Tranxending Vision

C513 death, exhilaration

C513 death, exhilaration

0Xia Lei suddenly pulled the body of the sailor who was blocking the door in front of him. Almost at the same time, Zhu Bajie shot him twice.    


Bang bang! Two bullets hit the sailor's body. However, the power of the gun was not enough for the bullet to pierce through a corpse and hit Xia Lei.    


Long Bing suddenly reached out her spear and shot in the direction of the bamboo man.    


The man under the bamboo wasn't someone who was easy to deal with. In his panic, he threw himself onto the ground in the corridor. He had managed to avoid the bullet, but Long Bing's shot had hit a sailor behind him. That guy had been hit three times in a row. One of the bullets struck her heart, causing blood to spurt out for nearly two meters!    


Xia Lei pulled out the hunting knife that was stabbed into the sailor's chest, and suddenly pushed the corpse outside the door. At the same time, he threw out the bloody hunting knife in his hand. The hunting knife seemed to have the speed of a bullet. It flashed in the narrow corridor, and when it came to a stop again, it had already pierced the forehead of the third sailor on the right.    


The man rolled to the left.    


He had brought five sailors with him, and in the blink of an eye three had been killed. If there was a medicine for regret in this world, he would definitely buy a big bag and eat it. Unfortunately, the reality was that he did not even have the time to regret, because the battle was not over yet!    


Xia Lei and Long Bing could be considered to have survived through the hardest part, there were only three people left in the opponent's group. He and Long Bing were two, and in terms of numbers, they did not have much of a disadvantage. In terms of fighting strength, the three of them were practically scouts in front of him and Long Bing.    


However, Xia Lei and Long Bing did not rush out without thinking, because the man under the bamboo and the other two people were pressed tightly to the left wall at all times. If he rushed out recklessly, even if the opponent was a boy, it would still be very dangerous for him to shoot three guns at the same time.    


"Just who are you?" The yakuza finally calmed down a little and asked in Japanese.    


Xia Lei used Japanese to converse with him, "Who we are is not important, why do you want to kill us?"    


"Money!" "Give us another hundred thousand dollars and throw the gun out, and we'll get along."    


Xia Lei sneered: "And if I don't?"    


"Then we'll set you on fire!" The Boorish man followed the order, "Go, go for the gasoline!"    


Inside the boat, Xia Lei suddenly pointed to a spot on the wall of the ship. Though separated by a wooden bulkhead, he could see the head of a sailor.    


The other party didn't leave to get gas. This fishing boat was a tool for their business, not someone else's fishing boat. Unless it was absolutely necessary, they definitely wouldn't burn their fishing boats. The real reason why the man under the bamboo said that was to pressure Xia Lei and Long Bing, and force them to submit.    


If Xia Lei and Long Bing gave money to buy peace, then what awaited them would be death.    


However, although this scheme of his was very good, it was a pity that he had no idea what kind of enemy he was facing.    


Right after Xia Lei moved his finger, Long Bing pointed the gun at the wall and shot without hesitation.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! Three bullets flew out and struck the same spot. The first bullet destroyed the structure of the plank bulkhead, the second made a round hole in the template, and the third went straight through the hole and hit the sailor in the head behind the bulkhead.    


These three shots were executed in one go. From beginning to end, it took less than a second, and they were extremely fast and accurate to the extreme. In fact, the sailor behind the bulkhead had been shot in the head when he felt the vibration behind his head.    


"Bastard!" Kill them! " "Charge!" Bamboo Shooter bellowed and directed his men to charge, but he crawled back up and quickly ran towards the exit of the corridor.    


The last sailor was not a fool. Seeing that the yakuza had fled, he turned around and ran as well, pretending to be in charge.    


Long Bing suddenly came out from the back of the cabin door and shot the last sailor in the head.    


Puff! A piece of the last sailor's head was instantly ripped off, blood and brain matter blooming like flowers. His body fell forward and crashed to the ground.    


Long Bing's gun moved, ready to shoot the man under the bamboo tree.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand and shouted: "Stop!"    


The man who had just rushed to the exit of the corridor froze in place, not daring to take another step forward.    


Long Bing frowned slightly, "Why don't I kill him?"    


Xia Lei said: "We need people to pilot the fishing boat, do you know how to move the boat?"    


Long Bing shook her head.    


Xia Lei replied: "I won't either, so let's wait until Japan before getting rid of him."    


Long Bing nodded her head once, but she did not put down her gun, as she kept aiming at the man under the bamboo.    


"Put down your gun!" Xia Lei shouted to the wild man below the bamboo tree.    


"Okay, don't shoot, don't kill me, I'll listen to you guys." He put down his spear and slowly turned to look at Xia Lei and Long Bing.    


The two Grand China people, the man was handsome, the woman was sexy, but to the wild husband under the bamboo, they were like two demons that had just come out of hell, making him afraid, making him afraid.    


Xia Lei walked over and picked up the bamboo man's gun. Long Bing also searched all the firearms scattered in the corridor. She kept two and threw the rest into the sea on the upper deck.    


Yukawa was taken to the cockpit of the fishing boat. Xia Lei used the gun that Long Bing gave him to beat the head of the unruly man under the bamboo, and then threatened: "You start the boat, and send us to Japan. I'm warning you, don't play any tricks or I'll kill you. "    


"I don't dare. Please don't worry, I will definitely send you all to Japan. As long as you don't kill me, I will listen to anything you say." The man under the bamboo had lost all his temper.    


"Where do we land?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Hokkaido, we're landing at a fishing village in Hokkaido." "We can reach the fishing village before dawn. I've done this many times. Many Filipinos and Vietnamese have entered Japan through my channels."    


Xia Lei translated the words of the man under the bamboo for Long Bing to hear. Long Bing thought for a moment, then said: "Ask him if there are any of them in the fishing village."    


Xia Lei immediately asked in Japanese: "Are there any of your people in that fishing village?"    


"No, it's just an ordinary fishing village. The residents are all ordinary fishermen." I, I was actually only a fisherman in this kind of business. I made the mistake I made before on impulse. You must forgive me. You must forgive me. "    


Xia Lei did not believe the words of this unruly uncle Zhu, who had a suspicious look in his eyes just now. The smugglers were all inhumane. When they met the sea patrol, they would even kill the smugglers and bury them. This was to avoid being punished by the law in such a cruel way. As for the landing point of a group of smugglers, how could there be no one to support them?    


Xia Lei said to Long Bing: "He said that it's just an ordinary fishing village. There's no one of him, but I don't believe him.    


Long Bing thought for a while, "Kill this guy before we reach that fishing village. After that, sink that fishing boat, and we'll swim to Hokkaido."    


Xia Lei nodded, "Then it's decided."    


"She ?" What did you just say? " The man under the bamboo is very cunning, he said tentatively.    


Xia Lei laughed, "She said that many of your subordinates had died. When we get to the fishing village, we will give you another ten thousand dollars as compensation."    


"Ah, you really are good people. I especially like Grand China and the people of Grand China. Oh right, that Fishing Island is your Grand China's, that's what I have always advocated. Really, I hate some politicians on the right wing. "Yeah, they don't have any historical knowledge at all." The man under the bamboo used all his strength to say something to fawn on Xia Lei and Long Bing, "They can't see the situation clearly, how big is the Grand China, and how big is Japan? Now, unlike in the past, if they really fight, the missiles would fill the sky and earth and fly towards us, would they still want to live?"    



"Hur hur." Xia Lei laughed at him, "You are very interesting."    


"I am a peace-loving anti-war person. My father is from the Grand China."    


In order to survive, he was willing to say anything.    


It was four in the morning and the sky was still dark, but there was already a coastline in front of them. Xia Lei gazed into the distance, but even with his left eye, he could not see any fishing village. After all, the distance was still too far.    


"How much longer?" Xia Lei asked.    


"We'll be there in half an hour." "I keep my promise, and you must keep yours, too," said the man.    


Bang! A gunshot rang out.    


After finishing his sentence, Takeshi Takeshi collapsed onto the deck of the cockpit. There was a wine-sized hole in his head, from which a mixture of brain and blood constantly oozed out.    


Long Bing blew off the smoke in the muzzle of his gun and lightly said, "Seeing that he said so many good words, I gave him a quick death."    


This was indeed exhilarating, because before Zhu Chi even realized that Long Bing wanted to kill him, he was already dead. OneHeadShotWithoutExplanation indeed did not have any pain.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "We still have half an hour before we reach Beihai Road. According to your plan, how long will it take for us to swim there?"    


"Destroy the boat. If we get too close, we'll be discovered." For safety's sake, it was fine to swim a little longer. "What's more, don't you still have me to accompany you?" Long Bing said.    


About ten minutes later, an explosion sounded from the bottom of the fishing boat before it slowly sank. On the surface of the sea, three lifebuoys bobbed up and down in the waves, swimming toward the coastline of Hokkaido.    


"What is this place?" Ah? "What is this place?" The cold sea water woke Gu Kewu up. He shouted in panic, "Why am I here ? "Ugh!"    


The handle of Long Bing's spear smashed onto Gu Kewu's head, and he completely quietened down.    


"I estimate that we will be able to land on Hokkaido before dawn. If there is a fishing village, we have to avoid it." Xia Lei surveyed the coastline of Beihai Road, and searched for a suitable landing point.    


"You and Shentu Tianyin have already been married for a period of time. Has she gotten pregnant?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"How many times a night do you do it?"    


"Hey!" I'm talking business with you. What nonsense are you talking about? "    


"Don't be agitated, I just want to talk to you. Tell me, how many women did you sleep with?"    


Xia Lei buried his head in the ice-cold seawater.    


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