Tranxending Vision

C522 suicide charge

C522 suicide charge

0Bang Bang Bang...    


"Da Da Da ?"    


Snowflakes drifted about, bullets flew angrily in the cold wind, flying through the fluttering snow, shattering anything they touched. Trees, roof tiles, glass, wind chimes hanging from the eaves, and human flesh.    


The people who died the most were naturally the Japanese gang members that Gu Kewen bribed. They charged towards Long Bing like a herd of sheep attacking a lion. The blast assault rifle in Long Bing's hands was comparable to a sniper rifle, with an effective range of two thousand meters, and a recoil of almost zero. It was simply not something the pitiful pistols in their hands could compare with. Normally, they could bully ordinary citizens, but against the elite agents of the Grand China, they were not even on the same level. The wave of attacks ended. When they came to their senses, there were already more than ten corpses on the ground.    


Fresh blood dyed the snow-white sky red. It was a shocking sight to behold.    


"Damn it! "Fuck, who the hell are we meeting?!" The gang leader was going crazy. His eyes were filled with fear as he hid behind the corner of a house.    


"Head, we... "Run!" A gangster's voice trembled, "We were cheated! We won't be able to earn that money at all. We'll die here! "    


"Get the car!" "We'll cover for you!"    


The gangster who was talking to him nodded his head and prepared to sprint.    


"Get rid of that bitch!" The leader of the gang bellowed, he extended his hand out and shot towards Long Bing.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Bang Bang Bang...    


With a gunshot, the bullet flew towards Long Bing's direction.    


The gang member who took out the car took a deep breath and suddenly rushed out of his hiding place towards the parking lot in front of the Ninja Sea Hotel.    


Puff! The moment he rushed out of his hiding place, a rifle bullet flew at him furiously, leaving a hole in his head. His body fell to the ground and slid several meters across the snow. The blood that was left on the ground was like a cherry blossom sprinkling down a snowy mountain.    


The gangster leader's body froze and he forgot to shoot.    


At this moment, a bullet suddenly flew over and struck his right wrist, which was sticking out of the corner of the wall. The moment the bullet passed through his wrist, his flesh and blood were torn apart, his bones were broken, and only half of his strong and powerful wrist remained!    


"Ahh!" A sharp pain rang out as the gang leader lost his balance and fell to the ground.    


Puff! Another bullet flew through the air, right through his head, which had just poked out of the corner of the wall. A piece of his skull was instantly lost. Blood and brain matter flew out from the impact of the warhead. Pieces, bits, balls, countless.    


From a hundred meters away, the corner of Long Bing's mouth revealed a cold smile, "This shot is because look at my chest."    


Just because he had glanced at her at the village entrance, the gang leader was brutally killed. The man who touched her and even kissed her breasts was still alive and well.    


This world had never been fair.    


On the other side of the hill, the battle was different.    


Although the number of gunners surrounding them was small, they were all elite soldiers with combat skills comparable to the United States Marine Corps. He had only killed two, but every time, he would be suppressed by powerful firepower. If the distance was not enough, he could not fight back with a single spear. In addition, the Gunner's equipment was very good. He was not afraid of death, so he had no choice but to retreat to a higher area.    


Gunshots rang out behind him, and the bullets flew like locusts through the forest.    


"What's going on over there?" Long Bing's voice came out from the walkie-talkie.    


"It's fine, those guys are chasing me closely. Their firepower is very fierce, but as long as I open up some distance, I will kill them off one by one." Xia Lei said: "You must be careful of Gu Kewen and that woman, she's very powerful!"    


"You saw her?"    


"I saw it ?" "Hello?"    


There was suddenly no sound from the walkie-talkie.    


Xia Lei's heart immediately sank, this situation was clearly caused by the other party blocking the radio signals in this area. Doing this would not only sever the connection between him and Long Bing, it would also stop the villagers, who were wild and patient, from calling the police.    


A gunfight was going on here. If someone called the police, it would not only be the police but also the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces!    


"Could it be that she wants to deal with Long Bing?" When the thought appeared in his mind, Xia Lei suddenly stopped. He looked at the village at the foot of the mountain. Unfortunately, trees blocked his view. He had no way of seeing Long Bing at all.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


A bullet suddenly shot towards Xia Lei's direction, causing a few trees to shake, and a large amount of snow fell from the trees.    


Someone shouted from below in a language that he could not understand. Although Xia Lei could not understand what he said, Xia Lei knew that the person in front of him was reminding him of the target's location. When fighting in the snow, he couldn't hide his tracks at all. The other party did not even need to use a search dog to follow him and could not get rid of him!    


Xia Lei looked at the XL2500 sniper rifle in his hand. He was starting to regret taking the two blast assault rifle back then. In such a short-range combat environment, assault rifles were far more suitable than sniper rifles.    


At the foot of the forest, a dozen fully armed gunmen in groups of two were surrounding them in a fan-shaped formation.    


In front of him was a cliff that was dozens of meters high. The slope was nearly ninety degrees. For a cliff like this, even a professional rock climber would need at least half an hour to climb. Xia Lei could climb up as well, but he estimated that he would need at least ten minutes. In ten minutes, he would probably be shot into a beehive if he didn't wait for him to climb up!    


There was a dead end in front, followed by pursuers. The radio was cut off, and Xia Lei entered into a desperate situation.    


"Surrender!" Suddenly, a voice came from below. The speaker was in English and had a loud voice. "You can't escape!"    


This time, Xia Lei understood. He stuck his body close to a tree trunk and extended his XL2500 sniper rifle out from the tree trunk. Two seconds later, he saw the man who had spoken to him. It was a white gunner with a painted face as strong as an ox's.    


The white gunner who shouted was very cunning. After he shouted, he hid behind a tree trunk and completely hid himself. He seemed to have a premonition that Xia Lei was aiming at him, and had hidden himself before Xia Lei could shoot at him.    


Xia Lei frowned, these people were all extremely cunning, with their high battle training, and were so difficult to deal with even a single one, let alone a group. The team that these guys were in had the ability to launch a surprise attack or a decapitation operation in a small country.    


"Who are you people?" After a moment of silence, Xia Lei shouted to the people below, "Why did you want to kill me?"    


"You'll know, but not now." The white gunman who shouted before replied, "Surrender, I assure you, no one will hurt you. We can also let that companion of yours leave. "    


"Are you from the CIA?"    


"CIA? Hahaha! "How can you compare us to trash?" The white gunner who was shouting laughed out loud. Then, half of his head peeked out from behind the tree trunk and he looked up.    


Just as the white gunner revealed half of his head to observe the situation above, Xia Lei pulled the trigger.    


A bullet shot out furiously from the muzzle of the XLS2500 rifle. Without any time interval, the head of the white gunner who just stuck his head out exploded with a loud bang. Brain matter and blood flew in all directions.    





This was Xia Lei's response!    


Bang Bang Bang...    


"Da Da Da ?"    


Gunshots fired from below and bullets rained down. The trees around Xia Lei were all blown away, including the tree trunk that he was hiding on, which was quickly disintegrating as well.    




A strange sound suddenly rang out.    


When the sound reached his ears, Xia Lei suddenly tensed up and flew to the side. When his body hit the ground, he rolled further away using the impact.    


BOOM! A grenade exploded right where he had been hiding. The tree that was about to break suddenly broke and fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei got up from the ground, his XL2500 sniper rifle also moving onto his shoulder. He pulled out the pistol at his waist and quickly ran down the mountain.    


If these gunners wanted a melee that was close to a melee, he would let them have their way!    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The bullets were like rain, chasing after the sound that came from the forest. Those gunners could not see Xia Lei in the dark mountain forest, but they were equipped with night vision equipment. What was even more frightening was their experience and reactions. From the sound of Xia Lei's footsteps, they were able to determine his position and even shot at him.    


But, Xia Lei's speed was just too fast, comparable to the wild beasts in the forest!    


Furthermore, these gunners did not expect that Xia Lei would take the initiative to charge towards them! In their eyes, this kind of charge was undoubtedly a suicide charge!    


However, they quickly realized that their judgement was wrong.    


The trees in the forest were dense, but in the darkness, Xia Lei's left eye could see things as if they were day. He could clearly see the location of the gunners, the trees around them, and the trees around him! More importantly, his brain had been fully activated and entered a completely unimaginable state. His left eye said that he had seen everything and his brain was calculating everything. The distance of the gunman, the position of the gunman, the distance between the trees, even how many shots a gunman had fired, how many bullets remained in the magazine, all of them within his control and calculation!    


Of course, the most important thing was still his speed. Tang Sect's Qing Gong had also been fully activated. Wu Chun's movement technique made him charge through the forest like a cheetah, moving between the trees like a ghost. No matter if there were guns and bullets around him, none of them could hit him!    






A gunner who was changing his magazine laid on the ground, his eyes opened wide, he saw Xia Lei blowing past him like the wind, but did not see the bloody hole on his forehead caused by Xia Lei's gun! Even until death, he didn't dare believe that this was true.    


Just as his body hit the ground and was still spasming, the other gunners in his squad also suffered the same fate. They were shot in the head with their pistols at close range by Xia Lei!    


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