Tranxending Vision

C679 Sell the old by taking advantage of their age

C679 Sell the old by taking advantage of their age

0"Bro, did you know? I heard the German girl was raped. "    


"Everyone is talking about this right now. How could I not have heard of it? It's a pity that such a nice German chick was ruined by a pig. "    


"No, with that German chick's figure and face, I dare say he's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. This kind of top quality woman, she should have let us, Xia Dong, enjoy her, so how could she be spoiled by that Song fella? "    


"That Song pig head is too bold. He is simply too audacious. Did he not think of the consequences of doing that?"    


"Who asked him to be an official? If they dared to do this, they wouldn't be afraid of the German girl causing trouble. Just watch and see. I bet that this matter will be left unsettled. At most, it will just be a matter of compensation. "    


"If that's the case, then it's too unfair."    


"When has there ever been fairness in this world? It's always been achieved with the use of one's fist. Brother, learn a little, you're still young. "    


"Go, aren't you a few years older than me? "What are you bragging about."    


"Whose car are you guys looking for?"    


"Do you still need to ask about a Red Flag sedan with a red brand on it? There must be some big boss here. "    


Amidst the discussions of the workers, a Red Flag Car drove into the entrance of the Rayma Military Factory. Instead of going to the parking lot, it drove directly under the office building.    


The car door opened, and Bukai Sousei got off. His face was still thin and expressionless.    


Just as Bukai Sousei got off the car, Ling Hao and Song Baicheng walked out from the office building.    


Song Baicheng said with a face full of shame, "Boss, I'm sorry, I ?"    


Without waiting for Song Baicheng to finish speaking, Bukai Sousei suddenly slapped his face. With a crisp smack, Song Baicheng staggered and a trace of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth. He covered his face, not daring to make a sound.    


Ling Hao said: "Boss, he was also trapped. This matter can't be entirely his fault. I've already told him that he'll turn himself in later. "    


"Yes, yes, I will take all responsibility." Song Baicheng hurriedly said.    


"Humph!" Bukai Sousei coldly snorted. He no longer wanted to talk with Song Baicheng.    


Ling Hao said: "Boss, this is all because of Xia Lei and Fan Fan. This matter can be said to be big or small, but you have to come up with an idea for me. "    


"Fan Fan? Humph! Did she think her wings had grown hard? Even if she has wings, I will make it impossible for her to fly. " Bukai Sousei said coldly: "And that Xia Lei, if he interferes, then don't even think about escaping. I want him to know what he's trying to do, and what he can't do!"    


A cold smile surfaced on Ling Hao's lips, "He's in his office, the Germans are also there."    


Bukai Sousei did not say anything unnecessary and directly entered the office building.    


The office was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.    


"Today's schedule is for random tours. You can enter any workshop." Xia Lei said with a smile on his face.    


"Mr. Xia, may I ask when will you start forging Raylong intelligent machine tool for us?" The Connor Bridge asked.    


Xia Lei said: "I can't make a decision on this, this is a transaction, I think whenever you provide me with a submarine technology, I will give you everything you want. Until then, all I can do is wait for the announcement. "    


His meaning was very clear. It was to exchange the goods in exchange for money. If he had not obtained the German submarine technology, he would not have given the Germans what they wanted.    


The Connor Bridge laughed: "Haha, Mr. Xia, don't worry. We have long since prepared the things that should be prepared. As long as you're ready, you can start the trade anytime. "    


Xia Lei said: "Then we will go look around the workshop first and discuss when we can trade. How about this, Mr. Connor Bridge? "    


Connor Bridge said: "Of course not."    


"I think there's a problem." Bukai Sousei suddenly appeared at the entrance of the office, his face was filled with rage, and his eyes were frighteningly cold.    


With his words interrupted, the Connor Bridge immediately frowned, "You are?"    


"We don't need to know each other." Bukai Sousei was not courteous at all.    


The Connor Bridge was unsatisfied, but he was not a person who could not take a single bit of anger. She also understood that the old man in front of him did not know his identity and did not give him any face at all. Then, how could this old man be an ordinary person?    


Just then, Xia Lei said: "Mr. Connor Bridge, leave this to me. Bring your people to the workshop to take a look. We'll have a good chat later. "    


"Then that's it. Mr. Xia, you go ahead." The Connor Bridge left with a few German technicians. If Bukai Sousei did not give him face, he would not bother to give Bukai Sousei any face at all. When he left the room, he did not even glance at Bukai Sousei.    


When the Germans left, Ling Hao and Song Baicheng also entered the office.    


"Please take a seat, the three of you." Xia Lei smiled and greeted before raising his voice, "Caiyue, bring me three cups of tea."    


Qing Caiyue's voice came from outside, "Okay, Manager Xia, come over immediately."    


Bukai Sousei sat down on the sofa, "Xia Lei, don't pretend to be good with me. "You should know why I'm here. Say it, I'm really waiting for your explanation."    


Ling Hao and Song Baicheng stood on both sides as they coldly looked at Xia Lei.    


The people who came were not kind, the good people did not come. The atmosphere in the office immediately became tense.    


Xia Lei did not laugh anymore, and said indifferently: "Boss Zongzheng, you came because I wanted an explanation? Can you give me a hint? "What explanation?"    


Bukai Sousei suddenly slapped the table and bellowed: Xia Lei! Don't play the fool for me! Don't you know why I'm here? "    


"Why don't you say it? I really don't know." Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Otherwise, what do I need to remind you to do?"    


"Xia Lei!" Ling Hao said coldly: "Watch your tone!"    


Xia Lei was silent.    


Just then, Qing Caiyue walked in, she was holding onto a tea tray with three cups of tea. Initially, she wanted to give the three cups of tea to Bukai Sousei, Ling Hao and Song Baicheng to drink, but when she saw that the three of them were angry at her, she was immediately displeased. She took the teacup and left.    


Song Baicheng shouted, "How did you do that? Bring the tea here before you go. "    


Qing Caiyue turned around and glanced at Song Baicheng, "If you want to drink, soak in it yourself!"    


"You ? "How dare you!" Song Baicheng was enraged, it was fine that Xia Lei did not see him as anything, but now, even Xia Lei's secretary did not see him as anything at all!    



"Caiyue, what's going on?" Xia Lei asked.    


Qing Caiyue said: "Xia Dong, there are no more tea leaves."    


Xia Lei waved his hand, "Alright, alright, go back to your work, you don't need to care about this anymore."    


Qing Caiyue replied, then turned and left with her slim waist and perky bottom. She thought that Xia Lei would teach her, but Xia Lei didn't.    


Everyone saw Qing Caiyue carrying three cups of tea in. The three cups of tea was still giving off hot air and a fragrant smell, but she actually took away the three cups of tea. Just a small matter like this, yet the three people on Bukai Sousei's side had already seen through Xia Lei's attitude. This attitude was ? he was not afraid at all!    


Bukai Sousei's face became even uglier. He thought that since his identity came to this place, he could easily solve the problem and force Xia Lei to give in. But he never thought that Xia Lei did not even put him in his eyes!    


Xia Lei didn't even put the Chief of the ZN Bureau in his eyes, how could he talk about it?    


Bukai Sousei was silent for a moment, "Xia Lei, what do you really want to do?"    


Xia Lei just sat quietly on his office chair without saying anything.    


"You are a businessman without a single official. How dare you join the staff change department of ZN? I have to admire your guts, but I still want to ask you, do you not want to die? " Bukai Sousei's tone was light, but his words revealed a sense of threat.    


Xia Lei laughed coldly, "Are you threatening me?"    


"Threatening you?" Bukai Sousei suddenly slammed the table and stood up, "How dare you talk to me like that!"    


Xia Lei said calmly: "You don't want to talk to me, what are you doing here?"    


"How dare you!" Song Baicheng suddenly walked towards Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei stood up from his office chair, and suddenly slapped on his desk. With a boom, the entire desk violently shook and a crack appeared on the solid wood surface!    


Song Baicheng originally wanted to teach Xia Lei a lesson, but after this slap from Xia Lei, he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He was someone who had undergone combat training, so he was not afraid of Lu Sheng. However, Lu Sheng and Lu Sheng were obviously not on the same level. He reckoned that if he went up, the one who would lie down would definitely be him, not Xia Lei.    


"Xia Lei!" Ling Hao could no longer control his anger, "You fool! Do you think that with your strength, you can make Fan Fan replace me? Would it be enough to get the head of the clan to retire early? You are daydreaming and you are seeking your own destruction! "    


Xia Lei said: "Oh no, why are you not bidding on this table? "Damn it, I must have eaten a kickback. I'll definitely deduct their wages later."    


Ling Hao was so angry that he could not speak anymore.    


"You can leave now. There's no point in continuing our discussion." Xia Lei said: "Although I, Xia Lei am just a merchant and not a single official or a rank, I am not someone who can be threatened just because I want to. Whether you want my life or my company, do what you have to do and don't waste your time. "    


This is my order to expel you.    


Ling Hao and Song Baicheng looked at Bukai Sousei, waiting for his instructions.    


Bukai Sousei was silent for a moment, "Xia Lei, since we have already said this, I want to make things clear before I leave."    


"I'm listening." Xia Lei said.    


"Stop your tricks at once and stop the Germans chasing what happened last night. In addition, Ling Hao continued to be in charge of the transaction between the Rayma Military Factory and the Germans. Also, don't get involved in my ZN Bureau matters, otherwise it will get on fire. That's all I said. As for how you do it, that's up to you. " Bukai Sousei said.    


"Are you done?" Xia Lei said: "If you're done, please take care. I won't send you off."    


But at this moment, Qing Caiyue's voice suddenly came out, "Xia Dong, Miss Fan has come to find you, do you want to see her?"    


Xia Lei suddenly had a headache.    


But before Xia Lei could say anything, Bukai Sousei shouted sternly: "Let her in!"    


Qing Caiyue stood there and did not move. Although Bukai Sousei was a huge figure that she couldn't afford to offend, Xia Lei was still her boss. In here, she would only listen to Xia Lei and not anyone else.    


There was no need for him to be invited. Fan Xian walked in himself.    


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