Tranxending Vision

C711 French female nurse

C711 French female nurse

0The NH-90 transport plane brought Xia Lei to a private hospital in Paris.    


The doctor examined Xia Lei's body. There were no major problems, but he allowed Xia Lei to stay in the hospital for observation for one day. Xia Lei readily agreed. He treated the hospital as a hotel, and one of the things he did when he was in the hospital was take a bath.    


A nurse was waiting for Xia Lei to shower and clean his wounds. Jaclyn Eva walked in and didn't say anything. He just pointed at the direction of the door for the nurse. The nurse stared at Jaclyn Eva in dissatisfaction, but still left the ward. She wanted to help Xia Lei clean his wounds, but she knew very well that she couldn't afford to offend a woman like Jaclyn Eva.    


Jaclyn Eva took a bath towel and walked towards the bathroom.    


The water in the bathroom spluttered. She couldn't see Xia Lei, but she knew he was inside. In her mind, she couldn't help but recall what had happened that night in that room, until the three masked men broke into the room ?    


"Those three masked men took care of two of my subordinates and two special forces of the Gendarmerie. The strength of those three people was terrifying. The three of them planned that operation meticulously, but Xia Lei used a jumping car to solve the problem. Isn't that a bit too simple? " A trace of doubt arose in her heart.    


In the bathroom, warm water was poured over his body. There were dozens of large and small wounds all over his body that were stinging. Xia Lei grinned and muttered, "Amanda, that guy, I didn't offend her did I? When I asked her to get me some wounds, she actually threw rocks at me and started using tree branches. "Slap me ?"    


If he were to fall down from the carriage, of course he would use a rock to smash his wounds. He would use a tree branch to wound himself. Slap. If he wanted to hide from Jaclyn Eva's eyes, Amanda would have to be ruthless.    


The sound of footsteps came from outside the bathroom. The footsteps were light and slow, giving off the feeling of someone quietly approaching.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze, and his left eye jumped slightly as he saw Jaclyn Eva. She had a towel in her hand. However, the towel in her hand was obviously superfluous because he had brought it into the bathroom.    


"She came ?" Do you want to continue asking me about the process of my escape, or something else? " A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth.    


When he left Italy, he could have gone straight home. The choice to return directly was the safest choice, but it was not the wisest choice. There were two reasons for his choice of returning to France.    


The first reason was that he had been kidnapped in France, that French intelligence agents were looking for him all over the world, and that he had mysteriously appeared in the Grand China. France would definitely send someone to the Grand China to inquire about the situation. By then, not only would he have to face the French, he would also have to face certain people in the country. What had happened in France and Italy, he didn't want anyone who shouldn't know.    


The second reason was France's International Army Arms Exhibition. To walk out of Grand China, to become the strongest military enterprise in the world, Rayma Military Factory had to take this step as well. France's International Army Arms Exhibition is the world's largest Army Arms Exhibition, it is the best stage. He wanted to conquer this stage, he wanted to send a signal to the armory world ? ? The Rayma Group is here!    


Whether it was for his own reasons or from the perspective of the future of the Rayma Group, he had come to France.    


Outside the door, Jaclyn Eva gently shook her head and then walked to the bathroom door. She knocked on it, "Mr. Xia, I brought you a bath towel."    


"That one." Xia Lei said somewhat embarrassedly: "I brought a bath towel with me."    


Jaclyn Eva replied, "I know. However, the bath towels in the hospital were shared and were unhygienic. I brought you a new towel. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Jaclyn Eva suddenly reached out to the door and pushed it open.    


Xia Lei cried in alarm.    


Jaclyn Eva calmly entered the bathroom and took off the towel Xia Lei had hung on the wall. Then, he hung the towel she had brought on top of it.    


"I have." Jaclyn Eva stared straight at Xia Lei, "So you don't have to hold on to it."    


Xia Lei didn't know what to say.    


"Hurry up and wash. Once you're done, I'll help you deal with the wounds on your body."    


"You'll help me deal with it?"    


"Yes, the nurse and the doctor are off duty." Jaclyn Eva said, and did not immediately leave the bathroom.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "If you look at me like this, I won't be able to bathe."    


Jaclyn Eva then turned and left.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He saw Jaclyn Eva standing by his sickbed. She was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a black miniskirt. The image made him nervous, because he knew she wasn't a nurse and that the hospital bed would be a battlefield for agents and agents.    


The trump card of the 101 Bureau of Grand China, against the trump card of the National Security Agency of France, was a battle without smoke.    


Jaclyn Eva picked up a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and waved his hand at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei walked over and braced himself: "Do you really want to help me treat my wounds? I think it's better to let the professionals handle it. You can call a doctor or nurse for me. "    


"The doctors and nurses are off duty." Jaclyn Eva said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have received professional training, I will make you very comfortable."    


Could the treatment of a wound be described as comfortable?    


No matter what, he had to face what he had to face. Xia Lei crawled onto the bed, laid on the blanket, and revealed his entire back in front of Jaclyn Eva.    


"I'll leave it to you." Xia Lei said.    


Jaclyn Eva suddenly took off her high heels and climbed onto the bed.    


Xia Lei tensed up: "You ? "What do you want?"    


Puff puff!    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to finish speaking, Jaclyn Eva began to spray the hydrogen peroxide from the wound on Xia Lei's back. A burning pain came over, causing Xia Lei to gasp in pain.    


Puff puff, puff puff ?    


After spraying the hydrogen peroxide, Jaclyn Eva picked up the tweezers from the cart and used a cotton ball to wipe Xia Lei's wounds.    


"Mr. Xia, did you really jump off a car and run away?" Jaclyn Eva probed: "No one is helping you?"    


This question was also a signal that the battle had begun.    


Xia Lei endured the excitement that Jaclyn Eva gave him and said slowly: "The only person who helped me was that driver. He seems to be called Rivado or something, you can go and check his background. "By the way, I'll pay you back the ten thousand euros."    


"Don't misunderstand, I'm not here to ask for money. However, if you want to return it, I am not opposed to it either. "    


"Well, I know you were curious about the situation. I can't find any other word to describe it, except luck. "    


"Tell me about it."    


"That night in your room, I didn't know what was going on until I was dizzy and I couldn't remember what had happened. When I woke up, I was in a basement. The three men tied me up and stripped me naked. I heard some of their conversations, and they said that Paris was sealed off and could not leave immediately. So they locked me up for two days and then on the night of the third day they put me in the trunk of a car. During those two days, they didn't give me anything to eat or water to drink, so I just pretended to be dehydrated and very weak. I look really bad, and they've let down their guard against me... "    


"One of them drove and the other two slept. Slowly, I untied myself and waited for an opportunity to escape. Then I heard a lot of water. The sound reminded me of the Seine. In fact, it was the Seine. I know exactly what to do. I only have one chance. I opened the trunk and jumped out. I fell badly, but I didn't care. As soon as I jumped off the bus, the guy in the driver's seat spotted me. He braked, and his companion woke up. I didn't dare to delay any longer. I got up from the road and jumped into the Seine. They chased him to the river and fired at it. I thought I was going to be hit and drown in the river. But with the Goddess of Luck's blessing, those bullets didn't hit me. I held my breath and dived downstream ? Then I climbed ashore and I was so tired that I passed out until a driver found me. You already know what happened afterwards, so I won't say anymore. "    



He had already known that Jaclyn Eva would not be satisfied with a simple explanation, so he had prepared this story for her a long time ago. The story is wonderful. It could almost be made into a movie.    


"It's my fault that I didn't protect you properly and caused you to suffer such a thing." Jaclyn Eva said apologetically.    


Just by looking at Jaclyn Eva's reaction, Xia Lei knew that he had pretty much passed the test, and he slightly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. However, even if she didn't believe it, so what? He was willing to explain to her that he was giving her face. If he didn't say anything, she couldn't do anything to him.    


"This is none of your business, you don't have to apologize." Xia Lei said.    


"Do you know why they kidnapped you?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "They didn't say that, but I think it was for the money, or maybe it was because of my skills. Besides these two, why else? "    


"Alright." Jaclyn Eva replied: "Done."    


"Thank you." Xia Lei said.    


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