Tranxending Vision

C716 Borrowing a knife to kill someone

C716 Borrowing a knife to kill someone

0Xia Lei quickly left. The four people of Knights Hospitaller also changed their route and followed behind Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei headed towards the bathroom as he made a call, "It's me, Xia Lei."    


"I know it's you. Do you want to know the result? You're too impatient. They're still in a meeting. I'll tell you the result tonight. " Jaclyn Eva's voice came out from the phone.    


"I'm not asking you the result." Xia Lei lowered his voice, "The people who kidnapped me are back. They are following me at the exhibition center. I am in danger, come and save me quickly! "    


"Don't worry, I'll send someone over right away!" Jaclyn Eva was anxious too.    


"Hurry up!" Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


The bathroom was right in front of him, but Xia Lei suddenly changed his direction and walked in another direction.    


"Did he notice us?" Behind Xia Lei, the black youth said in Italian.    


"That's impossible." Thoron's tone was very certain, "He has never seen us before, but we have his detailed information. Alfonso, relax, don't create tense air for yourself. "    


The African youth known as Alfonso wanted to say something, but he eventually shut his mouth. This was not because he felt that Thoron's analysis was logical, but because Thoron was their team's Knight Head. Thoron's words would sometimes be an order.    


"Obayan, Jack." Thoron's voice was not loud, "You two go up from the right and circle around him."    


The two young Caucasians nodded at the same time and walked around to the right side.    


"Chief, do you want to fight here?" Arfan said carefully.    


"We are not like those old men. We have to be careful when we go down the stairs. "If we hadn't done that mission last time, would we have faced the same problem today?" Arfan's eyes flashed with a cold light. "His bodyguard isn't by his side. He's by himself. This is an opportunity to grab him. As long as we capture him, we will be able to obtain the sacred object and give him the judgement he deserves. "    


"But there are a lot of French policemen and soldiers here, in case of a firefight..." Alfonso started to speak, but then stopped. He was worried that such a situation would occur.    


"Arfan, I can't see any hint of a knight in you. The sacred object is very important to us, and we must have it at all costs. It is our honor to be able to obtain the approval of the Great Guild Leader. "Those old geezers have been suppressing us, questioning our existence. Now is the time to prove to them our strength and Knight's spirit." This kind of language seemed to have added a halo of light on Thoron's head, adding defense, increase Agility, and increase Strength and Magic Attributes.    


Arfan stopped speaking, he looked at Xia Lei's back, his eyes filled with a terrifying divine light.    


This was the power of faith. In the Middle East, this kind of power would allow a person to tie a bomb around himself and then rush into a market.    


Xia Lei quickened his pace.    


There were two empty halls in front of him, and a passage that ran between them.    


Xia Lei walked to the middle of the two exhibition halls and prepared to go to the right. At this moment, two white youths walked over from the other side of the same path. He turned around as well, but there were two other young men behind him, one black and one white. There was no way forward, and no way out. He suddenly found himself in a dilemma.    


The four Knights Hospitaller s quickly surrounded him.    


"Come with us!" Thoron's voice was very cold. He used Italian.    


"Who are you?" Xia Lei replied in Italian, looking very nervous.    


Thoron said fiercely: "Cut the crap, come with us, otherwise, you will die here."    


"Are you French police? I didn't break the law, so why should I go with you? " Xia Lei reached out his hand, "Show me your documents."    


Thoron looked at the people behind him.    


Oba Yang suddenly reached his hand into his waist.    


This was the motion of someone pulling out a gun.    


How could Xia Lei let him have a gun? Just as Oba Yang's hand reached into his waist, he suddenly turned around and struck Oba Yang's throat with his palm.    


"Ugh!" With a groan, he covered his neck with both hands and staggered back. After receiving such a heavy blow to his throat, the muscles in his respiratory tract began to contract automatically, and his brain became hypoxic. In that instant, he lost all ability to fight.    


Xia Lei moved forward slightly.    


Jack quickly retreated, his hand also reaching towards his waist, preparing to pull out his gun to avoid Xia Lei's attack. However, Xia Lei did not attack him. Instead, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Thoron's neck.    


Thoron tilted his head and dodged.    


But it was still a fake move, Xia Lei's hand suddenly lowered, with a poke, he grabbed, like an item out of a bag, Thoron's gun appeared in his hand.    


Wing Tsun specializes in close combat. The skilful and empty-handed skills that she had learned from Qin Xiang had strengthened his ability to snatch the white blade with his bare hands!    


This series of actions seemed complicated, but in the blink of an eye, it was over. It was only when Xia Lei held Thoron's handgun in his hand that Arfan and Jack finally pulled it out. But just then, Xia Lei's gun was already pointed at Thoron's head.    


"Don't move!" Xia Lei's right foot rotated, and like a compass, he circled behind Thoron, and from start to finish, his right hand held the spear at Thoron's head.    


He snatched a subtle time lag.    


Although Jack and Alfonso had guns in their hands, they did not dare to shoot anymore. Not to mention Knight Head Thoron being in Xia Lei's hands, even if Xia Lei was a normal hostage, they would still not have the confidence to hit him. This was because Xia Lei's body was already completely hidden behind Thoron and there was almost no angle for him to fire.    


"Leave me alone!" Thoron roared: Get rid of him!    


Xia Lei said coldly: "Don't move, or I'll kill him!"    


Thoron's three subordinates hesitated for a moment and they all exchanged looks.    


"Execute the command!" Thoron's spirit was in an extreme state, his eyes were filled with excitement and excitement, "If I were to be martyred, that would be my honor!"    


Thoron's three subordinates no longer hesitated.    


Ao Ba Yang and Alfonso moved towards Xia Lei's left and right at the same time. The three of them worked together in perfect harmony. Even though Xia Lei had Thoron in his control, he was unable to protect his left, right, right, or back at the same time. Once Obayan and Alfonso were behind him, his situation would become dangerous.    


"Put down your weapon!" Thoron sneered: "Otherwise, you will die here!"    


Xia Lei tensed up, he used his left hand to grip Thoron's neck, and pulled him back.    


"It's useless. Put down the gun and come with us. As long as you bring out something from the maze, we won't hurt you. " Thoron continued to attack Xia Lei.    


"Make them stop!" Xia Lei said in a stern voice.    


Thoron sneered: "Don't be silly, our understanding of death is different from yours. "If you have the guts, shoot me. But you know the result. You will also die. So, put it down ?"    





A bullet suddenly flew out from the gun and struck Thoron in the face. Fresh blood and minced meat immediately burst out from Thoron's face, revealing a ghastly white gums beneath the torn apart skin!    


"Ah ? ?" Thoron let out a miserable cry. The power of Faith was also unable to withstand the bullet's damage. This spear strike had also taken away his glory.    


This was Xia Lei's response.    


Don't dare to shoot?    


I'll just try a shot!    


Ao Ba Yang and Alfonso instantly froze in place. Including Jack, none of Thoron's three men expected Xia Lei to be so ruthless, to actually dare to shoot and injure Thoron under the protection of the three guns!    


"Kill him!" Thoron's mouth was dripping with blood, his voice was unclear.    


"Don't move!" A heavily armed Special Forces soldier suddenly appeared and issued a warning in French.    


Behind him, a large group of agents of the French National Security Agency and special forces of the French National Gendarmerie approached with guns in their hands. With the spear in front and the person at the back, his aura was breathtaking!    


This was actually what Xia Lei had the confidence to shoot. He had already seen the arrival of the French from the reflection of the pillar. If the reinforcements had not arrived, he would not have chosen to fire. He would have tried to find a way to stall for time. With Thoron as a hostage, it would not be difficult for him to accomplish this.    


At this time, Thoron's face was already devoid of any color. This was not the main reason why Xia Lei ruined his face. The main reason he lived here was because he was full of confidence in his own abilities in carrying out his tasks. He wanted to kidnap Xia Lei and obtain the sacred artifact.    


"Put down the spear!" an agent of the French National Security Agency shouted in French.    


"Don't shoot!" Oba Yang raised his hands.    


Jack and O'Bayan raised their hands, but did not lower the guns.    


The three of them seemed to be waiting for one of Thoron's orders.    


A large group of armed commandos surrounded them.    


"Xia Lei, you will regret this." Thoron's voice carried a burning hatred.    


Xia Lei suddenly released Thoron, but he was half a beat too slow when he retracted his hand.    


Thoron suddenly grabbed Xia Lei's wrist, pressed down, and took away Xia Lei's handgun.    


Xia Lei fiercely crashed into Thoron's back, and then, he fell towards the ground.    


Thoron stepped forward and suddenly turned, and shot at Xia Lei.    


"Crack ~ ~ ~"    


No gunfire.    


Thoron was startled, he then pulled the trigger again, but this time there were no gunshots. He realized the pistol had no clip. He suddenly realized something and his mind went blank.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Gunshots and bullets rained down. Thoron's chest and head were immediately ripped apart. Obayan, Jack, and Alfonso weren't spared either, and in almost a second they were turned into sieves.    


The gunfire stopped.    


Xia Lei crawled up from the ground, he looked at the corpses on the ground and smiled coldly, thinking to himself: "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, there are no magazine clips in the gun."    


A few seconds ago, he had already removed the magazine before releasing Thoron's hands. His technique was very clever, Thoron did not even see this deceitful move.    


This was the reason why he released Thoron. With the death of these Knights Hospitaller Knights, the French intelligence department would not be able to extract any information from them.    


Agents from the French National Security Agency and special forces from the French National Gendarmerie poured in. Several commandos used their guns to poke at the corpses on the ground. The guns in the hands of the special forces soldiers had just been fired, the muzzles of their guns were hot. Under the gunfire, the four corpses instantly released a burnt smell.    


There was no reaction from the four corpses.    


Using a scorching hot gun to check if the target was dead or not was a cruel but practical method.    


"Mr. Xia, are you hurt?" a middle-aged French man in casual clothes asked Xia Lei.    


"I was punched a few times, but it should be fine, thank you." Xia Lei said.    


"Miss Eva is on her way. She will arrive soon."    


"Alright, I understand." Xia Lei said.    


It did not matter to him whether Jaclyn Eva came or not, because he had already borrowed a blade to kill him.    


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