Tranxending Vision

C473 An Xiuxian, goodbye!

C473 An Xiuxian, goodbye!

0In the forest, there was a tree that required several people to hug.    


"You're dead meat." The hyena's mouth curved into a cruel grin as he used his scope to lock onto the huge rock on the mountaintop.    


His Barrett Sniper Rifle was modified, and even the scope was expensive, allowing him to see a target of three kilometers. And right now, he was only two thousand meters away from Xia Lei. Through his custom-made aiming lens, he could even see the barrel of Xia Lei's sniper rifle from the side of the rock.    


Although it could see Xia Lei's barrel head, even though it was the king of the world of assassins, the hyena dog couldn't hit Xia Lei's barrel head with its Barrett Sniper Rifle.    


"You determined my position? I let you know on purpose. " The cruel smile at the corner of the hyena's mouth grew even more pronounced. His finger gently pressed on the trigger, waiting for Xia Lei to appear. He would immediately pull the trigger, sending Xia Lei to hell.    


An Xiuxian's gunner was also giving the hyena a chance, Xia Lei did not dare to let the gunners near him anymore. Xia Lei already had no time to wait, but he did. In this sort of showdown between top-tier snipers, not only were gun skills and experience competing, there was also patience, and Xia Lei didn't even have the chance to show patience!    


The scale of victory was tilting toward the hyena.    


At the top of the mountain, the XL2500 rifle's barrel stuck out a foot before coming to a halt. The gun pointed straight ahead, facing the sea. However, it was not in a straight state. The muzzle of its gun was tilting downward at a slow speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.    


"What does he want? blind fire? " The hyena raised its eyebrows, not daring to believe him, "Impossible, there is a distance of two thousand meters between us, how can he possibly have blind fire at such a distance? Was he luring me to shoot him, and then taking the time to shoot me in the next shot? I won't be fooled unless he shows his head. "    


Xia Lei never revealed his head from start to end, but the gun that was pointed at the hyena from the giant rock had already been pointed in its direction. The gun and the hyena were now in a straight line!    


Unfortunately, at a distance of two thousand meters, the hyena could not see through his scope to see such a small change. In his field of vision, the gun was only a very small, very blurry object. He could only use his experience to determine that it was Xia Lei's sniper rifle, but he could not detect that the gun was actually aimed at him.    


"Still not showing your head? This fellow's patience is not bad, but it's a pity that he has no time left. " The hyena thought in her heart, and continued to wait for Xia Lei to appear and then shoot him down.    


Suddenly, a leaf nearby moved and fell from the treetops.    


The slight sound of the leaves did not escape the hyena's ears, and he watched them out of the corner of his eye. He saw a trace of white on the branch. It was the result of the bullet that had grazed the branch and torn apart the tree bark!    


The hyena was shocked, and its body stiffened.    


In that split-second, a bullet flew over from the sky, shattering the scope of Barrett's sniper rifle. Before the scope had even fully exploded, the bullet had already entered the hyena's right eye, leaving a hole in its head with a fist.    


All thoughts stopped for a second, and the hyena fell from the treetop.    


Even until death, he still thought that he had already locked onto and suppressed Xia Lei, and if he was given a little more time, he would be able to kill Xia Lei.    


Unfortunately, this idea had become the end of the hyena's career as a killer.    


If there really was a Hell, then Hyenas must still be thinking about how Xia Lei killed him.    


On the huge rock at the top of the mountain, the corner of Xia Lei's mouth raised into a smile. The way he killed the hyena was actually very simple. He simply looked over the edge of the rock, locked onto the hyena without looking up, and fired. He was too far away and the wind had affected his fire, so the first shot missed the hyena. However, his left eye could clearly see the traces of his bullet as it grazed past the branches, and his adjusting speed was much faster than that of a hyena!    


The second shot killed the hyena.    


In this world, no one could compare to Xia Lei in terms of sniping skills.    


Xia Lei plus the XL2500 sniper rifle was equivalent to an invincible existence.    


If the hyena had known this, he would never have accepted the deal.    


"Crap!" Jiang Ruyi's voice was very nervous, "There are no more grenades! Lei Zi, what do we do? "    


"Just lie down. Leave the rest to me." Xia Lei pressed her down.    


The following battle had already lost its final suspense.    


Xia Lei stuck his head out from the boulder, aimed and fired. With every shot, people fell, and without exception, their heads were blown off, and they died in a complete mess.    


Within a few minutes, everyone that An Xiuxian had brought along was lying on the ground.    


The dense smoke on the battlefield gradually weakened, and the firewood was almost completely burnt.    


The gunshots stopped. Jiang Ruyi was startled for a moment, and then she exclaimed: "What's going on? Did they retreat? "    


"I think so." Xia Lei said: "You stay here, I'll go down to take a look. Remember, don't show your head. "    


Jiang Ruyi said worriedly: "I'm worried about you going down alone."    


Xia Lei glared at her, "Listen to me, and we can all live on. If you don't listen, we might die here. Think of your parents, think of the good days ahead. Remember, don't show your head. "    


These words finally convinced Jiang Ruyi. She crawled into the rain, hiding. She really did think of her parents and the good days in the future. Although she was a small child and couldn't see the light of day, to her, who deeply loved Xia Lei, as long as she could be together with him, it would be her greatest happiness. She had obtained it with great difficulty, how could she not cherish it?    


Xia Lei came to the battlefield, and quickly found the An Xiuxian he had broken both his legs.    


An Xiuxian's wound was still bleeding, and there was a huge pool of blood on the ground.    


Xia Lei squatted beside An Xiuxian and pinched the middle part of An Xiuxian's body.    


When An Xiuxian woke up, he could no longer feel any pain. When he saw Xia Lei, fear immediately invaded every single one of his nerves, "You, you ? "You can't kill me."    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "I did not say I would kill you. Your father is a big shot of Korea, no matter who I kill, I would not dare to kill you."    


These words sounded like flattery, but it was actually sarcastic in An Xiuxian's ears, "You, you ? "Save me, I'll give you anything you want."    


Xia Lei said: "I can help you stop the bleeding, and I can even treat you. I know first aid, and my medical skills are not bad. If I save you, you can definitely live on. "    


"Then what are you waiting for? Help me stop the bleeding first! " An Xiuxian was very anxious.    


However, Xia Lei was not anxious at all, "It's fine to save you, but you have to tell me where Gu Kewen is."    


"Tokyo, Japan. She sold it to me and I gave her a lot of money and she went to Japan. "    


"Tokyo, Japan. What is this place exactly?"    


"I don't know, I really don't know. There's no need for me to lie to you." An Xiuxian pleaded.    


"Where are the items?" Xia Lei said.    


"On my body, it is an excellent plate, inside it is evidence that Shentu Tianyin is suspected of embezzling state assets. If it is exposed, she will be in a lot of trouble. You save me, I'll give it to you. "    


Xia Lei undid the combat armor on An Xiuxian's body, and then found an excellent plate in his pocket. He put the plate away and stood up.    



"You ? You lied to me? " An Xiuxian suddenly woke up.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Don't worry, I won't lie to you. I will go back to the Hai Zhu now and get you an ambulance. You know, there's no cell phone in this place, and I can't get you on the phone. "Seriously, it's hard to choose anywhere. You just have to choose a place without a cell phone signal."    


"You will die a horrible death!" An Xiuxian roared in anger.    


Xia Lei said: "Are you joking? "You are already in such a sorry state, yet you say that I will die a horrible death?"    


"You ?" An Xiuxian was so angry that he couldn't say anything.    


Xia Lei said indifferently, "An Xiuxian, let me give you a description. You will lose too much blood and die. This process will be very slow and painful. But your father will be in more pain. I'm going to send what I have to the Korean media and your father's political enemies. What your father did will be exposed, and he will lose everything and spend the rest of his life in prison. "    


"No, no!" "Xia Lei, Mr. Xia, I admit my wrongs, I will give you all my money, I beg you to save me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"    


Xia Lei shook his head and turned to leave.    


"Mr. Xia, please, wuu ?" An Xiuxian was still crying, his voice was filled with despair, regret and fear.    


Xia Lei did not turn back. Towards his enemy, he was not merciful in the slightest. An Xiuxian brought dozens of gunners and hired top-notch assassins to kill him. If he didn't have the strength, he would have been killed by An Xiuxian a long time ago. If he was the one lying on the ground and begging An Xiuxian to spare his life, An Xiuxian's answer would most likely be a stab in the face.    


The smoke dissipated completely, and the corpses on the battlefield were revealed.    


As his gaze swept across the corpses, Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart, "Should I report this matter to the 101st round? Reporting to the 101 Bureau, one investigation could possibly lead to the matter of Tian Yin and Gu Kewen cooperating to purchase the state-owned assets. "Forget it. I will clean up the corpse and then convince Ru Yi to keep this a secret. This matter might be kept a secret."    


If it didn't involve the evidence that could threaten Shentu Tianyin, Xia Lei's choice would be to report this matter to the 101st Board. But if it involved Shentu Tianyin, he had no choice but to take the risk of hiding the 101st Board from him.    


In the following time, Xia Lei dragged one corpse after another into the mountain forest and threw them into a natural ditch.    


An Xiuxian's body was last thrown into the ditch.    


Xia Lei threw the grenade he took from a gunner into the trench.    


BOOM! In the explosion, a wall of earth on one side of the trench collapsed, burying all the corpses.    


"Goodbye, An Xiuxian." Xia Lei said.    


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