Tranxending Vision

C735 A ghost?

C735 A ghost?

0The moment the voice sounded, Xia Lei's thread shifted over. His left eye twitched slightly, and all the obstacles blocking his line of sight disappeared.    


The sound was coming from the direction of the stairs, which were empty and devoid of people.    


Suddenly, a black cat scuttled out from behind a vase. Beside the vase was a broken branch of a green leaf plant.    


It was a false alarm.    


The black cat disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye, but Xia Lei was still tense and could not relax.    


On the ground next to the vase, there were still some broken branches.    


Was that sound just a flower bud in a vase that the black cat stepped on? A sound.    


But even so, everyone was too tense to relax. He looked at his wristwatch. The woman who had called had told him to leave in sixty seconds, and now ten seconds had passed.    


Who was that woman?    


What was the nature of the danger she spoke of? What level of danger was this?    


How did she know he was here?    


How did she know what dangers he would encounter?    


Should he leave or continue with his original plan to kill Gu Kewen?    


The questions were in his mind, and he had only thirty seconds to make the right decision.    


He wasn't willing to give up just like that. He had already planned everything beforehand, and this was a very rare opportunity. If he missed this opportunity, it would be very difficult to kill Gu Kewen without getting into trouble. But if he didn't leave, if he was really in danger, where would he be able to buy the medicine for regret then?    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the handgun in Masao Hattori's hand.    


At that moment, the light in the study went out. Not only the lights in the study, but all the lights in the old villa had been extinguished.    


Rustle ?    


A light voice came into Xia Lei's ears.    


Xia Lei then moved his eyes to the entrance of the study.    


Rustle ?    


The sound was very soft, but it was still very distinct in this quiet environment.    


But, the strangest thing was, although Xia Lei heard the voice and the darkness did not affect his vision, he could not see what kind of person was in the corridor outside!    


The peculiar sound stopped at the door of the study.    


After a second, Xia Lei suddenly activated it, and with his fastest speed, he rushed to the window.    


Bang! The door behind him was slammed open.    


Crash! * Xia Lei's body struck the window open, causing wood and glass fragments to fall to the ground.    


The instant before his feet landed on the ground, Xia Lei bent his legs and tilted his center of gravity forward. His two feet landed on the ground, and his body rolled forward, taking away more than half of the gravity. His body was rolling on the ground, and at that moment, his line of sight shifted to the window on the second floor.    


A skinny figure suddenly appeared at the window.    


His face could not be seen. A black robe covered his body. The robe was like a priest's robe, and there was a hat that covered her head and his face. What's even weirder is that his robe seems to absorb light, so much so that you can't see his face with your extraordinary eyesight.    


Standing at the window, he was like a ghost from the dark world. He could be seen, but he was not real.    


Xia Lei's body stopped moving.    


The man in black swayed for a moment at the window, then disappeared.    


Xia Lei's left eye pierced through the wall, but he actually disappeared.    


Who is he?    


The skin on Xia Lei's back was ice-cold, and a layer of cold sweat also emerged on his forehead. There were a lot of cuts on his body from the glass, but he didn't feel much pain. He didn't want to admit it, but fear had taken over his body.    


"Boss!" What happened? " Amanda's voice sounded, full of anxiety.    


Xia Lei moved quickly, and said: "Do you see that man in black robes? If you see it, shoot him! "    


"What kind of person is wearing a black robe?" Amanda's voice was filled with surprise and nervousness.    


Xia Lei's heart immediately sank. He was sure that the black-robed man had appeared at the window just now, and that Amanda was the sniper who wanted to kill Gu Kewen. Her gaze should have always been in this direction. How could she not see the black-robed man?    


He suddenly recalled the scene outside the door when he was in the study. Oh, that black robed person was clearly outside the door, but didn't he see anything?    


Could it be that the black-robed man really did not exist? Was it just an illusion? But how was this possible?    


While quickly moving, Xia Lei couldn't help but turn his head back to take another look. At this moment, the black robed man silently appeared at the door to the living room on the first floor.    


His face was still invisible, as if the hood were not covering his face at all, but a part of the blackboard.    


"Did you see him?" Xia Lei bellowed: Shoot him!    


"Boss, you ?" Amanda's voice was confused and doubtful.    


Xia Lei suddenly stopped and turned to look at the black-robed man.    


"Boss, what happened?" What are you doing? Gu Kewen is coming! " Amanda's voice was filled with anxiety.    


However, Xia Lei did not hear her voice, his gaze was locked on the black-robed man. He was certain that the black-robed man was in front of the living room on the first floor. He had seen him clearly, but Amanda had not seen him!    


The man in black suddenly moved. He rushed out the door, but then retreated.    


What was going on?    



Xia Lei subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky, then looked at the street lamp above him. The sky was clear tonight, and the moon and stars were clearly visible. The street lamps overhead were also very bright. Moths danced around them, casting moving shadows on the ground.    


"Is he afraid of the light?" This thought suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's heart.    


The black-robed man stood at the door, not moving. He couldn't see his eyes, but he definitely had eyes, and his gaze was locked on Xia Lei the entire time, so his eyes must be very cold.    


"Boss!" Amanda's voice sounded, "The CIA car is already here, what are you still standing there for? Are we going to proceed as planned? "    


Only then did Xia Lei regain his senses, and he started moving backwards. As he walked, he said: "Give up the plan, retreat."    


"Give up?"    


"Give up, retreat!" Xia Lei repeated himself, his gaze still locked onto the black-robed man.    


"Got it." Amanda ended the call.    


While he was still talking with Amanda, the black cloaked man tried to rush out of the door, but he retreated back inside the room. This discovery made Xia Lei suspect that he was afraid of the light even more.    


"Why is he afraid of the light? Is there anyone in this world who is afraid of light? " Xia Lei thought of a skin disease similar to "sunlight inflammation", and then he thought of a "vampire". The possibility of the former was close to zero, because it was night and the opponent was wearing a black robe that covered his entire body. Even if he had skin disease like 'sun-infection', he shouldn't even be afraid of the moonlight or the light of the street lamps, right? As for the latter, it was even more unreliable. How could there be any vampires in this world?    


A seven-seater Ford Explorer suddenly drove over and stopped beside Xia Lei.    


The car door opened, and Piao Taiyong stuck his head out from the window, "Boss, get in!"    


Only then did Xia Lei stop his retreating posture, and turned to get into the car.    


Piao Taiyong left without stopping for even a second.    


Xia Lei looked through the window at the ancient villa, where the black-robed man was still standing at the entrance. He couldn't see the black-robed man's face, but he could sense that the black-robed man was staring at him.    


The man in black raised his hand and slowly slashed it across his own neck.    


It was a murderous gesture.    


After making a gesture, the man in black disappeared from the door.    


Xia Lei's mind quickly relived all the details of his encounter with the black-robed man. However, he still could not understand how the black-robed man entered the villa, and even more so could not figure out why he could not figure out where the black-robed man was at that time.    


His most powerful ability was his Perception. If that black-cloaked person could sneak over to his side without him noticing, then he would be in danger!    


This opponent was without a doubt the strongest and most difficult one among all the opponents he had met, yet he didn't even know his opponent's identity!    


Piao Taiyong drove the car off the main road and into a remote alley. As soon as the Ford Explorer entered the trail, the main road sped past several Suburban SUVs.    


The CIA finally arrived.    


Xia Lei looked at the wristwatch on his hand. It just happened to be 0.2030 seconds at this time. The CIA needed 30 seconds to arrive at the villa. That meant that the time was exactly the same as what he had predicted, which was 0: 21.    


At 0.1: 21, according to his plan, Gu Kewen would enter Amanda's sniper scope s in thirty seconds. However, he had planned everything, and yet, he hadn't planned for this ghost-like black-cloaked man to mess up his plans!    


"Boss, what happened?" Piao Taiyong broke the silence inside the car, "I heard the conversation between you and Amanda through the communication device. Was that person from FA?"    


"I'm not sure." Xia Lei's answer was very simple. However, he knew clearly in his heart that the black-robed man was definitely not a member of the FA.    


"Amanda actually did not see that person. He must not be a simple person." Piao Taiyong said.    


"Be careful these two days. Turn on the light when you sleep at night." Xia Lei said.    


"Hmm?" Piao Taiyong could not help but look at Xia Lei, "Boss, do we need to turn on the light at night? Is that important? "    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "It's very important."    


Piao Taiyong shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, I will turn on the lights to sleep, but I can't do anything about them."    


At this moment, an ear-piercing siren sounded from the main road. Xia Lei looked through the window and saw a long string of French police cars and the special forces army SUVs. Those cars were driving towards the direction of the villa like crazy. This time, he didn't look at the alloy watch anymore. Even if the time wasn't a second off, what was the use? The plan to assassinate Gu Kewen failed.    


Piao Taiyong turned the wheel and the car entered an alley. There was no light in the alley. It was pitch black. When the lights of the car dispersed the darkness, Amanda, Baghu and Markus appeared from the darkest corner of the alleyway.    


The four of them quickly walked over and got into the car.    


Piao Taiyong started up the car again, passed through the alley and headed in the direction of the Parisian Heart Hotel.    


"Boss, what happened just now?" Amanda who was seated at the back asked.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I said I saw a man in black robes, did you see it?"    


Amanda shook her head. She looked at Xia Lei with worry in her eyes.    


"Did you see it inside?" Xia Lei asked the others.    


Baghu shook his head.    


Erdelmtu shook his head.    


Markus also shook his head.    


Xia Lei spread out his hands, "Then pretend I didn't say anything. "Also, from today onwards, keep the lights on when you sleep."    


"Huh?" Amanda was stunned for a moment, and then said with concern: "Boss, are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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