Tranxending Vision

C467 If they didn't fight for three days, the best room would be taken down!

C467 If they didn't fight for three days, the best room would be taken down!

0Two hours later, Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi climbed to the highest point on the left mountain peak. All along the way, Xia Lei had been searching for the sniping point he wanted, but he only found it after he had climbed to the peak. It was the highest point on the left side of the mountain, and it was huge enough that it weighed over a thousand tons. On the right side of the mountain, there was even a piece of rock that was a meter tall, enough to block any bullets fired from the right side of the mountain.    


The mountain peak at the center of the island was about 2,200 meters away from the left, which was not a safe distance for a hyena. But with this protruding part of the rock, Xia Lei was no longer worried about the Hyena Dog climbing onto the right side of the mountain and killing him and Jiang Ruyi.    


However, there was another problem, and that was that this gigantic boulder was at least a few metres tall. Xia Lei could easily climb up to the top, but he had no way to do so. Furthermore, he was not at ease with leaving Jiang Ruyi behind because that would be too dangerous.    


It was clear that a method to push such a high boulder upwards with the support of his previous hand was not feasible. After Xia Lei thought about it, he came up with a method. He removed all of the equipment from the rock and squatted in front of Jiang Ruyi, "Ru Yi, climb onto my back.    


"Huh?" Jiang Ruyi shook her head like a rattle drum, "No, no, I'll fall down."    


"We have to go up. It'll be dangerous to leave them down there." Xia Lei said seriously: "You heard the sound of the helicopter flying just now. An Xiuxian will bring dozens of gunmen to chase after us to kill us. I need a good sniper spot to ensure our safety. "    


"Dozens of gunmen? [Oh my god ?] This time we're dead for sure! " Jiang Ruyi raged on the spot, her expression extremely tense and her eyes filled with tears, "I, I was just being nice to you, but I didn't even have a night's time, and I'm going to die, I'm not reconciled to this!"    


She and Xia Lei had been together for more than twenty years and had only been waiting for more than twenty years. When Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin had gotten married, she wasn't willing to give up, and she was even willing to be a small one. No matter how she forced Xia Lei to submit, she and Xia Lei was finally together. But if this twenty year old relationship ended just like that, she would not be willing to die.    


Xia Lei glared at her, "What are you chattering about, come up as soon as you are called, hurry up, otherwise, by the time they catch up, we won't even have a chance to go up."    


Jiang Ruyi looked at the five meter tall rock in front of him again, and hesitated. "At such a height, if we fall down, our butts would fall and blossom, if we get hurt, we would die on this island without waiting for those people to kill us."    


"I'll climb up on my back three times, or I'll beat you up." Xia Lei said fiercely.    


"You ?" Jiang Ruyi's lips moved, she wanted to say something but she could not.    


Xia Lei counted: "One, two, three."    


Jiang Ruyi didn't manage to climb onto Xia Lei's back, but she said what she wanted to say out loud. She had a grieving and aggrieved look on her face, "Do you dare to beat Shentu Tianyin up? If you dare to beat her up, even if you beat me up, I won't mind, but you clearly don't dare to beat up Shentu Tianyin, and yet you are so fierce to me ? I'm even willing to be your little one, yet you don't care about me anymore. I'm so sad. "    


Xia Lei stood up, and acted as though he was going to beat her.    


"You really want to beat me up?" Jiang Ruyi said in embarrassment.    


Xia Lei slapped over again, with a bit more strength added to his hand, a red palm mark instantly appeared on his snow-white skin.    


"Stop fighting, I-I will listen to you okay?" Jiang Ruyi was hurt, not only her butt was red, but also her face. She actually liked Xia Lei beating her up like this.    


Xia Lei released Jiang Ruyi, and he rolled his eyes at Jiang Ruyi, "Since young, you have always been like this. I won't beat Shentu Tianyin up, but is she even as mischievous as you? You are you and she is her. I won't beat her up, but I will beat you up. "    


Jiang Ruyi was whipped twice, and she was even scolded. Not only was she not angry, she giggled and climbed onto Xia Lei's back obediently, hugging his neck and waist, and climbed up the cliff with him on her back.    


Actually, being scolded, Jiang Ruyi was elated. This was because she and Xia Lei had been like this since they were young. Now, not only did Xia Lei beat and scold her like this again, it also made her feel that Xia Lei had truly accepted her.    


"Tell me, we're done. If Shentu Tianyin knew about this, would you do it?" On the boulder, Jiang Ruyi whispered this into Xia Lei's ears.    


Xia Lei tensed up and almost fell off the rock. He was so scared that she quickly grabbed Xia Lei's waist and said, "Forget it, pretend I didn't say anything. I swear to you, I will never reveal the secret between us, I won't even tell my father or mother, okay?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I know you want to know the answer, but I will tell you the truth, I... I don't know. In my heart, in my heart, I actually feel very guilty. "    


"I won't allow you to feel guilty. We have been together for more than 20 years and she has only known you for 2 years. Before 10% of the time we have known each other, I have already made her big. Does she still want to live? " Jiang Ruyi wanted to slap her own mouth. Why would she mention Shentu Tianyin at this time?    


Xia Lei sighed, kept his head down and continued to climb.    


If Shentu Tianyin found out about Jiang Ruyi's existence, what would she do?    


It was a simple question, but there was no answer to it, no solution.    


Nothing in this world is eternal and perfect. There were even impurities within the diamonds, and there were also black spots that were as bright as the sun. How could the love between him and Shentu Tianyin be eternal and perfect?    


"In the short span of a few decades, if you live as well as stone tablets and everything goes according to the rules, what would be the point? I'm already married to Shentu Tianyin, so I should be loyal to our love, loyal to our marriage. That's true, but ? Jiang Ruyi has been waiting for me for more than twenty years. If I let her down, my conscience will be uneasy and I will be cruel to her. Forget it, let's do it like this. We'll teach everything to the heavens to decide. " Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


After thinking it through, Xia Lei's mood became relaxed.    


The top of the rock looked like a "pit" on the left, there was a groove at the bottom of the rock, it could even fit Jiang Ruyi and him inside, it was simply a natural trench.    


When they reached the top of the rocks, Xia Lei put Jiang Ruyi down.    


Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei nervously. She was worried that Xia Lei was still troubled by her brainless question just now.    


Xia Lei lightly patted her shoulders and laughed: "That's what I thought. Let nature take its course and be happy, what do you think?"    


Only now did Jiang Ruyi let go of the stone in her heart, and her lips revealed a slight smile, "Mn, I'll listen to you."    


Xia Lei said: "Get down, don't come out. I'll go down and get the equipment. "    


Jiang Ruyi followed along and laid down in the groove at the top of the cliff. She tilted her head and looked at Xia Lei, "You be careful, come up quickly."    


Xia Lei's gaze unintentionally moved to her perky butt. Although he had lent her his underwear, because her butt was too full, the triangle-shaped fabric was far from enough to wrap around it, making her look like a pair of thong. It was plump, snow-white, and completely jade-like. Coupled with the shape outlined by the 'thong', it was truly a scene that would cause nosebleeds.    


Jiang Ruyi turned around to look behind her, her jade face flushed red. "Didn't you say that time was of the essence?"    


Xia Lei then retracted his gaze, climbed down the rock, picked up all the equipment and returned to the top of the rock. Without the burden of Jiang Ruyi, he could have used less than three minutes this time. Her agility was comparable to a monkey's. Jiang Ruyi was dumbstruck.    


Xia Lei threw a bulletproof vest he pulled out from the corpse to Jiang Ruyi, "Put it on."    


Jiang Ruyi obediently put on her bulletproof vest. However, because the size of her chest was too big, she looked very awkward while wearing the bulletproof vest.    


Xia Lei was a little speechless, "What did you eat when you were young that you grew up?"    


"If I have something good to eat, I will give it to you every time. Don't you know what I will eat? You actually laughed at me, hmph. " Although Jiang Ruyi was dissatisfied on the surface, he was very smug in his heart.    


Xia Lei didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he also put on a bulletproof vest. After that, he took his sniper rifle and lied down on the edge of the cave, observing the situation below.    


There was still some time before daybreak, and it was already the darkest hour of the night. The stars and moon in the sky had disappeared, and a dark cloud had covered the sky. Having lost the radiance of the moon and stars, the entire island was pitch black and the visibility was extremely low. Under this kind of light, Xia Lei's right eye could only see a few dozen meters away. His right eye was normal line of sight, his right eye was only a few dozen meters away, and the gunmen were also only a few dozen meters away. This situation was actually very advantageous for him, because his left eye was a huge BUG.    


Jiang Ruyi also carried a M16A2 assault rifle that was loaded with grenade launchers and crawled to Xia Lei's side, sticking the muzzle out from the edge of the rock.    


The groove at the top of the rock was very narrow, and the two of them squeezed together like two sausages caught in a hamburger, very close together.    


"When will the gunmen come?" Jiang Ruyi was a little nervous, "It's so dark down there, I can't see them."    


Xia Lei said: "They have a lot of people, so they will definitely continue to pursue. This is the Grand China, those people do not dare to stay, so I estimate that they will soon chase us here and exchange fire with us. "    



"Lei Zi, if I die, can you help me take care of my parents? I know that in my parents' hearts, they have always treated you like a son. " Jiang Ruyi's voice carried a trace of sadness.    


Xia Lei said: "You're not allowed to say such words, you won't die."    


"I mean in case."    


"In case." Xia Lei said.    


He clearly knew that this was a trap meant to kill him, but he still came in the end, because his goal was also to kill An Xiuxian and An Jinjian!    


"Just in case, just in case." Jiang Ruyi really wanted to know if Xia Lei would take care of her parents.    


Xia Lei turned back and slapped Jiang Ruyi with half a palm, not too hard at all.    


Pow! A crisp sound echoed from the top of the rock.    


Jiang Ruyi immediately shut her mouth.    


At that moment, the sound of dogs barking came from below!    


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