Tranxending Vision

C534 flying armed speedboat

C534 flying armed speedboat

0The distance between the treasure hiding spot and the fishing island was about 300 kilometers, the small yacht's speed was 30 knots, and after 12 hours, they entered this region of the sea.    


This was a sea full of controversy. Japan had taken over this sea region and used force to control it. The United States also had support from behind, blocking the rise of the Grand China. However, this sea area had been controlled by the Grand China since ancient times, so the Japanese side wouldn't be able to control it for long. But now, this ocean that belonged to the Grand China in the first place became the most dangerous, yet Xia Lei and Long Bing had to pass through it.    


"I'm afraid we're already in the radar of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces." Long Bing, who was piloting the boat said. Ever since she entered this ocean area, she seemed to be slightly nervous.    


Xia Lei said, "This is our place, so what can the Japanese radar do to us? We're just an ordinary little yacht. Can they still fire at us? "    


Long Bing smirked, "Don't underestimate the control of the Japanese right wing over the Japanese government, and also don't underestimate the tyranny of the Self-Defense Forces. They would not reason, or else they would not forcefully occupy this place that has belonged to us since the ancient times."    


Xia Lei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he was powerless in such a situation.    


"Lei, pilot the yacht. I will contact the Boss Shi and have him send someone to meet us." Long Bing said.    


"Yes." Xia Lei walked over and took the helm. From time to time, as he piloted the yacht, he would glance at the compass on the table.    


Right now, the compass was like a man with heaven-defying abilities. Every two minutes, it would drop and rise to a climax.    


Occasionally, Xia Lei would look through the cockpit at the sky and couldn't help but guess what place was pretty much in the depths of the sky. And these guesses always made him depressed and depressed, he also had a deep feeling of powerlessness in his heart.    


Long Bing quickly ended the call with Shi Boren, and she said to Xia Lei: "I've already told Boss Shi our situation, he's very happy. He said that he would notify the military and at the very least send us a ship from the sea to pick us up. All we have to do now is to keep the boat on course and shorten the distance between us. "    


Xia Lei nodded. In this situation, the shorter the distance, the safer it would be.    


The yacht rode the wind and waves. An island approached from afar and gradually became clear. It may seem mediocre, but it has an unstable role to play in the security situation in Asia. It would not kill people, but in the future, there would definitely be many people who would bleed for it, or even spill their blood onto the battlefield.    


The journey was smooth and calm, but after half an hour, a Japanese reconnaissance aircraft suddenly appeared in the sky. With Xia Lei's eyesight, he could even see the Japanese flag symbol on the belly of the plane.    


"Japanese reconnaissance aircraft." Xia Lei's expression became serious, "It's probably here to determine the situation."    


"Are you sure?"    


"Make sure we don't have any problems." Xia Lei replied: "But we do have our own problems."    


Long Bing's expression also became grave. She knew what Xia Lei was talking about. If a Japanese fishing boat were to appear in this ocean, the other party would not suspect anything. However, a boat that came from Okinawa headed straight towards the Grand China.    


"If the reconnaissance aircraft is sure we have a problem, will it do so?" Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "If everything goes according to plan, the independent army would probably send their speedboats to chase after them. Get ready for battle, damn it, these Japanese are really troublesome, can't they let us go home happily? "    


The reconnaissance aircraft circled the yacht twice in the sky, then headed for Okinawa.    


Although it flew away, Long Bing and Xia Lei did not feel relaxed at all. Long Bing took out her weapons and equipment. She also took out her XL2500 sniper rifle, blast assault rifle, handgun and grenade. She had clips on all his weapons, and the safety was on, ready for combat at any time.    


Xia Lei took off the pointer on the compass and kept it too.    


The boat continued to move forward, and in the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed. The supporting boats did not appear, but the Japanese armed fast boats appeared on the horizon, catching up to Xia Lei and Long Bing's boat at at at least three times the speed.    


A civilian yacht could definitely not be compared with a military armed fast boat. The speed of the armed fast boat could reach up to 100 kilometers or so. Furthermore, it was equipped with a heavy machine gun.    


The situation suddenly became critical.    


Five soldiers were killed in an armed speedboat, and four boats were made up of twenty fully armed soldiers. In addition to the heavy machine guns on the armed speedboats and the weapons and equipment carried by the Self-Defence Forces, the yacht driven by Xia Lei and Xia Lei would be destroyed in less than a minute if a fight broke out.    


And in the battle at sea, even if Xia Lei and Long Bing had all their abilities, it would still be useless. The two's weapons, the blast assault rifle and the XL2500 sniper rifle, could restore the declination of numbers. However, at sea, a single heavy machine gun was enough to hold the two of them back!    


There was no sign of the boat.    


The four armed speedboats quickly closed the distance between them and the yacht.    


"If I die, you must remember me." Long Bing suddenly said.    


"Don't say such words, we will be fine." Xia Lei comforted her, but he himself knew that the current crisis was even more severe than the time when he was ambushed by the American Special Forces and CIA agents in Afghanistan. That time, he could still rely on his own abilities to fight, but now, with just one shot, he was facing the enemy's four heavy machine guns that were stuck in a place he couldn't move!    


Long Bing suddenly hugged Xia Lei and kissed his lips.    


It was a sad kiss, full of farewell.    


"Ray, this trip to Japan was the happiest time of my life. "I really want to spend this lifetime with you, but ?" Long Bing could not continue.    


"Fool, believe me, none of us will die." Xia Lei hugged her, unwilling to part with her.    


The relationship between him and Shentu Tianyin that had gone through thick and thin, was extremely ordinary and calm, with a steady flow of water. But he and Long Bing were together in a life-and-death situation.    


"Go put on your diving suit and hide with your things. You take the satellite telephone and contact the Boss Shi afterwards. " Long Bing whispered into Xia Lei's ear.    


Xia Lei pushed her away, "What are you trying to do?"    


Long Bing decisively said: "If you don't die, you are too important to my country. Unlike you, I was born to be a warrior in this country. I am a soldier, dying on the battlefield is my greatest glory, and the battlefield is also my home. Don't try to persuade me, I've already made my decision. I will lure them away, you must survive! "    


In that instant, Xia Lei's eyes moistened.    


"Quickly!" "Scram!" Long Bing roared at Xia Lei: "Don't tell me you want to make my sacrifice worthless!"    


Xia Lei suddenly woke up from his stupor, and in that moment, he also seemed to have made a decision. He pointed to the ocean area outside the cockpit.    


Long Bing followed and looked over.    


Outside the cockpit, the sea was vast. Not to mention some surveillance ship, there wasn't even a small boat.    


"You ?" Long Bing suddenly realized something, and at this moment, Xia Lei's palm strike landed heavily on her carotid artery. Her vision went black and she fell to the deck.    


Xia Lei sighed, "Sorry, you are willing to die for me, and I am also willing to do anything for you. I will not let you die. I will take you home. "    


Long Bing was unable to hear these words.    


Xia Lei switched the yacht to autopilot mode and carried Long Bing into the cabin. He placed Long Bing on the bed and then took out the bag containing the ancient alloy from underneath the bed. He opened his bag and put the ancient alloy on his neck. Then he returned to the cockpit and hid the guns. Finally, he switched back to the yacht's driving mode and manually drove the yacht back towards the Grand China.    


The four armed fast boats got closer and closer, but Xia Lei's heart was calm.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    



The sound of a series of machine-gun fire cut through the tranquility of the sea. Dozens of machine-gun bullets struck the sea, creating streams of water.    


A loud voice came through the loudspeaker, "Stop the ship for inspection! Otherwise, it will be destroyed! "    


The speaker spoke first in Japanese and then in Chinese.    


Xia Lei put out the boat and stopped it.    


In the blink of an eye, the four armed fast boats surrounded the yacht. There were four yachts. One was blocking the front of the yacht, one was blocking the back of the yacht, and two were blocking the left and right sides of the yacht. They didn't give them any chance to escape.    


Xia Lei walked out of the cockpit and arrived at the bow of the ship.    


All four boats, except for the pilot, were boarded. These people were not all soldiers of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces. There were also two people in casual clothes, a man and a woman. They had never seen each other before. The man was in his early forties, had a robust build and a stern expression. The woman was very young, around the age of 30. She had quite a pretty face and could be considered to have quite a good figure. The two of them had something in common. Their eyes were sharp, giving off a sense of danger and cleverness.    


"Who are these two people?" Xia Lei could not help but guess.    


"Who are you?" The well-built man inquired in Chinese as soon as he got on the boat.    


Xia Lei spoke in Japanese: "Sorry, I don't understand. I am Japanese, please speak Japanese with me."    


The sturdy man suddenly kicked Xia Lei's lower abdomen.    


Xia Lei's body shook and almost fell to the ground. Anger flashed in his eyes, and his arm moved.    


Crash! * All of the Self-Defence Forces soldiers raised their rifles in their hands and aimed their guns at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei's palm landed on his lower abdomen. He patted the dust off his clothes, and asked with a calm expression: "Why did you hit me?"    


"Humph!" Stop pretending! A spy from the Grand China! " The well-built man sneered.    


"Am I a spy for the Grand China?" Xia Lei pretended to be surprised.    


The seemingly pleasing woman suddenly extended her hand and grabbed Xia Lei's collar, looking aggressive: "Last night, you and your wife drove this boat into the ocean where the military drill was conducted, but now you're driving the boat and fled towards the Grand China. If you are not a spy for the Grand China, what are you? "    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, but did not reply.    


The sturdy man took out a mobile phone, and handed it over to Xia Lei.    


On the phone's screen, there was actually a photo. In that photo, he and Long Bing were hugging and kissing.    


This photo was clearly taken by some meddlesome naval soldier, but he didn't know how it ended up in the hands of the man in front of him.    


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