Tranxending Vision

C704 Fictional Enemy

C704 Fictional Enemy

0A gloomy and cold wind swept across his face, Xia Lei's hair moved slightly.    


How could there be wind in this place?    


Xia Lei carefully observed the entrances of the six tunnels, and quickly discovered that the three tunnels were 1, 3, and 6, respectively. The tunnels 2, 4, and 5 were very quiet. There was no wind, nor was there any sound. His line of sight quickly locked onto the second passageway. According to the map that Da Vinci had left for him in the 'Mona Lisa', the second passageway was the correct one.    


This time, Xia Lei still did not rush into the correct passage. He used the method he used just now to verify the validity of the map. He threw a few heavy weapons into the other five tunnels, and then awakened the structure of the inner parts of the clairvoyance's perspective tunnel. The results came out very quickly, but what surprised him was that there were no problems with the six tunnels in front of him. There were no traps in any of the six tunnels.    


What was going on?    


Just as Xia Lei was about to enter the second passage, his mind suddenly became drowsy. He shook his head vigorously, but the situation did not improve. Worse, his vision began to blur.    


"Yes ?" Xia Lei suddenly realized where the problem was, "It's the wind!"    


The cold wind quietly blew.    


Kick, Kick, Kick ?    


The sound of high heels suddenly came from the first passage.    


Xia Lei pulled out his handgun and raised it up, staring at the exit of the first passage.    


The footsteps got closer and closer and soon a woman appeared at the entrance of the first passage. Her face was revealed under the light of the glowing rod, and the moment Xia Lei saw her clearly, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.    


She was none other than Gu Kewen.    


"Xia Lei, you're dead for sure." Gu Kewen had a playful smile on her face.    


"Why are you here?" Xia Lei aimed the gun at Gu Kewen's head, he could shoot her at anytime.    


Gu Kewen said indifferently: "Do you think you are the smartest person in this world? You can find the maze, and so can I. "    


Kick, Kick, Kick ?    


Footsteps could be heard in the sixth passage.    


Xia Lei followed his, and then he saw another familiar face: Nomosha. The moment Nomosha appeared, he suddenly waved his hand and pulled the trigger.    


Bang! The body of the snake trembled and a bullet flew out from its muzzle.    


Nomosha's body shook, at the same time she dodged the bullet, she raised her hand and shot towards Xia Lei.    


BOOM! Her modified pistol was as powerful as a shotgun.    


Xia Lei rolled away. Just as he dodged, the stone wall behind him burst into sparks, and fragments of the rock flew in all directions.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A gunshot rang out and a sharp pain came out. Xia Lei's body stopped on the ground. He was horrified to find that he had been shot three times in the chest, abdomen and thigh. Blood gushed out from the three wounds, wetting his clothes and the ground.    


Gu Kewen and Nomosha walked towards him with cold smiles on their faces.    


"Xia Lei, aren't you very powerful? No matter how powerful you are, you are still just a single person. Do you think you are an omnipotent God? " Gu Kewen sneered, she raised the gun and pointed it at Xia Lei's head.    


"Let me do it." Nomosha pressed down Gu Kewen's hand, and slowly placed the weirdly shaped modified gun on Xia Lei's forehead.    


As long as she lightly moved her finger, Xia Lei's head would explode.    


"Am I going to die?" Xia Lei's heart was filled with unwillingness and anger. He wanted to fight, but his strength seemed to disappear with the loss of his blood. Not to mention getting up and fighting, he didn't even have the strength to talk to the two women and spit out a mouthful of saliva.    


"Let's finish this, Xia Lei." Nomosha placed her finger on the trigger.    


At this moment, the mysterious energy that was lurking in his brain appeared once again. A cool feeling spread throughout his body, and all the pain, fear, anger, and anxiety disappeared. All that was left was a quiet place. He was still the only person left alive in this maze. There was no Gu Kewen, no Nomosha, and no wound.    


Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to the corpses of the Knights Hospitaller s. He suddenly understood how these riders died. A fierce battle had taken place here, but there were no corpses of the people from the second side. These Knights Hospitaller's Knights had killed each other in the midst of their hallucinations.    


"If I had entered the third passage as soon as I arrived, according to the map that Da Vinci had left me, then the wind would not have hit me and I would not have hallucinated. However, facing the six tunnels and the hidden weapons from before, who would be able to enter the third tunnel without verifying it? To be able to add the psychology of humans into the design of traps, Da Vinci is truly an outstanding genius acknowledged by the entire world. " Xia Lei's heart was filled with emotion.    


He suspected that Da Vinci had also taken AE capsules, and the suspicion was growing stronger.    


The cold wind aura came to a standstill.    


It was obviously not some natural wind, but a poisonous gas that could give birth to terrifying illusions. Just now, if his brain hadn't released that energy, the result would have been unimaginable. He might have been scared to death, or he might have gone mad, but no matter what, he would eventually die here.    


Xia Lei entered the second passage.    


More tunnels appeared at the end of the second passage. There were as many as twelve of them. One could imagine that a few hundred years ago, Knights from the Knights Hospitaller had entered this place, and two of them died under concealed weapons. The remaining ones, however, died at the entrance of the second stage.    


In the end, the Knight Commander Valefor was unable to obtain any "divine metal", and he was unable to deliver the encrypted letter to his Guild Leader. With the death of him and his men, the secret of the labyrinth had fallen into silence, hidden beneath the earth. Only today did it awaken to welcome new visitors.    


This time, Xia Lei did not linger, and only observed and looked through the correct passage before entering. Safe passage this time. As he went deeper, the maze's terrain became more and more complicated. If all of its cross sections were presented in front of his eyes, it would definitely be the most complicated and dangerous maze in the world. Without the map Da Vinci had left on Mona Lisa, anyone who entered would die!    


After an hour, Xia Lei arrived at the wide hall.    


Black was still the only color here. The floor tiles in the middle of the hall were black, and the walls of the hall were made of black stone. In addition, there were six black stone sculptures and a black sarcophagus.    


Xia Lei arrived in front of a stone statue and raised the shining stick in his hand. Under the glow of the glowing stick, the stone sculpture was completely and clearly displayed in his field of vision. It was at that moment that his heart began to beat violently.    


The stone sculpture didn't have any clothes on it. It was a man with a strong body, firm and powerful muscles, and an exaggerated male weapon. However, the only thing that wasn't there was ? Face!    


Xia Lei then moved to another stone statue.    


The statue was of a woman with a beautiful body curve. The sculptor had vividly carved her chest, buttocks, and even her entire body into a vivid image. It made people unable to restrain their fantasies and be teased by her. However, the sculptor had carved something, but not her face.    


The same was true for the remaining four statues. None of them had a face. However, although they didn't have faces, the six statues looked different. They all had different characteristics. Statue Two and Statue Five were both women, but Statue Two's chest was clearly larger than Statue Five's, and Statue Five's butt was slightly raised, and his legs were also a bit longer. Statue One and Statue Three were both men, but the former was clearly longer than the latter, while the latter's muscles were clearly more developed.    


The strange drawing that Jing Jing drew once again appeared in Xia Lei's mind. In the picture, six people, three men and three women, all of them made up of their bodies into the shape of a box, and they all had no faces.    


This was not a coincidence, but a message.    


Xia Lei walked towards the sarcophagus.    



On the lid of the sarcophagus was carved a name: Leonardo Di Serpiero Da Vinci.    


This was Da Vinci's name.    


This name stunned Xia Lei. Before he came to Italy, he had looked up all the information about Leonardo da Vinci. He remembered clearly that Leonardo da Vinci had died in France in 1519. His body had been buried in a French church, but it had been destroyed in the French Revolution of 1789. Another theory is that the French rebel army was short of supplies, in order to obtain the mass exhumation. The rebel army had thrown Da Vinci's corpse into the mass grave just for a corpse shroud. Until now, no one had been able to find his corpse. His present tomb was only a memorial grave.    


If Leonardo da Vinci's corpse was buried by the chapel of St. Hubert's, or if the rebels had thrown him into a mass grave, then what was the meaning of the sarcophagus in front of him?    


With one mystery after another, Xia Lei felt that even his super brain was not enough.    


He awakened clairvoyance from his left eye and tried to see the situation inside the sarcophagus. His line of sight did pierce through the sarcophagus, but inside the sarcophagus, there was absolute darkness without any light. All he could see was darkness.    


After a minute he gave up and tried to push open the lid of the sarcophagus.    


There was a layer of gum between the coffin and the lid. After several hundred years had passed, the gum had dried and solidified, becoming as hard as stone. This was a type of sealing, but now it had become Xia Lei's problem.    


Xia Lei retreated a few steps, took out his gun, and opened fire at the coffin lid and the coffin's corner.    


Bang bang!    


The impact of the bullets caused a corner of the stone to fall off from the corner. Some of the gum on the tree had also been destroyed.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The sound of gunfire rang out as bullets flew out from the muzzle and struck the same spot. The stone at the corner hadn't been damaged much, but the structure of the gum had been destroyed. The cracks grew larger and larger, and the scorching heat from the warhead caused the tree gum to show signs of melting.    


After finishing a magazine, Xia Lei took out his military knife and extended it into his analysis, using the principle of leverage to pry open the lid of the coffin.    


Although the gum had dried and become as hard as rock, it was still not the same as the sarcophagus. After ten minutes of hard work, Xia Lei finally opened the coffin.    


Whoa, whoa ?    


The lid rubbed on the coffin and slowly moved away, the scene inside the coffin also entered Xia Lei's line of sight.    


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