Tranxending Vision



0It's a desperate situation!    


Her figure was tall and well-developed, with a conical face, thick lips s, and big eyes. Lei Hanuo's image was always related to sex appeal, and she looked like a bad girl on the street who liked tattoos, cigarettes, and alcohol. However, she represented the popular culture of Europe and the United States, and her songs also had the power to break through the mundane world and easily resonate with the young people.    


Wu liked the Themonster she sang with Eminem, which was why he wanted to know her from the oil painting. Another reason was that Shentu Tianyin knew a lot of famous celebrities in the country, but he didn't know them. If he and Lei Hanuo became Friends, they would have more topics to talk about in the entertainment circle.    


Before marriage, it was pure love. After marriage, it was not only pure love, but also life, and life had to be managed.    


"Hello, Miss Lei Hanuo." Xia Lei had a smile on his face as he took the initiative to extend his hand, "I'm so happy to see you."    


Lei Hanuo shook hands with Xia Lei with a smile on her face, "China's rifle's father, Mr. Xia, I never expected you to be so young. I saw some stories about you online, but I didn't expect to see you here. "    


"Well, what did the American press say about me?" Xia Lei casually found a topic to talk about.    


"They say you're a genius, the smartest person in the world."    


"That's what they say about me? Heh heh, I don't think so. "I'm just an ordinary person. Un, I'm still a fan of yours. I really like listening to your songs."    


"Eh? What song have you heard from me? "    


"I like the Themonster that you worked with Eminem with, and the Princess of China that you worked with the Cool Play."    


Lei Hanuo's lips curved up in a charming smile, "Looks like you've really heard my song before. I feel honored that you like it. I love guns. They give people strength and a sense of security. I've been paying attention to your Blast assault rifle for a long time. I've always wanted one, but I can't buy one in the United States. Mr. Xia, can you give me one? "    


Xia Lei smiled, "No problem, but I can't go to America, I can't give it to you personally, and I can't send guns to America. How about this, if you have the time, you can go to UAE. Prince Khalif is my Friends, I can give him a Telephone and he will help me fulfill your request. "    


"Prince Khalif is your Friends?" Lei Hanuo was slightly surprised.    


"Yes, maybe you can also go to Argentina. I have some friendship with General from the Argentina's military, and I can make him fulfill your request."    


Lei Hanuo, "…"    


Almost three years ago, Xia Lei's Friends was just a group of workers at the construction site. His classmates in junior high school were getting better and better, so he didn't even dare to join the school because he would only be disdainful and disdainful if he went there. But now, he was standing in the house of the CEO of the Rhine metal company, talking and laughing with the international big shot Lei Hanuo. The Friends he mentioned was either the Prince of Middle East or the South America General, and his atmosphere was explosive. Life is like a play.    


Mu Lejiang was also a world-class big wrist star and had a very high reputation. But beside Xia Lei, the light on his body was completely covered by Xia Lei.    


Xi Erweiya, who introduced Xia Lei to Lei Hanuo, was also ignored. However, she didn't feel unwell at all, because the two people chatting in front of her were her idol and the other one was a man she had a good impression of. The atmosphere around the chattering Xia Lei was so strong, so perfect, and so natural. She looked at Xia Lei with a faint excitement in her eyes.    


With a family of ten billion, he was still bright and handsome. In his twenties, he was already the father of China's rifles, and the Rayma Group he created was the dark horse of the world's military industry. This kind of him, no matter what kind of occasion he appeared at, was destined to be the person that attracted the most attention from the opposite sex.    


While chatting with Lei Hanuo, Xia Lei's line of sight shifted towards the outside of the Windows.    


Outside the garden fence, a Suburban SUV slowly pulled up to the side of the road. The Door opened it, and a few black Suit wearing people walked out. One of them said something to the walkie-talkie.    


Almost instinctively, Xia Lei's left eye locked onto that person's lips and used his lip language to decipher the person's words.    


"..." The main entrance is already in place, we can go in and capture him at any time. "    


Xia Lei did not even need to think to know who it was, based on their attire, physique, iconic cold expressions, and the words that were interpreted by lip language.    


These were CIA agents in the United States. He was surrounded!    


Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to Ma Keaming.    


Ma Keaming smiled at Xia Lei as if there was a knife hidden in his smile.    


Xia Lei suddenly understood that this so-called birthday party was just a pretext to lure him out from the Rhine metal company. Ma Keaming works with the CIA. Rhine metal is a big European military, and the US military is a very important customer. From this level of relationship, the collaboration between the Rhine metal and the CIA was also within reason.    


Previously, the CIA did not move because the Rhine metal company still needed his XL2500 sniper rifle and his Blast assault rifle production line, they still needed his Thunder Dragon's Intelligence and machine tool. Now that the two projects were nearing completion, capturing him did not have much of an impact on the two projects, because the parts that needed him to personally process had already been processed and only needed to be assembled.    


At this time, Ma Keaming walked over. He greeted Lei Hanuo with a smile, then went close to Xia Lei's ear and smiled, "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't share my birthday cake with you. "    


Xia Lei said coldly, "We have an agreement, you have to ensure my safety."    


Ma Keaming lightly said: "There is no fixed agreement in this world. Russia and Ukraine not only had an agreement, but also a brotherly relationship. They were on the brink of war. Mr. Xia, you are a very very smart person, but you are still young and lack some experience. There is no such thing as absolute honesty in this world. As long as the price is high enough, any agreement can be torn apart. "    


"Don't forget, you guys are still in China." Xia Lei took out his Satellite phone.    


Ma Keaming smiled faintly, "You seem a little childish. In front of the interests of the Country, even a single Army could become cannon fodder, let alone some engineers. Compared to the value on you, the value on them is almost negligible. "    


"What are you talking about?" Xi Erweiya saw Ma Keaming and Xia Lei whispering to each other, so she couldn't hear them clearly.    


Lei Hanuo, who was at the side, also looked confused. Her German level was obviously not on par with Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei did not have the mood to pay attention to Xi Erweiya, as he entered Ling Hao's number into the satellite mobile skillfully.    


Ma Keaming said, "You'd better not do that. You have to consider your three Wu steels."    


Zhou Tie's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He understood that Ma Keaming was referring to Long Bing, Tang Yuyan, and Liu Zhengnan. He was lured here, Long Bing, Tang Yuyan and Liu Zhengnan were still staying at the Rhine metal company. Although Long Bing and Tang Yuyan were both elite agent from the 101st Bureau, they did not have the permission to carry Weapons, let alone facing the Germany's Special Forces and the American CIA's secret service!    


Xia Lei couldn't help but recall the scene of Germany Special Forces and CIA agents surrounding the factory's guest house and taking down Long Bing, Tang Yuyan, and Liu Zhengnan. His heart was filled with anger, but there was nothing he could do.    


Ma Keaming stretched out his hand towards Xia Lei. "Give it to me."    


Xia Lei suddenly pressed the release button and brought the Satellite phone close to his ear. He said in a deep voice: "Ling Ge, we are under arrest. Arrest German."    


"You — —" Ma Keaming glowered at Xia Lei. He did not expect Xia Lei to remain indifferent to such a threat and still dare to give the domestic Telephone fight to De Fang's capturing engineers!    


Ling Hao's voice came from the Satellite phone, "Understood, no matter what method you use, you must return to your country. Don't bother about Long Bing and Tang Yuyan, just run away by yourself! "    


If Long Bing and Tang Yuyan were sacrificed, the 101 bureau would have a new Long Bing and Tang Yuyan to take over their jobs. Without Xia Lei, there would be no other replacement in this world. and he, he has an extremely important meaning to the China!    


This was Ling Hao's decision, his choice.    


However, Xia Lei hung up the Telephone and passed it into Ma Keaming's hands.    


Ma Keaming Yu was still angry, "Do you know what kind of stupid thing you did? You will regret it! "    


Xia Lei said coldly, "Let me tell you, if my peer is harmed in any way, I will kill everyone here, including you."    


Ma Keaming was stunned, he couldn't help but take a step back.    



Xi Erweiya finally heard what Xia Lei said clearly. She looked at him in surprise, "You …" What's wrong with all of you? "    


Just then, a few CIA agents walked in from the entrance of the living room. The one leading them was blond youth, who wore black-framed glasses and looked very gentle. As soon as he entered, his line of sight and the CIA agents' line of sight went straight to Xia Lei and locked onto his position.    


Xi Erweiya looked at blond youth and was stunned for a moment. She blurted out a name, "A Daofuxierman …"    


Not only the CIA, but also the AE Research Center.    


Xia Lei's eyes swept past the CIA agents, past A Daofuxierman, and then through the wall. He saw a large group of CIA agents standing outside the lobby door. Not only did the Germany Special Forces, who had protected him before, not stop the encirclement of the CIA agents, but they also cooperated with them. A few of the Germany's Wu Steelers, Gunner, had even aimed their G Type s at the House, sealing all exits.    


Around Xia Lei's ring, a large number of CIA agents also appeared on both sides of and behind House, along with Special Forces of Germany.    


This was an inescapable net, and now was the time to pack it up.    


A Daofuxierman walked over to Xia Lei. The way he looked at Xia Lei was very special, as if he was looking at a peerless treasure.    


Xia Lei also looked at A Daofuxierman. His eyes were cold.    


"Hillman, what's going on?" Xi Erweiya still hadn't figured out the situation, "Why are you here? Who are these people? "    


A Daofuxierman didn't seem to hear Xi Erweiya's voice. He looked at Xia Lei and said with a smile, "Xia Lei, we finally meet."    


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