Tranxending Vision

C592 Angry German

C592 Angry German

0The husband and wife duo came out from the resting room and saw Lu Sheng, who was waiting at the entrance of the office.    


Shentu Tianyin's jade face was a little red, but she was also very smart. She pretended to organize the documents on the desk, pretended that nothing had happened.    


Xia Lei was also slightly embarrassed as he asked: "Lu Sheng, what's the matter?"    


Lu Sheng said: "Chairman Xia, that German Ambassador has come again. Now, wait outside the door and say that I want to see you. Do you want to see me? His identity is very special, so I came over to ask for your opinion. "    


He did not let the guard handle this kind of matter, but he actually thought it through very thoroughly.    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "See, you can ask him to come over."    


"Alright, I'll go and tell him right away." Lu Sheng turned and left.    


Xia Lei frowned, "The Germans are really fast, they came looking for us so quickly."    


As soon as he returned, the Germans knew he was back. It seemed that the German agent in the Grand China was not an easy person. Maybe they had already been waiting for him in the vicinity of the Rayma Military Factory and his hometown even before he returned home. As soon as he showed up, the Germans would get the news at once. However, it was impossible for him to not show his face. After all, the Rayma Group still needed him to manage and manage it, and she also needed him to contact all the customers in South America and the Middle East. In this situation, it was impossible for him to hide.    


Seeing Xia Lei frown, Shentu Tianyin walked to Xia Lei's side and asked worriedly: "Hubby, is there any trouble?"    


Xia Lei said: "The truly troublesome matters are long gone, there is no need to worry, I will deal with the Ambassador of Germany. You can go back first, I'll come back tonight. "    


"Alright, then I'll go back first. Remember to go home for dinner tonight." Shentu Tianyin fixed Xia Lei's tie for a while, then left.    


Xia Lei's matter involved the 101st match, involved some national secrets, she understood why he chose to stay behind if he didn't. There were some things that even if she was Xia Lei's wife, Xia Lei wouldn't be able to tell him.    


After that, Xia Lei gave Ling Hao a call.    


"I really want to call you and talk to you, and you're on the phone." Ling Hao's voice.    


On the other hand, Long Bing and Tang Yuyan had returned to the 101st round to complete the German mission, but Xia Lei had yet to complete his mission to anyone. Once he returned, his first stop would be Rayma Military Factory. He had his own thoughts. Other than wanting to see Shentu Tianyin, he wanted to understand the current situation of his Rayma Military Factory, and most importantly, he would need some time to organize everything that had happened. Only then would he be able to complete his mission.    


Xia Lei said: "Brother Ling, I had originally planned to come over tomorrow to have a talk with you. So much has happened, and I want to relax a bit. "    


"I understand. Even though I know you're back, I didn't come looking for you." Ling Hao said.    


"However, someone has come looking for me." Xia Lei cut straight to the point, "German Ambassador Phillip, he is in Rayma Military Factory."    


"The Germans knew you were back? They really are fast. "    


"I assume he's here to talk to me about the German engineering team. Without your instructions, I wouldn't dare to speak out." Xia Lei said: "Brother Ling, if he talks about the German engineering team, what should I tell him?"    


Ling Hao remained silent for a while, before saying: "Since you have returned, we no longer have any reason to detain these Germans. The production line for the Typhoon fighter engine has been completed. We don't need them anymore. If Phillip talks about this with you, you can say that you can help him move about, and then we'll let him go. This way, it will be of some benefit to you. "    


"Well, I know what to do." Xia Lei said.    


Just as the two of them ended their conversation, Phillip and his assistant, Elita, appeared at the entrance of the office.    


"Mr. Xia, it's really not easy to meet you." Phillip opened the conversation with a sentence in German.    


Xia Lei laughed and spoke in German: "I am lucky. Otherwise, you will never see me again in your life."    


Phillip laughed dryly, "Mr. Xia, there are some things that are just a misunderstanding, please do not mind."    


Xia Lei sneered, "Yeah, in Germany, there were terrorists who pretended to be the German Special Forces and the American CIA and took me away from Mark Amin's birthday party. Then, the real German Special Forces and CIA agents ambushed the terrorists. Their goal was to save me. Mr. Phillip, is this what you want to talk about? "    


Not only did this make Phillip's old face turn red, even Elita felt very awkward.    


In terms of what happened in Germany, it was the Germans who broke the agreement and betrayed Xia Lei. But before that, Xia Lei was still building a line for the Germans to use the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle. These were all priceless technologies that the Germans wanted. However, some people in the German authorities did so. In this situation, facing Xia Lei's mockery, how could the two Germans defend themselves?    


Xia Lei said: "I was lucky, I managed to escape. Forget about this matter, I don't plan on announcing it to the public. Please don't come back to me in the future, there's nothing more to talk about between us. "    


"Don't do that." Phillip said: "Mr. Xia, I know you're not happy, but... We don't have to do this. Now that you have returned, and our people are still here, I would like you to come out and speak with us so that they can return and reunite with their families. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "You treated me like that, if it wasn't for the fact that I was lucky, I would have already died. Yet you all are still looking for my help? Mr. Phillip, do you think that I am such a good person? "    


"I have no doubt that you are a good man. For the sake of the fact that the engineers are innocent, for the sake of their wives and children, please step forward and speak. " Phillip looked at Xia Lei with begging eyes.    


Xia Lei pretended to think for a while before saying, "How about this, I can come out and do some activities and let those Germans go home. But I have a condition. "    


"What conditions? Tell me."    


"My friend Anina has already returned to Germany. She doesn't plan to return. I want you to write a guarantee that no one is going to bother her. Would you like to write such a guarantee? "    


"I'm willing. I'll write it for you right now." With just a paper guarantee, he could exchange it for those German engineers. Of course Phillip would be willing to complete this thorny task.    


With the help of Elita, Phillip wrote the guarantee.    


A guarantee written by the Ambassador of Germany did not have much of a guarantee, but Xia Lei's goal was not to on this guarantee, he wanted to use Phillip to send a signal to the German side. Although I will not announce this matter, as long as you act against me again, I will announce what happened in Germany. And this guarantee, written and signed by Ambassador Phillip of Germany, would become evidence of a media frenzy.    


Du du du, du du...    


The phone on the desk suddenly rang.    


Xia Lei picked up the phone, and suddenly, a man's voice in German came out from the phone, "Xia Lei, you lied to us!"    


This voice, was Mark Amin's voice.    


"So it's you." Xia Lei sneered, "What do you mean? I don't understand what you're saying. "    


"Stop pretending!" Sly Grand China! " Mark Amin's voice was filled with anger, "We assembled your Raylong intelligent machine tool, but the first time it drove a car, it burnt through the circuit board. And your XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle production line, the XL2500 sniper rifles and blast assault rifle that we produced are simply trash! "    


Xia Lei said lightly: "That is your problem, it has nothing to do with me."    


"You lied to us! Yet now you're telling me this has nothing to do with you? "    


Xia Lei said: "If you give me a little more time, when I completely finish building the two production lines and the Raylong intelligent machine tool, wouldn't it be perfect if you hit me again? But you guys are too impatient. I can't wait to make my move before I'm done. You think you can do it without me, but you can't do it. "    


"I don't want to talk nonsense with you! "Tell me, how can this matter be resolved?"    


Xia Lei said: "Hmm, how about this, you go to the court and sue me."    



"You ?" Mark Amin was instantly angered to the point that he was unable to say a word.    


"Anything else?" If not, I'll hang up. And don't call me in the future. I don't want to hear your voice. " Xia Lei said.    


"Wait!" Mark Amin said: "You have already acquired the Typhoon Fighter engine technology, but we have not obtained anything. This is not fair! You have to give us a satisfactory solution, or ? "    


"Or what?" Xia Lei laughed, "Otherwise, you would hand me over to the Americans, right? Let them come, I am at Rayma Military Factory, they can come and capture me anytime. "    


"Good!" Just you wait, this matter will not end like this. " Mark Amin angrily hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei put down the phone, a disdainful smile plastered on his face. Right now, Mark Amin's threat was practically nothing to him!    


"Who called?" Phillip, who had finished writing his guarantee, sounded out: "I heard you talking to someone in German."    


"Mark Amin." Xia Lei did not hide anything, "He said that there was a problem with the engineering I did in Rhine Metal Corp and told me to think of a way to solve it. I don't know how to resolve this, Mr. Phillip, can you give me a suggestion? "    


Phillip shrugged his shoulders, "I don't have any suggestions for you. Those idiots did a very stupid thing. They were responsible for everything. As for me, I'm only responsible for what I have to do. Alright, Mr. Xia, I've already written the guarantee and signed it. When can I see our people? "    


Xia Lei said: "You can return to the embassy first, I will do this for you right now. "I reckon you'll see your men tomorrow."    


"Thank you." Phillip heaved a sigh of relief and left with Elita.    


The office suddenly became quiet.    


Xia Lei sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, and thought to himself: "The Germans will definitely not let this go easily, what actions will they take? They wouldn't blow the matter up. After all, they were the ones who had broken their word. Probably, the Rhine Metal Corp will send someone here to talk to me, right? "If we send someone here ?"    


For some reason, he suddenly recalled Sylvia's appearance. In the European version of Syrani, her sexuality required at least a hundred German words to describe.    


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