figure slowly walked in the desert. It was extremely lonely.    


"This is the place. This place is pretty good. I don't need tombstones, and I don't need anyone to sweep my grave for me. " The bronze figure stopped and lay down in the desert.    


This bronze colored figure was Xia Lei in ten thousand years. In the past ten thousand years, he had sent away all of his beloved women, children, and children. Although he still had his wife alive, he was no longer able to be with them. After ten thousand years, he would disintegrate every day, and he wouldn't be able to maintain his flesh and blood body at all. He didn't want them to see him turn into a bronze skeleton, so he left quietly.    


He wandered alone in the universe, galaxies after galaxies. He thought that he would be able to find the edge of the universe, but in the end, he realized just how childish and ridiculous this idea was. The universe was constantly expanding, covering every dimension. No matter where he went, he would never be able to keep up with the expansion of the universe. No one could reach the edge of the universe, and no one could even peek beyond it.    


He was tired and didn't want to wander anymore.    


A dry wind suddenly blew, blowing up the yellow sand and the bronze bone dust that fell from his body. Right now, he was extremely weak and could die at any moment.    


He looked at the dim yellow star in the sky. It was unknown when, but his vision suddenly became hazy. A bronze skeleton also appeared in the void above him.    


Those were the bones from his previous life.    


"You're going to die." The bones of his past life said, "You have loved, and you are tired. Don't you hate the fact that most of the women and children you loved are dead and taken away by the laws of the universe? "    


Xia Lei waved his hand, "Go away, I don't want to talk to you, and I know you don't exist."    


"I have always lived in your heart and never left it. Otherwise, how could I have spoken to you when you were about to die? "    


Xia Lei closed his eyes.    


"It's useless. You're thinking about me. You're thinking about what kind of person you were in your previous life, right?"    


Xia Lei opened his eyes once again and grabbed a handful of sand, scattering it all over his bones from his previous life, "Scram! Get lost! "    


Yellow sand flew in all directions.    


His voice was weak.    


"You're a coward. You don't even know what kind of person you were in your previous life, so what's the point of your short life?" "If you were a man, you would have faced everything that happened to you, including your previous life."    


"Why don't you tell me?"    


"Coward." The skeleton from his previous life continued to mock Xia Lei, "Do you really think you can let go of all these and die peacefully? Don't lie to yourself. You are wandering alone in the universe. Don't you look for the edges of the universe? You also want to know what's outside the universe, right? "    


"Shut up!"    


"I'll retrieve your bone and awaken your memories from your previous life!"    




A rock rolled down from Xia Lei's body. It was a Self-treasure. Right at that moment, the energy barrier of the Self-treasure opened and both the World's Stone's sarcophagus and World's Box tumbled out.    


"Retrieve your bones, awaken the memories of your past life, and then die. Only then can I be considered to have died without any regrets." Bone Theory from his previous life.    


"I know I'm talking to myself, not you!" Xia Lei roared, his mind was in a mess.    


"Haha ?" Pu * * y! Pu * * y! A coward who even he himself would not dare to face in his previous life! "    


"I am not a coward! "Get lost ? ah!" Xia Lei suddenly slapped towards the sarcophagus.    


Perhaps it was due to the final radiance of the setting sun, but this slap contained the last of his Source energy. With a flash of golden light, the sarcophagus shattered, and the bones from his previous life fell out onto his body.    


The bones quickly fused together. I have you in me, and you have me in you.    


The memories of his previous life flooded into Xia Lei's consciousness like floodwaters ?    


When he was born, a woman cried and threw him into the bushes by the side of the road. He cried loudly, but what came for him was not his mother, who had abandoned him, but an unfamiliar man.    


"I've finally found you, the only one." The strange man said to himself, "We will be together, I am your father ?"    


The words of the unfamiliar man was a completely foreign language to Xia Lei who had received his memories, but he could understand it. However, he knew that this was not because he could understand this "pre-human" language that he had never heard before. It was because he had received memories from his past life that he could understand it. To a certain extent, the part of his previous life was fusing with him, becoming a part of his body.    


"His background is actually the same as mine. Without a father, he was abandoned by his birth mother. Is this a coincidence?" Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart.    


His thoughts did not hinder his previous life's memories and bones from merging into his body and soul.    


The strange man became his foster father, then brought him up. He opened the path of evolution, and met one woman after another, enemies after another ?    


These memories were simply another version of himself to Xia Lei.    


Of course it wasn't exactly the same, but the general story was more or less the same, even including the rulers of the Six Creators and the Dark Death World.    


In the process of fusing the bones and memories of his past life with his body and soul, he had obtained the terrifying energy from his previous life. It was the same as his energy, containing life and death, light and darkness, as well as the elements of a leader. This energy allowed him to reconstruct the functions of his body. His body was also rapidly reconstructing itself.    


However, not all the bones were absorbed by him. The six skulls that he absorbed into his body were left outside his body, floating in the air. They had even completed the splitting, and were exactly the same as when they first entered Xia Lei's body.    


That's the mechanism.    


Xia Lei suddenly understood that the reason he had destroyed the mechanism was not because he destroyed it and absorbed it. It was because the mechanism was using this method to enter his body and "download" all his information.    


The only thing that mattered was that the quest had always been in Samsara.    


The only thing that could be seen was as a balancer of the universe. This mission could also be seen as a 'correction' for the evolution of the universe. Wherever the error occurred, the balancer would move out to correct the error.    


The only mission they had was to restart the universe. This was not a hypothetical mission, nor was it a deceptive scam that allowed the only person to enter the beginning of the universe and gain the energy of the "leader", but a real existence. One day the universe will be destroyed, and it will need someone to restart it, and that person is the only one.    


This mission worked over and over again, perfecting itself, making each generation stronger than the last. Finally, one day, the universe was destroyed, and that generation would be the only one to truly restart it.    


"So that's how it is ?" "Hahaha!" Xia Lei could not help but laugh out loud, giving him the feeling that all of this was just like a ridiculous Lu Li's dream.    


In fact, who of us is not in a dream?    


We feel that we really exist, but isn't the process of life and death also a dream? If we compress our lives to the extreme, isn't it just a process of opening and closing our eyes? Those sad and joyful, love and love, in the end will be buried in the dust, and finally in the time of annihilation.    


No one can leave a mark, except the only one. It also seems to be a privilege given by the universe to the only special being who can recover his memories from generation to generation.    


Suddenly, Xia Lei's flesh started to split again.    


After obtaining the memories and bones of his past life, his strength had grown even more formidable. The Laws of the universe simply didn't allow a existence to surpass him. It wanted to destroy him.    


However, the situation this time was very special. The six pelvis s that formed the mechanism were absorbing the essence of his flesh and blood, especially the essence of the inherited descendants.    


Looking at his swiftly disappearing body, Xia Lei did not feel the slightest bit of sadness or fear, because he already knew his end ? this was not the end, but the beginning of the next reincarnation.    


He was the only one.    


How would he appear the next time?    


He did not know.    


But he would eventually find out.    


The next time he did so, he would definitely recall the women he had loved. Long Bing, Tang Yuyan, Shentu Tianyin, Fan Fan, Jiang Ruyi, Liang Siyao, Lan Ji'er, Kangtu Nana, Kangtu Nana, Lie Rushui,, Bai Ling, Santissima, Mother, Yuan Taimei, Nightingale, Hei Ni, Daqiao, Xiaoqiao, Xiaoqiao,, Diao Chan, Diao Chan, Diao Chan, Diao Chan, and even the Fire Phoenix that was still alive today ?    


"In the next dream, let's meet again. I'll come find you, pursue you." Xia Lei said, and a gentle smile appeared on his lips.    


The book was over.    



Thank you for reading.    


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