Tranxending Vision

C743 Wing Chun Dou Tang Fist

C743 Wing Chun Dou Tang Fist

0The Ford E450 stopped by the temple. The sound of the engine and the headlights woke up several Tibetan mastiffs in the nearby houses. The dogs were growling, as if they were trying to intimidate the intruders. Xia Lei extinguished the fire and switched off the light. The Tibetan Mastiffs gradually quietened down.    


There was no light in the town, so it was very quiet. It gave off the feeling of an empty, uninhabited town. There were some lights in the temple, but they were not lamps. Instead, they were long lamps for the gods.    


"Where is the target?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Follow me." Tang Yuyan got up and walked towards the carriage.    


Xia Lei left the driver's seat and followed her into the carriage. He thought that she would stop in the living room, but Tang Yuyan walked straight into the small bedroom.    


Xia Lei hesitated, he stood close to the door and did not know whether he should go in or not.    


Tang Yuyan stuck her head out from the door, "What are you doing? Afraid I'll eat you? Don't worry, I, Tang Yuyan, am not one of those women who voluntarily took off her pants to be with you. "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, but did not move. Experience had taught him that he could only trust Tang Yuyan with a few words out of ten sentences.    


Tang Yuyan's lips curved up in a contemptuous smile, "Are you afraid that you won't be able to control it? Don't you know how to hang out with several women at the same time? You must be very restrained in that regard. So, what are you worried about? "    


"I'm not the playboy you think I am, and I'm not the kind of man who would fall in love with a beautiful woman." Xia Lei walked in.    


That was the feeling of life and death being intersected between him and Long Bing.    


He and Jiang Ruyi grew up together, playing in the mud together. She had waited for him for more than twenty years;    


Tang Yuyan said that he was "playing", which made him a little uncomfortable. Wasn't she just staying in the same room? Why do you have to sound so bad? If I go in, will you still be able to eat me?    


The corner of Tang Yuyan's mouth rose into a smile. She took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed, and turned on a LCD TV on the wall.    


It was actually not a LCD TV, but a very large monitor. After it was awakened, a surveillance image appeared on the screen.    


Xia Lei did not go to bed. Instead, he sat on the side of the bed and watched the monitoring screen.    


It was a small building on the west side of the town, with stone walls and flowered windows and a banner hanging from the roof. It was a typical Tibetan house. The doors and windows of the small building were tightly shut. There was no light, and no one was moving about inside.    


"Is this all you can show me?" Xia Lei couldn't see anything wrong with it, it was just an ordinary small building.    


Tang Yuyan crawled under the monitor and extended her hand to pick up a remote control. She pressed the green button on the remote control and said, "Show yourselves."    


Soon, there were sounds coming from several parts of the monitor. Xia Lei saw a sniper dressed in camouflage, he was at the hillside behind the house. The camouflage on his body allowed him to blend in with his surroundings, making it hard for him to be discovered. In his hand was Rayma Group's XL2500 sniper rifle. Rayma Group's weapon had already become the first choice in the 101 rounds.    


On the opposite side of the sniper, on both sides of the walls of the building, there were two Mr. Agent who were holding onto blast assault rifle s.    


In an alley opposite the main gate, there were two agents holding onto blast assault rifle.    


Seven agents had sealed off the building and cut off all possible routes for terrorists to escape. With an XL2500 sniper rifle and six blast assault rifle's firepower, let alone a few terrorists, even an elite U.S. Marine Corps operation team would have to lie down.    


The seven agents quickly returned to their respective hiding spots.    


They followed Tang Yuyan's orders, they were all her subordinates.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "This place, including all the terrorists who were hiding inside, has been locked on. What am I supposed to do?"    


It was indeed the case, all they needed now was a simple order from Tang Yuyan, and the seven of them would take care of it. The only thing he could do when rushing here from the capital was to watch the footage of the agents completing their mission.    


Tang Yuyan crawled towards Xia Lei, with just a distance away from him, she was moving very slowly.    


"What are you doing?" When Tang Yuyan crawled to his side, he could not help but ask, moving his butt a little to the side.    


Tang Yuyan handed the remote control to Xia Lei, "Take this, give the order whenever you want to."    


"Then what are we waiting for?" Xia Lei reached out for the remote control.    


Tang Yuyan's hands suddenly loosened, and the remote control slipped out of her hands, landing evenly on the area in front of Xia Lei's legs.    


"Aiya, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." Tang Yuyan quickly reached for the remote control.    


How could Xia Lei fall for her trick? He was a step ahead of her, and he caught his breath, at the same time he raised his elbow and sealed Tang Yuyan's hand.    


Tang Yuyan's other hand suddenly came through the empty door of Xia Lei's room and grabbed at her collar.    


Xia Lei's other hand cut across and grabbed Tang Yuyan's wrist.    


Tang Yuyan's body suddenly tilted to the side, leaving Xia Lei's grasp. One of the legs kneeling on the bed raised up, sweeping towards Xia Lei's shoulder. Xia Lei's rope flew backwards and she laid on the bed. The long leg swept almost against his face.    


"Humph!" Both of Tang Yuyan's hands pushed against the mattress, and her body flew up from the bed like an eagle pouncing on its prey. Then, she landed on top of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei could have kicked him, but it would also be the simplest way to neutralize the attack, but how could a man do that? It was only a few seconds of hesitation, but Tang Yuyan's body had already smashed into his body. Soft and heavy, beautiful and painful. In that instant, his feelings were extremely complicated.    


Tang Yuyan did not miss this opportunity. Her two feet were wrapped around Xia Lei's waist and her hands also wrapped around Xia Lei's arms, locking his neck. This kind of action was called Deep Cross Lock in the UFC cage. If a player was locked up by this kind of fighting technique, they would be able to throw in the towel and admit defeat.    


The showdown between the Wing Tsun and the Tang Sect martial arts had ended, but the atmosphere in the carriage's bedroom had become silent and ambiguous. Both of them looked at each other. They didn't speak for at least thirty seconds.    


"Mm ?" What do you want? " In the thirty-first second, Xia Lei finally could not hold back and opened his mouth to break the silence.    


The corner of Tang Yuyan's mouth held a smile, "We've never really fought before, how about we do it once?"    


"Alright, let's get out of the car and go call. Let me go." Xia Lei said.    


"You wish."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Tell me, how did Long Bing seduce you back then? How did you get into bed with her? "    


"Boring. We're just friends and colleagues."    


"Pfft!" You clearly admitted it just now! "    


"When did I admit it? Are there any recordings? "Let me hear it."    


"Shameless." Tang Yuyan bit her lips, "Then let me ask you, how did Shentu Tianyin seduce you? How did you get into bed with her? "    



"Are you crazy to ask such a question?"    


"Is that so?" Tang Yuyan pressed her body against Xia Lei's body.    


Since she had locked Xia Lei, this kind of squeeze would also become an omnidirectional squeeze. When she tried to use her strength, it immediately became difficult for Xia Lei to breathe.    


"Let me go, or you'll regret it." Xia Lei said.    


"I'm not letting go, what can you do to me? "How dare you do something to me?" Tang Yuyan provoked.    


Xia Lei suddenly raised his leg, and his thigh struck Tang Yuyan's butt. Tang Yuyan let out a light cry as her body fell forward. With the release of the cross lock, his upper body regained the ability to move, he suddenly pushed with his hands, causing Tang Yuyan to be pushed out of the room and onto the bed. Right at that moment, he turned around and pressed down on it.    


"Marry me. Let's get married."    


Xia Lei was suddenly stunned. Tang Yuyan had already made it very clear that she could clear out his loose ends from before, but after being with her, he could not get entangled with any other woman. What she wanted was a man who could stand on all fours. What she wanted was a husband, not a lover.    


Actually, she still had something that she had not said out loud. What she wanted was one of the pillars of the Tang clan.    


In a moment of debauchery, with shackles on, for the rest of his life?    


Xia Lei's heart was in torment.    


Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei anxiously. She was so nervous that she forgot to breathe.    


At this moment, a man wearing a monastic robe appeared on the display on the wall.    


The man was tall and strong. However, he was wearing a monk's hat with a black veil hanging down from it, so his face could not be seen.    


An agent's voice suddenly came through the communicator, "Chief, there's an unknown target, an unknown target. How do we deal with it?" "How should we handle this?"    


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