Tranxending Vision

C542 In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed …

C542 In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed …

0Returning back to the villa's underground laboratory, Xia Lei placed the box that he pieced together using the ancient alloy s on the workbench.    


The pieced together box was a twelve-centimeter square box, only a little shorter than his palm, and he could grab it with one hand. Although it was made of metal, its weight was very light. Such a large box actually weighed less than a jin. He estimated that if he found the last piece and assembled it into a complete box, it would weigh about a jin.    


Extremely exaggerated intensity, very light weight, plus the electromagnetic wave that could be absorbed without any coating, meant that no radar in the world could detect its existence. Just based on these characteristics alone, this ancient alloy was definitely the top material used to make fighter jets.    


No nation would not be moved by such a material, and this was also the reason why the Grand China valued the X-Secret Gold Project. But, to mass produce this kind of ancient alloy, it was extremely difficult, because up until now, he could not even analyse its composition. I don't know what it's made of, so how do I make it?    


If it was possible, Xia Lei really wanted to see through the composition of this ancient alloy and offer it to the State so that it could be used to create this ancient alloy. In this way, even if he could not unravel AE's secret, he would admit it.    


"I thought that after finding the twenty-nine ancient alloy, the nearly perfect Princess Young-mei would be able to solve the puzzlement in my heart. Even more ridiculous, she had disappeared now. If I am unable to find the last piece of ancient alloy, what should I do to solve this box's secret? " As he observed the box, Xia Lei's heart was filled with frustration.    


In one moment, his left eye jumped slightly, awakening his ability to see through, and began to see through the box. The horrifying feeling swept through his body and soul. This time, it lasted twice as long as before, and the pain was even more intense. In the end, he returned to normal, but unfortunately, the Princess Young-mei still did not appear.    


Where did the Princess Young-mei go?    


He had been thinking about it when he was still in the fishing island, but he knew he couldn't find the answer now.    


After quietly going into a daze for a while, Xia Lei moved the piece of the box that was missing to his front and stared at the gap, lost in thought.    


It was very strange because the light from the underground laboratory was unable to enter. This was not normal, because the overhead light was shining down into the gap. Under normal circumstances, even if the entire space inside the box was not illuminated, it should still be able to illuminate part of it. However, the reality was that the light was absorbed as it approached the gap, leaving nothing behind.    


And this gap, it's a black hole,    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei extended a finger towards the crack. He wondered what would happen if he poked his finger into the dark space of the box. However, just as he was about to approach the gap, he gave up. The space inside the box could even swallow light. If it could swallow his fingers too, that would be too much.    


Xia Lei took out a neutral brush to replace his finger, and carefully handed it over to the gap.    


The neutral pen moved closer to the gap and bit by bit it went in. There was no power to pull it in, nor was there any vibration from shattering, nor was there anything strange happening. Xia Lei felt as if he had just placed a brush into a pen container.    


However, something strange still happened.    


The length of the neutral pen was fifteen centimeters, which was even three centimeters longer than the length of the box, but Xia Lei had already poked fourteen centimeters without touching the wall of the box. Under normal circumstances, the neutral pen should have hit the inside of the box at 12 cm.    


Where did the centimeter go?    


This question still popped out in Xia Lei's mind, and his heart was filled with shock and bewilderment. After that, he simply stabbed the brush in his hand. He was very careful during this process. After he forcefully poked with his finger, he quickly withdrew his finger and did not touch the dark space within the crack.    


The brush disappeared, and Xia Lei placed the box on the electronic scale to weigh it, but the weight of the box did not increase at all.    


"What's going on?" Xia Lei was stunned.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


A string of cellphone's ringtones suddenly rang, interrupting Xia Lei's train of thoughts.    


The phone call was from Shentu Tianyin, her voice was still as pleasant to listen to as before, "Hubby, why aren't you home yet? I've been waiting for you at home for an hour. "    


"I'm in the laboratory. I'll be right back." Xia Lei said.    


"Un, give me a kiss."    


"Hur hur." Xia Lei kissed his phone, then hung up.    


At this moment, the space above the box suddenly trembled. The neutral pen suddenly appeared.    


Xia Lei stared at the neutral pen dumbfoundedly. It was not only because it had appeared in front of his eyes in this strange way, but also because it seemed to have lived for thousands of years in this space. Its material had lost its luster, revealing an ancient pale yellow color. The sticker on the stylus had lost its color and the handwriting was blurred. What was even more exaggerated was that the ink in the pen had turned into a solid. Only a little remained.    


Pata! With a crisp sound, the neutral pen fell onto the workbench and shattered into a pile of scraps.    


Xia Lei was startled, and could not help but press one of the pieces. In the end, he used a little bit of strength on it, but the fragment turned into a pile of ashes.    


"This ?" Xia Lei was extremely shocked.    


A minute of time had made a brand-new neutral pen look like it had been written for thousands of years. If a person were to enter, what would the result be?    


When this thought surfaced in his mind, Xia Lei also secretly thought that it was a fluke. Luckily he maintained a bit of vigilance just now and did not carelessly poke his finger in. If he stabbed his finger in, he would have mysteriously spent a thousand years turning into a pile of ashes.    


"Forget it, let's do this experiment again next time." Xia Lei withdrew his thoughts, and then placed the box into the special box, and then placed the box into the safe.    


This kind of thing would not come to fruition in a day or two. What he wanted to do the most was not to continue researching, but to see his wife, Shentu Tianyin.    


Just as he walked out of the villa, Xia Lei bumped into the approaching Anina.    


Xia Lei felt a headache. He had accepted Jiang Ruyi and Long Bing, but after marrying Shentu Tianyin, he lost the relationship he had with Anina. As for her, she had always wholeheartedly followed him and fought for his career. In this way, when he faced Anina, an unavoidable feeling of guilt arose in his heart.    


"lucas, come with me. I have something to tell you." Upon meeting her, Anina went straight to the point, his expression becoming a little nervous.    


Xia Lei didn't ask what it was about, and nodded his head, then followed Anina into the villa's study.    


"What is it?" Closing the door, Xia Lei asked.    


Anina opened the drawer in her desk and took out a letter.    


Anina's name was written in German on the envelope, along with the German words specially used by the German embassy.    


Seeing such an envelope, Xia Lei suddenly had a bad premonition.    


Anina handed the envelope over to Xia Lei, "This is a letter given to me by the German Embassy, it was delivered by a courier to the guard room. I have read this letter and it says that my arrest warrant has been lifted and I can return home. Not only that, they are even willing to apologise to me for my arrest and offer me a million euros as compensation. "    


Xia Lei looked at the contents of the letter, it was exactly the same as what Anina had said. His mood also turned bad as he remained silent.    


"lucas, what do you think?" Anina looked at Xia Lei, a little worried.    


Xia Lei sighed, "Anina, do you want to go back?"    


Anina said: "I want to go back, but..."    


"But what?"    


"But I can't bear to part with you. I don't know what to do." Anina's heart was filled with conflict and pain.    



She was a German, her friends and relatives were in Germany, and her habits were completely different from those of the Chinese. Under such circumstances, it was understandable that she missed home and wanted to go home. But in Xia Lei's opinion, this matter was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.    


The Rayma Military Factory had become a dark horse in the light weapons industry, and a world-class dark horse at that. The Rayma Military Factory's XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle were unique throughout the world, no weapon manufacturer could challenge the unique global status of these two guns. However, the shooting and manufacturing of these two guns could not be wiped out by the German Mechanic, Anina. She was also one of the people who knew the secret, and she was the only one other than Xia Lei.    


At this time, the German government suddenly showed kindness and released Anina from her arrest warrant. They were even willing to apologize and give him a million euros as compensation. Who would believe that the German government did not come for the Rayma Military Factory's secret?    


After a moment of silence, Xia Lei said, "Anina, this is a little strange. Give me some time, I'll investigate it thoroughly first, then we can discuss it properly. What do you think?"    


"Yes, no problem." After pausing for a moment, she continued, "lucas, I know you are a little worried, but I can swear to you that even if I were to return to Germany, I will not sell out your secret. If they ask me to hand over the XL2500 sniper rifle and the secret of the blast assault rifle, I won't agree. Please trust me on this point. "    


Xia Lei secretly sighed in his heart, "It seems that she still wants to return home." On the surface, he smiled and said, "Of course I believe in you. But if this is a scam, and they trick you back to use torture and spank you, will you tell them?"    


Anina suddenly turned around and raised her well-developed and fertile electric bottom, "You can try and see if I'll submit or not by hitting my butt."    


Xia Lei was startled, but in the end, he still slapped him.    


With a crisp smack, the soft spot rippled.    


The feeling of hitting her butt was very wonderful, but Xia Lei's heart was filled with worry, and a question also rose in his heart. Who was the one who leaked Anina's secret in the Rayma Military Factory to the German government?    


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